Well, we now have three plans in place: veekie's Thawing The Books, Unhacker's Military Industrial Complex and giodan's Ambition.

Of all the plans, I never expected giodan's.
I am a fine coniseu-conisue-uhh


[X] Plan I Like Hats
[X] Improve Diplomacy: Must have Stat at 5 or below. You wish to improve you ability to talk good.
[X] Replace/Appoint a New Councilor: Search for a new Marshal
[X] Replace/Appoint a New Councilor: Search for a new Huntsman Superior
[X] Marry: Search Remnant for a fitting Husband. Marriage is important, as it secures the continuation of your dynasty, cements alliances, and establishes claims.
[X] Speech Practice: Work at improving your ability to Diplomacize on your own. (Mirror, Mirror)
[X] Personally Patrol: Russet is occupied with other matters, or he does not fully possess your trust. Personally sally forth with your retinue to keep your lands safe.
[X] Write-in: Personally Inspect Troops (normally council action)
[X] Infrastructure Inspection: Spend some time personally inspecting your Estate, seeing if anything can be run more efficiently.
[X] Count Beans: Invest yourself in running your realm, hopefully increasing your Stewardship. Will also give you a better picture of the realm's finances if completed
[X] Gather Rumors: Send out some agents to listen to the whispered word of your realm and beyond, collecting rumors, news, truths, lies, and everything in between. Allows for more accurate news and rumors, and better estimation of how things are in the world of Remnant.
5 Lien
[X] Personally Spy: Your Spymaster is most likely occupied with other matters, or he/she/it does not fully possess your trust (or they're the one you're spying on!). Personally spy on a character, learning more about their personality, skills, secrets and ambitions.
-[X] Mayor Ulrich
[X] Study Religion: Work at improving your Learning score on your own.

[X] Keep at Hand: Keep Alan at court. Your own diplomacy rolls will have an added bonus, and if any crises come up, you will be much more prepared to deal with them.
[X] Keep at Hand: Keep Russet at court. Your own Martial rolls might have an added bonus, and if any crisis come up, you think he can annoy the enemy to death.
[X] Survey: Your father was content with his realm, and did not seek to exploit his lands to their full potential. Change that. Send Amity out with some prospectors to see what secret resources or secrets your land has hidden away.
[X] Spy (Internal): Have Spymaster look inside your own court for malcontents and malicious thoughts. With any luck, he could uncover valuable secrets, and improve your information collection for your realm this turn.
[X] Keep at Hand: Keep Sullivan around. He'll likely pester you to start praying more, but having him on hand should increase your learning rolls.
[X] Patrol Lands: Your lands aren't in the best shape right now. Sending out the Huntsman Superior to help keep the grimm in check should do some good. The sight of a huntsman always inspires the serfs, and often assuages their fears. He might also return with some intel, should he discover anything useful.
Last edited:
I am a fine coniseu-conisue-uhh


[X] Plan I Like Hats
[X] Improve Diplomacy: Must have Stat at 5 or below. You wish to improve you ability to talk good.
[X] Replace/Appoint a New Councilor: Search for a new Marshal
[X] Replace/Appoint a New Councilor: Search for a new Huntsman Superior
[X] Marry: Search Remnant for a fitting Husband. Marriage is important, as it secures the continuation of your dynasty, cements alliances, and establishes claims.
[X] Speech Practice: Work at improving your ability to Diplomacize on your own. (Mirror, Mirror)
[X] Personally Patrol: Russet is occupied with other matters, or he does not fully possess your trust. Personally sally forth with your retinue to keep your lands safe.
[X] Write-in: Personally Inspect Troops (normally council action)
[X] Infrastructure Inspection: Spend some time personally inspecting your Estate, seeing if anything can be run more efficiently.
[X] Count Beans: Invest yourself in running your realm, hopefully increasing your Stewardship. Will also give you a better picture of the realm's finances if completed
[X] Gather Rumors: Send out some agents to listen to the whispered word of your realm and beyond, collecting rumors, news, truths, lies, and everything in between. Allows for more accurate news and rumors, and better estimation of how things are in the world of Remnant.
5 Lien
[X] Personally Spy: Your Spymaster is most likely occupied with other matters, or he/she/it does not fully possess your trust (or they're the one you're spying on!). Personally spy on a character, learning more about their personality, skills, secrets and ambitions.
-[X] Mayor Ulrich
[X] Study Religion: Work at improving your Learning score on your own.

[X] Keep at Hand: Keep Alan at court. Your own diplomacy rolls will have an added bonus, and if any crises come up, you will be much more prepared to deal with them.
[X] Keep at Hand: Keep Russet at court. Your own Martial rolls might have an added bonus, and if any crisis come up, you think he can annoy the enemy to death.
[X] Survey: Your father was content with his realm, and did not seek to exploit his lands to their full potential. Change that. Send Amity out with some prospectors to see what secret resources or secrets your land has hidden away.
[X] Spy (Internal): Have Spymaster look inside your own court for malcontents and malicious thoughts. With any luck, he could uncover valuable secrets, and improve your information collection for your realm this turn.
[X] Keep at Hand: Keep Sullivan around. He'll likely pester you to start praying more, but having him on hand should increase your learning rolls.
Huntsman Superior-N/A

Just so you know, you can assign Huntsman Superior actions, as you'll be (hopefully) appointing one this turn.

And with that, we now have four plans and five votes. There is not yet a clear majority, so the vote continues.
I'll be calling the vote in about four hours, unless there is a tie. If that happens, I'll remove the plan that has the least amount of votes, then the voters who voted for that plan can change to a different one. This will continue until we have a plan with a clear majority. (That, and it will be a good test to see how well this system will work. Things are going to get crazy when I start rolling the turn dice.)

Oh, by the way, I have a surprise for you all when we get to the results of turn one. Spymaster gotta Spy, even when not ordered to.
Adhoc vote count started by Raiu on May 22, 2017 at 10:07 PM, finished with 23 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Plan What DO we have on hand?
    -[X] Improve Diplomacy: Must have Stat at 5 or below. You wish to improve you ability to talk good.
    -[X] Replace/Appoint a New Councilor: Appoint [Character] to the position of [Councilor], or search the Estate of Thromrhold for a suitable replacement. If you search for a new one, the councilor you replace might be reluctant to perform his or her counselor actions.
    --[X] Search for Huntsman Superior
    -[X] Family: Spend some time with your family.
    -[X] Speech Lessons: Spend a handful of lien and an insignificant sum of prestige to hire a Diplomacy Instructor, hopefully increasing your ability to diplomacize.
    -[X] Speech Practice: Work at improving your ability to Diplomacize on your own. (Mirror, Mirror)
    -[X] Personally Patrol: Russet is occupied with other matters, or he does not fully possess your trust. Personally sally forth with your retinue to keep your lands safe.
    -[X] Train: Begin a routine of physical exercise in an attempt to improve your personal combat ability. You're already in good shape, but you're not in peak physical condition.
    -[X] Infrastructure Inspection: Spend some time personally inspecting your Estate, seeing if anything can be run more efficiently.
    -[X] Count Beans: Invest yourself in running your realm, hopefully increasing your Stewardship. Will also give you a better picture of the realm's finances if completed successfully.
    -[X] Gather Rumors: Send out some agents to listen to the whispered word of your realm and beyond, collecting rumors, news, truths, lies, and everything in between. Allows for more accurate news and rumors, and better estimation of how things are in the world of Remnant.
    -[X] Study Religion: Work at improving your Learning score on your own.
    -[X] Keep at Hand: Keep Alan at court. Your own diplomacy rolls will have an added bonus, and if any crises come up, you will be much more prepared to deal with them.
    -[X] Inspect Troops: Have Russet compile a thorough counting and assessment of your levies. Doing so might inspire them to improve their equipment on their own, and show that you have a vested interest in their ability to perform.
    -[X] Conduct Census: Order Amity to compile a comprehensive and detailed report on your titles, the serfs that occupy them, and the general state of affairs in your realm. Will improve tax collection for a number of turns, and give you more specific numbers regarding your titles.
    -[X] Spy (Internal): Have Spymaster look inside your own court for malcontents and malicious thoughts. With any luck, he could uncover valuable secrets, and improve your information collection for your realm this turn.
    -[X] Proselytize: Send out Sullivan to proselytize your religion to your people. The more servants of your religion you have, the more unified and resistant to panic your serfs are.
    -[X] Train Huntsmen: Though the Huntsman Superior most likely has an apprentice already, he can step up efforts to make sure his subordinates are putting more time and resources into training their replacements. He'll also spend more time with his own apprentice.
    -[X] Gather Rumors: Send out some agents to listen to the whispered word of your realm and beyond, collecting rumors, news, truths, lies, and everything in between. Allows for more accurate news and rumors, and better estimation of how things are in the world of Remnant.
    [X] Plan I Like Hats
    [X] Plan What DO we have on hand?
    -[X] Keep at Hand: Keep Sullivan around. He'll likely pester you to start praying more, but having him on hand should increase your learning rolls.
    -[X] Keep at Hand: Keep Alan at court. Your own diplomacy rolls will have an added bonus, and if any crises come up, you will be much more prepared to deal with them.
    -[X] Study Religion: Work at improving your Learning score on your own.
    -[X] Spy (Internal): Have Spymaster look inside your own court for malcontents and malicious thoughts. With any luck, he could uncover valuable secrets, and improve your information collection for your realm this turn.
    -[X] Count Beans: Invest yourself in running your realm, hopefully increasing your Stewardship. Will also give you a better picture of the realm's finances if completed successfully.
    [X] Replace/Appoint a New Councilor: Search for a new Marshal
    [X] Survey: Your father was content with his realm, and did not seek to exploit his lands to their full potential. Change that. Send Amity out with some prospectors to see what secret resources or secrets your land has hidden away.
    [X] Keep at Hand: Keep Russet at court. Your own Martial rolls might have an added bonus, and if any crisis come up, you think he can annoy the enemy to death.
    [x] Personally Spy: Your Spymaster is most likely occupied with other matters, or he/she/it does not fully possess your trust (or they're the one you're spying on!). Personally spy on a character, learning more about their personality, skills, secrets and ambitions.
    -[X] Mayor Ulrich
    [X] Count Beans: Invest yourself in running your realm, hopefully increasing your Stewardship. Will also give you a better picture of the realm's finances if completed
    -[X] Infrastructure Inspection: Spend some time personally inspecting your Estate, seeing if anything can be run more efficiently.
    [X] Write-in: Personally Inspect Troops (normally council action)
    -[X] Personally Patrol: Russet is occupied with other matters, or he does not fully possess your trust. Personally sally forth with your retinue to keep your lands safe.
    -[X] Speech Practice: Work at improving your ability to Diplomacize on your own. (Mirror, Mirror)
    [X] Marry: Search Remnant for a fitting Husband. Marriage is important, as it secures the continuation of your dynasty, cements alliances, and establishes claims.
    [X] Replace/Appoint a New Councilor: Search for a new Huntsman Superior
    -[X] Improve Diplomacy: Must have Stat at 5 or below. You wish to improve you ability to talk good.
    [x] Hire Merchant: Spend a handful of lien to hire a Stewardship Instructor, and gain a courtier.
    [x] plan king warrior
    [x] Cull Grimm: You want to do everything in your power to cull the creatures of grimm.
    -[X] Family: Spend some time with your family.
    [X] Plan Inevitable Civil War
    -[X] Amass Lien: You want to dive into a big pile of brightly colored cards.
    -[X] Host a [Grimm/Game] Hunt: Invite the nobles of your realm to participate in a hunt! Gather meat for the coming winter or test your mettle against the creatures of Grimm. Starts the 'Game Hunt' or 'Grimm Hunt' event.
    -[X] Speech Lessons: Spend a handful of lien and an insignificant sum of prestige to hire a Diplomacy Instructor, hopefully increasing your ability to diplomacize.
    -[X] Speech Practice: Work at improving your ability to Diplomacize on your own. (Mirror, Mirror)
    -[X] Personally Patrol: Russet is occupied with other matters, or he does not fully possess your trust. Personally sally forth with your retinue to keep your lands safe.
    -[X] Order Military Stockpiling: Invest in the stockpiling of weapons and ammunition, in the event war should be thrust upon you.
    -[X] Count Beans: Invest yourself in running your realm, hopefully increasing your Stewardship. Will also give you a better picture of the realm's finances if completed successfully.
    -[X] Study the Significance of Dust: Children of Remnant place an emphasis on Dust, and though you think of them as nothing more than useful trinkets and power, there should be a reason why it is so important.
    -[X] Recruit Troops: Send out Russet to recruit more men and women to fill out the ranks of your levies. More troops will join your armies, and any incurred losses will be more swiftly replenished.
    -[X] Boost Trade: Lien is nice, but more Lien is always better. Have Amity talk and barter with the merchants of your realm, hopefully opening up new trade lanes and investing in promising ventures. Who knows, you might even get them to trade despite the plague.
    -[X] Keep at Hand: Keep Alan at court. Your own diplomacy rolls will have an added bonus, and if any crises come up, you will be much more prepared to deal with them.
    -[X] Spy (Internal): Have Spymaster look inside your own court for malcontents and malicious thoughts. With any luck, he could uncover valuable secrets, and improve your information collection for your realm this turn.
    -[X] Keep at Hand: Keep Sullivan around. He'll likely pester you to start praying more, but having him on hand should increase your learning rolls.
    -[X] Conduct Census: Order Amity to compile a comprehensive and detailed report on your titles, the serfs that occupy them, and the general state of affairs in your realm. Will improve tax collection for a number of turns, and give you more specific numbers regarding your titles.
    [x] Discourage Serf Revolt: You believe the serfs of your realm are growing unruly and discontent. Send Russet out with a token force to discourage any attempts to destabilize the realm.
    [x] 5 prestige
    -[X] Train: Begin a routine of physical exercise in an attempt to improve your personal combat ability. You're already in good shape, but you're not in peak physical condition.
    [x] Personally Spy: Your Spymaster is most likely occupied with other matters, or he/she/it does not fully possess your trust (or they're the one you're spying on!). Personally spy on a character, learning more about their personality, skills, secrets and ambitions.
    -[x] Chancellor Alan Black
    [x] Independence (Self): Immediately declare independence from your Liege Lord. Note: doing so will begin War Turns, but since you have no Liege, things may be different.
    [X] Patrol Lands: Your lands aren't in the best shape right now. Sending out the Huntsman Superior to help keep the grimm in check should do some good. The sight of a huntsman always inspires the serfs, and often assuages their fears. He might also return with some intel, should he discover anything useful.

Adhoc vote count started by Raiu on May 22, 2017 at 10:07 PM, finished with 23 posts and 6 votes.

  • -[X] Spy (Internal): Have Spymaster look inside your own court for malcontents and malicious thoughts. With any luck, he could uncover valuable secrets, and improve your information collection for your realm this turn.
    -[X] Keep at Hand: Keep Alan at court. Your own diplomacy rolls will have an added bonus, and if any crises come up, you will be much more prepared to deal with them.
    -[X] Speech Practice: Work at improving your ability to Diplomacize on your own. (Mirror, Mirror)
    -[X] Personally Patrol: Russet is occupied with other matters, or he does not fully possess your trust. Personally sally forth with your retinue to keep your lands safe.
    -[X] Count Beans: Invest yourself in running your realm, hopefully increasing your Stewardship. Will also give you a better picture of the realm's finances if completed successfully.
    -[X] Gather Rumors: Send out some agents to listen to the whispered word of your realm and beyond, collecting rumors, news, truths, lies, and everything in between. Allows for more accurate news and rumors, and better estimation of how things are in the world of Remnant.
    -[X] Study Religion: Work at improving your Learning score on your own.
    -[X] Keep at Hand: Keep Sullivan around. He'll likely pester you to start praying more, but having him on hand should increase your learning rolls.
    -[X] Family: Spend some time with your family.
    -[X] Speech Lessons: Spend a handful of lien and an insignificant sum of prestige to hire a Diplomacy Instructor, hopefully increasing your ability to diplomacize.
    -[X] Train: Begin a routine of physical exercise in an attempt to improve your personal combat ability. You're already in good shape, but you're not in peak physical condition.
    -[X] Infrastructure Inspection: Spend some time personally inspecting your Estate, seeing if anything can be run more efficiently.
    -[X] Improve Diplomacy: Must have Stat at 5 or below. You wish to improve you ability to talk good.
    -[X] Conduct Census: Order Amity to compile a comprehensive and detailed report on your titles, the serfs that occupy them, and the general state of affairs in your realm. Will improve tax collection for a number of turns, and give you more specific numbers regarding your titles.
    -[X] Train Huntsmen: Though the Huntsman Superior most likely has an apprentice already, he can step up efforts to make sure his subordinates are putting more time and resources into training their replacements. He'll also spend more time with his own apprentice.
    [X] Plan I Like Hats
    [X] Plan What DO we have on hand?
    -[X] Proselytize: Send out Sullivan to proselytize your religion to your people. The more servants of your religion you have, the more unified and resistant to panic your serfs are.
    [x] Personally Spy: Your Spymaster is most likely occupied with other matters, or he/she/it does not fully possess your trust (or they're the one you're spying on!). Personally spy on a character, learning more about their personality, skills, secrets and ambitions.
    -[X] Inspect Troops: Have Russet compile a thorough counting and assessment of your levies. Doing so might inspire them to improve their equipment on their own, and show that you have a vested interest in their ability to perform.
    --[X] Search for Huntsman Superior
    -[X] Replace/Appoint a New Councilor: Appoint [Character] to the position of [Councilor], or search the Estate of Thromrhold for a suitable replacement. If you search for a new one, the councilor you replace might be reluctant to perform his or her counselor actions.
    [X] Survey: Your father was content with his realm, and did not seek to exploit his lands to their full potential. Change that. Send Amity out with some prospectors to see what secret resources or secrets your land has hidden away.
    [X] Keep at Hand: Keep Russet at court. Your own Martial rolls might have an added bonus, and if any crisis come up, you think he can annoy the enemy to death.
    -[X] Mayor Ulrich
    [X] Count Beans: Invest yourself in running your realm, hopefully increasing your Stewardship. Will also give you a better picture of the realm's finances if completed
    [X] Write-in: Personally Inspect Troops (normally council action)
    [X] Marry: Search Remnant for a fitting Husband. Marriage is important, as it secures the continuation of your dynasty, cements alliances, and establishes claims.
    [X] Replace/Appoint a New Councilor: Search for a new Huntsman Superior
    [X] Replace/Appoint a New Councilor: Search for a new Marshal
    [x] Discourage Serf Revolt: You believe the serfs of your realm are growing unruly and discontent. Send Russet out with a token force to discourage any attempts to destabilize the realm.
    -[x] Chancellor Alan Black
    -[X] Order Military Stockpiling: Invest in the stockpiling of weapons and ammunition, in the event war should be thrust upon you.
    [x] Hire Merchant: Spend a handful of lien to hire a Stewardship Instructor, and gain a courtier.
    [x] Independence (Self): Immediately declare independence from your Liege Lord. Note: doing so will begin War Turns, but since you have no Liege, things may be different.
    [x] 5 prestige
    [x] Cull Grimm: You want to do everything in your power to cull the creatures of grimm.
    [x] plan king warrior
    -[X] Boost Trade: Lien is nice, but more Lien is always better. Have Amity talk and barter with the merchants of your realm, hopefully opening up new trade lanes and investing in promising ventures. Who knows, you might even get them to trade despite the plague.
    -[X] Recruit Troops: Send out Russet to recruit more men and women to fill out the ranks of your levies. More troops will join your armies, and any incurred losses will be more swiftly replenished.
    -[X] Study the Significance of Dust: Children of Remnant place an emphasis on Dust, and though you think of them as nothing more than useful trinkets and power, there should be a reason why it is so important.
    -[X] Host a [Grimm/Game] Hunt: Invite the nobles of your realm to participate in a hunt! Gather meat for the coming winter or test your mettle against the creatures of Grimm. Starts the 'Game Hunt' or 'Grimm Hunt' event.
    -[X] Amass Lien: You want to dive into a big pile of brightly colored cards.
    [X] Plan Inevitable Civil War
    [X] Patrol Lands: Your lands aren't in the best shape right now. Sending out the Huntsman Superior to help keep the grimm in check should do some good. The sight of a huntsman always inspires the serfs, and often assuages their fears. He might also return with some intel, should he discover anything useful.

Adhoc vote count started by Raiu on May 23, 2017 at 1:02 AM, finished with 24 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Plan What DO we have on hand?
    -[X] Improve Diplomacy: Must have Stat at 5 or below. You wish to improve you ability to talk good.
    -[X] Replace/Appoint a New Councilor: Appoint [Character] to the position of [Councilor], or search the Estate of Thromrhold for a suitable replacement. If you search for a new one, the councilor you replace might be reluctant to perform his or her counselor actions.
    --[X] Search for Huntsman Superior
    -[X] Family: Spend some time with your family.
    -[X] Speech Lessons: Spend a handful of lien and an insignificant sum of prestige to hire a Diplomacy Instructor, hopefully increasing your ability to diplomacize.
    -[X] Speech Practice: Work at improving your ability to Diplomacize on your own. (Mirror, Mirror)
    -[X] Personally Patrol: Russet is occupied with other matters, or he does not fully possess your trust. Personally sally forth with your retinue to keep your lands safe.
    -[X] Train: Begin a routine of physical exercise in an attempt to improve your personal combat ability. You're already in good shape, but you're not in peak physical condition.
    -[X] Infrastructure Inspection: Spend some time personally inspecting your Estate, seeing if anything can be run more efficiently.
    -[X] Count Beans: Invest yourself in running your realm, hopefully increasing your Stewardship. Will also give you a better picture of the realm's finances if completed successfully.
    -[X] Gather Rumors: Send out some agents to listen to the whispered word of your realm and beyond, collecting rumors, news, truths, lies, and everything in between. Allows for more accurate news and rumors, and better estimation of how things are in the world of Remnant.
    -[X] Study Religion: Work at improving your Learning score on your own.
    -[X] Keep at Hand: Keep Alan at court. Your own diplomacy rolls will have an added bonus, and if any crises come up, you will be much more prepared to deal with them.
    -[X] Inspect Troops: Have Russet compile a thorough counting and assessment of your levies. Doing so might inspire them to improve their equipment on their own, and show that you have a vested interest in their ability to perform.
    -[X] Conduct Census: Order Amity to compile a comprehensive and detailed report on your titles, the serfs that occupy them, and the general state of affairs in your realm. Will improve tax collection for a number of turns, and give you more specific numbers regarding your titles.
    -[X] Spy (Internal): Have Spymaster look inside your own court for malcontents and malicious thoughts. With any luck, he could uncover valuable secrets, and improve your information collection for your realm this turn.
    -[X] Proselytize: Send out Sullivan to proselytize your religion to your people. The more servants of your religion you have, the more unified and resistant to panic your serfs are.
    -[X] Train Huntsmen: Though the Huntsman Superior most likely has an apprentice already, he can step up efforts to make sure his subordinates are putting more time and resources into training their replacements. He'll also spend more time with his own apprentice.
    [X] Plan Inevitable Civil War
    -[X] Amass Lien: You want to dive into a big pile of brightly colored cards.
    -[X] Host a [Grimm/Game] Hunt: Invite the nobles of your realm to participate in a hunt! Gather meat for the coming winter or test your mettle against the creatures of Grimm. Starts the 'Game Hunt' or 'Grimm Hunt' event.
    -[X] Speech Lessons: Spend a handful of lien and an insignificant sum of prestige to hire a Diplomacy Instructor, hopefully increasing your ability to diplomacize.
    -[X] Speech Practice: Work at improving your ability to Diplomacize on your own. (Mirror, Mirror)
    -[X] Personally Patrol: Russet is occupied with other matters, or he does not fully possess your trust. Personally sally forth with your retinue to keep your lands safe.
    -[X] Order Military Stockpiling: Invest in the stockpiling of weapons and ammunition, in the event war should be thrust upon you.
    -[X] Count Beans: Invest yourself in running your realm, hopefully increasing your Stewardship. Will also give you a better picture of the realm's finances if completed successfully.
    -[X] Study the Significance of Dust: Children of Remnant place an emphasis on Dust, and though you think of them as nothing more than useful trinkets and power, there should be a reason why it is so important.
    -[X] Recruit Troops: Send out Russet to recruit more men and women to fill out the ranks of your levies. More troops will join your armies, and any incurred losses will be more swiftly replenished.
    -[X] Boost Trade: Lien is nice, but more Lien is always better. Have Amity talk and barter with the merchants of your realm, hopefully opening up new trade lanes and investing in promising ventures. Who knows, you might even get them to trade despite the plague.
    -[X] Keep at Hand: Keep Alan at court. Your own diplomacy rolls will have an added bonus, and if any crises come up, you will be much more prepared to deal with them.
    -[X] Spy (Internal): Have Spymaster look inside your own court for malcontents and malicious thoughts. With any luck, he could uncover valuable secrets, and improve your information collection for your realm this turn.
    -[X] Keep at Hand: Keep Sullivan around. He'll likely pester you to start praying more, but having him on hand should increase your learning rolls.
    [x] plan king warrior
    [x] Cull Grimm: You want to do everything in your power to cull the creatures of grimm.
    -[X] Family: Spend some time with your family.
    [x] 5 prestige
    -[X] Train: Begin a routine of physical exercise in an attempt to improve your personal combat ability. You're already in good shape, but you're not in peak physical condition.
    [x] Independence (Self): Immediately declare independence from your Liege Lord. Note: doing so will begin War Turns, but since you have no Liege, things may be different.
    -[X] Count Beans: Invest yourself in running your realm, hopefully increasing your Stewardship. Will also give you a better picture of the realm's finances if completed successfully.
    [x] Hire Merchant: Spend a handful of lien to hire a Stewardship Instructor, and gain a courtier.
    -[X] Gather Rumors: Send out some agents to listen to the whispered word of your realm and beyond, collecting rumors, news, truths, lies, and everything in between. Allows for more accurate news and rumors, and better estimation of how things are in the world of Remnant.
    [x] Personally Spy: Your Spymaster is most likely occupied with other matters, or he/she/it does not fully possess your trust (or they're the one you're spying on!). Personally spy on a character, learning more about their personality, skills, secrets and ambitions.
    -[x] Chancellor Alan Black
    -[X] Study Religion: Work at improving your Learning score on your own.
    -[X] Keep at Hand: Keep Alan at court. Your own diplomacy rolls will have an added bonus, and if any crises come up, you will be much more prepared to deal with them.
    [x] Discourage Serf Revolt: You believe the serfs of your realm are growing unruly and discontent. Send Russet out with a token force to discourage any attempts to destabilize the realm.
    -[X] Conduct Census: Order Amity to compile a comprehensive and detailed report on your titles, the serfs that occupy them, and the general state of affairs in your realm. Will improve tax collection for a number of turns, and give you more specific numbers regarding your titles.
    -[X] Spy (Internal): Have Spymaster look inside your own court for malcontents and malicious thoughts. With any luck, he could uncover valuable secrets, and improve your information collection for your realm this turn.
    -[X] Keep at Hand: Keep Sullivan around. He'll likely pester you to start praying more, but having him on hand should increase your learning rolls.
    [X] Plan I Like Hats
    -[X] Improve Diplomacy: Must have Stat at 5 or below. You wish to improve you ability to talk good.
    [X] Replace/Appoint a New Councilor: Search for a new Marshal
    [X] Replace/Appoint a New Councilor: Search for a new Huntsman Superior
    [X] Marry: Search Remnant for a fitting Husband. Marriage is important, as it secures the continuation of your dynasty, cements alliances, and establishes claims.
    -[X] Speech Practice: Work at improving your ability to Diplomacize on your own. (Mirror, Mirror)
    -[X] Personally Patrol: Russet is occupied with other matters, or he does not fully possess your trust. Personally sally forth with your retinue to keep your lands safe.
    [X] Write-in: Personally Inspect Troops (normally council action)
    -[X] Infrastructure Inspection: Spend some time personally inspecting your Estate, seeing if anything can be run more efficiently.
    [X] Count Beans: Invest yourself in running your realm, hopefully increasing your Stewardship. Will also give you a better picture of the realm's finances if completed
    -[X] Gather Rumors: Send out some agents to listen to the whispered word of your realm and beyond, collecting rumors, news, truths, lies, and everything in between. Allows for more accurate news and rumors, and better estimation of how things are in the world of Remnant.
    [x] Personally Spy: Your Spymaster is most likely occupied with other matters, or he/she/it does not fully possess your trust (or they're the one you're spying on!). Personally spy on a character, learning more about their personality, skills, secrets and ambitions.
    -[X] Mayor Ulrich
    -[X] Study Religion: Work at improving your Learning score on your own.
    -[X] Keep at Hand: Keep Alan at court. Your own diplomacy rolls will have an added bonus, and if any crises come up, you will be much more prepared to deal with them.
    [X] Keep at Hand: Keep Russet at court. Your own Martial rolls might have an added bonus, and if any crisis come up, you think he can annoy the enemy to death.
    [X] Survey: Your father was content with his realm, and did not seek to exploit his lands to their full potential. Change that. Send Amity out with some prospectors to see what secret resources or secrets your land has hidden away.
    -[X] Spy (Internal): Have Spymaster look inside your own court for malcontents and malicious thoughts. With any luck, he could uncover valuable secrets, and improve your information collection for your realm this turn.
    -[X] Keep at Hand: Keep Sullivan around. He'll likely pester you to start praying more, but having him on hand should increase your learning rolls.
    [X] Patrol Lands: Your lands aren't in the best shape right now. Sending out the Huntsman Superior to help keep the grimm in check should do some good. The sight of a huntsman always inspires the serfs, and often assuages their fears. He might also return with some intel, should he discover anything useful.
    [X] Plan I Like Hats
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And there's the cut off point, and where you learn that your QM is not a consummate liar.

Now, it looks like it's Hats All The Way Down with PowerOfMind's I Like Hats. Time to get down and-
What? Chaos? The fuck are you talking about?

What the Dust? How did that get in there? Just ignore it. It never happened. Got it?
Uuuh... Yeah, time to get down to a totally normal turn where absolutely nothing will go completely wrong.
Omake Policy

I'm going to need a drink. Just... Learn all the religion. Freaking SV Dice Luck infecting my personal dice. Well, at least it balanced out...

I might as well set my Omake Policy now. I'll be stealing Redshirt_Army's Omake Policy (which he himself stole from Sage_Of_Eyes), which is that accepted Omakes usually gives +10 to a single roll (only one omake bonus can be applied to a roll) when I'm writing up the results or before I roll the dice on them, or a reciprocated Omake (like the Journal Entry) or even a Character Sheet. Whatever I feel is more appropriate for the Omake/situation.

A good rule of thumb for a creative writing Omake is that it's well written and at least 500 words, but that restriction can be lowered if it's a suitably entertaining piece. Non-creative writing pieces don't apply to the word count restriction, so don't sweat that. Also, the bonus happens whether it's Canon or not.
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By the way, Character Sheet and Dynastic Information Updated. This includes the Huntsmen that your family has sworn to them, and their apprentices, as well as your Retinue. And yes, I like numbers that are multiples of 5, how did you guess?
I'm going to be adding in a bunch of options on Turn 2, so don't worry, I'll be adding those in. Also, if you guys have ideas for upgrades to your holdings, I'll gladly consider them.
Visions: Turn 1 Results 1-3
You walked out of the council meeting feeling as if you had been talked around. For your twenty three summers, you've gotten through most of it by replacing your lack of people skills with your other skills. Well, you couldn't really challenge the other councilors to a duel when they said something you didn't like.

You know you're good at swordplay. Time to get just as good at talking.

Ambition Selected. When Diplomacy = 7, Ambition will end and you will gain +1 Diplomacy.

Before you can get good, there are a few things you need to do first. Namely, filling your cabinet.

Replace Russet
31 + 5 (diplomacy) - 10 (Plague) + 7 (Alan) = 33
Minor Success.

The first thing on the list is to find someone to replace Russet. You've never seen the annoying braggart fight, but anyone with a paunch like his can't be as good as he makes himself up to be.

Your discrete inquiries have made some progress, not only in avoiding the gaze of Russet, but also finding a replacement. Ser Reinhardt of the Order of The Blazing Spear, an Order Militant of the Kingdom of Zulu, has grown weary of the rivalries between his sibling orders in the lead-up to a holy war. Though he is past his prime, he is a competent strategist with years of experience leading men, and most of all, he is not a proud man. Finding him was a stroke of luck, and you have managed to convince him to join your court. Unfortunately, he has matters that need attending, so his appointment will have to be delayed until he arrives during the rainy season.

You breathe a sigh of relief. Your days of listening to that blow hard in you council are numbered.

Replacement for Russet found, Ser Reinhardt will arrive next turn (at best), Russet has no idea you want to replace him.

Search for Huntsman Superior
4 + 5 (Diplomacy) -10 (Plague) +7 (Alan) = 9
Significant Failure

However, your attempts to find a Huntsman outside of your lands to become the new Huntsman Superior were... Less than successful.

The plague in your lands has hampered your prospects in hiring in the kingdom, so you turned your focus to the nearby tribes. Unfortunately, your discrete questions were not discrete enough. You realize this when Razz kicked in the door of your room and bolted in with her characteristic, almost seizure-like gait.

"Heyboss. Ihavesomethingtoaskyou." 'Oh, this is just going to be great.' You think to yourself as she begins to motormouth. "IheardthatyouwerelookingforanewHuntsmanSuperior. Sooooo... DoyoujustnottrustyourownHunters?" You try to get a word in but she's already continuing. "'Cuzitsureseemslikeit. We'rehere,sowhyareyoulookingforsomenewguy?"

The rest of the conversation is long and rushed, or rather the rest of the rant is long and rushed. It looks like finding a new Huntsman Superior outside of your lands is not in the cards.

Relation with own Hunters damaged, lose Huntsman Superior action this turn, must appoint one of your own Huntsmen, knowledge of motormouth-eze grows.

Select Huntsman Superior:

[] Henry Liddel
[] Razz


47 + 5 (Diplomacy) -10 (Plague) + 7 (Alan) = 49

Your family really has gotten smaller. With only your brother as family, the house of Ravenswood is in danger. It's your duty as a noble to keep it going, but that's not the only reason. Your father had been heartbroken when he heard that Princess Diana had passed, breaking your brother's betrothal. It was more than just the breaking of a politically useful marriage, it was like he was seeing the best chance of him holding his grandchildren die screaming. You think it went a bit deeper than that, since he didn't push you to find a partner after mom died. Maybe he wanted to keep the family together?

Well, you're going to resolve that bit of guilt. You tell yourself that as you search for nobles who would accept a matrilineal marriage. Despite the plague, you and Alan managed to find some rather decent suitors.

Marriage Options to follow after interlude.

Speech Practice
76 + 7 (Alan) = 83
Major Success

"..." You stare at yourself in the mirror. "Why did I think this would work?" You think out-loud. "It's been three weeks, and all I've done is make it seem like I'm going crazy." You sigh. "Screw it, let's just-" You notice something in the mirror, bringing your attention to it. You watch it more intently as you finish. "-just go back to looking at Marriage options."

There is it, an unconscious closing of the hand. It's enough for an idea to start forming. Intent on testing it, you leave the mirror.

Erika, your brother's nurse is the first of your test subjects, and you find her washing linens in the courtyard. "Hey, Erika." You announce your presence, "Do you have time to talk?"

Erika, for her credit, didn't jump that much. "L-lady Ravenswood. What do you want to talk about?"

Small talk has never been your forte, but you manage to do quite a bit of it while watching Erika's body language. It's small stuff, but it's more than you were getting before. Just...

"This might be a little personal, but what do you think of my brother?" You thought it would be just more small talk, but you see her turn her head away and start wringing the linens with her hands. Huh.

"W-hat ever do you mean by that, Lady Skye?" Maybe there is something more going on than you thought.

"It's nothing, sorry."

Diplomacy +1, You are now more conscious about body language, +5 to detecting lies.

Personally Patrol
27 + 21 (Martial) + 6 (Russet) = 54
Significant Success

With the death of your father, the people of Yeqerta need to know that the Ravenswood haven't abandoned them. You gather your retinue, arm up and ride out to bring order to the land.

The first major incident that you nip in the bud are a small bandit clan that moved into the area to loot now empty buildings of their valuables. You spot them fleeing a burning farmhouse with their ill gotten gains in hand. You don't bother with capturing them for a later trial. Your retinue follows you as you put the bandits to the sword. Not a single one of their number escapes.

The second incident comes as your party rests after a chance encounter with a pack of Grimm attracts another. On the horizon, your scouts see a band of tribal raiders trying to gain glory and riches off your lands. You ride to meet them, and in the ensuing melee you were thrown off your horse, only to land on your feet in front of the raider's leader. The man was an exceptional fighter, even able to give you a run for your money with his axe, but you raised his head above the melee at the end. The raiders, now leaderless, routed and fled back to their lands.

So far you've crushed your enemies and seen them driven before you. Now you just need to hear the lamentations of their women.

Province morale improved, the people are starting to hope again, Grimm infestation slightly reduced, bandit clans discovered and driven out, stopped Raiders from pillaging your lands, +25 prestige from killing the raider's leader.

Personally Inspect Troops
48 + 21 (Martial) + 6 (Russet) -10 (Plague) = 71
Major Success

The plague really has done a number on your levy. Though the plague had passed over the majority of them, some of your levy didn't answer the call to assemble due to fears of the plague finding their family. Because it was you calling them and not Russet, you are sure that more answered the call than would have otherwise.

As it stands, your levy in this time of plague numbers 1,374 men and women, with the majority being Spear-riflers and normal Riflers (an inferior form of your Zouaves). In times of war, you can count on these citizen soldiers to come to your aid. As a side benefit, your appearance has inspired the levy to increase their training, and you are rather flattered when a war cry of "For Lady Skye!' is shouted through the ranks.

Plague-time Levy numbers known, morale in province improved, levy slowly improving their own skills and equipment. Russet is mildly miffed at you doing his job for him.


Infrastructure Inspections
74 + 12 (Stewardship) = 86
Major Success

As you patrol with your retinue, you spend time looking into the infrastructure of your lands. Despite the plagues that run through Yeqerta, the basic infrastructure was almost zealously maintained by your father. The few roads in the province are well kept, especially the King's Road leading to Buhaw Castle. The farm lands, however, are less kept given that there are fewer farmers working the fields. With the rainy season coming up, these farms would fall further into disrepair, but there is little that can be done now. Ridding your home of the plague would go a long way to returning it to it's former glory.

You do, however, have a few ideas of your own. Surrounding your farmlands with walls would be costly, but it would protect the crops from the Grimm and give you another line of defense should war come to your province. Fish and seafood are a large part of how you are still running a slight surplus on food, and footing the bill for Ulrich would both expand that and might even put you in a better light for him.

Yeqerta's Dust production is maintained by a single mine, one which has been in your family for generations. However, new veins of Dust are not being found as quickly in the area, so it might be time to search for another. Then again, there is already an established mine in the Temple of Minno, and purging the Grimm nest in there would let you get more shiny crystals, as well as just more prestige and options. So many options.

There are many more plans that you've come up with, but those are some of the more practical ones at the moment.

Upgrades discovered: Wall-den, Fishing Expansion. Action unlocked: Reclaiming Minno.

Count Beans
75 + 12 (Stewardship) = 87
Major Success

A large part of your father's reign was his excellent stewardship and no clearer sign can be found than in his ledgers. The notes are meticulous, your father's handwriting clear. Just like you remembered, father kept track of every Lien... Including gifts and bribes. It's an interesting read, especially since you can see a bit of a narrative in those hefty tomes. You see many gifts from Ulrich around the times that he was pushing for his son to marry you, though they sharply cut off after you marred his son's face... You're still not sure if you regret that or not. On the one hand, you unknowingly cut off a rather regular source of Lien. On the other, Ulrich was being a total ass about it. On the other, other hand, the son does look better with a scar, and he wasn't that bad of a guy.

You shake your head before turning the next page. A single entry catches your eye. "Why the Pit was father still paying Atlas?!"

Figures of Lien, Dust and Food are accurate. Stewardship +1. Knowledge of former incomes. Strange Facts discovered.


Gather Rumors
66 +7 (Intrigue) = 73
Major Success

Intrigue was never your specialty, but this isn't really cloak and dagger stuff, just a long series of social calls. You send letters out to your various friends, sparing partners, patrons, old soldier friends and even the odd rival or two, checking up on them and seeing just what the happenings in the nearby lands are.

This not-exactly-a-spy network (you might as well call it the Social Network) soon gives you a consistent, if not occasionally censored source of news of the nearby lands. Besides, it's always good to check up on acquaintances.

Social Network created, Rumor Mill unlocked, you get to feel good knowing that a lot of the people you know are not dead.

Personally Spy on Mayor Ulrich
60 + 7 (Intrigue) +10 (Agile) = 77
Major Success

You don't like Ulrich. He's a pushy, minor noble whose family bought their way into nobility, and he's only slightly less annoying than Russet with his passive aggressive loathing for you. You're pretty sure he's up to something, and the best way to find out is being a complete sneak about it.

For someone as agile as you, it's almost child's play for you to find a disused crawlspace near Ulrich's study. After that, it's simply a matter of waiting until you hear something interesting.

You must have been born under a lucky star, as not twenty minutes after you enter the crawlspace, you hear the door to the house open and a vigorous argument coming from the door. "I swear, it's like that bitch is trying to piss me off!" The angry shouting is obviously Ulrich, but you didn't expect the other voice.

"Come now father, it's not proper to talk about Lady Ravenswood that way." Huh, looks like his son is with him. "You need to let this feud die." You hear the door close and a pair of footsteps moving towards the study.

"Hmpf! You're the last person I expected to hear that from, Jove! You have every right to hate that feline murderer every time you look in the mirror! If I had half a mind, I'd kill her myself for what she did to you."

"I know that, father, and I know you've been paying people to get rid of her. I'm the one who was wounded, and I was also the one to pay those thugs to not get involved, and I'm telling you to let it go. Treason isn't good for business, and your head would be on the chopping block if those thugs talked."

Well... That's news.

Mayor Ulrich's Opinion of you revealed (-3/10), knowledge of Ulrich's attempts to have you killed, knowledge of Jove's sabotaging of those attempts, crawlspace hideout created (+5 to future spying attempts on the Ulrich House).

Study Religion
97 + 6 (Learning) +8 (Sullivan) = 110
28 + 10 (Critical Success Overflow) = 138
Critical Success Success

QM Note: Oh boy, here we go...

Perhaps it was the knowledge that someone was trying to kill you, or your survivor's guilt over father, but you threw yourself into studying the faith of the Children of Remnant in your spare time. For a faith, the books are not as boring as you remember them being. Sure, there is the odd chapter built entirely around the reporting of a family and their various descendants creating ancient tribes, but there are a lot more of Blessed Huntsmen bringing the fear of Dust to Grimm. You even mark a few of those as new favorite stories.

Near the end of the dry season, you really burn the midnight oil to get through one of the books: a tale of the Before Times and a apocalyptic fight against a demonic figure. Your eyes feel heavy and maybe just a little rest will...

Many years ago...

You are Ruby Rose: Huntsman, silver eyed warrior, and part of Remnant's last hope. Grimm smoke surrounds you and team RWBY as you climb the dark staircase in the most stereotypically evil lair you have ever seen. It had been a hard fight through the Dark Continent to get here, but finally you're in front of a pair of giant, ominous double doors. "Yang?"

"You got it, sis." Yang obliges by knocking the doors off their hinges, revealing a throne room.

You see the reason why you've come all this way, fought so much, lost so many, sitting on the throne. "Salem."

A knocking on the door wakes you, finding yourself almost drooling on the book. "What was that?"

Learning +2, a Strange Dream, +30 Piety.


42 + 14 (Amity) - 10 (Large Grimm) = 46

At the end of the dry season, Amity returns to Ravenswood Keep to give her report on what resources can be taken from your lands. Your friend's report gives you a few good leads on where to go next.

One interesting lead is that the area between the Cha-ha and Song-Tzu rivers is especially fertile, mostly due to the flooding that happens in that area during the rainy season. Expanding the farmlands in that direction would increase your food production, but you would have to be careful since the floods' strength can be unpredictable.

A second interesting find is that there is a good Dust vein on the eastern edge of your province... Or rather near your eastern edge. It seemed that while she was surveying, she had barely crossed over into the tribal lands of the Ekidnu tribe. The vein lies within their lands, but it is close enough to your lands that you could claim it even in a ceremonial war with the Ekidnu.

A find of less than good fortune is that Amity went to the Temple of Minno to see if it could be reclaimed. In doing so she attracted the strongest Grimm in that nest: a giant Tarenteli called Five Legs. The Grimm that had brought ruin to the temple was still living there. Taking it back would be a true ordeal.

Infrastructure plans unlocked: Flooded Farms, Ekidnu Dust Mine. Giant Tarenteli spotted in the Temple of Minno.

Spy (Internal)
36 + ??? (Spymaster) + ??? (???) - 10 (Plague) = ???

You wake up one morning to find a letter on your desk. It reads: "We need to talk. Come to the crypt at midnight. Come alone."

Go to the crypt?
[] Yes.
-[] Go armed.
-[] Go unarmed.
[] Don't go to the crypt.
[] Write in.

QM Note: I wanted to spend more time on this, but then I blazed through this in a haze of inspiration. Have fun with all these implications. Also, the lack of spacing in Razz's speech is intentional. Also, I'm currently having a councilor who stays at hand give half their stat bonus to you. If you want that changed, make an argument for it.
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[X] Henry Liddel

[X] Yes.
-[X] Go armed.

I'm not salty that my plan didn't get selected, you're salty
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This is the power of insomnia, my readers. Almost 3k words, most of which was finished in a night.

Man, I miss the days when I wasn't scared at what I could do with no sleep. On that note, good morning American. You're in for a fun little treat.
So we have a replacement lined up for Russet (who seems to have a Martial stat of 6) but in looking for a new Huntsman Superior we've pissed off our current Huntsmen, who we're really going to need if we want to take back Minno.

[X] Henry Liddel

I'd choose Henry because I'd guess he's more stable than Razz, especially since he has a daughter.

[X] Yes.
-[X] Go armed.
@Raiu You mentioned that we could claim that Dust vein that Amity discovered in Ekidnu lands (us that a typo for Enkidu from Babylonian myth, or Echidna from Greek myth?) in a ceremonial war? What is a ceremonial war? Could we claim it in a duel with a champion of the Ekidnu?

Also, with the payments we discovered in Dad's ledger going to Atlas, is that somewhere in Atlas the continent? Or is it the Huntsman who supposedly left our Dad's service?