Well, that was supposed to be what happened. Shame things don't always go as planned. Instead of vanishing once their task was complete, the Manager of Lobotomy Corporation's lingering consciousness is cast through the multiverse and crashes somewhere else entirely. Faced with a world that does nothing but remind them of their Facility, the Manager accepts that their work must continue at least a little longer.
How different can raising children be from managing their employees, anyways?
Spoilers for everything.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica and related media are property of Magica Quartet. Lobotomy Corporation, Library of Ruina, and related media are property of ProjectMoon Studio.
It's you! A wanderer from a cruel world, still retaining your old purpose in this new land. Experienced in leadership and guidance, and takes a great amount of responsibility for those under your care.
Traces of Red: Your body was inspired by Kali, the Red Mist. While you didn't perfectly replicate the legendary mercenary, some traits did carry over. You are far stronger than the average human, and more capable of wielding EGO gear without incurring as many of its drawbacks.
Refracting: You remain inextricably linked to the Well of Humanity. You are highly resistant to mental influences and carry a small amount of authority over anything derived from human emotion.
Cogito Ephemera: You are a living engine for producing the Seed of Light, though at an extremely slow rate. The produced Light is scattered in your vicinity and takes root in people around you depending on your closeness to them. These fragments of Light are only visible to you, and give some insight into the emotions of other Humans within their reach. An ordinary person would only be able to go this far, but your knowledge means you can use this resource to its fullest capacity.
Sapient creatures imbued with the Light gain the capability to develop either EGO Gear or Distortion.
Lobotomy: Capability to modify the "self". Works faster when applied to those who are emotionally vulnerable or with stable personalities and self-awareness. Modifications are incredibly precise and will never have unintended side-effects. Stipulations can be added to modifications such as conditions, time-delays, or durations.
Can be used to remove mental corruption and either increase or decrease resistance to it.
Usage invariably exposes a person's Self to Cogito Ephemera on a deeper level, furthering the progress of their Exposure.
Lobotomy cannot be used to modify Abnormalities, though it can still detect and interact with them in other ways.
Order: Commands imbued with intent. Allows for communication unmarred by misinterpretations and with additional effects on Distortions. Those given commands are not obligated to obey them but can go beyond their normal limits to complete assigned tasks.
Interpretation: The power to sculpt from thought into reality. You can extract from your memories to create creatures, places, or items. EGO Gear can be replicated and integrated into these creations once a suitable blueprint has been given. The EGO of the following Abnormalities can be drawn from Interpretation:Der Freischütz, Punishing Bird, Big Bird, Judgement Bird, Apocalypse Bird, The Knight Of Despair, Army in Pink, Blue Star, and Nothing There.
A Sword Sharpened With Tears
A Sword Sharpened With Tears: An elegant weapon, used to pierce the wicked and protect the innocent. Now tarnished by failure and sorrow. Strikes with great speed and power, penetrating the body and spirit.
Type: EGO Integration: Complete Paired With:The God Delusion
Blessing: The wish of a weary knight who sought to protect. Offers great resilience to a single person, but cannot be removed or replaced as long as they live.
Sword That Pierces Despair: A second array of swords, intended to be thrown rather than wielded. The pale steel of these accursed weapons has been tempered by loss.
Pairing - The God Delusion: A composite sword formed from the madness of divinities dreamed up by mankind. Summoned in four varieties, each of which inflict their own specialized wounds and have unique physical properties. Only one of each blade can exist at a given time in any form.
Beak: A small pistol with disproportionately high firepower. The pristine white surface is stained red around the barrel. At least, it looks like a stain. Cheerfully wishes to punish misdeeds.
Small Beak: While this weapon's power is normally middling, it increases in strength the more a target is deserving of punishment. This variable is determined according to the wielder's perception, but misdeeds that personally affect them are given far more weight.
Lamp: A pitch-black lantern containing a twisting, bright flame. Within its radiance, all other lights are extinguished.
Darkness: The crushing weight repelled only by the lantern's glow, which strips away strength from intruders. Indiscriminately removes enhancements from enemies within a moderate range while active.
Big Eyes: A way to see deeper than a person normally could. Reveals details, invisibility, illusions, enchantments, other modifications, dimensional abnormalities, and other things within your ordinary line of sight. Improves range of vision and eventually accesses pre/postcognition depending on the wielder's paranoia.
Justitia: A large sword sheared in a heavy black case wrapped in tattered white bandages. Light in your hands, it carries an unnatural weight to anyone else.
Type: EGO Integration: Complete Paired With:Death
Tilted Scale: Restrained in its sheathe, Justitia is more a blunt instrument than a true sword. Even so, it is among the deadliest EGO weapons ever extracted by Lobotomy Corporation. A dim pale light shrouds the weapon with each swing, and every strike tightens the noose another notch until death invariably arrives.
Long Arm: Justitia serves not just as a weapon, but a tool to measure the weight of a person's life. After a person has been struck, the sins they have committed over their life are revealed. Though the specific details remain obscured, the number and severity of sins the person has committed are shown. Sins are assessed based in the wielder's moral standards, taking into account all relevant circumstances.
Guardians: Wielding the EGO of all three Guardians of the Black Forest should be impossible, but for one who can carry that power all at once a memory of something further is revealed. The Birds serve a purpose as a group, not individuals, and form the pieces of the Black Forest's authority.
Sins that have been revealed by Justitia can be further investigated using Lamp, revealing the specific details of the sin committed. Once a sin has been fully assessed, Beak can be used to carry out the appropriate sentence. The next shot fired will inflict an injury considered a "proper punishment" by the wielder, regardless of the target's defenses or durability. This punishment must be a physical injury of some sort, but is otherwise limited only by what the user feels is appropriate.
Twilight: The weapon born from the Beast of the Black Forest which embodies absolute power and authority. Using it puts a severe strain on your body, but it's worth it to guarantee victory.
Type: EGO Integration: Complete Paired With:War
The Beast: Just as the Abnormality from which it is drawn is made from the three Guardians of the Black Forest joining together, Twilight acquires the traits of all of its component EGO weapons. These effects are amplified by their shared state, working in unison as they always did.
Apocalypse: Twilight is the weapon of the pinnacle of might, the first and most primal of authorities wielded by humanity in shaping the world. It is through sheer power, in one form or another, that all other authority is derived.
To be struck by Twilight is to be wounded. Any injury one could suffer will be suffered, and weakness that could be exploited will be exploited. Just as nothing is beyond their authority, there is nothing that Twilight cannot cut down. Even if one is not so much as grazed, simply being considered opposition by Twilight's wielder wears down their very being just by being in the weapon's presence. Any who defy the order of the world will disappear.
Peace: Twilight is a weapon that protects through violence. Any individuals who are assailing someone or something that the sword's wielder considers "under their protection" is a viable target for it to strike, no matter what distance or barriers stand between them. One must be cautious, however, as attacking in this way forgoes much of the control and precision that Twilight's wielder can usually exercise.
Pairing - War: The greater the scale and duration of the conflict that the weapon is drawn in, the more sheer power it will be able to bring forth.
Magic Bullet
Magic Bullet: A plain rifle made from wood and metal with a fine, well-cared coat of blue paint. The barrel glows with a blue flame that saps the heat from the air.
Type: EGO Integration: Low Paired With: -
Devil's Implement: This weapon is a gift from the Devil itself, and bound with an innate cursed magic that applies itself to each round fired. The specific spellwork on each bullet can be altered even by one not proficient in magic, and each of the seven bullets loaded into this weapon can carry an additional enchantment.
Some favored spells include acceleration, enhanced force, seeking, or more esoteric features such as the ability to render a target immobile or guarantee a successful strike regardless of defenses.
Dark Flame: The malice of the thing which cursed the rifle, spilling out with each shot. The gun's tainted black flames stain both their user and target, confirming the mortality of all living creatures and burning away any attempts to divide one from death. Can only be summoned by one whose heart has been torched black by the fire of evil.
Pinks: A rifle used by those who seek an end to violence, but can a weapon of war bring peace? Each round is fired with force beyond what ordinary technology could produce, striking with an unknown power drawn from the human heart.
Type: EGO Integration: Complete Paired With: Last Helix
Protection: Army In Black manifests as a collection of many soldiers, acting as one to accomplish their goal. These soldiers can be called to attention and given orders, but cannot act beyond the commands they are given. Each soldier is specialized to suit whatever role it is called for. The total number of soldiers that exist is unknown.
Blackhearted: To cleanse the darkness that taints the human heart, great strength is required. Army in Black carries with it massive destructive power, but its last orders will be carried out indiscriminately.
Pairing - Last Helix: Creation of specialized, unique mechanical soldiers in the form of your lost agents. While these soldiers do not truly carry EGO, their imitations make deadly enough weapons.
Sound of a Star
Sound of a Star: A nimbus of swirling starlight that rends the world around it. The flickering lights twist and pulse to devastate enemies, although more precise usage can bend space in creative and unique ways.
Type: EGO Integration: Normal Paired With: -
The Dull Glimmer of Hope: Your coat has taken on a silvery shimmer, much like the divine being that the EGO originated from. This unnatural cloth mends both the mind and body, although extended use instills a sense of devotion and supplication.
The Bright Gleam of Despair: The Sound of a Star is an otherworldly tool that defies traditional understanding. It becomes easier to comprehend as your sanity wanes, and in turn reveals its more complex capabilities. Alternatively, the bizarre weapon may bestow its secrets to one who receives worship in the Star's place.
Event Horizon: An ability revealed under immense mental strain. Releases a pulse of burning light over a wide area. Interferes with both gravity and sound.
Mimicry: Crude and misshapen, this horrid weapon eschews finesse for brutal power and ferocity. Its strikes carry more force than an ordinary human could ever hope to bear.
Regeneration: Inflicting damage with Mimicry allows the wielder to heal depending on the amount of damage done.
Following: Mimicry, despite its sturdy composition, is not bound to a single shape. The weapon can shift and transform according to the needs of its user, reacting to their desires as though it had a mind of its own.
As a result of your chosen body's preference for this weapon, Mimicry can transform itself completely into any simple physical weapon instead of just adjusting its characteristics.
Pairing - Eternal Meal: An endless, insatiable hunger. Mimicry becomes capable of producing multiple smaller weapons. In addition to allowing the wielder to use additional weapons, can also imitate weapons with multiple separate parts such as a bow and arrow.
Due to a strong affection towards you from both halves of this pairing, it is usable even in your restrained state.
Rejection: The consequences of refusing a complete transformation into an Abnormality. Leads to periodic moments of pain and immobility that increase in intensity and frequency over time, eventually resulting in death. The process is accelerated by usage of Abnormality-based powers relating to oneself.
A veteran Magical Girl who has fought for years. Contracted at a young age, she has done her best to both uphold a successful ordinary life and to follow the principles she holds dear as a Magical Girl. Though she seems the very picture of a sophisticated and reliable senior, she is desperate to bring new connections into her life.
Actualization: A power derived of inhuman technology, similar in nature to your own. Magical Girls draw their power from their Wishes, granting a standard set of abilities along with specialized powers tailored to their desires. Healing, physical enhancement, and weaponry all come standard, and new abilities can be honed through practice.
Actualized Connection: An ability derived from a granted wish. Creates ribbons from a surface that can be used to bind enemies or modify terrain. A relatively simple ability that has been trained to its peak over the years.
Creation of projectile weaponry seems to be achieved through using the ribbons themselves as the weapons' frames, then using Enchantment Magic to fill in the more specific components. Various firearms and levels of destructive force can be achieved through this method.
Cooking: An excellent cook for a 15-year old. You do wish she'd let you cook for her, though. It makes you feel irresponsible otherwise.
Exposure VIII: Exposure to the Light of Humanity.
Daughter Of The Sun And Moon's Gift: A small ID card bearing the image and identification of Mami Tomoe. Proof of employment.
Mark of Qliphoth - Gharab: Mark of Qliphoth actualization ready.
A Magical Girl and fellow time-traveler. Has tried to cut herself off emotionally to bear the great burden she undertakes, but remains attached to the memories of a happier time.
Actualization: A power derived of inhuman technology, similar in nature to your own. Magical Girls draw their power from their Wishes, granting a standard set of abilities along with specialized powers tailored to their desires. Healing, physical enhancement, and weaponry all come standard, and new abilities can be honed through practice.
Actualized Cherishment: An ability derived from a granted wish. This Magic rejects the passage of time, and can be used to either freeze time or to reset back to a certain point. While time is frozen, touching an object or person will allow them to move freely so long as they remain in contact.
Exposure X: Exposure to the Light of Humanity.
Mark of Qliphoth - Lilith: ???
Daughter Of The Sun And Moon's Gift:A small ID card bearing the image and identification of Homura Akemi. Proof of employment.
A young student who yearns to always do the right thing and jumped at the chance to become a Magical Girl. While not the most discerning person, Sayaka is fiercely loyal and has a strong sense of justice.
Actualization: A power derived of inhuman technology, similar in nature to your own. Magical Girls draw their power from their Wishes, granting a standard set of abilities along with specialized powers tailored to their desires. Healing, physical enhancement, and weaponry all come standard, and new abilities can be honed through practice.
Actualized Aid: An ability derived from a granted wish. Embodying selfless and sacrificial heroics, this power sacrifices Sayaka's own Magic to enhance the strength of another. This ability only improves the power of a target, and does not increase more technical features. It is most effective when boosting abilities derived from Actualization.
Exposure VII: Exposure to the Light of Humanity.
Daughter Of The Sun And Moon's Gift: A small ID card bearing the image and identification of Sayaka Miki. Proof of employment.
Mark of Qliphoth - Gomaliel: Mark of Qliphoth actualization ready.
Daughter Of The Sun And Moon
An Abnormality representing and fused with the Facility of Lobotomy Corporation, which reigns supreme as one of the few true rulers among Abnormalities. Seeks to shelter, protect, and nurture others, but its power only ever brings ruin.
Lobotomy: Capability to modify the "self". Channeled through your wings, which can be manipulated freely and do not have a limit to range, size, or number. Stable and well-defined personalities are more vulnerable to manipulation, as are people who are emotionally vulnerable. At a surface level, Lobotomy allows you to observe a person's memories and beliefs freely. Any of the person's traits can be modified either temporarily or permanently. Lobotomy is undetectable in those it works on.
Lobotomy's "wings" are not physical body parts, but more a shadow cast by the ability itself. Damage to them is meaningless and can be effortlessly repaired. While ordinarily invisible and intangible, they can be given physicality to either attack with or simply use as additional appendages.
Abnormalities cannot be affected by Lobotomy traditionally, due to their "identity" being a consequence of the idea they represent instead of the summation of their existence. Instead, Lobotomy simply inflicts severe damage against Abnormalities.
Cogito Fantasia: You scatter the clinging embers of the Seed of Light around you. These fragments of Light are only visible to you, and give some insight into the emotions of other beings within their reach. This Light can gifted through Lobotomy to grant the potential to unlock one's true self.
Qliphotic: Your presence passively constructs a new Facility, controlled by you and your Department Heads. While your facility ordinarily bleeds out into the world, you can enter and use its facilities it regardless of whether it has manifested or not.
The reconstructed Facility retains all of its original features and technologies. They can be used either directly in the Facility or incorporated into your body. As the Facility's "size" is infinite, damage to it is irrelevant.
Control Department - Lilith
Lilith: ???
Information Department - Gomaliel
Gomaliel: ???
Training Department - Samael
Samael: ???
Safety Department - Gharab
Gharab: ???
Central Command Department - Tagimron
Tagimron: ???
Revolution: You remain inextricably linked to the Well of Humanity. You are immune to mental influences and carry authority over anything derived from human emotion. This allows for communication with Abnormalities, as well as some degree of authority over them. While Abnormalities cannot act against their nature and are innately inhuman, they still yearn to be understood.
Order: Commands imbued with intent. Allows for communication unmarred by misinterpretations and with additional effects on Distortions. Those given commands are not obligated to obey them but can go beyond their normal limits to complete assigned tasks.
Interpretation: The power to sculpt from thought into reality. You can extract from your memories to create creatures, places, or items. EGO Gear can be replicated and integrated into these creations once a suitable blueprint has been given. The follow creations can be drawn from Interpretation: Eternal Meal, Last Helix, The God Delusion, and the EGO of Punishing Bird, Big Bird, The Knight Of Despair, Army in Pink, Blue Star, and Nothing There.
Eternal Meal
Eternal Meal: A ravenous hunger that cannot be sated, possessing titanic might. The monstrous worms proliferate endlessly to consume the world. Animalistic and vicious, they will arrive to feast at your command and sink down once more when dismissed, knowing in some way that their stomachs will never be filled.
Food Chain: Lumbering behemoths disgorged but their larger kin, they lack vision and are grateful for the direction you give. Eternal Meal spawns these enormous creatures, who in turn carry their lesser brethren to where they are needed.
The Perfect Meal: The lesser worms lack any intent save for an all-consuming hunger, though their lack of power is compensated for by this enthusiasm. They will swarm the sustenance places before them, stripping life bare with reckless abandon.
Last Helix
Last Helix: The desire to reach the pinnacle of existence, embodied in a machine that could cleave the sky from the heavens. An artillery piece, surrounded by the failures that did not live up to it. The ancient devices lack a will of their own and construct never-ending soldiers to follow your command.
Where We Must Reach: Last Helix is surrounded by the remnants of long-lost factories, still producing foot soldiers. These factories can only create up to a certain limit, and do so at a set rate, but the quality of their creations is equivalent to the effort spent.
Process of Understanding: Forgotten machinery once again given life and purpose. They have faster, more fragile and primitive fighters that attack in close range that support bulkier, slower machines that attack equally well at all distances. Each variant has its own production limit.
The God Delusion
The God Delusion: Otherworldly beings, extensions of yourself that existence cannot bear, respond to old invocations and push bits of themselves into the world. The great shrines call their reach forth directly, but the smaller traces of their influence thin and fray reality that you may better stitch your own designs.
Type: Ordeal Synthesis: Complete Paired With:A Sword Sharpened With Tears
Grant Us Love: Towering monoliths that serve as gates to spread the influence of eldritch creatures. Their presence wears away at the stability of reality, weakening reality-warping abilities of others while furthering your own influence. Despite their esoteric effects, you know from experience that they are most dangerous when used as a projectile.
Fruit of Understanding: Small creatures born from an unspeakable place, whose existences corrode and degrade everything around them. While weaker than their larger counterparts, their effects still compound over time or in large number.
A Sword Sharpened With Tears
A Sword Sharpened With Tears: An elegant weapon, used to pierce the wicked and protect the innocent. Now tarnished by failure and sorrow. Strikes with great speed and power, penetrating the body and spirit.
Type: EGO Synthesis: Complete Paired With:The God Delusion
Blessing: The wish of a weary knight who sought to protect. Offers great resilience to a single person, but cannot be removed or replaced as long as they live.
Sword That Pierces Despair: A second array of swords, intended to be thrown rather than wielded. The pale steel of these accursed weapons has been tempered by loss.
Pairing - The God Delusion: A composite sword formed from the madness of divinities dreamed up by mankind. Summoned in four varieties, each of which inflict their own specialized wounds and have unique physical properties. Only one of each blade can exist at a given time in any form.
Beak: A small pistol with disproportionately high firepower. The pristine white surface is stained red around the barrel. At least, it looks like a stain. Cheerfully wishes to punish misdeeds.
Type: EGO Synthesis: Neutral Synergy: -
Small Beak: While this weapon's power is normally middling, it increases in strength the more a target is deserving of punishment. This variable is determined according to the wielder's perception, but misdeeds that personally affect them are given far more weight.
Lamp: A pitch-black lantern containing a twisting, bright flame. Within its radiance, all other lights are extinguished.
Type: EGO Synthesis: High Synergy: -
Darkness: The crushing weight repelled only by the lantern's glow, which strips away strength from intruders. Indiscriminately removes enhancements from enemies within a moderate range while active.
Big Eyes: A way to see deeper than a person normally could. Reveals details, invisibility, illusions, enchantments, other modifications, dimensional abnormalities, and other things within your ordinary line of sight. Improves range of vision and eventually accesses pre/postcognition depending on the wielder's paranoia.
Pinks: A rifle used by those who seek an end to violence, but can a weapon of war being peace? Each round is fired with force beyond what ordinary technology could produce, striking with an unknown power drawn from the human heart.
Protection: Army In Black manifests as a collection of many soldiers, acting as one to accomplish their goal. These soldiers can be called to attention and given orders, but cannot act beyond the commands they are given. Each soldier is specialized to suit whatever role it is called for. The total number of soldiers that exist is unknown.
Blackhearted: To cleanse the darkness that taints the human heart, great strength is required. Army in Black carries with it massive destructive power, but its last orders will be carried out indiscriminately.
Pairing - Last Helix: Creation of specialized, unique mechanical soldiers in the form of your lost agents. While these soldiers do not truly carry EGO, their imitations make deadly enough weapons.
Sound of a Star
Sound of a Star: A nimbus of swirling starlight that rends the world around it. The flickering lights twist and pulse to devastate enemies, although more precise usage can bend space in creative and unique ways.
Type: EGO Synthesis: Neutral Pairing: -
The Dull Glimmer of Hope: Your coat has taken on a silvery shimmer, much like the divine being that the EGO originated from. This unnatural cloth mends both the mind and body, although extended use instills a sense of devotion and supplication.
The Bright Gleam of Despair: The Sound of a Star is an otherworldly tool that defies traditional understanding. It becomes easier to comprehend as your sanity wanes, and in turn reveals its more complex capabilities. Alternatively, the bizarre weapon may bestow its secrets to one who receives worship in the Star's place.
Event Horizon: An ability revealed under immense mental strain. Releases a pulse of burning light over a wide area. Interferes with both gravity and sound.
Mimicry: Crude and misshapen, this horrid weapon eschews finesse for brutal power and ferocity. Its strikes carry more force than an ordinary human could ever hope to bear.
Regeneration: Inflicting damage with Mimicry allows the wielder to heal depending on the amount of damage done.
Following: Mimicry, despite its sturdy composition, is not bound to a single shape. The weapon can shift and transform according to the needs of its user, reacting to their desires as though it had a mind of its own.
As a result of your chosen body's preference for this weapon, Mimicry can transform itself completely into any simple physical weapon instead of just adjusting its characteristics.
Pairing - Eternal Meal: An endless, insatiable hunger. Mimicry becomes capable of producing multiple smaller weapons. In addition to allowing the wielder to use additional weapons, can also imitate weapons with multiple separate parts such as a bow and arrow.
Due to a strong affection towards you from both halves of this pairing, it is usable even in your restrained state.
The Distortion manifested by Kyoko Sakura. A being of fiery passion and enthusiasm protected by a cracked glass shell that tints the world. Fueled by feelings of self-loathing and inferiority, but in turn easily motivated to any action perceived as recompense for a sin they have committed. -ta-—b——-b—-t— Mark of Qliphoth.
Shimmering: A trait universal to Distortions, although its exact degree varies from individual to individual. Distortions do not tire except under specific circumstances, do not age, and can survive injuries that should ordinarily be fatal. Additionally, abilities that would affect a Distortion's biology or psychology almost universally fail due to them being too unnatural and alien to the principles on which such abilities rely.
Glass Flesh: The Mosaic's real body is the network of nerve-like flames that run through her body, with the glass frame around them easily repaired if it is ever damaged. This frame is unnaturally durable and resists physical harm.
Damage to their outer body causes the Mosaic to "bleed" fire, which retains the spark of life that animates the Abnormality and can act independently. This living fire will eventually be reabsorbed, healing the Mosaic's injuries. Similarly, the Mosaic of Prometheus can absorb or otherwise convert any flames or high temperatures around them to produce weapons or other physical constructs.
Saintless Pyre: As a consequence of a deep, burning guilt, the Mosaic of Prometheus is eternally set alight. Because the price for her failures has always been paid by others, the Abnormality's flames do not burn them. Instead, that damage is reflected onto everything around the Mosaic. This burning is not limited by distance, but instead by what is considered the "area" the Mosaic resides in. If they are within a small area, the burning will be restricted to that area, while outdoors the burning effect can reach across entire cities. The more distributed this reflected damage is, the less it impacts each individual thing. The effects of Saintless Pyre can burn even things that do not normally burn, such as water or air.
This ability can be actively suppressed.
Rosso Fantasma: A power birthed from good intentions that wrought destruction, strengthened by burning guilt. The Mosaic can create humanoid or semi-humanoid illusions with perfect detail within a moderate range. These illusions are controlled and adjusted manually, and are actual creations instead of being purely psychological. Each illusion is fragile and can be dispersed by sufficient force, but multiple layered illusions must be destroyed separately.
An unusually humanoid Distortion, an emotionless mask concealing complex and ultimately nonsensical machinery. Completely devoted to saving a single person from their fate. S—-i—-ed——th- Mark of Qliphoth.
Shimmering: A trait universal to Distortions, although its exact degree varies from individual to individual. Distortions do not tire except under specific circumstances, do not age, and can survive injuries that should ordinarily be fatal. Additionally, abilities that would affect a Distortion's biology or psychology almost universally fail due to them being too unnatural and alien to the principles on which such abilities rely.
Wind-Up: The Wind-Up Soldier relies on an internal store of energy to function, which is expended passively over time and used up faster when activating abilities. If this reserve is ever completely exhausted, the Soldier will perish.
Replenishing this reserve requires another willing person to use the key the Soldier carries to wind them, sacrificing a portion of their own lifespan to deposit an equivalent amount of time. This effect does not age a person, but instead simply decreases the amount of time remaining in their life. As such, beings who are ageless but not truly immortal are still at risk when performing the winding.
This ability is a consequence of Homura's internalized knowledge of her own limited lifespan both before and after becoming a Magical Girl.
Cherished Moments: The capacity to manipulate time. Through the process of Distortion, this ability has been expanded from pausing or reversing time to also include accelerating or slowing time. Additionally, the precision with which this ability can be used has been enhanced to allow the Soldier to affect certain targets, although doing so is significantly more expensive than indiscriminate activations.
This ability was enhanced dramatically due to a connection with a powerful entity who empathized with the Soldier, having once been lost to the crossroads of time just as they still are.
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Nothing There ordinarily has the ability to draw out some traits and memories of those it consumes in order to better mimic them, although to a very limited degree. The unique circumstances at play have allowed not only to draw out far more of its prey's humanity, but also for it to push into a Soul Gem and forcibly activate a Magical Girl's abilities. This process is agonizingly painful and can cause severe and irreversible damage to a Soul if the Magic that Nothing There reaches for is beyond what its hosts could accomplish.
In order to preserve its shell's integrity Nothing There's physical capabilities are restricted to those near a Grade 1 Fixer, similar to X's.
Shell: Nothing There wears a Shell that allows it to imitate humans. While this shell is fully in use, Nothing There's true self is undetectable. In order to conceal its true nature and hold up the facade of humanity, Nothing There significantly limits itself to avoid damaging its false body.
hëLLò?: Nothing There's body is not its true self, and it can survive injuries that would otherwise be fatal. The Abnormality is capable of regenerating its flesh from nothing infinitely and a rapid rate. Non-physical damage is more difficult to repair. While acting at full strength, both of these effects are enhanced and Nothing There is completely immune to all physical damage of any kind.
GôDdBỹÉ: Nothing There can manipulate its own biology to a great extent, but this ability does not function automatically and is limited by its own knowledge of what it wants to make. As a result, its ability to properly imitate proper biological features is poor. This matters very little in combat.
I suppose these could be counted as a spoiler, and you could skip them for now if that's the case. But realistically, you all knew this was coming. I got a flash of inspiration recently, so work is going well. I've had these for a while, so take them in the meantime.
Oh! And since some people requested it, I have another Quest running. It'll be on the back burner for now, but since HR will go on hiatus when Part 2 ends it won't be for forever.
Crossbow Puppet
A puppet created by the Rumor of Jae-Heon under the direction of the Adult Who Tells Lies. Was once somebody.
Puppet Skeleton: The body of a Puppet is composed of purely organic matter. Flesh is hardened into a wood-like substance that is used along with bone to form the Puppet's main body over the course of creation while muscle fibers, veins, and nerves are woven to create the strings that control its movements. The victim retains full awareness and sensory capabilities, but lacks any control over their own body.
Puppets are supernaturally durable and absurdly strong, the transformation process extracting a level of power the human body cannot normally achieve. Even when striking armor or successfully blocked, the sheer force of the impact will generally leave a target shaken and off-balance. The pain of the consciousness trapped inside amplifies this force, their coerced suffering fueling each devastating movement.
Manipulated Flesh: The strings which connect to each Puppet and control their movements, connecting them to the Puppeteer's command. Under their direction, Puppets move at a speed that should be impossible for creatures so bulky and unwieldy. Even the largest and most cumbersome-looking Puppets are ridiculously agile.
So long as the strings controlling them remain intact, a Puppet may continue to move no matter how much damage it incurs. To destroy a Puppet, one must either cut the strings above them or destroy enough of their body that the strings within them are no longer connected. Successfully striking a string is no easy task, and actually damaging it is another. Once the strings are snapped, the person sealed within the Puppet will finally be free to pass on.
Ghgh… Ghgh… Gigigig…: The most prominent feature of this Puppet, a large crossbow fused with their forearm. The inside of this accessory is lined with special crystals which contain the soul, entrapping the Puppet's former magical abilities in their new body and twisting their original Magic to something more suitable to the Puppet's purpose.
The crossbow functions by firing bolts composed of the Puppet's bone, which can be freely regenerated and will not run out. There are many possible modifications to these bolts that can be made, but their primary magical effect is a corruption of the Puppet's original ability. The bolts will attempt to undo anything the come into contact with, corroding anything near the wound. This even extends to destroying other supernatural effects. If not given anything else to target, this destructive Magic will eventually eat through the bolt itself.
Halberd Puppet
A puppet created by the Rumor of Jae-Heon under the direction of the Adult Who Tells Lies. Was once somebody.
Puppet Skeleton: The body of a Puppet is composed of purely organic matter. Flesh is hardened into a wood-like substance that is used along with bone to form the Puppet's main body over the course of creation while muscle fibers, veins, and nerves are woven to create the strings that control its movements. The victim retains full awareness and sensory capabilities, but lacks any control over their own body.
Puppets are supernaturally durable and absurdly strong, the transformation process extracting a level of power the human body cannot normally achieve. Even when striking armor or successfully blocked, the sheer force of the impact will generally leave a target shaken and off-balance. The pain of the consciousness trapped inside amplifies this force, their coerced suffering fueling each devastating movement.
Manipulated Flesh: The strings which connect to each Puppet and control their movements, connecting them to the Puppeteer's command. Under their direction, Puppets move at a speed that should be impossible for creatures so bulky and unwieldy. Even the largest and most cumbersome-looking Puppets are ridiculously agile.
So long as the strings controlling them remain intact, a Puppet may continue to move no matter how much damage it incurs. To destroy a Puppet, one must either cut the strings above them or destroy enough of their body that the strings within them are no longer connected. Successfully striking a string is no easy task, and actually damaging it is another. Once the strings are snapped, the person sealed within the Puppet will finally be free to pass on.
Giiih… Giiih… Giiih…: The most prominent feature of this Puppet is a large halberd fused to one of its arms. The inside of this accessory is lined with special crystals which contain the soul, entrapping the Puppet's former magical abilities in their new body and twisting their original Magic to something more suitable to the Puppet's purpose.
Where this Puppet once carried on the hopes of the fallen, now they are only a receptacle to allow their suffering to exist beyond death. The Puppet has accumulated a large number of abilities from various deceased Magical Girls who wandered into the Emerald City, though its ability to use them is hampered by a lack of understanding. They are wielded without prowess or insight, instead relying on sheer overwhelming power to crush opposition.
Cube Puppet
A puppet created by the Rumor of Jae-Heon under the direction of the Adult Who Tells Lies. Was once somebody.
Puppet Skeleton: The body of a Puppet is composed of purely organic matter. Flesh is hardened into a wood-like substance that is used along with bone to form the Puppet's main body over the course of creation while muscle fibers, veins, and nerves are woven to create the strings that control its movements. The victim retains full awareness and sensory capabilities, but lacks any control over their own body.
Puppets are supernaturally durable and absurdly strong, the transformation process extracting a level of power the human body cannot normally achieve. Even when striking armor or successfully blocked, the sheer force of the impact will generally leave a target shaken and off-balance. The pain of the consciousness trapped inside amplifies this force, their coerced suffering fueling each devastating movement.
Manipulated Flesh: The strings which connect to each Puppet and control their movements, connecting them to the Puppeteer's command. Under their direction, Puppets move at a speed that should be impossible for creatures so bulky and unwieldy. Even the largest and most cumbersome-looking Puppets are ridiculously agile.
So long as the strings controlling them remain intact, a Puppet may continue to move no matter how much damage it incurs. To destroy a Puppet, one must either cut the strings above them or destroy enough of their body that the strings within them are no longer connected. Successfully striking a string is no easy task, and actually damaging it is another. Once the strings are snapped, the person sealed within the Puppet will finally be free to pass on.
Gigigi…Gigigi…: The most prominent feature of this Puppet is the series of evenly spaced cuts made through its body, dividing it into several small segments. Its strings run through these gaps, connecting its separated parts. These wounds are lined with special crystals which contain the soul, entrapping the Puppet's former magical abilities in their new body and twisting their original Magic to something more suitable to the Puppet's purpose.
This Puppet is capable of creating various kinds of barriers and shields focused on containing or excluding certain things. While the range of this ability is low, it is extremely versatile and this Puppet in particular is highly talented at shaping the shields they create to control the battlefield. These barriers are not indestructible, but can easily be replaced if destroyed. Individuals overlapping the area of a barrier's creation will be anchored to it for as long as it remains. This ability has remained almost entirely unchanged from its original version.
Opened Puppet
A puppet created by the Rumor of Jae-Heon under the direction of the Adult Who Tells Lies. Was once somebody.
Puppet Skeleton: The body of a Puppet is composed of purely organic matter. Flesh is hardened into a wood-like substance that is used along with bone to form the Puppet's main body over the course of creation while muscle fibers, veins, and nerves are woven to create the strings that control its movements. The victim retains full awareness and sensory capabilities, but lacks any control over their own body.
Puppets are supernaturally durable and absurdly strong, the transformation process extracting a level of power the human body cannot normally achieve. Even when striking armor or successfully blocked, the sheer force of the impact will generally leave a target shaken and off-balance. The pain of the consciousness trapped inside amplifies this force, their coerced suffering fueling each devastating movement.
Manipulated Flesh: The strings which connect to each Puppet and control their movements, connecting them to the Puppeteer's command. Under their direction, Puppets move at a speed that should be impossible for creatures so bulky and unwieldy. Even the largest and most cumbersome-looking Puppets are ridiculously agile.
So long as the strings controlling them remain intact, a Puppet may continue to move no matter how much damage it incurs. To destroy a Puppet, one must either cut the strings above them or destroy enough of their body that the strings within them are no longer connected. Successfully striking a string is no easy task, and actually damaging it is another. Once the strings are snapped, the person sealed within the Puppet will finally be free to pass on.
Gi… Gi… Gigigigi: The most prominent feature of this Puppet is the large vertical gash in its chest, giving it the appearance of having been nearly torn in half. This cavity is lined with special crystals which contain the soul, entrapping the Puppet's former magical abilities in their new body and twisting their original Magic to something more suitable to the Puppet's purpose.
This Puppet's Magic, which could burn up lifespan to convert it into the same energy used to grant Wishes, has been harvested for use elsewhere. The leftover body is weakened as a result, but significantly more feral in behavior than the typical Puppet. Perhaps something fundamental inside of it has been broken.
Birdcage Puppet
A puppet created by the Rumor of Jae-Heon under the direction of the Adult Who Tells Lies. Was once somebody.
Puppet Skeleton: The body of a Puppet is composed of purely organic matter. Flesh is hardened into a wood-like substance that is used along with bone to form the Puppet's main body over the course of creation while muscle fibers, veins, and nerves are woven to create the strings that control its movements. The victim retains full awareness and sensory capabilities, but lacks any control over their own body.
Puppets are supernaturally durable and absurdly strong, the transformation process extracting a level of power the human body cannot normally achieve. Even when striking armor or successfully blocked, the sheer force of the impact will generally leave a target shaken and off-balance. The pain of the consciousness trapped inside amplifies this force, their coerced suffering fueling each devastating movement.
Manipulated Flesh: The strings which connect to each Puppet and control their movements, connecting them to the Puppeteer's command. Under their direction, Puppets move at a speed that should be impossible for creatures so bulky and unwieldy. Even the largest and most cumbersome-looking Puppets are ridiculously agile.
So long as the strings controlling them remain intact, a Puppet may continue to move no matter how much damage it incurs. To destroy a Puppet, one must either cut the strings above them or destroy enough of their body that the strings within them are no longer connected. Successfully striking a string is no easy task, and actually damaging it is another. Once the strings are snapped, the person sealed within the Puppet will finally be free to pass on.
Hhhhh… Hhhhh…: The most prominent feature of this Puppet is the strange ring embedded into its body, forming a sort of crude halo behind it.. This accessory is lined with special crystals which contain the soul, entrapping the Puppet's former magical abilities in their new body and twisting their original Magic to something more suitable to the Puppet's purpose.
This Puppet's Magic, which could create illusions, has been harvested for use elsewhere. The leftover body is weakened as a result, but significantly more feral in behavior than the typical Puppet. Perhaps something fundamental inside of it has been broken.
Sakura Puppets
A series of puppets created by the Rumor of Jae-Heon under the direction of the Adult Who Tells Lies.
Magnum Opus: A design intended to hurt somebody.
Puppet Skeleton: The body of a Puppet is composed of purely organic matter. Flesh is hardened into a wood-like substance that is used along with bone to form the Puppet's main body over the course of creation while muscle fibers, veins, and nerves are woven to create the strings that control its movements. The victim retains full awareness and sensory capabilities, but lacks any control over their own body.
Puppets are supernaturally durable and absurdly strong, the transformation process extracting a level of power the human body cannot normally achieve. Even when striking armor or successfully blocked, the sheer force of the impact will generally leave a target shaken and off-balance. The pain of the consciousness trapped inside amplifies this force, their coerced suffering fueling each devastating movement.
Manipulated Flesh: The strings which connect to each Puppet and control their movements, connecting them to the Puppeteer's command. Under their direction, Puppets move at a speed that should be impossible for creatures so bulky and unwieldy. Even the largest and most cumbersome-looking Puppets are ridiculously agile.
So long as the strings controlling them remain intact, a Puppet may continue to move no matter how much damage it incurs. To destroy a Puppet, one must either cut the strings above them or destroy enough of their body that the strings within them are no longer connected. Successfully striking a string is no easy task, and actually damaging it is another. Once the strings are snapped, the person sealed within the Puppet will finally be free to pass on.
…: This series of Puppets was designed to look more humanoid, assisted by a stolen Magic which can create illusions. Their bodies are less durable than a normal Puppets but dramatically denser, meaning they are more easily hurt but can receive absurd levels of damage before actually being destroyed.
Each Puppet in this series is equipped with a spear that gathers the injuries they receive, transferring them to the weapon and then passing them into the individual struck. This effect does not actually allow the Puppets to heal, but removes all forms of harm other than physical damage.
Angela's Page
Your sister, created by Ayin in Carmen's image. Served alongside you as your assistant in Lobotomy Corporation for ten thousand years in accordance with the script. Currently providing residence for the Sephirah and their staff within her Library in the Outskirts. Not a particularly cheerful person, but still eager to explore her new freedom. Refuses to wear the cool feather dress, no matter how good it looks. Worried about her sister.
Machina Corpus: Angela was created with a mechanical body designed to be practically impervious to harm. As a consequence, not only is she either immune or resistant to most detrimental effects both physical and mental, but can compete with high-tier Fixers in physical realms.
The benefits provided by Angela's creation are expressed much more heavily on the mental scale than the physical. As an Artificial Intelligence of the highest quality, Angela can receive, process, and incorporate information at a level beyond human comprehension. She could perform absurd feats such as learning a skill simply by watching it performed once, copying an individual's mannerisms or handwriting perfectly, or learning an entire language fluently after only hearing a few sentences.
Cogito Superbia: Angela's EGO allows her to interface with the Seed of Light, disseminating its effects as needed. The power of any emotion-based abilities are enhanced by this exposure, and those under the Light's influence are more aware of their own thoughts and feelings.
Director Of The Role's Namesake: Angela's EGO, the Library, is almost certainly the most powerful to ever be manifested. It is a self-contained universe bound to a transdimensional space that can only be accessed through special connections distributed by the Library itself. While there does appear to be a physical location where the Library exists in normal space, attempting to approach it would be pointless. In the past, Invitations to the Library were sent out by the will of another who dwelt within the Light, Angela has since taken full control of the Library's functions.
As a consequence of Angela's authority over the space, she is capable of reorganizing the environment of the Library as well as the people within it freely. Doing so does require active exertion and can potentially be counteracted by similar powers, but such methods should not be relied upon too heavily. The Library's Reception system is its most efficient and prominent way of confronting intruders, splitting them up between floors and only allowing a small number to fight at a time. No individual, not even Angela, can overturn the rules of a Reception.
Translation: The Library's true purpose is as an information-gathering tool. Any individual who perished within the Library is translated into information in the form of a "Book", which can then be separated into "Pages". The Library's denizens can equip certain Pages to copy and combine the abilities of any individual the Library has processed.
The Library is also home to Abnormalities, locked within Books of their own that replicate their ideal environments. These Abnormalities will lend some of their power to the Library's fighters, either as passive booms or in large, short bursts that takes the form of pure, primal EGO.
Angela, as the Library's ruler, can freely use all of the powers at the Library's disposal, both from fallen Guests and from Abnormalities. This has led to a fighting style involving repeated, constant changes to her weapons and abilities that allow her to excel in any situation and strike where opponents are most deficient. It bears a striking resemblance to the fighting style of a certain Fixer, but don't point that out or she'll get embarrassed.
The Knowing I: ??? The final fragment of the Seed of Light, once again whole. Stabilizes the self and offers supreme control over abilities derived from one's own Identity. Functions in tandem with another component. Angela possesses this additional virtue, and always has.