Magical Girl Quest - The Fire That Burns

I told you Naron was a Fluff Lord. And now he has come here to conquer. We must brace ourselves, or he we will take over the Captain's position as Fluffmaster!
[X] Karen

I wonder why this is here...? Is she going to come down in some big chinook and tell us who/what the ship-girl is?

I'm curious enough to vote for it...
Oh no.... is Cerys subconsciously mixing her speech with the language Gaia spoke? Remember when she woke up from that conversation with her, Cerys spoke and hurt everyone around her even tearing her own vocal cords. At least that's what it looks like.
"You did Something to Her, I can feel it.
Or is it all the magic she's letting out affecting her voice?

[x] Cerys
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