I am too tired to really judge (ha) much, but I'll just say that I told you so!
There was absolute no way Judgment Bird was going to ever let X live, and we'll forced into a head on confrontation anyway.
Except, I never pretended it wasn't a possibility, and the result is within expected parameters.
Part of my reasoning was about the attack hurting less if we accepted the judgment, and the fact is, X did note the sins that were put on her during the fight, it is extremely likely those sins would've lead to the moment where X would've flagged and let herself be hit due to not knowing how dangerous the attack was to get her injured in a more permanent way than what happened here.
I classified attacking first to be the most dangerous action, and I stand by that judgment after reading the update.
but I'm more concerned about how this will contribute to X's overall worldview. Will it steer her more in the direction of thinking it's fine to outright disappear once her time is up? That's it better to accept final judgment for those sins once her business is concluded?
Give, how the fight ended, I am pretty sure it actually steered her in the opposite direction from that, she acknowledges that she has things to do, that her actions are not to be judged by others, and that:
"…but I can live with the choices I've made. I've made the people I care about's lives better, and that's all I need."
All in all, I am hopeful.