Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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Page of Chesed
Page of Chesed

The Patron Librarian of Social Sciences, once head of Lobotomy Corporation's main Facility's Welfare Branch. A genius who would have gone unparalleled in any environment save for the one he chose, whose relaxed and laid-back persona conceal a fierce desire to help others.

Patron Librarian of Social Sciences: As the head of the Floor of Social Sciences, Chesed has the authority to borrow power from the Abnormalities locked within it. These powers are distributed among the Floor's Librarians as is seen to best fit the situation. The Floor's Librarians also have access to EGO taken from these Abnormalities in its purest form. This EGO is incredibly powerful, but can only be used in short bursts.

The abilities granted by the Abnormalities on the Floor of Social Sciences primarily focus on coordination, teamwork, and maintaining group stability. It includes strengthening individuals so long as they have teammates present, siphoning mental stability from opponents, energizing combatants to allow them to continue fighting freely, disabling opponents and draining their vitality, and even preventing or reversing death in a limited capacity.

Scientific Genius: Chesed was an incredible scientist even by the standards of the Wings, to the point where he could have joined A Corp's ranks. This talent was aimed towards the work of L Corp instead, leading to an even further advanced understanding of most psychology-related fields.

Nuovo Fabric: A special fabric worn by members of the Reverberation Ensemble, created by the Carnival under the instructions of the Index. While it does provide superb defenses even to places not covered by the fabric so long as enough is worn, the real benefit is the ability to bind naturally unstable elements into a solid form.

Puppet Strings: Though there were certain irreconcilable ideological differences between Chesed and this ability's original owner, the Patron Librarian has taken quite a liking to this ability.

The Puppeteer produces a functionally limitless quantity of highly-durable strings, which can be attached to enemies, allies, or even the local area. The user and their allies are never impaired or restricted by these strings, no matter how entangled they become. While they can be used to puppet and control the actions of others, willing or not, Chesed far prefers the enhancing effects of the strings. A person coordinated by this ability can act in perfect concert with others, and gains significant additional force and agility in their movements. Most importantly, however, is that actually killing a person connected by the Puppet Strings is incredibly difficult. While the connection does begin to wane and fray when a person is near death, it also allows them to survive otherwise lethal blows.

얀샋ㄷ요무: The power of a Distortion who lost all hope of making a difference and accepted becoming a part of the flow of the world, becoming inured to the misery surrounding them.

얀샋ㄷ요무's powers produce a corrosive ink that stains everything it touches, eating away at the mind and body alike. This ink can be delivered through other attacks, or produce special limbs and weapons to act as vectors for its spread. Esoteric defenses that would normally protect one from harm have no effect on this ink's corrosive properties.

The Messenger: An ability which produces Prescripts to be delivered to allies. While some believe the Prescripts to be a form of future sight, it would be more accurate to consider them a perfect computational engine which can measure all information in existence, even including things that are normally immeasurable, and decides on a course of action according to that data. Access to the Prescript, even in this limited form, in combination with the Library's own surveillance allows Chesed and his team to react in advance to the enemy's movements.

Keeping In Stride: An expensive but basic modification favored by the Zwei Association. Automatically repairs one's body over time, though it scales poorly for higher-level combatants and is far more influential in weaker fighters.

Four Trigrams: High-tier Nanotechnology owned and used by the Hana Association. The nanomachines integrate themselves with the user, responding to their actions at the speed of thought. While weapons and armor are the most simple formations, more complex structures can form for more specific tasks, such as purging one's body and mind of foreign influence or boosting agility beyond what should be physically possible.

Because the Hana Association has made multiple forays into the Library, and because of how versatile and universally useful the Hana nanomachines are, this ability is a common one for Librarians to utilize.
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Observation: The Chattering Precipice

An undefined creature whose true shape is determined by existence's most horrible and unknowable secrets. Is what is most harmful to whoever observes it.

Blasphemy: Because it represents the incomprehensible and unknown, and in turn has practically no interpretation applied to it, Our First Lie is the Abnormality that most purely embodies its respective concept. Simply observing A Vacant Whisper causes exceptional mental distress, enough to instantly break anyone whose psyche is not flawless. The Bared Truth's properties become more pronounced the more intensely it is observed, without any upward limits.

Other beings whose existences are based in concepts are exempt from What We Chose To Forget's consideration, being capable of witnessing a pure concept without the filter of understanding. They perceive only the fact that Secret-Keeper's Watchdog exists but none of its traits or features.

Defile: Contact with Hole Filled With Shapes strips away everything that does not align with its concept, leaving behind twisted and shapeless monstrosities that embody the darkest secrets and worst fears of whatever person or place is unlucky enough to be subject to the Abnormality's presence.

Apostasy: Damaging My Sincere Witness is difficult due to its abnormal nature. Any injury inflicted to it is incorporated into its form and becomes nearly meaningless, with only a small portion remaining as an actual wound.
Eternal_Observer’s Hex Code Records
Hey, look who has a lot of free time!

I decided to write down all the characters we've seen so far and their colours: And a little bit - my personal rating of sympathies.

Holy Quintet:

Kaname Madoka / Agnus Principle - #f1b3c2
Tomoe Mami / Santissimo Giustizia - #f3cb88
Miki Sayaka / Muse Of The Depths - #2596be
Sakura Kyoko / The Mosaic Of Prometheus - #7c3744
Akemi Homura / Wind-Up Soldier - #866598

Chitose Yuma:

Chitose Yuma - #b8d7a6

L. Corp / Library:

Malkuth - #cbb688
Gebura - #81312d
Tiphereth - #c7b76a
Hod - #d99c4b
Angela - #fff999
Hokma - #9d9d9d
Yesod - #9c7cb4
Chesed - #475987
Ayin - #fff480
Netzach - #849165
Roland - #8a8a8a
Binah - #957a40


X / א / Daughter Of The Sun And Moon - #f8f5d5
The Knight of Despair - #133397
Punishing Bird - #fe6464
Big Bird - #fef00f
Judgement Bird - #e48519
Army in Pink - #f394d5
Fragment of the Universe - #cc3399
The Burrowing Heaven - #840904
The Price of Silence - #00ee4f
[CENSORED] - #7c1015
Void Dream - #8800cc
The Snow Queen - #6382e8
World Tree - #0b950e
Last helix - #2de82c
The God Delusion - #5b138f
Eternal Meal - #d38605
Porccubus - #76f133
Melting Love - #e8616f
The King of Greed - #fba818
Schadenfreude - #5e4b4b
Singing Machine - #a18524
Blue Star - #01ebf3
Nothing There - #a6223b
WhiteNight - #ff0800
Der Freischütz - #270085
The Adult who Tells Lies - #0a5f18


Angelina - #fa9ab1
Gertrud - #24620d
Clarise - #1841a4
Izabel - #636363
Elsa Maria - #e83510
Patricia - #567396
Lulu - #d2ff33
Anastasie - #831c23
Persephone - #927433


Leonie - #5e9d76
Incubators - n/d
Argalia - #13d4ff
Isabeau de Bavière - #a1517a
Drowned in Sorrows - #7c5b48
Minou - #faf6d0
Light / Carmen / Humanity(?) - #f5d507
Grief - #2f015e

I will try to update this post as new information becomes available.
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Facility Agent List
Current List of Known Agents

So currently, at the time of this chapter, we have the following list of Agents so far:
Arizona - Extraction Captain.
Apollo Allos - Welfare Captain.
Doremi - Occupation: Unknown.
Dublin - Occupation: Unknown.
Ferris - Disciplinary Captain.
Gonzales- Occupation: Unknown.
Tido - Welfare Agent.
River Medli - Discipline Agent.
London Kvostyv - Welfare Agent.
Alyssa Ritmore - Occupation: Unknown.

Edited: 21 December 2022: Grammar.

Edited: 15 August 2023: Apollo is the Welfare Captain, and London is the Welfare Agent. Full names acquired: Apollo Allos, London Kvostyv, and River Medli.

Edited: 16 December 2023: Alyssa Ritmore added. Designation: Class I Agent, the first death. Current/At the time of Seed of Light completion Occupation: Unknown.
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Intermission Prep
So, we've reached the end of Act 1. I already had my little speech, so I won't bore you with sentiments and just get to the point.

There are two chapters left before the Timeskip. One Main Chapter to clean things up, and another to give a sneak peak at the future (plus some insight into everyone's favorite murder monster and their current state of mind). For that timeskip, there are a few big decisions to make. The effects of these votes will take place in and after the time skip, as implied by X being in contact with Angela.


You have come into possession of a large number of disembodied Soul Gems. They're stabilised now, but getting them back to their bodies is still a high priority. You have a few options to deal with them.

[] (Soul Gems) Regeneration

- Magical Girls possess a natural ability to recover from injuries. You can stimulate this capability to slowly grow back the bodies of the fallen Magical Girls, although this method will take a significantly longer amount of time than the others and will likely result in notable psychological trauma during the process.

[] (Soul Gems) Cloning

- Replicating a body is easy with the City's technology. The mind is normally a much larger issue, but one that is largely voided by the functionality of Soul Gems. If you can assemble the necessary materials, you can clone new bodies for the Soul Gems to connect to. Time required is dependent on how long it takes to acquire resources. Your actions will probably be noticed by some people in law enforcement unless you can get Kyubey to deal with it, and said creature will be watching you regardless.

[] (Soul Gems) Library

- Hand them over to Angela, who already has a system to easily create bodies for people. Instantaneous and painless, but bodies of Light are restrained to the Library.

[] (Soul Gems) Wish

- Should you Wish it, you can do pretty much anything. Of course, there's no telling how Kyubey's Contract would affect you.

[] (Soul Gems) Write-in


As a consequence of being forced to use a Magic she no longer possessed, Kyoko Sakura's Soul Gem has received extreme damage. In its current state, she cannot recover. You can fix this.
[] (Kyoko) Wings

- For all the powers of L Corp's Singularity, there are others whose utilities are better suited to healing. While you personally had little contact with the other Wings, L Corp was universally appreciated by its fellow Corporations. You can leverage that goodwill for a meeting, but you don't expect it to stand in for an actual price in what you're asking. A deal is not guaranteed, and Kyoko's state is somewhat time-sensitive. Requires skirting around the Head's laws and the Library's banishment and risks an active response.

[] (Kyoko) Phenomenon

- Angela has informed you of a unique consequence of high exposure to the Light. Some outcomes are more favorable than others, but regardless of the result a person rarely retains injuries that they do not consider as integral to their identity afterwards. You can stoke this process and even guide it, repairing the damage to Kyoko's Soul. Considering Kyoko's life and recent experiences, manifestation of Distortion is highly likely. Not choosing this option does not prevent the Phenomenon from occurring in the future.

[] Kyoko) Wish

- Should you Wish it, you can do pretty much anything. Of course, there's no telling how Kyubey's Contract would affect you.

[] (Kyoko) Write-in


This vote is not an immediate thing, and will remain open until after the hiatus ends and Act 2 begins.
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On Character Sheets
That reminds me. Lepi.
It's been demonstrated several times that our char sheet is/may be incomplete (eg: Pulse/Pink soldiers blowing up not being there); is that also true for DoSaM's?

In the previous update we also witnessed an attempt to get around the limitation of Lobotomy not affecting Abnormalities which seems to have done something - so can we trust that the given text can be treated as absolute/at face value, or are there circumstances where they may not be true or bent around?
Everything on the CharSheets is X's current understanding of the subject's abilities. While almost always accurate, it's not all-encompassing.
Hello all!

I have some actual good news this time! I'm headed off to Uni soon. I've already cut back the speed of chapters being released enough, so that shouldn't change much. Unfortunately, there will be a halt in the release of new chapters for an indeterminate amount of time while I get myself situated. There will still be new content released when I can get to it, but it might be a while. Please bear with me in the meantime.

The current vote will be extended as long as it goes, as I see no reason to halt it when there's no schedule.
Bad End Apocrypha Vote
I am still adjusting to university life and writing this next chapter has been very difficult, but I really hate leaving this thread empty for so long. As such, I will be spending a bit of free time to write something shorter and less stressful, specifically another Bad End. I had fun the with the first one, so feel free to pick the next. Or suggest your own if you'd prefer, I'm not picky.

[] Angela performs Attachment Work with the Daughter of the Sun and Moon
[] X makes a bad deal
[] Oriko displays a stunning lack of foresight
Attention: Early Vote Opening
To make up for the delay, and because this vote isn't going to require any context from the next chapter besides "Everyone went to the Library to rest up and get back into good condition", the next vote will be opening now. It will stay open through the regular duration past the next update, just in case people want to wait for more information on everyone's mental state.

(Select only one)

In the Library…
[] Homura Akemi…
-[] …finds the weekly
book club.
-[] …talks with her aunt's
-[] …wanders to the
lowest floor.
[] Sayaka Miki…
-[] …ends up in a room filled with
-[] …stumbles into the tail-end of a
math lesson.
-[] …is hoping to get in some last-minute
[] Kyoko Sakura…
-[] …learns how confusing her new mother's
family tree is.
-[] …wants to know who's been teaching Sayaka how to
-[] …finds somebody
interested in Distortions.
[] Mami Tomoe…
-[] …runs into a familiar face in the
-[] …has a
chat with another yellow-clad child.
-[] …nearly trips over a man
asleep on the floor.
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[Old] Temporary Hiatus
Hello all! Finals season is approaching, which means the pace of new chapters will be slowing down a bit until that's over with. The good news is, once it's over, I'll be on break and able to start an accelerated schedule for the remainder of the Act. Please bear with me until then.