Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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Assuming that the library has been diminshed by the release of light its possible they're back to 'sleep mode' so to speak and slowly waking up
Because something tells me our stunt has more repercusions than merely mitakihara or the planet from us pulling a drakengard with this fight
I'm willing to bet we also backwashed light into the library as well..... more specifically the floor of geography
Lords above and below know what sort of experience the library is going through and the general WTF expressions on everyones possibly even carmen and ayins face....... as well at the gems
Wait every abnormality has a door in the back of their thoughts
We placed the gems somewhere
Did we accidentally place them in the library?
And furthermore doesn't that mean we cam go back to the library by figuring out where that door is in the back of our mind???
On the flip side, if they knew where X was to place the door in her mind, they wouldn't need to send Abnos out to search for her?
They didn't send the Abnormalities to search for her.
"Yes, the Floor of Geography. It manifested suddenly, coinciding with the disappearance of several Abnormalities. While their absence does not seem to have impacted the Library's functions in any manner, I am still concerned."

It seems we need a dose of what we gave to Hokma, if X believes this despite the entire point of his meltdown being proving the opposite....

"The tower shall scrape against the sky, and nothing shall remain on the ground. Render all creation to base, Last Helix!"
"I actually feel rather silly now. Perhaps that was a little over the top?"

Yes, it was over the top, just the "Last Helix!" would've been enough.

A distant voice cuts through the screams. A tiny, almost inaudible cry. The voice of someone who absolutely, without question, should not be here now. Cannot be here now. With what little strength is left in your body, you turn to see no one who could have called out. Confused, you raise your voice into the empty air.


And the world shatters.


-.. .. ... - --- .-. - .. --- -. / -- .- -. .. ..-. . ... - . -.. / -....- / .-- .. -. -.. -....- ..- .--. / ... --- .-.. -.. .. . .-.

*See meaning*

Well, it uses the same kind of format as the Sephira's meltdown (Manifestation of the sephiroth Qlipa, I think), so it is probably an equivalent, and remember: Even if it isn't reversible and she'll stay a distortion (which is probably not the case, we have definitive proof that you can undistort normally), she can becomes a perfectly coherent person as a distortion, just look at Yan... Wait, wrong example.

Third, while DoSaM was busy fighting NT, Homura went bonkers and distorted. WTF HAPPENED?!

My guess? Kyubey was diffusing our fight in Ultra HD and seeing the damages we took (we were ignoring ourself cracking) pushed her over the edge.

There Is No Outside - Spatial Warping, or no Outside of the Isolation Barrier?

I think it's a glimpse of the daughter of the sun and moon mentality: There is no outside, all is part of my facility, the only world that exist is this hell I am trapped in.

Wonder how in control she is at the moment.

Technically, given what Distortions are, she is 100% in control, she may or may not be having a gigantic psychotic break thought. Still, 100% in control, a distortion is just the true form of your self, after all. This message was sponsored by Carmen.

But given that DoSaM is unbounded, that amount of HP is probably basically irrelevant in comparison to the sheer DPS DoSaM's presence can deal out. So DoSaM would probably still need to worry about how to make sure Homura doesn't get herself killed trying to fight near one of the worst collateral damage inducing Abnormality (DoSaM).

I think the fact that Homura posses one of our marks might actually change that, what kind of head of department cannot even stand in their own facility, after all?

But Abno's are immortal?
Without further detailling I will just expect it to mean that DotSaM just has a manifestation time limit and is NOT actually mortal.
Will change my opinion on Word of Lepi, but that is where I currently stand.

Abnormalities have resurrective immortality, we can absolutely die, we just get better.

It's practically guaranteed. X's whole family are all BDSM enthusiasts who believe that getting beaten up is a good way to have therapy.

Yesod loves his leather.

Lords above and below know what sort of experience the library is going through and the general WTF expressions on everyones possibly even carmen and ayins face....... as well at the gems

*It was a quiet day in the library*
*Giant explosions in the distance*

Roland: "Well, seems like the vacations are over"

We still have no idea who the White Pinnacle is by the way.

Still think we are the white pinnacle, Last Helix is not our main strength, it's lobotomy.

This also means that the black pinnacle can make Last helix look like a toy in that case, have some sweet dreams about the implications.


To be more precise about what I'm saying on us not being the black pinnacle:

Last Helix is a powerful artillery piece, but it is at best a country killer, just several second of us unleashing lobotomy was enough to make the entire planet feel our effects, that's why I think we are the pinnacle of white and not Black, Last Helix is a toy compared to what we can do at full strength.

If we had wanted, we could have made all humans into our slaves, or destroyed all their minds, on the whole planet, at once, Last helix is nothing compared to that.

That also implies that White Night's and Apocalypse bird's effects are similarly far reaching, and that the pinnacle of black really seems like it is the Staining Rose, with its fast acting, incredibly infectious, deadly disease.
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Actually, now that I try to read through the conversation again. How the hell did you even deciphered what the heck was Kalibrius saying?
By reading slowly, and asking if unsure?

Kalibrius is saying that we may have accidentally affected the Library as well (given the Incubators as a species being affected), maybe sending Light and even Soul Gems back; and wondering if we can go there the same way Abnormalities go back when done
By reading slowly, and asking if unsure?

Kalibrius is saying that we may have accidentally affected the Library as well (given the Incubators as a species being affected), maybe sending Light and even Soul Gems back; and wondering if we can go there the same way Abnormalities go back when done
Then I was correct still.

Even NT made no mention of the Library searching for X. In fact, the warm voice is more similar to Carmen, rather than anyone from within the Library.
Omake - The Favorite Child
Omake: The Favorite Child

It is just like any other day in this strange desolate place. The Outskirts of the City. Its calm, almost serene atmostphere, betrays its true nature.

Roving bands of beasts, swarms of infinitely replicating clockwork monsters, horrors that leak from the Ruins, exiled entities that not even the cruelties of the city tolerate, they all call this place their home.

Each and every last one of them was a threat that would make even the Grade 1 Fixers of the City think twice about fighting, some more than capable of killing even Colors. All hidden under the silent calm of the Outskirt, blanketed by the searing heat of the sun and the dust clouds which prowl this place.

All except for a recent and noticeable addition.

The Library, a toweringly massive structure, was banished from the City for its crime of rebelling against the nature of its ecosystem. Its mere presence stands out amongst the inhabitants and ruins that call the Outskirts home.

The story of this particular building is long and varied, filled with drama, action, and sometimes comedy. It is tied very closely to the current state of the City from which it came. It too, however, was yet just another addition to the Outskirts.

Though currently, within this magnificent structure. It is…a bit different from the calm setting of the Outskirts.

On the highest floor, in the room of the ruler of this tower, three figures can be seen speaking to each other.

The Library Director, Angela, a blue-haired A.I who was built by one of the City's most ingenious figures, and the owner, creator, and power source of the entire Library. The mind of unbending steel, capable of perceiving time at 100 times its usual speed for humans, this woman journeyed through 1 million years of hell to get to where she is.

The Patron Librarian of the Floor of General Works, Roland, the man who lay claims upon the title of the Black Silence, is an unrelentingly determined man whose endurance seems almost endless, capable of facing off against countless threats and never needing rest.

And lastly, X, the recently returned Patron Librarian of the Floor of Geography. Once upon a time, she was the leader of the structure that the Library once was, the largest Facility of a Wing of the city, and the Manager of Lobotomy Corporation. The night sky filled with stars which served as her hair representing her true nature as the same Facility she once commanded. A monstrous being that would end the world the moment she unleashed her full powers upon reality. One of the few entities on the planet which could claim the title of "God".

And currently…said God was incredibly oblivious as the Librarian Director's yellow-eyed glare tried to burn through her. The black-haired man, Roland, who sat next to Angela, as she and X were seated across each other with the Director's table between them, sweatdropped as he noticed the sudden change in the mood.

To recap the conversation these three had before, X was telling the two about her time away from the Library. Away from their world entirely.

This leads to the current situation, where Angela interrupts X in the middle of the story. "So, if I am not wrong," Angela said through gritted teeth as her gaze radiates murderous intent and envy.

"Your first experience in a world outside of the Facility was that of an entirely different world. A kinder world."

At the sudden interruption, X arched her eyebrow in confusion but nodded.

"And then, you were immediately granted a tool that you needed, to save a bunch of children who immediately placed their trust in you."

"Madoka, Mami, Sayaka, Homura and Yuma, yes." X was beginning to notice her sister's strange aura by now, wondering where she is going with this.

"Right. And then you proceeded to befriend the girls, adopting 2 of them with them ACCEPTING your true nature, fought some Abnormalities, and then obtained their full power." Roland was beginning to have second thoughts about sitting on Angela's side while X told her story. He had not taken into account the…obvious…problem.

"Yes? I don't see exactly how that is the pro-"

"AND. All of these Abnormalities were sent there by someone" Angela visibly shook as she interrupted her sister again, making X even more confused while Roland began inching away from her. "with a warm voice, all to help you, and they would have probably not even fought you had you found them early…"


"AND. Your power is MAGNIFICENTLY GREATER than most of Aleph's power, capable of replicating AND outperforming most of the functionality of our old Facility, essentially an advanced version of what that man was capable of during the days right before the completion of the Seed of Light. ALL THE ORDEALS are at your beck and call, allowing you to call upon an unimaginably powerful combat force." The blue-haired woman almost growled as she finished her sentence, looking at the still oblivious X.

Roland has successfully moved away from Angela at this point and is making himself as unnoticeable as possible. Pulling out his HamHamPangPang book and reading through the material he himself wrote about. 'Hm…Maybe I'll treat myself to some HamHamPangPang with Netzach after this.'

"I mean, it's a bit more complicated than that but sure-" "AND EVEN MORE THAN THAT, the "Head" of said world, these alien creatures you called the Incubators, were extremely receptive to your presence and usually helped you in your endeavors. Am I getting all of this right?"

At the sudden interruption and raised voice of Angela, X was beginning to catch on to the change in the atmosphere and the fact that Roland suddenly was hiding behind a miniature wall of books. "Um…Yes?"

Angela covered her face with her palms as she took a deep breath, even though she didn't need to, and tried to calm herself down. Sighing. She turned to Roland, who paled and immediately began sweating. She failed at calming herself down.

"Roland?" "Yes, Angela?" "Why? What did I do wrong?"

X at this point was already extremely lost, wondering why Roland and Angela are acting weirdly.

The Black Silence, for all his communication skill, and a lifetime of experience in talking to women, can't do anything but look like he swallowed a very sour lemon.

"I spent 1 MILLION YEARS in that goddamn hell hole. And SHES THE ONE WHO-" Angela lamented smashing her fist onto the Director table before suddenly disappearing. Having teleported herself away and leaving behind a half-confused half bewildered X and a relief Roland.

"Um…did I say anything wrong?" "*Sigh* Nah. It's a reality that Angela needed to face I guess."


"That you are definitely the Favorite Child in the family." A facepalm came from X at this statement. '...I guess she thought it wasn't that bad.'

"*Sigh*...Should we go check on her?"

"...She'll calm down eventually...maybe...How about you and I go visit the lower floor Patrons? They were your old colleagues, right?"

AN: First time trying one of these Omake, please don't murder me. But honestly speaking I couldn't help it after I realized X got a giant death laser after the recent chapter.

Edit: Fixed some mistakes.
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Seems like what I was saying got misinterpreted:
I don't think ??? was able to place a door in our mind for us to use, as if they were able to find her they wouldn't have sent Abnormalities to search for us; and it's fairly likely they wouldn't be able to add anything to our mind even if they could contact us somehow

became an embodiment of all it had experienced
an Abnormality still unfinished
I get the feeling this is a blessing in disguise, considering the above; and again that we should be careful as to what else X experiences - it'd likely modify her final abilities.
Speaking of, minus Ayin's memories, what did The Manager experience, anyway?

knew only the cold and painful world it was born in, and that its touch would make that world again
such a place brought only despair to those within
As Nyarky mentioned, X on some level doesn't think there is anywhere else than the Hell that is her Facility, being able to genuinely build up someone in a context utterly separated from The Facility would be incredibly important for her. (That, and being able to rely on peers and to trust them to do things apart from X poking them)

It was mentioned that X using the Kali shell is some form of escapism, but how do we replace that with something better?

...ultimately, X's abilities are both an embodiment of what she experienced and what tool she wants to have, so how do we modify the tools that she wants to have?
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I called it.

I called it.

I called it.

If I keep getting these prophecies right my EGO's gonna start manifesting, the confidence boost is insane. :V

To everyone who doubted m— ok nevermind, I already used that joke.

Uh. What a wonderful day we're having, huh? This is great, really, having a good time honestly. Mhm.

I'm not stressed at all. (Lying.)

It was mentioned that X using the Kali shell is some form of escapism, but how do we replace that with something better?

No need to change the body, just accept what it means, you need to face your shadow, not reject it.

...ultimately, X's abilities are both an embodiment of what she experienced and what tool she wants to have, so how do we modify the tools that she wants to have?

Well, we now have a brand new Wind-up soldier, that's a good first step, right? :V
As Nyarky mentioned, X on some level doesn't think there is anywhere else than the Hell that is her Facility, being able to genuinely build up someone in a context utterly separated from The Facility would be incredibly important for her. (That, and being able to rely on peers and to trust them to do things apart from X poking them)

Oh god I just realized. We have to stop abusing Lobotomy.

Or in some way stop DoSaM from giving the girls gifts. As long as X see them as employees, she won't be able to move on.
While X is too good with people for this to ever happen, this did get a few chuckles out of me
Should be capitalized, given what you are referring to (these are from top to bottom)
silent calm of the Outskirt Outskirts
lay claims lays claim to

Alternatively, replace murderous intent with killing intent
murderous and jealous intent murderous intent and jealousy
not even fight fought you
most of the Aleph's power

Replace with single quotation marks, as it's within double quotation marks for dialogue already
Kyubey Incubators, otherwise known as Kyubey

At the sudden interruption and also for the first time, raise in Angela's voice the voice raised for the first time
can't do anything but looks look like
Also, just realized There Is No Outside is basically the same mentality as Angela after her Bad Ending, so. Fun, right?

Well, we now have a brand new Wind-up soldier, that's a good first step, right?
Watch the Carmen Bonus be Distortion Wrangling Quest, bet

E: Later we should talk to Homura about Army In Black's (More like Army In Purple) story, there are too many similarities already
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Honestly I hope carmen knows what their doing with this mitakihara odyssey....... wait a minute is she...... is she trying to create a second seed of light or inverse of it?
I mean Qliphoth mark
When I read the text it didn't sound purely like Alephs doing
Is carmen doing this as some sort of elaborate therapy for Aleph/X? To create a seed of Shadows?
What is there plan?
controlled by you and your Department Heads
Now that you mention it, this does imply we have the capability to get Department Heads (Including Architecture, there are 10 departments and 10 different possible designations of Marks hm)

Note: Can and Should are different things, as always

Re inverted seed of light: Isn't that just the City?
More precisely, I'm pretty sure the original state of the Facility at Day 0 has most if not all of the Qliphotic variant of the virtues; Ayin's plan was to move from that to the positive version and thereby germinate a Seed of Light
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Note: Can and Should are different things, as always

Too late, we already have two.

More precisely, I'm pretty sure the original state of the Facility at Day 0 has most if not all of the Qliphotic variant of the virtues; Ayin's plan was to move from that to the positive version and thereby germinate a Seed of Light

So, some people who knows way more about kabalah and the symbolism thereof have looked at the game and they had this to say:

LobCorp is extremely good on its use of the kabalah symbolism, to the point where you can guess the colors of all the sephira after seeing only three of them, it also means that you are correct on saying that all the sephira are exhibiting the inverted values before their meltdowns, as I said at one point before, this include the Keter Sephiroth, X, who is exhibiting a manifestation of Thaumiel, who has a theme of duality and division, after all, what are the others As but a division of the true self?
While X is too good with people for this to ever happen, this did get a few chuckles out of me
I realized that half way through writing Angela being jealous.

However, if I want to make it work like that...I would need to invest a lot more time for what is equivalent to a very long joke lol.

I could try doing the Accurate X version later.