Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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[X] Why reach in to confirm what you already know? You know where the cards came from, you know what Der Freischütz called you, and you know where you came from. Don't reach in to confirm a fact. Reach in to find out what you might be doing in ignorance.
While we hold an extremely high amount of light with us, which grants us a massive amount of powers.
Ayin was the well house, Carmen was the Bucket and Angela stole around 4/7 of the seed of light.

The Facility is massive and can carry around a much larger amount of power with it.

While we can hold Abnormalities with the light and our nature as an Abnormality, The Facility was able to germinate something as powerful as the Seed of Light which made what we are doing possible in the first place, alongside the incorporation of various other singularities like T Corp, R Corp, L Corp (qlipoth system) and W Corp. All this while also being able to withstand the damages and power of the abnormalities lying inside it. Alongside the rampaging Ordeals/Sephiras.

I'm just saying. We can do certain things similar to Ayin's facility, containing Abnormalities and using their EGO, but I wouldnt expect us to be able to pull out what is essentially a whole military complex out of ourselves.
I'm not too concerned about the mental fuckery we're engaging in, honestly. Until the cards mean something beyond an association with X, they're only weird. The Something Important and Good thing is nothing to dismiss, but we'll need hard data first.

The rest, well, not a big deal if you ask me morally speaking. If Ordering is really a power X has, she just needs to not use it. The rest are focused are Abnormalities, I'm willing to bet the Sapling thing is a power of her's. We do still need to figure out the Integrating thing, but that's why we're taking the current action. To learn.

Of course, that is predicted on us having full control, and not just say, in the driver's seat of a runaway bus. But X definitely has some control, so I'm optimistic.
Why I get the feeling X is a combination of apocalypse bird and whitenight.

The requirements for us breaching is either 10 integrated EGO, or 10 employee.

If we reach either of the conditions the Abnormalities forn we become either have 10 Abnormalities (that we have integrated)characteristics + ability and n of employees that become apostles, or 10 apostles and n integrated Abnormalities characteristics and ability
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I think the requirement for our breakdown will be Death of Ten or so selected employee and those selected employee won't be unselected after end of day, And it tracks even if you restarted the day to reset employee death.
It means you have to babysit ten or so employees and if they die, you are fucked.
It's an exact replica of the badges once held by your employees, although the name is something illegible.
"I already said there's nothing to worry about!" she assures, almost frantic. "It's… I… gah, why can't I explain this?"
"I… can't remember what it's for. I think I found it… a day ago?"
"It was… something good. Wasn't it? Something important."
Oh god, I can't believe it took me this long to put this together. Of course the company name on the badge is indecipherable. Of course Sayaka can't explain why the card isn't anything to worry about. Of course Mami and Sayaka don't understand what they think they're working towards!

X has been so deep in denial that its affecting her abilities! She's the reason why information is missing!

Damn... now I'm really glad X caught on. I don't even want to think about what could've happen if this continued as it was.
To be honest, I thought when it said the name is illegible it meant their personal name, since if its like a personnel card, it should have that on there.

And I just chalked it up to "Witch runes as name, of course its unreadable".
Eh, X will be fine.
I think. I mean outside of the existential crisis of her current actions being her own or is it a form of her abnormal nature, the worry of said abnormal nature coming into play and ruining the lives of the people she cares for?

She'll be fine. Although we should be careful nonetheless.

It usually takes time and effort to figure out most of the pain in the ass known as the Aleph class Abnormalities. So this first "test" (Performing Insight Work on oneself), will not show us all the ... "catches" of an abnormality of our nature.

And that's just in the good case of us being a single form abnormality and not a White Night Aberration, which jury is still out on that. This could mean we will have to deal with a completely different abnormality once our "full glory" is unlocked.

Besides, worse come to worse, the girls will join us as flesh and blood and become something similar to us. So win-win yeah?
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To be honest, I thought when it said the name is illegible it meant their personal name, since if its like a personnel card, it should have that on there.

Madoka told us that there was their name on it when she talked to us about it, meaning she could read it without any problems, it's the company name that was told to be unreadable.
[X] Why reach in to confirm what you already know? You know where the cards came from, you know what Der Freischütz called you, and you know where you came from. Don't reach in to confirm a fact. Reach in to find out what you might be doing in ignorance.
[X] Why reach in to confirm what you already know? You know where the cards came from, you know what Der Freischütz called you, and you know where you came from. Don't reach in to confirm a fact. Reach in to find out what you might be doing in ignorance.
[X] Why reach in to confirm what you already know? You know where the cards came from, you know what Der Freischütz called you, and you know where you came from. Don't reach in to confirm a fact. Reach in to find out what you might be doing in ignorance.
Instinct work would figuring out how we physically work and material need
Attachement is already present with our social links so to speak
Repression would be suppressing our natural instincts in order to not harm others
Instinct work would figuring out how we physically work and material need
Attachement is already present with our social links so to speak
Repression would be suppressing our natural instincts in order to not harm others
Wait, I never read Wonderlab so maybe it's says so there. But does negative Enkaphalin hurt people? Normally Agents get hurt when there's a bad result (generating Negative Enkaphalin), but it could also be just the Abnos doing that.
Negative would at least be hazardous to ingest
Normal enkephalin can be used as a drug as netzach demonstrated during LC at one point I think
Negative stuff even if not physically hazardous is probably mentally hazardous and to quote ridiculousness 'Bad broccoli' if used as a drug
So yeah it probably harmful if only when ingested
Netzach isn't the only one using it as a drug during LobCorp, there is an employee from Hod that also does it, Hod herself do it right before her meltdown. In fact, every single employee get a small dose to *help with the stress* every single day.

Roland also only knows of it as a drug at the beginning of LoR.
Enkephalin is an actual chemical produced naturally in the body; it's an opiate according to my five seconds of google searching. Positive Enkephalin is apparently used to store/gather energy, but aside from that it seems to just be a typical drug.
I do like to think ingesting Negative stuff will be like ingesting cogito raw.
Also The stuff is everywhere in the city, even the rats said: I thought the worst situation is this guy is a Enkephalin addict With everything broken in their body
or something like that, I forgot the conversation lines, Haven't revisited those in three months.
But anyway, when your energy source is drugs, then someone is going to crack open your lighter and drink the damn thing.
And yes they come with a lighter, Roland said he once have a lighter that use Enkephalin, So if you want drugs in the city, buy a lighter and bite it open.
The city is more fucked then I imagine.
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Enkephalin is an actual chemical produced naturally in the body; it's an opiate according to my five seconds of google searching. Positive Enkephalin is apparently used to store/gather energy, but aside from that it seems to just be a typical drug.
Huh, then what would Negative Enkaphalin do? Erase energy? I think that in the legacy version Abnos absorb energy when angry.
If that's the case... Kyubey will start to not like us.
Something tells me they aren't the exact same thing, lep, probably enough similarities to make the name stick probably assuming the world has similar history to ours which I admittedly doubt due to the whole cogito river thing and other factors that may make it differ from ours

Which now begs a new question considering its a byproduct of abnormalities as far as I know

Where and what are they harvesting it from to make a large enough supply of it to make it a viable drug of all things

I know as limbus company shows there are other abnormalities loose in L corps former haunting ground but what would produce enough to be able to market it so much!?!