Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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I am too tired to really judge (ha) much, but I'll just say that I told you so!

There was absolute no way Judgment Bird was going to ever let X live, and we'll forced into a head on confrontation anyway.

Except, I never pretended it wasn't a possibility, and the result is within expected parameters.

Part of my reasoning was about the attack hurting less if we accepted the judgment, and the fact is, X did note the sins that were put on her during the fight, it is extremely likely those sins would've lead to the moment where X would've flagged and let herself be hit due to not knowing how dangerous the attack was to get her injured in a more permanent way than what happened here.

I classified attacking first to be the most dangerous action, and I stand by that judgment after reading the update.

but I'm more concerned about how this will contribute to X's overall worldview. Will it steer her more in the direction of thinking it's fine to outright disappear once her time is up? That's it better to accept final judgment for those sins once her business is concluded?

Give, how the fight ended, I am pretty sure it actually steered her in the opposite direction from that, she acknowledges that she has things to do, that her actions are not to be judged by others, and that:
"…but I can live with the choices I've made. I've made the people I care about's lives better, and that's all I need."

All in all, I am hopeful.
Fuck Yeah. It looks like we gained a whole lot and lost exactly nothing in the process. It went so much better than I expected! I expected to get the sapling and nothing else. Not Justitia outright! We gonn be eating good tonight. On that note, however...
Interpretation: The power to sculpt from thought into reality. You can extract from your memories to create creatures, places, or items. EGO Gear can be replicated and integrated into these creations once a suitable blueprint has been given. The EGO of the following Abnormalities can be drawn from Interpretation:Der Freischütz, Punishing Bird, Big Bird, The Knight Of Despair, Army in Pink, Blue Star, and Nothing There.

In all seriousness, tho don't worry Lepi, we can wait and you shouldn't feel bad because I saw an opportunity to make a No-Effort Shitpost. I'm guessing there's a story reason it hasn't been added yet.
In all seriousness, tho don't worry Lepi, we can wait and you shouldn't feel bad because I saw an opportunity to make a No-Effort Shitpost. I'm guessing there's a story reason it hasn't been added yet.
Justitia will be added, but the previous chapter already got away from me and I needed to take a short break after it. Besides, X is probably not going to use a weapon that deals Pale damage against a human anyways.
[X] Confront them directly. Maybe you can even talk them down?

Well, outside of that, it was nothing too bad, but it did delay X quite a bit.

Hell. X is going to be delayed quite a lot given what vote we are choosing.

Will Homura and Mami be okay?
Justitia will be added, but the previous chapter already got away from me and I needed to take a short break after it. Besides, X is probably not going to use a weapon that deals Pale damage against a human anyways.
Makes sense. It does sound pretty damn OOC for her. I just like seeing Knowledge Go Brr, and what Weird Shit X can pull with her semi-unleashed EGO Gear. Plus gives us more time to consider what we can use it for, strategy-wise.
Well, outside of that, it was nothing too bad, but it did delay X quite a bit.

Any fight would've delayed her just as much, if not more in the likely case X would've let the gallows hit her not knowing how dangerous they were after she had also accumulated sins in the fight.

For all that X says it seemed like a long time, she:

-Was intended to be one of the first to reach her marker anyway.

-actually only took a minute or so to recover, confirmed by this:
You're not sure how long you lie there on the borders of Leonie's Route. It's not more than a minute, you know that.

Now, a minute can be long in a fight, but Homura and Mami are trying to reach a place in a hostile environment, that takes more than a minute.
Guardians: Wielding the EGO of all three Guardians of the Black Forest should be impossible, but for one who can carry that power all at once a memory of something further is revealed. The Birds serve a purpose as a group, not individuals, and form the pieces of the Black Forest's authority.

Sins that have been revealed by Justitia can be further investigated using Lamp, revealing the specific details of the sin committed. Once a sin has been fully assessed, Beak can be used to carry out the appropriate sentence. The next shot fired will inflict an injury considered a "proper punishment" by the wielder, regardless of the target's defenses or durability. This punishment must be a physical injury of some sort, but is otherwise limited only by what the user feels is appropriate.

Well, I would say that collecting Birdzodia was definitely worth it.
Justitia information has been added.
Oh boy, lore!!! AND I'm first in line! Is it my birthday??
Justitia: A large sword sheared in a heavy black case wrapped in tattered white bandages. Light in your hands, it carries an unnatural weight to anyone else.

Type: EGO
Integration: High
Synergy: -

Tilted Scale: Restrained in its sheathe, Justitia is more a blunt instrument than a true sword. Even so, it is among the deadliest EGO weapons ever extracted by Lobotomy Corporation. A dim pale light shrouds the weapon with each swing, and every strike tightens the noose another notch until death invariably arrives.

Long Arm: Justitia serves not just as a weapon, but a tool to measure the weight of a person's life. After a person has been struck, the sins they have committed over their life are revealed. Though the specific details remain obscured, the number and severity of sins the person has committed are shown. Sins are assessed based in the wielder's moral standards, taking into account all relevant circumstances.

Guardians: Wielding the EGO of all three Guardians of the Black Forest should be impossible, but for one who can carry that power all at once a memory of something further is revealed. The Birds serve a purpose as a group, not individuals, and form the pieces of the Black Forest's authority.

Sins that have been revealed by Justitia can be further investigated using Lamp, revealing the specific details of the sin committed. Once a sin has been fully assessed, Beak can be used to carry out the appropriate sentence. The next shot fired will inflict an injury considered a "proper punishment" by the wielder, regardless of the target's defenses or durability. This punishment must be a physical injury of some sort, but is otherwise limited only by what the user feels is appropriate.
And ohhh baby that's some Good Shit. Tilted Scale is about what we expected, basic form of the EGO and all. But Long Arm is where it starts getting interesting.

"After a person has been struck" is a bit of an ask if we want to use it against normal enemies, but then we have... oh... Like, ten better options minimum if we want to take on a normal foe. Nay, this is a giant slayer weapon. Made to fight Bosses. Wouldn't you know it... The Adult is quite the boss. And considering her nature... there's a lot of sins waiting to be revealed. Possibly the most out of any enemy we'll ever face, even taking into account the relevant info of "she's an abno just following her nature, even she cannot fight it". Bitch is just flat out evil, and getting Justitia was a good idea.

Guardians... Guardians is why I think our victory is suddenly Absolutely Certain. While it doesn't say how long it takes for Lamp to extract the full story, but given the Sync Rate and how much the birds generally favor X... It shouldn't take long for X to be able to flat out Execute A Bitch with Beak. Really, at this point all we have to worry about is making sure no one dies before we win.
Talk about good loot.

They aren't quite Twilight but they are the more useful variant of that one (Did you know that Binah's floor has a team-building method other than just spamming the Beast?).

Especially that Beak condition, which is basically true damage.

Definitely worth it.

It's a good thing a lot of X's weapons aren't of the handheld variety (Pinks is autonomous, Blue Star is more of an active ability, KoD can just hover around, and Lamp itself can just be tied to her waist).

Wait. What about poor Der Fruityshooty? His gun got completely overshadowed by how OP the new Beak is.
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Improves range of vision and eventually accesses pre/postcognition depending on the wielder's paranoia.
Isn't now a good time to be paranoid (then again, we are going to confront the girl, not knock her out immediately), all things considered?

poor Der Fruityshooty?
The gun's tainted black flames stain both their user and target, confirming the mortality of all living creatures and burning away any attempts to divide one from death.
Well, this could be helpful in reducing everyone's HP bars back to more normal sizes?
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Well, I long ago accepted that Magic Bullet was just a bad choice. I guess this could be much more useful if X's character were completely different and Integration wasn't low. It's still somewhat useful, especially against an immaterial enemy, but I'm still convinced that The Burrowing Heaven would be noticeably better.
I have 0 hopes here for this one.

The girls all think X is an eldritch abomination dressed in fine clothing seeking to devour their souls with honeyed words and mental manipulation.

Would you believe the words of the King in Yellow should he appear before you speaking in terms too good to be true?
I have 0 hopes here for this one.

The girls all think X is an eldritch abomination dressed in fine clothing seeking to devour their souls with honeyed words and mental manipulation.

Would you believe the words of the King in Yellow should he appear before you speaking in terms too good to be true?

I think it depends on how much effort was put into creating the image.
