Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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No matter what this is risky.

Oh, I agree completely.

We do have circumstances that make our employees bad sources of comparison though.

For one, we are an abnormality and they aren't, Judgy may always deliver judgment on them, but he doesn't tend to be as effective on abnos.

For two, even when he judges someone, if you have enough pale resistance, it doesn't necessarily lead to death, and Lepi did show us our resistance, which is enough to take one hit, it won't be an insta death.

For three, the number of sins isn't as important as you would think, his history makes it quite clear he put everyone on equal footing there, it's just that the scale will always end on guilty.

X may well want to be judged for her sin, and I can see the judge respect her for that, and accept to help us after we already took the verdict to the face.

In order of most to least dangerous, I would put asking question as least, and fighting as most, with being judged in the middle.

The reason being that any judgment we would take if fighting has less chance to lead to the judge deciding to stop fighting if we proved hostile.

Questions could maybe be seen as stalling, maybe be seen as wanting a fair judgment, depending on questions.

No matter what, I really do not want to fight or show hostility first, not to this abnormality.
X may well want to be judged for her sin, and I can see the judge respect her for that, and accept to help us after we already took the verdict to the face.

In order of most to least dangerous, I would put asking question as least, and fighting as most, with being judged in the middle.
The 3 reasonings you gave aren't as viable to make getting judged less dangerous as you think they do.

1. That's good and all, but we don't know if X can regenerate soul damage. It would be bad regardless if she's stressed out from this and her injuries act up. X isn't a run of the mill Abnormality. In her current state, she has a real risk of dying due to her denying her own nature.

Do remember that we have to fight the Adult after this still.

2. Again, this is pale damage portrayed narratively. I have 0 doubts X would survive this. However, taking unnecessary risks such as this when we don't know how big X's health bar is, is bad.

We know X struggles to repair damages to her own soul, she needed Angela, WN, and One's Sin's assistance for that problem after all. Risking damage against Judgment Bird isn't good when X can end the fight with less damage if she goes for the throat first.

3. The number of sins is exactly why I said we should goes for the throat first. The judgment of X will be guilty. Why swing with your neck dangling from a noose instead of just attacking from the start and preventing the scale from being tipped?

I'll still keeping my vote. But I am curious as to how hard this will blow up in our faces.

We are literally asking to get a noose tied around our neck and see whether we choke or not if the Judge vote win.
Argh! I feel like it's more in character for X to take the judgement so she can get on to the master plan. (Plus there's the feeling she has that she deserves to be judged.) But I hate to see her get hurt. It reminds me that her life is on a countdown and things like this could speed it up.

Will she get the sapling from judgment bird regardless of the path we take?
Will she get the sapling from judgment bird regardless of the path we take?

That's another part of the thing, I think, personally, that our best bet is to be judged for that.

Something tells me it would even give us at least one or two of the criteria it requires right of the bat. Probably not the whole thing, but definitely making it way easier.

But it is risky, is the thing.

It can backfire on us, it could lead to X finally realizing she is judging herself too harshly too... because frankly, I don't think the 10 000 years she had actually are as bad on the scale of sins as Meme seems to think, I think X was trying her best and that counts for something.

And Adult (and our own knowledge of ourself) does say that we are an abnormality of learning, and refusing to learn about ourself is not a thing I want too.

And also, since this made me think on it:
We know X struggles to repair damages to her own soul, she needed Angela, WN, and One's Sin's assistance for that problem after all

Thing is, I think a large part of why X struggles with this is that she isn't accepting herself, thus doing a thing to help her do so would potentially lead to her repairing damages easier and faster.

Why swing with your neck dangling from a noose instead of just attacking from the start and preventing the scale from being tipped?

That's the thing, way I see it, our neck already is in the noose, and fighting or preparing to fight is not stopping the scale from being tipped, but risking the scale tipping harder against us.

We'd have to take care of Long bird fast enough to completely stop his attack to make sure, and I am not sure on that.

I think this is more of a puzzle boss than a DPS check. Sheath your sword is a gambit, but isn't it always?
Will she get the sapling from judgment bird regardless of the path we take?
You will get a Sapling if you fight and win, but I'll make no statements as to the other option. There have been Abnormalities that became Saplings without a fight, and AiB just straight-up gave X their EGO weapon with no strings attached, but those were all Abnormalities that aren't innately hostile. That's part of the risk. And don't worry about keeping choices "in-character", if there's a course of action X wouldn't choose I wouldn't offer it.

We'd have to take care of Long bird fast enough to completely stop his attack to make sure, and I am not sure on that.
Don't forget, you have Leonie with you as well, so avoiding Judgement Bird's attacks is possible. It's very easy to forget about her, since she doesn't talk very much and can barely move in her own. I originally had X make a note about her intended strategy if it came down to a fight, but it was kind of awkward so I cut it out.
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Don't forget, you have Leonie with you as well, so avoiding Judgement Bird's attacks is possible. It's very easy to forget about her, since she doesn't talk very much and can barely move in her own.

Which, funnily enough, was the reason I had her with X in the first place too. Good times, good times. :V

Still not changing my vote, I recognize it is a dangerous path and a gambit, but I am feeling lucky and do think there is something to this option.

Hell, if it wins and we end up dangling from a tree, I would laugh.
Wow Nyarky you are not making this easier on me. The potential for some character growth and self-understanding is so tempting. And the idea that JB uses different standards for abnormalities than for normies makes me so curious and that this path might be the more interesting story.

I'm wondering if we could ask a question that might allow the same growth without getting judged. And then I'd vote to fight next if things go south. Like what is the weight of a sin versus a good deed? How do you weigh the complexity of a decision? Do you see any grey? Is it virtuous for an abnormality to be true to its nature?
Wow Nyarky you are not making this easier on me. The potential for some character growth and self-understanding is so tempting. And the idea that JB uses different standards for abnormalities than for normies makes me so curious and that this path might be the more interesting story.

I'm wondering if we could ask a question that might allow the same growth without getting judged. And then I'd vote to fight next if things go south. Like what is the weight of a sin versus a good deed? How do you weigh the complexity of a decision? Do you see any grey? Is it virtuous for an abnormality to be true to its nature?

Feel free to brainstorm questions if you want to asks some, never a bad thing to weight your options in a quest, imo.
I'd like to add a few notes of my own. First of all, X's condition never really read to me as Self-Inflicted Pale Damage nearly as much as it did a wasting disease. Something closer to Black than Pale. Not a matter of the soul, but one of a slow decay that wears away at all she is until she can get her shit together and fix what's broken... or until she dies to it.

Second, I thought it was stated that Homura's Wind-Up Key did Pale damage (or something close enough to it to be effectively the same) that X flat-out No-Sold? And it led me to believe Judgement wouldn't be outright crippling, just painful. I guess based on what we know now it would be more accurate to say the individual ticks of wind-up damage are so small that she decided it wouldn't change how long she had left, no matter how much she wound the key??

Or, again, those instances of Pale Damage have little to no overlap with the damage X has done to herself, and therefore don't worsen her condition in the slightest as long as she's given time to recover.

Regardless... I want to see what the bird's Final Verdict will be. But I'll hold off on voting until people have had the time to formulate some questions.
Second, I thought it was stated that Homura's Wind-Up Key did Pale damage (or something close enough to it to be effectively the same) that X flat-out No-Sold?
Homura's Key would probably be classed as Pale damage if you had to give it a damage type, but it's closer to understand as a special type of Abnormality interaction. X is fine winding the key as much as she wants because her lifespan is theoretically infinite, and so no matter how much Homura takes she still has infinite time left. If I had to represent it in an LC-aligning manner, the first time an Agent does it they're fine, but they'll start taking stat penalties and then eventually die.
Another thing that should be remembered: X confessed to One Sin And A Hundred Good Deeds earlier. This may or may not have some sort of impact with the current situation.
[X] Be Judged.

The idea was that Sin One would devour X's sins after confession, so I'm hoping this will lead to some interesting interactions. However, I'm more impressed by X's memory, which remembered everything that was her fault for ten thousand years. Well, I guess it's part of her nature.
But we would still be judged, even if we are sinless. Isn't Judgement Bird's scales designed to be rigged?

In theory yes, but it's still interesting. Not to mention that X's positive karma must also be extremely significant, how will Bird react if it is clear that the only reason the verdict can be guilty is because of the judge? This sounds like one of those things that could give BSOD even to Abno.
[X] Be Judged
In essence this is a moment of one sin....
a confessional, we will be given judgement and a penitence..... I wouldn't be surprised if one sin had their own hand in things
sometimes you need someone to look on you and call you out on your deeds, no matter how biased they are, rather than someone who listhens with an open ear and open mind
: Quite the risk you are taking, trusting in the judgment of another.
: But I suppose that is how you succeeded where I did not. I will trust in your decision X.

If things do go wrong, we are giving up the first blow to the Bird, a guaranteed blow, when we could just finish the fight with 0 damage due to Leonia's power.

: Don't worry too much, just trust in the plAn, right Ayin?
There aren't exactly many plans for what happens when things do go wrong that I'm seeing beyond "If it goes wrong X can take it", which is even worse.

What even is our goal for this beyond some arrogant assertion of ourselves? Pale damage-wise, we have something stronger than the Bird already, which is Knight of Despair's blades. We would only want the Bird's scale for summoning The Beast and wide AOE Pale damage (Which isn't a good thing if it can also hit friendlies).

We aren't in a hurry to obtain his sapling beyond the current siege, seriously, I don't see the reason to take such an unnecessary risk when we can just end it right here-

[X] Be Judged
: Again, you worry too much. X can take it should the worst happen. It's just a little Pale damage, Judgement Bird doesn't even hit as hard some of the other Pale type abnormalities.

You just want the vote because this is wasting the literal reason we sent X here, which is to finish the bird painlessly and rush to help Homura and Mami, who have to still venture into the Court. After all, the objectives must be completed at the same time.

: To be fair. Leonia makes it much easier to just drop by the Bird's objective once X finishes helping Mami and Homura. So it's not that much of a problem.
: In fact, wouldn't allying with Judgment Bird and have it guard the objective for X so that she can run over and help Mami and Homura at the earliest, accomplish our objectives with little to no combat involved?

...I reserve the full right to call all of you stupid if this comes to bite us in the ass later on.
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Adhoc vote count started by Lepidoptera on Feb 6, 2024 at 1:26 AM, finished with 29 posts and 10 votes.

Results are in. I find it a little ironic that despite frequent observations of X's tendency for self-flagellation and her needing to not do that, when given the chance to have her literally be hanged for her sins the vote isn't even close.
She clearly is so obsessed with it it will take an intervention to make her change her mind.

This can be said intervention, depending on how the scale and its wielder react.

She already confessed to one sin, now is the time to accept the judge's judgment.