A Strange Journal, Entry 1
I was born Vrim Rin'dan, a name which symbolized submissions to a holy Creator. My family and I lived in a village high in the mountains of Atlas, hidden from others by the extreme height and extreme temperatures. Grimm attacks were rare, the last happening years prior to my birth.

The local religion, based on the words of a mad prophet, claimed that one could avoid the Grimm by living a life of strict self-denial and communal living. The priest claimed that the holy Creator had created a paradise on Remnant, protecting us from the evils that would destroy us. My family firmly believed in

The Creator did not protect us from the raiders. I awoke in the dead of night to a chorus of screams. The raiders had climbed the high mountains in secret, setting upon us with the darkness of the New Moon. These raiders were muscled giant, some laughing manically as they carved through my neighbors, others frothing at the mouth as they carved through man and building alike. One grunted like a boar as he forced himself on my sister. I used her screams to make my escape.

I dashed from my family's home, avoiding raiders as I ran to where the village's militia would gather: the church. I stopped short when I saw the charnel house the church had become, the raiders howling under their bloodstained banner as they tossed the broken body of the priest between them like a child's ball. This village was no paradise, it was hell.

With rescue now the thing of miracles, I snuck into the church and hid in a pile of bodies that had been stripped clean of valuables. There, I stifled my breathing and watched the horror unfold.

One by one, the raiders returned, bringing with them my village's few valuables and those who did not resist, the former being far more females than males. I did not see my sister among that number.

The meager riches were piled at the feet of an older raider, who sat upon the altar, leafing through our sect's holy book. He scoffed as he threw the book away. "Dust, it's nothing but nonsense. Even that beggar Teller had more on him then these fools. Burn the books, and throw the menfolk in the fire. The women will fetch a good price."

I prayed desperately as the raiders doused the men and books in lantern oil, begging the Creator to smite the blasphemer, to save the people who I had known all my life. My prayers continued even as the flames leaped and the screams began.

I don't remember when I stopped praying, though the raiders had departed long before, taking with them their slaves. I remained, shaking in fear when I discovered the Grimm had arrived.

As their howls and inhuman cries echoed through my village, I clung to what the priest had taught me. Gather all your emotions and bury them as deep as you can. Feel nothing. Think nothing. Stay still and quiet.

My concentration was broken as I heard the ground shattering footsteps of a massive Grimm. My fear grew as the creature drew closer. When I saw a distorted hand made of darkness, my fear grew too much and broke free. The Grimm sensed my fear, and I saw a pair of horns dip down into the door frame.

My fear turned to terror but before I could move, the answer appeared before me, an inspiration from the true divine. Remnant is a cruel world, watched over by the Truth. To deny these facts is to invite ruin and despair into one's life.

This realization in my heart, I felt a wave of peace wash over me. The Grimm, no longer feeling the lure of fear, pulled itself away from the doorway to find more willing prey.

I was the only survivor of my village, the only one to realize the Truth. I threw away my name as I descended the mountain, choosing a replacement that would quietly mock the false gods below. I would spread the Truth to the unenlightened, and thus break the Grimm's reign of terror in Remnant.
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Now that I've finally gotten that scene out of my head, lets see who won.

Edit: Well that was a cluster. It looks like POW's plan wins. Character sheet will be updated before the Quest Start.
Adhoc vote count started by Raiu on May 21, 2017 at 8:12 PM, finished with 31 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Personal Weapon: Poise & Fury; Paired short swords. Fury is the larger of the two, as a sabre. Poise is a sword with a point, but no edge, meant for thrusting attacks and agile combat.
    [X] Ancestral Weapon: Medusa's Gaze; A trident-sniper meant for keeping one's distance all-around, from gunnery to bladework.
    [X] Appearance: KITTY! Uh, I mean, with cat ears.
    [X] Heraldry: Purple on Green
    [X] Personal Weapon: Shadowclaw a plain pitch black Longsword.
    [X] Ancestral weapon: Raven's Call A Glaive/axe with a collapsible shaft/handle, the shaft can collapse or expand quickly to catch enemies by surprise.
    [X] Appearance: But with no tail.
    [X] Personal Weapon: Greataxe
    [X] Heraldry: Powerofmind
    [X] Appearance: NavySeel
    [X] Appearance: Canadiian Patriot's
    [X] Ancestral Weapon: Mecha-shift Greataxe-Mortar
    [X] Heraldry: Powerofmind's
    [X] Personal Weapon: Though you rule your lands, you do so in your brother's place, and as such he is the rightful holder of your house's Ancestral Weapon. That doesn't mean that you don't have a favored weapon, even if it is simpler.
    -[X] Longsword. A Simple but strong blade. Name: Audaculus
    [X] Ancestral Weapon: Most noble houses have a master-crafted folding weapon that passes along with their primary title. Write-in what this weapon is, and name it.
    -[X] Custos; A Mecha-Shifting Halberd in which may transform into a high-caliber firearm.
    [X] Heraldry: A golden Lion on a white field.
    [X] Appearance:
    -[X] Picture: (with cat ears)
    [X] Plan Guardian
    [X] Heraldry: Design or submit the dynasty's heraldry.
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Aw, I thought that this might have been the time a plan I made might actually win. :( Regulars usually win anyway.

Oh well. Move on and all that.
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Don't worry too much there my patriotic hatman (or patriotic he-who-wears-the-pants-called-America, whichever you prefer). There will be many chances for your plans to win, but I will say that I'll be taking some of the plans that didn't win and making use of them in the Quest. For one, I really like Raven's Call and Shadowclaw, so you will see those appear in the quest. An elegant weapon for a more civilized age.

Expect to see many, if not most of the weapons you guys suggest make their way into the quest in one way or another.
Character Sheets and Dynastic Holdings

Age: 25
Gender: Female
Species: Cat Fanus
Religion: Children of Remnant
Epithet: Slayer of Five Legs, Kingmaker, The Greedy

Diplomacy: 10 (12 Due to Focus) 0
Martial: 23 0
Stewardship: 13 0
Intrigue: 7 0
Learning: 11 0

Traits: Skilled Tactician (+6 Martial, +1 Stewardship, +1 Intrigue, -1 Learning, +1 Personal Combat), Quick Witted (+3 to all stats), Duelist (+1 Martial, +5 Personal Combat, A Reputation), Agile (+5 Personal Combat, Misc bonuses), Shadows Of The Past, Brave (+2 Martial, +5 Personal Combat, +10 Morale), Scarred (+0.6 Prestige Per Turn), Dust Scholar (+2 Learning), Multilingual (Menagerai, South Trade, Central Trade), Endless Sleep (All Stats at 0, Health -4, Effects grow worse over time.)

Leadership Traits: Inspiring Leader (+10 Morale)​

Weaponry: Poise and Fury (a paired set of sabre and rapier), Medusa's Gaze (Trident-Spear, Ancestral Weapon), Skye's Zouave Rifle​


Spouse: Jove Strausberg Ravenswood (7/10)
Jove Strausberg Ravenswood - Husband of Skye Ravenswood, son of Mayor Ulrich Strausberg, Heir of the City of Suwama, Designated Regent of Yeqerta, Apprentice to Wynn
Species: Bull Fanus

Diplomacy: 11
Martial: 10
Stewardship: 19
Intrigue: 5 (8)
Learning: 7

Traits: Midas Touched (-1 Diplomacy, +2 Martial, +9 Stewardship, +2 Learning), Scarred (+0.6 Prestige Gain per turn.), Kind (+2 Diplomacy, -2 Intrigue), Content (-1 Intrigue), Reader (+1 Stewardship, Msic. bonuses to certain actions.)

Ambition: Be More Ambitious
Focus: Intrigue
Children: Zephyrus Ravenswood (Heir),Boreas Ravenswood, Lightning Ravenswood
Siblings: Earth Ravenswood
Parents: Knight Donovon Ravenswood, Lucretcia Ravenswood :(

Feudal Obligations:


King Alrich Asad (6/10)


Mayor Ulrich Strausberg (6/10)


Chancellor: Alan Black
Steward: Amity Rose
Marshal: Ser Reinhardt The Broken
Spymaster: Balthazar
Head Deacon: Sullivan
Huntsman Superior: Henry Liddel

Total Courtiers:

Court Physician: Dr Nail of Glacia



Skye Ravenswood
Jove Strausberg Ravenswood


Captain of the Guard: Zapelli
200/200 Spear-Riflers
75/75 Zouaves
100/100 Cavalry
25/25 Dragoons


Levy Size: 864
380/380 Spearfiler Levy
259/259 Spear Shield Levy
138/138 Zouave Levy
87/87 Light Cavalry Levies

Calling up the Levy will cost you roughly 9 Lien a turn for every turn that the Levy is active.

Special Units:
(2/4) Tortoise Ships: Military ships built for fighting against Grimm. Armed with wooden cannons, these ships have spiked canopies to dissuade Sea Grimm from coiling around the ships, which also prevent pirates from easily boarding the ships. (One built every four turns. Next Ship: Turn 11) (+20 to "Remove Sea Grimm", +15 to naval actions where each Tortoise is sent.)
-The White Fang
-Skye's Fury

Spearfilers: Units who use a crude combination of a spear and a smooth-bore rifle. Their light armor allows much faster charges and marches than their counterparts in the other lands of Remnant, but the sacrifice of both reach and protection increases the need for speed.

Spear Shield: Heavier counterparts to the Spearfilers, the Spear Shield units sacrifice the range of rifles for the protection of thick shields. Though slower, these melee focused units are capable of holding the line against concentrated fire.

Zouave: In the lands of Menagerie, the Zouave rifle is perhaps the greatest achievement in firearms. Reconstructed from tales of the legendary Menagerie Bush Rangers, these units can fire almost twice as far as Spearfilers using their rifled guns. While not focused on melee combat, they can use their long bayonets to protect themselves. They are also even less armored than the Spearfilers, reducing their staying power.

Light Cavalry: The Spearfilers of cavalry, these units are a harassing force built for hit and run tactics. While they would die swiftly if swarmed by the enemy, their speed with spear and shot allows them ample chance to avoid such a fate.

Cavalry: Dedicated shock troops armed with lance and pistol, these units form the basis of the knightly legend. These units valiantly charge enemy lines, moving forward regardless of arrows and shot flying towards them.

Dragoons: Heavily armored knights who fight with shotspears. While only slightly faster than Speariflers, these units are capable of charging into the thick of the enemy lines, causing havoc with each blast and stab of their weapons.




Fate Points: 0


You have 466.09 Lien, a good sum of money, but an extended war could ruin your finances.

Net Income: + 9.94 Lien per turn.
Total Income: + 22.73Lien
Taxes: +9.67 (Demanse: Castle Ravenswood) + 2.28 (Vassal: Samaki) + = 11.95 Lien
Total Trade: +5 Lien +10% (Yeqerta Roads) = 5.5 Lien + 3 (Boosted Trade) = 8.5 + 15% (Trade Practices) = 9.78 Lien
Rent: +1 Lien​

Total Expenses: -12.79 Lien
Holding Upkeep: -3 Lien
Retinue Upkeep: -0.87 Lien
Retinue Reinforcement (Normal): 0
Counselor Salaries: -5 Lien​
Obligations (Low): 15% * 26.13 = -3.92 Lien


8 Barrels of Impure Dust. With the additional Dust Mine you acquired from the Ekidnu, you are now producing a good surplus of Dust, though your ability to purify Dust has lagged behind.

0 Barrels of Red Dust. While you have acquired the knowledge of how to turn Impure Dust into Red Dust, you do not have the facilities in place to purify the Dust.

Net Income: -.25 Units per turn.
Mining +2.75
Total Income: +2.75 Barrels​

Total Expenses: -3 Barrels

-1 (Castle Ravenswood)
-1 (Samaki)
-1 (Minno)​

9 Units of High Purity Yellow Dust. These barrels were found in the Khronos Medical Bunker and their purity far surpasses anything you can currently buy on the market. Consequently, they are too powerful for your current power needs, explosively overloading any generator you place them in.


3.5 Units. With large numbers of Sea Grimm keeping the fishermen from catching food, you have been forced to pull from your supplies to ensure your people did not starve. Either you will need to wait for your farms to recover, expand your current farms, or deal with the Sea Grimm.

Net Income: -1.5 Units per turn.
Total Income: 1.75 Units​
.75 (Ravenswood Castle Farms)
.75 (Samaki Farms)

Total Expenses: -3.25 Units
-1 (Ravenswood Castle)
-1.25 (City of Samaki)
-1 (Temple of Minno)


Hopeful (Trending Upwards) (1/10).


You have 39.5 Prestige. The fact of the matter is: your enemies used your own methods against you and you paid a much higher price than they did. Everything you have done for your reputation, ruined in a single season. Well, the only way now is forward.

+2.9 Per Turn


You have 442.73 Piety. While the Synod did not publicly declare your involvement with the Children's Book, you're known to be a great helper to your faith.

+.56 Per turn

Name: Earth Ravenswood
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Species: Fanus (Cat)
Religion: Children of Remnant
Epithet: The Stubborn
Titles: None
Lovers: Erika (Lowborn Concubine of Earth)

Diplomacy: 20
Martial: 7
Stewardship: 9
Intrigue: 8
Learning: 9

Traits: Charismatic Negotiator, Wroth, Proud, Stubborn, Socializer, Falconer, Diligent, Multilingual (Menagerie, South-Trader, Valestran, Classical) (+1 Diplomacy)

Relations: Skye (6/10), Erika (10/10), Jove (2/10)
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Religion: Faithless

Diplomacy: 12
Martial: 6
Stewardship: 10
Intrigue: 11
Learning: -1

Traits: Incomplete Before Times General Education, Stranger in a Strange Land, Malaise, Faithless, Primed Aura, ???, Unknown Illness

Relations: Skye (?/10), Jove (3/10), Ulrich (4/10)

Age: 2 (Born Turn 3)
Gender: Male
Species: Faunus (mouse)
Religion: Children

Diplomacy: 7
Martial: 6
Stewardship: 7
Intrigue: 4
Learning: 4

Traits: Quick Witted, Twin (Boreas), Agile
Age: 2 (Born Turn 3)
Gender: Male
Species: Faunus (mouse)
Religion: Children

Diplomacy: 4
Martial: 5
Stewardship: 4
Intrigue: 2
Learning: 5

Traits: Twin (Zephyrus), Fascinated by Dust (+2 Learning)
Age: 1 (Born Turn 6)
Gender: Female
Species: Faunus (Unknown)
Religion: Children

Diplomacy: 1
Martial: 0
Stewardship: 1
Intrigue: 1
Learning: 0

Name: Ser Reinhardt of Zulu, Marshal of Yeqerta
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Religion: Rites of the Progenitors
Epithet: The Blazing Spear, The Broken

Diplomacy: 7
Martial: 14
Stewardship: 5
Intrigue: 0
Learning: 15

Traits: Holy Warrior (+3 Martial, +3 Learning, -1 Intrigue, +1 Stewardship), Sworn to the Sun Dragon (+3 Martial, -3 Diplomacy, Learning +3), Celibate, Scarred, One-Handed (Personal Combat - 8, Learning +1), Duelist (+3 Martial, Personal Combat + 10, Relation with other Duelists +1), ???? (????).

Leadership Traits: Inspiring Leader, Holy Warrior

Relations: Skye(10/10), Jove (Decidedly Less)
Name: Balthazar
Age: ??
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Religion: ???
Epithet: ???

Diplomacy: 0?
Martial: ?
Intrigue: High?

Traits: Creepy Bugger?, ???, ???, ???

Relations: Skye Ravenswood (-/10)
Age: "I stopped counting after thirty."
Gender: Male
Religion: "Seasonal, specifically Kuo Kuwaman New Reformed Winterist Congregation of 596 Reformation of 633 (non-practicing)."
Epithet: The Heretic Doctor, The Mad Healer

Diplomacy: 4
Martial: 7
Stewardship: 6
Intrigue: 10
Learning: 20

Traits: Dutiful Winterist (-1 Intrigue, +3 Learning), Renowned Physician (+1 Diplomacy, +2 Learning, +.5 Health, +.5 General Opinion, +.25 Monthly Prestige), Uncouth, Radical Scholar (+5 Learning, -.5 General Relation, -5 Physician Relation), Cynic (+2 Intrigue), Arbitrary (-2 Stewardship, +1 Intrigue, -1 Learning)
Work in progress
Name: Cilmi of Donna, Knight of Maskax
Age: 30
Species: Human
Religion: Children of Remnant - Reclamation sect
Epithet: The Scholar, The Arrogant, The Reclaimer

Diplomacy: 9
Martial: 9
Stewardship: 22
Intrigue: 14
Learning: 15

Traits: Fortune Builder, Shrewd, Scholar, Falconer, Greedy, Envious, Ambitious, Deceitful, Diligent, Reclaimer, Arrogant, Reader

Equipment: Curiosity (A restored blade from the Before Times. While thin, the weapon resembles a modern rapier with a tri-pointed tip.)

Name: Ritsuko Mutsu
Age: Believed to be 49
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Religion: Children of Remnant
Epitaph: The Witch, The Secretive

Diplomacy: ???
Martial: ???
Stewardship: ???
Intrigue: ???
Learning: 20

Traits: Mystic, Blind, Cassaundra's Curse, The Blood Is Strong, Sympathy for Menagerie, ???, ???
Name: Alric Asad
Age: 63
Gender: Male
Species: Fanus (Mistralian Wild Dog)
Religion: Children of Remnant
Epithet: The Undying, The Sword of Chaw, Taskmaster, Slayer of Foes and Grimm.

Diplomacy: 8+?
Martial: 20
Stewardship: 10+?
Intrigue: 10?
Learning: 8?

Traits: Skilled Tactician, Stubborn, Scarred, Proud, Ambitious, Worthy Warrior

Leadership Traits: Inspiring Leader, Organizer


Male Children as of Turn 7:
Adet Asad (Heir of the Kingdom of Chaw and Knightdom of Buhaw, Defender of Li Warran): Less of a warrior than his father, Adet is known for his knowledge of numbers, but some worry he would rule through ledgers rather than deed. He has two daughters, both younger than Ebon and nearing their nameday.

Arak Asad (Heir of the Knightdom of Wadno): Not terribly much can be said of Arak. While he is known to be a gracious host (and takes hospitality very seriously) and a good conversationalist, not much is expected of the heir of Wadno.

Akvavit Asad: If Arak could be considered mild, Akvavit is anything but. You have never met him, but you've heard him described as having "a warrior's heart." Considering "a warrior's heart" is a polite way to say "bloodthirsty", you are rather sure it's better he is off fighting for whoever pays the best outside of Menagerie.

Absinthe Asad: Absinthe has been doing well since you passed him over for marriage. Since his father's rise to power, he managed to secure a marriage with the Barkhomes of Kuokuwama. While it's clearly a political marriage, they seem to be doing well for themselves, and their first child has recently been born: a girl by the name of Vesper.

Title Holder: Knightess Skye Ravenswood

Inheritance: Agnatic-cognatic Gavelkind

Type: Castle (Feudal Castle)
Total Income: +1 Lien/Turn, +2 Dust/Turn, +.75 Dust/Turn

Road Level: 2

Levy Type: Low-Quality Feudal​
Levy Size: 1374
464 Militia
360 Foot Levies
437 Rifle Levies
103 Rider Levies​

Huntsman Superior: Henry Liddel: Unlike most Huntsmen, Henry Liddel doesn't make use of a mechashift weapon. The reason for this is due to his Semblance: excessively strong arms. You would think that this would put the large man at a disadvantage, but you've seen what he can do with his hands. You didn't even know that it was possible to lift a Goliath! He was appointed as the Huntsman Superior after an ultimatum by Razz, though he thought it was unnecessary.​
Apprentice: Alice Liddel: It is rather rare to see a Huntsman train an apprentice who is barely more than a child. This seems almost like a foregone conclusion when one realizes the relation the Hunter and the Apprentice share. Though she has yet to finish her training, her Semblance is unlike her father's. Instead of great feats of strength, Alice can cause those of weaker will to suffer distracting hallucinations. You went through one of those, having a weird chat with a hookah smoking caterpillar.​

Master Huntress: Razz: Oh Razz, the reason why, out of all the Dusts your family uses, Yellow Dust is the one you run out of the most frequently. Razz (you're still not sure if she has any other name) is like a broken toy wound too tightly. Always twitching and fidgeting, Razz uses a pair of long needles in conjunction with her electric Semblance to do some of the most horrific things you have ever seen done to a Grimm. You're rather sure she isn't a very stable person, if the Dust Threads that wind along her legs is any indication.​
Apprentice: One of an unknown name... (I smell Omake Fodder)​

Journeyman Huntsman: Fale Ofensdale: Once the apprentice of Razz, Fale has become a respectable Huntsman after the completion of his Trial. His flame-like sword, the Flamberge, and his ability to coat his weapon in flame has made him a rising star in your arsenal, pun quite intended. He has yet to fully come into his own, but once he has earned the right to train his own apprentice.
Apprentice: One of an unknown name... (I smell Omake Fodder)​


Geography: The southern most province in Chaw, Yeqerta is a nearly flat plain with various hills spread about. Being the only one with easy access to Menagerie's southern ocean, Yeqerta is in a unique position of both advantage and disadvantage. Though it has access to the southern ocean and the various trade offerings that come with it, it is unable to have easy trade with the other continents to the North. The Cha-ha and Song-Tzu rivers help alleviate this problem, but trade with the Carrion Lords of those lands are far from inexpensive, given the tarrifs.

Frequency of Grimm: Small Packs (1), Unnatural Growth (Slowed).
For some reason, the Grimm Hordes are growing unnaturally in Yeqerta. While in other lands, this growth would be considered normal for a malcontent people, your people are rather happy with their lives. There is something strange happening in the state of Yeqerta.

Oddities: A unique form of Menagerie Drop Bear lives in the scattered trees of Chaw. These Drop Bears are known to be especially aggressive, even towards the smaller forms of Grimm that wander under their trees. Standard folk repellents for these Drop Bears (and practical jokes upon new traders) include talking in a thick Atlesian accent, spreading brewer's yeast on the armpits, and leaving a shiny Lien at the foot of suspected Chaw Drop Bear trees to assuage their fury. In less "foreigners believe this to be a myth" fashion, the flow of the Cha-ha river occasionally reverses it's flow, allowing barges to easily travel north to Buhaw. These flows are sometimes called Conqurer's Flows, as the sudden changing of direction has changed the course of wars in Buhaw many times, even during the later years of the Before Times.



Castle Town I​
Next Upgrade: 115 112 Lien​
Castle Fortification I​
Next Upgrade: 200 194 Lien​
Castle Walls I​
Next Upgrade: 100 97 Lien​
Militia Training Grounds I​
Next Upgrade: 50 49 Lien​
Blacksmith I​
Next Upgrade: 45 44 Lien​
Stables I​
Next Upgrade: 100 97 Lien​
Zouave Lodge I​
Next Upgrade: 130 126 Lien​
Dust Excavation Site I​
Next Upgrade: 75 72 Lien​
New Upgrades:

Mustering Yard 1 (Requires Castle Infrastructure 1, Castle Walls 2)
Next Upgrade: 100 97 Lien​

Barracks 1
Next Upgrade: 60 58 Lien​

Flooded Fields: Managing the floods that come to sections of your fields will be difficult. On one hand, if you reduced the floods too much, the floods would not be able to improve the fields. On the other, if you did not reduce the floods enough, any farms that you build on this location will be washed away.
80 78 Lien
At Least One Turn
A Dash Of Luck​

Wall-den: Expanding the walls of settlements was how people protected themselves from Grimm attacks in the Before Times. It will be a long and expensive process, but if you manage to get this done, the amount of farm lands and population growth you can expect will sky rocket! Sometimes, ambition is a good thing to have.​
100 97 Lien
10 9 Dust
Five Turns​

Ravenswood Port: Samaki is home to the only port in Yeqerta, and it is a glorified fishing wharf. If you want to have ships of your own, constructing a port under the direct rule of the Ravenswoods would be a great start. As an added bonus, it would also provide you with fishing and trade that you don't need to get from taxes!​
50 49 Lien
1 Turn​

??? Lien
??? Dust
??? Turns​

Vassal Holdings:​
City of Samaki
Title Holder: Your Father-In-Law, Ulrich Strausberg

Inheritance: Agnatic-cognatic Gavelkind

Type: City (Coastal)
Total Income: +9.1 Lien/Turn, -1 Dust/Turn
Vassal Income: +6.825 Lien/Turn,
Levy Type: Trained-Quality Feudal​
Total Levy Size: 298
148 Spear Levy
75 Rifle Levy
45 Pikeflers

Vassal Levy Size: 44
23 Spear Levy
13 Rifle Levy
8 Pikefilers​

Marco - The Strausberg Hound.
-Apprentice: ????

Existing Upgrades
City Moat
Upgrade: 50 48.5 Lien
Town Palisade
Upgrade: 50 48.5 Lien
Primitive Millitia Training Grounds
Upgrade: 200 194 Lien
Militia Mustering Ground
Upgrade: 120 116.4 Lien
City Guard Quarters
Upgrade: 120 116.4 Lien
Town Market
Upgrade: 120 116.4 Lien
Small Harbour
Upgrade: 120 116.4 Lien
Shipyard 1
Upgrade: 100 97 Lien

-Fishing Expansion: Expanding the fishing capabilities of Samaki would be an interesting way to provide more food to your people, though you would need to ensure their safety from sea based Grimm. The commissioning of additional fishing boats would also help build up a navy, or even allow you to hunt whales, though those are beyond your capabilities as of yet.
75 73 Lien
2 Turns

Temple of Minno
Title Holder: Ambo Arukaba

Inheritance: Theocratic Children - Private Investiture

Type: Temple (Plains)
Total Income: +4 Lien/Turn, -.5 Dust/Turn
Vassal Income: +4 Lien/Turn,
Levy Type: Low-Quality Feudal​
Total Levy Size: 130
45 Spear-filers
45 Shield Bearers
40 Riflers
Vassal Levy Size: 0


Existing Upgrades

Temple Walls 0
Upgrade: 50 Lien
Temple 0
Upgrade: 150 Lien
Militia Quarters 0
Upgrade: 100 Lien
Barracks 0
Upgrade: 100 Lien
Temple Town 0
Upgrade: 100 Lien
Khronos Medical Bunker
-Tomb: 250 Lien
-Restore 1: 1000 Lien, 100 Yellow Dust

Temple Fortifications 0 (Needs Temple Walls 1)
Upgrade: 50 Lien
Monastic School 0 (Needs Temple Walls 1, Church Infrastructure 3)
Upgrade: 120 Lien

Holding Slots: One Remaining​

Military Technologies:
-Military Organization 1: +6% Morale, New Unit (Shield-Spears [Heavy]).
-Light Infantry 1: Light Infantry Technology Bonus increased by 1.
-Archers 1: Archer Technology Bonus increased by 1.
-Heavy Infantry 2: Heavy Infantry Technology Bonus increased by 2.
-Cavalry 1: Cavalry Technology Bonus increased by 1.
-Firearms 1: Advances in Firearms have made your ranged units even more deadly. Technology Bonus increased by 2 for ranged focused units. Dust Ammo now available.
-Shipbuilding 1: Allows the construction of ports. Number of galleys +10%.

Economic Technologies:
-Trade Practices 2: +15% Trade income, Trade Port Cap *-33.3%, new construction Trade Port.
-Construction 1: Construction costs reduced by 3%.

Cultural Technologies:
-Before Times 1: Basic knowledge of use of Before Times-based technology.
-Dust Refining (Red) 1: You can now refine Impure Dust into Red Dust. Ratio 2:1. Can be turned into Red Dust Ammo.
-Medicine 2: Hospitals are more effective, +10 to Court Physician treatment, disease duration shortens.

Light Infantry 1/8
Archers 1/8
Heavy Infantry 2/8
Cavalry 1/8
Siege Equipment 0/8
Shipbuilding 1/8
Military Organization 1/8
Firearms 1/8

Castle Infrastructure 0/8
City Infrastructure 0/8
Improved Defenses 0/8
Trade Practices 0/8
Construction 1/8

Noble Customs 0/8
Popular Customs 0/8
Religious Customs 0/8
Majesty 0/8
Legalism 0/8
Before Times 1/8
  • Medicine 2/8
    • Sanitation 0/8
  • Dust Refining 1/8
    • Red Dust Refining 1/8

Strange Tome (On Dust) - "I think I've seen this a few times. It's an old book about Dust, from some company that was around before I was."
Strange Disc (Les Hunters) - "It's a movie... I don't think I've seen this one before."
Broken Before Times Huntsman Weapon (Katana-Gun & Sheathe Cleaver) - "Oh cool, I saw this one in the last Vytal Festival. She was pretty cool. I wonder what happened to her."
Strange Machine with a Letterboard under a Black Mirror - Computer
5 Strange Hand-sized Glass Machines - Scrolls
Strange Thin-Tome-sized Glass Machine - Tablet
Before Times folding knife (well used, grip made of rotted away wood.) - "I mean, it's a knife. I don't know how else to put it."

Before-Times Generator (can power Before Times relics, but requires 1 Unit Yellow Dust of at least Medium Purity, or .5 Units Cyan Dust per use).

The Children's Book, 1st Edition (+1 Learning)
Longcaster - Reduces envoy times with nobles who have a Longcaster. Takes up an entire room.

Other Characters

Gilgamesh, Champion of the Ekidnu Tribe, The Lion
Age: 47
Race: Faunus (Lion's Mane, Holy Shit Dat Beard)

Diplomacy: 7
Martial: 23
Stewardship: 11
Intrigue: 5
Learning: 4

Skilled Tactician, Strong, Giant (+2 Martial), Laconic (-1 Diplomacy, +5 when making decrees), Duelist, Charitable, Patient
Name: Rigard Sand, Bastard Son of King Buhaw
Age: 46 (Murdered: 996)
Gender: Male
Species: Fanus (Eagle)
Religion: Children of Remnant
Epithet: The King of Bastards, The Honorable, Buhaw's Pious Shield, The Banished

Diplomacy: 12
Martial: 18
Stewardship: 10
Intrigue: 10
Learning: 16

Traits: Scholarly Theologian, Kind, Disinherited Bastard, Strong, Strategist, Proud, Ambitious, Stubborn, Gregarious, Pilgrim, In Hiding

Leadership Traits: Holy Warrior, Defender

Age: 51 (Killed: 1003)

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Religion: Children of Remnant

Epithet: The Boisterous Huntsman, The Loudest Man, Bane of Grimm, The Wrathful, The Traitor, The False King

Diplomacy: 6

Martial: 18

Stewardship: 5

Intrigue: 11

Learning: 18

Traits: Master Huntsman, Semblance (Shout), Brawny, Ambitious, Wroth, Proud, Brave, Adventurer, A Pawn In The Great Game

Dr. MERLOT, Psychological Assessment

Business Acumen: B

Fellowship: C

Intelligence: S+

Military Acumen: C

Piety: F

Secrecy: A

Traits: Twisted Genius, Doctorate of Biology and Medicine from the University of Vale, Businessman, Grimm Studies, Before Times Native, Augmented, Experimental Fetish, No Price Too High, The Experiments Must Go On.

Age at Death: 43 (-3 AF)

Name: Marco, The Strausberg Hound
Age: 34
Species: Faunus (Hound)
Religion: Children of Remnant
Epithet: The Strausberg Hound

Diplomacy: 5
Martial: 15
Stewardship: 4
Intrigue: 4
Learning: 10

Traits: Tough Soldier, Scarred, Bastard, Strong, Wroth, Brave, Trusting, Loyal, Huntsman, Semblance (Dogged Determination), Intimidating

Equipment: Huntsman Weapon - The Hound's Jaw (A man-catcher-Goliath-gun combo sturdy enough to stop a charging Ursa.), One well used and well loved truncheon.
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You've likely noticed that there's a lot missing from the Character Sheet. I'll be adding more to it once the first turn is up.

You also may have noticed that the Estate spoiler is broken. My only response to that is *SHRUG*

Edit: A week later and I managed to get it fixed. BOOYAH!
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The Funeral of a Good Man 1-0 (QUEST START)
Head Deacon Sullivan takes the pulpit in the Ravenswood Church, the closed casket laying on a table of white cloth in the center of the isle. "Beloved Children," The priest begins, "We are gathered here today to honor a great man. Many of you knew Knight Donovan Ravenswood as a good and honest Lord, one who cared deeply for his people and treated them as if they were his own children."

You hear Earth stifling a coughing fit in his seat, a short distance away from everyone else. Erika, his nurse, bent towards him in concern, but he waved her away, holding his handkerchief to his mouth. Sullivan continued uninterrupted.

"The Nameless One saw fit to allow me a different knowledge of Donovan. We met as wards under the care of King Tavros III, and became fast friends. Donnie, as I knew him, was a man of a thousand questions, and a thousand and one solutions. Even though we were still but children, my friend firmly believed that he could make the lives of others better and he worked tirelessly to learn how. I'm sure King Tavros is groaning now that Donnie is badgering him with questions, again." The High Deacon spoke in jest, and a light laughter passed through the church. Despite yourself, you feel a small smile forming on your face.

"I believe The Nameless One gave Donovan a heart large enough for ten men. All were welcome at his table; from the highest King to the most common of men, he welcomed them all with open arms. Even when the love of his life and his unborn child rode ahead of him into the Nameless One's embrace, he never once let his love for others wain." Your ears lie flat at the mention of your mother. 'Has it really been only three years?' You shake your head. Not now.

"Donovan was a man who should have entered the Nameless One's slumber surrounded by his loved ones. Even though the disease ruined his body, he never lost faith in his people. Let us learn from the strength of my friend, and may his rest be peaceful."

"May his rest be peaceful." The congregation echoes.

"Let us pray."

The next day is not filled with coronations and well-wishings. It is spent worrying if the chill of the underground church had worsened Earth's condition, and the wait to see if you have lost another family member. Damn it, why did Earth had to be so pig-headed sometimes, it's like he's asking to get even sicker. Well, at the very least Father's ashes are now in the family crypt, so you don't have to worry about his ghost haunting you. Now you just have to keep everything from falling apart.

You gather up the documents you had been glancing over and make your way to the council chamber. You need to know how screwed up everything is.
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State of the Province 1-1
Before you leap into policy, you're thankful that you had mind enough to create a report on the dynasty's position.


The castle feels emptier with a third of your remaining family gone, and any moment would make that two thirds. As it stands, you only have to worry about your brother, but you're almost sure he's too stubborn for the plague to kill him.


Before your Father's time, your family had two vassals: the City of Sawami and the Temple of Minno. The later was destroyed by a giant Tarenteli and the site has since become a nest for Grimm that refuses to be pacified. The former, however, is still around and its mayor is a pain in your arse.

Court in Total

Earth Ravenswood: Your older brother, only remaining family member, pig-headed man and liege all rolled into the body of an invalid. Of the two of you, there is no doubt that he is the more eloquent, but he could never match you in a contest of skill. He had been betrothed to the youngest daughter of the late King Buhaw X, but that died along with the rest of the Buhaw line. You're not sure why he hasn't abdicated yet, but it may be due to the plague ravaging the lands.
Opinion: (6/10)

Mayor Ulrich Strausberg (Your Vassal): You have never liked this greedy bean counter, and you are rather sure it is mutual. Though the Strausberg family has been with the Ravenswood since your grandfather built Sawami, Ulrich had the gall to try and trick you into marrying his son. To be fair, you may have overreacted a bit, but his son does look better with that scar. Maybe.
Opinion: (2/10, you think.)

Chancellor Alan Black: This position was once held by your brother, but with him now Knighted, the position was given to his former aide. You're not sure what to think of this wolf faunus. More Below.
Opinion: (?/10)

Marshall Russet Brann: Oh Dust, this guy. Human. More Below.
Opinion: (BOASTING/10)

Steward Amitity Rose: Tiger Faunus (yes, she is self-conscious about the whiskers). She has a excellent head for numbers. You once helped her fight off some bandits during tax season, an event which started, if not a friendship, then a good working relationship.
Opinion: (7/10)

Spymaster ????: You've never seen the family's spymaster, but you are certain you have one. Your father received intelligence reports frequently, so whoever it is must be good at their job... Now where the Grimm is this person?!
Opinion: (?/10)

Head Deacon Sullivan: A close personal friend of your father, Sullivan has been with the Ravenswood family for as long you can remember. He's fond of you, in the way that old men can be, and regards you as the scrappy little tomboy you were as a child... Alright, that you still are. A dove faunus with feathers in his balding head hair. More below.
Opinion (8/10)

Hunter Superior: This position is unfortunately vacant. The previous Hunter Superior was an old hunter by the name of Drake, who retired and left your lands once the plague reached Ravenswood Keep. Coward. You've yet to appoint a replacement among your family's hunters.

Captain of the Guard: Well, at least you don't have to worry about your loyalty to yourself...



Alan Black was your brother's aide back when your father was alive. For a chancellor, he is rather quiet, but you know that it isn't a sign of boredom. Just him listening very, very closely. When he does speak, he displays a sharp and satirical wit. He even managed to get Russet to shut up with a few words, and that's a miracle!


Oh Dust, where to start with Russet Brann. You have no idea where he came from, hopping off a boat that looked like it went to hell and back. Is he incompetent? Yes, but for some damn reason the men seem to like him. After all, they gave him the nickname "Rupert". You think that's good.


Amity Rose is someone you could consider a friend. While she doesn't have a mind that can calculate the sum of all the numbers between one and ten in an instant, she can do it in a few moments. There is one thing that rubs her the wrong way, and that's the fact that she has the whiskers of a tiger and mentioning that is a sure way to unsettle her.



Head Deacon:

Sullivan is perhaps your greatest ally in the court. While the oldest and most respected member of the court, he is not the type to make major power plays. If anything, he really just wants to see that your father's lands return to peace... Well, and also to see you pray more. Seriously, he has a major guilt stare and isn't afraid to use it.


Retinue: (Household Troops)

You have a good grasp on the men in the retinue, after all, you've trained with all of them. Unlike the forces of other lands who rely on slow moving lines of infantry supported by fast moving cavalry. While that would work in the limited space and defensive battles of other nations, the wide open plains of Menagerie make such armies... Difficult.

The core of your army is made up of Spear-Riflers, a faster, more lightly armored version of Pikeriflers, who are supported by rifle wielding Zouaves who are trained to move quickly in the desert heat. Finally, your cavalry consists of Dragoons, heavily armored cavalrymen who swing into the flanks of opposing armies once the melee has been joined. Your lighter cavalry acts as tool for harassment and taunting the enemy.

75 Spear-Riflers
50 Zouaves
20 Dragoons
15 Cavalry


For all intents and purposes, you might as well not even have levies. With the province stricken with the plague, the levies who would answer the call are... Low.

If the plague was not ravaging your lands, you would assume the pre-plague figure of 1500 would answer the call, costing you roughly 10 Lien a turn unless they were raiding.

Realm Politics

Keep of Ravenswood

If there's one good thing about this situation it is that the lands around Ravenswood Keep are rather peaceful. Much of that is due to you patrolling the lands to work out your frustrations while your father laid dying. At the very least, there's no bandit armies ready to take the keep if you leave it.


"SHIT'S FUCKED, YO!" Who the hell wrote that in your notes... Well, it fits. No King, and everyone being a relation of the King in some way (you think you're a fourth and second niece... Thinking on it, Menagerie is a bit weird), there's no doubt there will be a civil war. The question is: who will strike first?

Kingdom of Chaw (Internal)

See above.

Kingdom of Chaw (External)

Thankfully, just about all the nearby neighbors are too busy dealing with the plague to meddle in Chaw's state affairs. Of course, some of the nearby tribes have closer ties to the other Knights, so they may join in the war if called for.

With your report reviewed, you step into the council chamber...
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Blame the dice. Blame the dice that you've gotten a Brann. Thank the dice that you've got skill and pull enough to keep the retinue out of his hands. Blame them for the fact that he is the least of your problems. Fear the dice because it's time for the CK2 Quest Tradition.
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Turn 1 Decisions 1-2
As your brother's representative, you are charged with making the decisions that he would. Now you just need to keep things from falling apart.


Select a single ambition to pursue. Once selected, they cannot be abandoned for at least six turns.

[] Have a Son: You want to have a strong son.
[] Have a Daughter: You want to have a strong daughter.
[] Cull Grimm: You want to do everything in your power to cull the creatures of grimm.
[] Become Chancellor: You want to become the Chancellor for your liege lord.
[] Become Marshal: You want to become the Marshal for your liege lord.
[] Become Steward: You want to become the Steward for your liege lord.
[] Become Spymaster: You want to become the Spymaster for your liege lord.
[] Become Head Teller: You want to become the Head Teller for your liege lord.

[] Amass Lien: You want to dive into a big pile of brightly colored cards.
[] Hm? Hmmmm? HMMMM??: You want to gather an obscene amount of Dust.
[] Become Huntsman: You want to gain the prowess of a Huntsman.
[] Improve Diplomacy: Must have Stat at 5 or below. You wish to improve you ability to talk good.
[] Become Exalted Ruler: You wish to make a name for yourself and your dynasty.
[] Legendary Warrior: You wish to be remembered as a Legendary Warrior.
[] Become King: You want to be the ruler of the realm.

Personal Decisions

As a Knight, you are expected to keep the Estate in running condition, and you have a large toolbox to do whatever it takes to achieve your goals. Also, not for all [Character] targets, if you don't know their name, just write in their title or role, i.e. [Knight of Taugkolm's Heir]


Pick Two! Can double down on one by only selecting a single action. Also, any unused action will be converted into five points of Prestige.

[] Host a Tournament: Host a tournament in your realm! If you have sufficient power and prestige, the Hunters and soldiers of the realm will flock to your realm to prove their mettle in the martial arts. Starts the 'Tournament' Event.
-30 Lien
-2 Food
[] Host a Feast: Hold a feast within the halls of Thromrhold Castle. Your vassals are invited to attend your display of wealth and power. Starts the 'Feast' Event.
-30 Lien
-1.5 Food
[] Host a [Grimm/Game] Hunt: Invite the nobles of your realm to participate in a hunt! Gather meat for the coming winter or test your mettle against the creatures of Grimm. Starts the 'Game Hunt' or 'Grimm Hunt' event.
-10 Lien
[] Host Games: Gather your vassals to your hall to witness the serfs participate in games of strength, agility, and mental acuity.
-20 Lien
-1 Food
[] Replace/Appoint a New Councilor: Appoint [Character] to the position of [Councilor], or search the Estate of Thromrhold for a suitable replacement. If you search for a new one, the councilor you replace might be reluctant to perform his or her counselor actions.
[] Family: Spend some time with your family.
[] The Good Doctor: The Court Physician had done his best for your father, and is keeping your brother from falling from the Plague, you think its time you searched for one more experienced in curing the plague.
-15 Lien
[] Write-In: Write in an action that doesn't easily fit into the other categories.


Pick Two! Can double down on a single one by only selecting a single action. Also, any unused action will be converted into two points of Prestige.

[] Invite a Noble to Court: There are plenty of unlanded nobles looking for a place to call their home. Have one join your court! Perhaps they will prove themselves useful.
[] Befriend: Focus on improving your relationship with a character.
[] Marry: Search Remnant for a fitting Husband. Marriage is important, as it secures the continuation of your dynasty, cements alliances, and establishes claims.
[] Marry Off/Betrothe: Marry off a courtier, a child, or an unlanded relative to a suitable groom for claims or alliances. A list will be provided after the character you're marrying off is selected. Earth is unmarried, but considering his health, doing so may not be the best option.
[] Open Negotiations: Open diplomatic talks with a Carrion Lord outside your Estate.
[] Speech Lessons: Spend a handful of lien and an insignificant sum of prestige to hire a Diplomacy Instructor, hopefully increasing your ability to diplomacize.
-30 Lien
-5 Prestige
[] Educate Child: Send your siblings to an educator of your choice.
[] Speech Practice: Work at improving your ability to Diplomacize on your own. (Mirror, Mirror)
[] Demand [Title]: Demand a title from your Liege Lord. Success is based on your stats, your titles, and your relationship with that character.
[] Revoke Title: Revoke a Vassal's title. If done unjustly or arbitrarily, it will incur the claim of tyranny, and other dire ramifications.
[] Request [Council Seat]: Request a seat on your Liege Lord's council. Success is based on your relevant stat, and your relationship with that character.
[] Write-in: Write in a diplomacy-oriented action not listed above.


Pick Two! Can double down on a single one by only selecting a single action. Also, any unused action will be converted into two points of Prestige.

[] Independence (Self): Immediately declare independence from your Liege Lord. Note: doing so will begin War Turns, but since you have no Liege, things may be different.
[] Raid: You have decided it is time to descend upon a foreign shore once more. Pick a target, raise your levies, prepare your ships, and await the promised day to venture forth. Begins Raiding Turns, and consumes all your Martial actions for the turn.
[] Personally Patrol: Russet is occupied with other matters, or he does not fully possess your trust. Personally sally forth with your retinue to keep your lands safe.
[] Expand Retinue: You've decided to expand your already considerable retinue. Trained soldiers do not come cheaply, but they will be able to give your personal guard a good boost in strength. Send out feelers to find you a company of suitable troopers.
Most Expensive -500 Lien Hire/10 Lien per turn
Least Expensive -50 Lien Hire/5 Lien per turn
[] Hire Mercenaries: Hire a company of Mercenaries to do your bidding. Extremely expensive, and will vanish the instant their pay does, but they are experienced and battle-hardened. Send out some feelers to see which companies are without contract.
Most Expensive -300 Lien Hire/ 25 Lien per turn.
Least Expensive -50 Lien Hire/ 10 Lien per turn.
[] Order Military Stockpiling: Invest in the stockpiling of weapons and ammunition, in the event war should be thrust upon you.
10 Lien
5 Dust
[] Train: Begin a routine of physical exercise in an attempt to improve your personal combat ability. You're already in good shape, but you're not in peak physical condition.
[] Hire Strategic Tutor: Spend a handful of lien and an insignificant sum of prestige to hire a Strategic Instructor. You're a damn good leader and tactician, but you're not so self-consumed as to you think that you're the best. Just really, really good.
-35 Lien
-5 Prestige
[] Promote Commander: Promote a specific [character] to command your armies. Your current commanders are: Russet Brann.
-5 Lien
[] Write-in: Write in a Martial-oriented action not listed above.


Pick Two! Can double down on a single one by only selecting a single action. Also, any unused action will be converted into two points of Prestige.

[] Upgrade [Building]: Upgrade one of your Holdings's Buildings.
Cost Varies
[] Legislate: Adjust the Laws of your realm according to your wishes. Same CKII adjustment rules apply for Levies, Crown Laws, and Taxes. Right now, Feudal Taxes are: 'None', City Taxes are 'Low', Feudal Levies are 'Normal', and City Levies are 'Normal'. Can also adjust taxes on a smaller, character-based level. (Tax those dudes into space!)
[] Upgrade Roads: Invest in the travelling infrastructure of your realm. Should allow for more efficient trade and the speedier passage of armies.
70 Lien
[]Upgrade Vassal Holding: Offer to foot the bill of upgrading one of your Vassal's Holdings.
Cost Varies
[] Upgrade Liege Holding: Offer to foot the bill of upgrading a Liege's Holding.
Cost Varies
[] Construct New Holding: Build a new Holding on your territory. You gain a title when it is complete.
400 Lien (City)
500 Lien: (Castle)
[] Infrastructure Inspection: Spend some time personally inspecting your Estate, seeing if anything can be run more efficiently.
[] Adjust Salaries: Adjust the salaries of your personal retinue and councilmen. Might have adverse affects if set too low.
[] Count Beans: Invest yourself in running your realm, hopefully increasing your Stewardship. Will also give you a better picture of the realm's finances if completed successfully.
[] Hire Merchant: Spend a handful of lien to hire a Stewardship Instructor, and gain a courtier.
-25 Lien
[] Purchase Bauble: Buy a nice [wardrobe/piece of jewellry/sweet hat]. Can be a gift or for personal benefit.
-5 Lien
[] Research: You've always felt like more could be done about the state of technology in your realm. Spend a good chunk of time buried in books and diagrams to see if you can devise a new innovation, or recover a lost technique from the Time Before.
[] Write-in: Write in a Stewardship-oriented action not listed above.


Pick Two! Can double down on a single one by only selecting a single action. Also, any unused action will be converted into two points of Prestige.

[] Imprison Character: Imprison [Character] in your dungeons. If done unjustly or arbitrarily, can cause negative impacts. Can only be done to Vassals or Courtiers.
[] Assassinate Character: Hire an assassin to kill a character. Massive prestige loss if implicated in the deed. Can only target those of Lord-level titles or lower. Kings-level targets require the formation of plots.
50 Lien
[] Independence (Faction): Start a faction within your Liege's realm to renounce his rule over your lands.
[] Kidnap Character: Kidnap a character from within your realm. Different from Imprisonment in that it is performed by "bandits", and won't incur tyranny if the target is a vassal.
25 Lien
[] Plot: Plot with other characters to Kidnap or Assassinate a character outside your realm (can involve and implicate other characters). Massive prestige loss if implicated in the deed. Will begin an active Plot.
[] Invite to Plot: Invite [Character] to join your plot. Success will depend on your relationship with that character, and their relationship with the target.
[] Schmooze: Visit your Liege's court, gathering useful intelligence and opinions.
[] Gather Rumors: Send out some agents to listen to the whispered word of your realm and beyond, collecting rumors, news, truths, lies, and everything in between. Allows for more accurate news and rumors, and better estimation of how things are in the world of Remnant.
5 Lien
[] Arrange 'Accident': If you have decided to host a tournament, feast, or hunt, pick a [Character] to suffer an unfortunate accident. Write-in the preferred outcome.
5 Lien
[] Seduce: Use your charms and wiles to seduce a character.
[] Personally Spy: Your Spymaster is most likely occupied with other matters, or he/she/it does not fully possess your trust (or they're the one you're spying on!). Personally spy on a character, learning more about their personality, skills, secrets and ambitions.
[] Gossip: Spread humiliating rumors about [Character].
[] Write-in: Write in an Intrigue-oriented action not listed above.


Pick One! If you choose not to spend one, it will be converted into two points of Prestige.

[] Study Religion: Work at improving your Learning score on your own.
[] Pray: Spend some dedicated time praying. Roll for Piety gain.
[] Hire Deacon: Spend a handful of piety and an insignificant sum of prestige to hire a Deacon to hopefully increase your Learning. The Deacon will join you at Court.
-10 Piety
-5 Prestige
[] Study the Significance of Dust: Children of Remnant place an emphasis on Dust, and though you think of them as nothing more than useful trinkets and power, there should be a reason why it is so important.
[] Write-in: Write in a Learning-oriented action not listed above.

Free Actions

These actions take so little time to complete, they can be done immediately.

[] Name Regent: Name a Regent in the event of your untimely demise.
[] Bestow Honorary Title: Give [Character] (a vassal or courtier) a functionally useless but fancy-sounding title.
[] Gift: Give [Character] a healthy sum of Lien.
-20 Lien


In the Age of Grimm, each Carrion Lord holds court with his vassals. As the Regent to the Knight of Yeqerta, you are no different. The members of your Council will advise and aid you in your rule - no one man or woman can do it alone. According to their station, they can perform a variety of tasks or provide you with sage advice and assistance during tenuous situations, should you decide to keep them close at hand. Keep in mind - they are your vassals, and will perform any task you assign them to the best of their ability… but they may have their own ambitions and goals as well.

Each Councilor can perform a single action. Note: since it's impossible to provide you all with a name for every single character, feel free to substitute a realm title for [Character] when appropriate. If you need clarification, feel free to PM me about it, I'll do what I can to help out.

Chancellor - Alan Black is a competent diplomat, so he can be trusted not to ruin things completely without good reason. Thankfully, he knows when to keep his mouth shut, and when to go for his opponent's jugular.

[] Fabricate Claim: Have Alan fabricate a claim on one of [Character's] titles. If obtained, it appears as if you hold a strong claim to another's title, and a war to possess it is justified. It would be a good way to expand your territory, but it might take awhile to draw up the required documents.
[] Improve Relations in [Character's] Court. Send Alan to [Character's] court. There, he can help the Carrion Lord to understand your noble intentions and sway others to think well of you. Can also be performed in your own court. If you don't know the exact character's name, write in their title.
[] Sow Dissent in [Character's] Court. Send Alan to [Character's] court. Once there, he'll embed himself in various Holdings, sowing mistrust and hatred between a liege and his vassals.
[] Keep at Hand: Keep Alan at court. Your own diplomacy rolls will have an added bonus, and if any crises come up, you will be much more prepared to deal with them.
[] Write-in: Alan is an useful man. Should you conceive of something he might be able to help you with, he'll leap at the opportunity.

Marshal - If it will keep you from hearing one more of Russet's Revelling Rants, you'd gladly send him out to do SOMETHING. Then again, having another hand around is good, even if you believe him to be incompetent.

[] Patrol Lands: Send Russet out with some levies to run regular patrols. With any luck, the sight of your troops will instill a sense of safety and security among your people. Then you can revel in the silence.
[] Recruit Troops: Send out Russet to recruit more men and women to fill out the ranks of your levies. More troops will join your armies, and any incurred losses will be more swiftly replenished.
[] Train Troops: Order Russet to invest time and effort into improving the quality of your levies. Your levies will not increase in number, but they'll be a little more effective in battle.
[] Oversee Military Production: You've ordered the construction of weapons, ammunition airships, or androids. Having Russet around to oversee matters will decrease the turns required to complete their construction. Will cost a random amount of Dust, but nothing exceeding 10 units.
[] Inspect Troops: Have Russet compile a thorough counting and assessment of your levies. Doing so might inspire them to improve their equipment on their own, and show that you have a vested interest in their ability to perform.
[] Discourage Serf Revolt: You believe the serfs of your realm are growing unruly and discontent. Send Russet out with a token force to discourage any attempts to destabilize the realm.
[] Research Military Technology: Have Russet look into any ways he might improve your realm's military.
[] Keep at Hand: Keep Russet at court. Your own Martial rolls might have an added bonus, and if any crisis come up, you think he can annoy the enemy to death.
[] Write-in: Russet is an unknown, possibly incompetent man, but he won't refuse commands you order him to perform. Set him at a task not listed above.

Steward - Amity Rose is a friend and a skilled steward who has helped keep the Ravenswood house alive through the plague. With her around, you are sure that you can find the money to survive the coming war.

[] Survey: Your father was content with his realm, and did not seek to exploit his lands to their full potential. Change that. Send Amity out with some prospectors to see what secret resources or secrets your land has hidden away.
[] Conduct Census: Order Amity to compile a comprehensive and detailed report on your titles, the serfs that occupy them, and the general state of affairs in your realm. Will improve tax collection for a number of turns, and give you more specific numbers regarding your titles.
[] Collect Taxes: Have Amity invest herself into efficient tax collection. You'll increase your lien income, but without a gentle hand, your serfs might resent her activities.
[] Boost Trade: Lien is nice, but more Lien is always better. Have Amity talk and barter with the merchants of your realm, hopefully opening up new trade lanes and investing in promising ventures. Who knows, you might even get them to trade despite the plague.
5 Lien
[] Oversee Upgrading: Have Amity organize and oversee the upgrading of your Holding. Will lower the time to build the upgrade, might upgrade it beyond the initial scope of the project, and gain a small chance to recoup some of the expenses invested in its construction.
[] Research Technology: Stewardship covers a wide variety of skill sets and trades, and any possible advances made in technology will be a great boon to you. Have Amity do what she can to help the process along.
[] Keep at Hand: Keep Amity at court. Your own Stewardship rolls should have an added bonus, and if any crisis come up, you'll have a capable hand at your side.
[] Write-in: Amnity is loyal and a personal friend. Have her complete a task not listed above, and she'll complete it to the best of her ability.

Spymaster - Who is your Spymaster? That is the question of the day, but you're starting to get a few answers. Sullivan mentioned that whenever your father needed some intrigue done, he would leave a message on his desk, placed under his writing stone. Apparently that is the signal.

[] Spy (Internal): Have Spymaster look inside your own court for malcontents and malicious thoughts. With any luck, he could uncover valuable secrets, and improve your information collection for your realm this turn.
[] Spy in [Character's] court: Order Spymaster to spy in [Character's] court. More dangerous than looking internally, but good results means you not only have a leg up intelligence-wise, but further subterfuge in the same court will be easier to accomplish.
[] Assist Assassination: You've decided it's time for a character to die. Have Spymaster do what he can to assist your assassin in the matter. Might provide a bonus to your assassination roll, and lowers the chance of people accusing you if it all goes to shit.
[] Assist Kidnapping: You've decided it's time for a character to disappear. Have Spymaster do what he can to assist your thugs in the matter. Might provide a bonus to your kidnapping roll, and lowers the chance of people accusing you if it all goes to shit.
[] Falsify Evidence against [Character]: Things would be much more convenient for you if [Character] were suddenly guilty of some heinous crime. Have Spymaster spend some time building up a damning case.
[] Build Spy Network: Have Spymaster spend some time recruiting and training some competent spies. Will give bonuses to further intrigue rolls, but the possibility of counter-espionage increases.
5 Lien
[] Keep at Hand: Keep Spymaster at court. Your own Intrigue rolls might have an added bonus, and if any crisis come up, you'll have... Something.
[] Write-in: You have absolutely not clue the capabilities of the Spymaster, or who he is, or even what he looks like. You're not even sure he is a he! Still, if you give him a mission, he'll likely do it to the best of his ability.

Head Deacon - Deacons are often known as Godbotherers, but Sullivan is the most pleasant one you know. If you have any ideas on how he can improve life in your lands, then he will do it.

[] Proselytize: Send out Sullivan to proselytize your religion to your people. The more servants of your religion you have, the more unified and resistant to panic your serfs are.
[] Create Religious Work: Ask Sullivan to produce a work relating to your chosen religion. Doing so will advance your standing in your chosen religion, and net you some piety that correlates with the quality of work.
-10 Lien
[] Improve Religious Relations: Use Sullivan to directly increase your standing among the local religious leadership.
[] Keep at Hand: Keep Sullivan around. He'll likely pester you to start praying more, but having him on hand should increase your learning rolls.
[] Write-in: Sullivan is an excellent priest, a family friend, and you think he might be a distant uncle to you. Still he is getting on in years, but if you have a task for him, he will complete it.

Huntsman Superior- Due to your lack of a Huntsman Superior, your ability to command your huntsmen is... Lacking. Unless you appoint one from your hunters or search for a new one, you won't be able to make use of a Huntsman Superior this turn.

[] Patrol Lands: Your lands aren't in the best shape right now. Sending out the Huntsman Superior to help keep the grimm in check should do some good. The sight of a huntsman always inspires the serfs, and often assuages their fears. He might also return with some intel, should he discover anything useful.
[] Train Huntsmen: Though the Huntsman Superior most likely has an apprentice already, he can step up efforts to make sure his subordinates are putting more time and resources into training their replacements. He'll also spend more time with his own apprentice.
[] Commission Master-Class Weapon: Though the construction of folding weaponry is commonplace, few are better at it than Huntsman. Conceive an idea for a weapon, and have the Huntsman Superior build it for you. Materials for it aren't cheap however, and the Huntsman Superior doesn't have the resources or time to dedicate to the weapon without your support.
-50 Lien
-10 Dust.
[] Teach Me, Good Hunter!: Have the Huntsman Superior begin training you in the ways of the Huntsmn.
[] Write-in: The Huntsman Superior is bound to you, and will perform whatever tasks you assign him, should you have something not listed above.

AN: Yes, most of these are stolen from Redrum, but to be fair, she did an awesome job at compiling all the CK2 options, more or less. Also, since I've yet to play CK2 with the conclave expansion (thus, council laws) I'm going to say that the council is more like advisors at this point. In the future, it will become stranger, but that is long in advance of here.

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Thought I changed everything. NOPE! That's the one thing. Should be fixed now.
[X] Plan What DO we have on hand?
-[X] Improve Diplomacy: Must have Stat at 5 or below. You wish to improve you ability to talk good.

We need Diplomacy fast before we make ludicrous numbers of enemies.
We got enough without finding more.

-[X] Replace/Appoint a New Councilor: Appoint [Character] to the position of [Councilor], or search the Estate of Thromrhold for a suitable replacement. If you search for a new one, the councilor you replace might be reluctant to perform his or her counselor actions.
--[X] Search for Huntsman Superior
-[X] Family: Spend some time with your family.

Fill slot and make sure the family is okay early on.

-[X] Speech Lessons: Spend a handful of lien and an insignificant sum of prestige to hire a Diplomacy Instructor, hopefully increasing your ability to diplomacize.
-[X] Speech Practice: Work at improving your ability to Diplomacize on your own. (Mirror, Mirror)

Expensive, but we really need the help.

-[X] Personally Patrol: Russet is occupied with other matters, or he does not fully possess your trust. Personally sally forth with your retinue to keep your lands safe.
-[X] Train: Begin a routine of physical exercise in an attempt to improve your personal combat ability. You're already in good shape, but you're not in peak physical condition.

Slightly more conservative, so let's see to it that things are done right in our area of skill. Can't afford big forces.

-[X] Infrastructure Inspection: Spend some time personally inspecting your Estate, seeing if anything can be run more efficiently.
-[X] Count Beans: Invest yourself in running your realm, hopefully increasing your Stewardship. Will also give you a better picture of the realm's finances if completed successfully.

Figure out what we have.
And make sure nobody's skimming or anything's breaking down.

-[X] Gather Rumors: Send out some agents to listen to the whispered word of your realm and beyond, collecting rumors, news, truths, lies, and everything in between. Allows for more accurate news and rumors, and better estimation of how things are in the world of Remnant.

What's going on~

-[X] Study Religion: Work at improving your Learning score on your own.

Smarten up too

-[X] Keep at Hand: Keep Alan at court. Your own diplomacy rolls will have an added bonus, and if any crises come up, you will be much more prepared to deal with them.
-[X] Inspect Troops: Have Russet compile a thorough counting and assessment of your levies. Doing so might inspire them to improve their equipment on their own, and show that you have a vested interest in their ability to perform.
-[X] Conduct Census: Order Amity to compile a comprehensive and detailed report on your titles, the serfs that occupy them, and the general state of affairs in your realm. Will improve tax collection for a number of turns, and give you more specific numbers regarding your titles.
-[X] Spy (Internal): Have Spymaster look inside your own court for malcontents and malicious thoughts. With any luck, he could uncover valuable secrets, and improve your information collection for your realm this turn.
-[X] Proselytize: Send out Sullivan to proselytize your religion to your people. The more servants of your religion you have, the more unified and resistant to panic your serfs are.
-[X] Train Huntsmen: Though the Huntsman Superior most likely has an apprentice already, he can step up efforts to make sure his subordinates are putting more time and resources into training their replacements. He'll also spend more time with his own apprentice.
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BZZZZZZZZT. @veekie, since you don't have a Huntsman Superior, you can't assign any duties to him. You'll need to either spend one of your personal actions to appoint a new Huntsman Superior, or accept that you lack one for now.

(I know I forgot to update the Hunter list. That's in the works, but as always, you guys can mine your brains for interesting hunters to end up in your court... And sometimes against you.)
Final post for the night, but Search and Appoint or Appoint an existing Hunter, @veekie? Important distinction. The Spymaster issue may take care of itself. :3
[X] Plan Inevitable Civil War
-[X] Amass Lien: You want to dive into a big pile of brightly colored cards.
We need a war chest
Personal Actions/General
-[X] Host a [Grimm/Game] Hunt: Invite the nobles of your realm to participate in a hunt! Gather meat for the coming winter or test your mettle against the creatures of Grimm. Starts the 'Game Hunt' or 'Grimm Hunt' event.
10 Lien
-[X] Speech Lessons: Spend a handful of lien and an insignificant sum of prestige to hire a Diplomacy Instructor, hopefully increasing your ability to diplomacize.
-[X] Speech Practice: Work at improving your ability to Diplomacize on your own. (Mirror, Mirror)
We need to reduce the amount of people we will have to kill in the upcoming war.
-[X] Personally Patrol: Russet is occupied with other matters, or he does not fully possess your trust. Personally sally forth with your retinue to keep your lands safe.
-[X] Order Military Stockpiling: Invest in the stockpiling of weapons and ammunition, in the event war should be thrust upon you.
10 Lien
5 Dust
-[X] Count Beans: Invest yourself in running your realm, hopefully increasing your Stewardship. Will also give you a better picture of the realm's finances if completed successfully.
-[X] Study the Significance of Dust: Children of Remnant place an emphasis on Dust, and though you think of them as nothing more than useful trinkets and power, there should be a reason why it is so important.
-[X] Recruit Troops: Send out Russet to recruit more men and women to fill out the ranks of your levies. More troops will join your armies, and any incurred losses will be more swiftly replenished.
-[X] Boost Trade: Lien is nice, but more Lien is always better. Have Amity talk and barter with the merchants of your realm, hopefully opening up new trade lanes and investing in promising ventures. Who knows, you might even get them to trade despite the plague.
5 Lien
-[X] Keep at Hand: Keep Alan at court. Your own diplomacy rolls will have an added bonus, and if any crises come up, you will be much more prepared to deal with them.
-[X] Spy (Internal): Have Spymaster look inside your own court for malcontents and malicious thoughts. With any luck, he could uncover valuable secrets, and improve your information collection for your realm this turn.
Head Deacon
-[X] Keep at Hand: Keep Sullivan around. He'll likely pester you to start praying more, but having him on hand should increase your learning rolls.

EDITED: I can't make my poor marshal and steward work double duty, even if i wanted to, lazy assholes.
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Ok, I lied. Sleep is for the weak. Let's see how I can fix things.

Amend it to your vote then, otherwise it will likely get lost.

[X] Plan Inevitable Civil War
-[X] Amass Lien: You want to dive into a big pile of brightly colored cards.
We need a war chest
Personal Actions/General
-[X] Host a [Grimm/Game] Hunt: Invite the nobles of your realm to participate in a hunt! Gather meat for the coming winter or test your mettle against the creatures of Grimm. Starts the 'Game Hunt' or 'Grimm Hunt' event.
10 Lien
-[X] Speech Lessons: Spend a handful of lien and an insignificant sum of prestige to hire a Diplomacy Instructor, hopefully increasing your ability to diplomacize.
-[X] Speech Practice: Work at improving your ability to Diplomacize on your own. (Mirror, Mirror)
We need to reduce the amount of people we will have to kill in the upcoming war.
-[X] Personally Patrol: Russet is occupied with other matters, or he does not fully possess your trust. Personally sally forth with your retinue to keep your lands safe.
-[X] Order Military Stockpiling: Invest in the stockpiling of weapons and ammunition, in the event war should be thrust upon you.
10 Lien
5 Dust
-[X] Count Beans: Invest yourself in running your realm, hopefully increasing your Stewardship. Will also give you a better picture of the realm's finances if completed successfully.
-[X] Study the Significance of Dust: Children of Remnant place an emphasis on Dust, and though you think of them as nothing more than useful trinkets and power, there should be a reason why it is so important.
-[X] Recruit Troops: Send out Russet to recruit more men and women to fill out the ranks of your levies. More troops will join your armies, and any incurred losses will be more swiftly replenished.
-[X] Train Troops: Order Russet to invest time and effort into improving the quality of your levies. Your levies will not increase in number, but they'll be a little more effective in battle.
-[X] Boost Trade: Lien is nice, but more Lien is always better. Have Amity talk and barter with the merchants of your realm, hopefully opening up new trade lanes and investing in promising ventures. Who knows, you might even get them to trade despite the plague.
5 Lien
-[X] Keep at Hand: Keep Amity at court. Your own Stewardship rolls should have an added bonus, and if any crisis come up, you'll have a capable hand at your side.
-[X] Spy (Internal): Have Spymaster look inside your own court for malcontents and malicious thoughts. With any luck, he could uncover valuable secrets, and improve your information collection for your realm this turn.
Head Deacon
-[X] Keep at Hand: Keep Sullivan around. He'll likely pester you to start praying more, but having him on hand should increase your learning rolls.
Interesting setup, but if you are doubling down on an action, indicate so on the vote using [DD], otherwise you'll just be getting the extra prestige for every missed action. I get the feeling I know where your mind is working towards though. Elder Spider's going to eat well

There are a few problems though. Councilors are only able to make one action a turn. Russet and Amity can't multi-task, and Alan's not doing anything.
Interesting setup, but if you are doubling down on an action, indicate so on the vote using [DD], otherwise you'll just be getting the extra prestige for every missed action. I get the feeling I know where your mind is working towards though. Elder Spider's going to eat well

There are a few problems though. Councilors are only able to make one action a turn. Russet and Amity can't multi-task, and Alan's not doing anything.

I intend to start gathering prestige as well, also fixed the plan.
Side note: I saw that invesitext, you can't hide it from me.
Question: Does the recruit more levies option apply to our own personal levies or all levies?
The Recruit more levies option applies to Ravenswood Keep's levy.

Also, a note to everyone, there is a new personal action that I forgot to add in that I think you guys may find useful. I also went back into the options and changed the options that had rather ambiguous Lien costs that seemed like they were rewards for the Lien, rather than costs. Everything should be correct now. It's likely not.
Adhoc vote count started by Raiu on May 22, 2017 at 10:20 AM, finished with 1 posts and 1 votes.

  • [x] plan king warrior
    [x] Cull Grimm: You want to do everything in your power to cull the creatures of grimm.
    [x] Family: Spend some time with your family.
    [x] 5 prestige
    [x] Train: Begin a routine of physical exercise in an attempt to improve your personal combat ability. You're already in good shape, but you're not in peak physical condition.
    [x] Independence (Self): Immediately declare independence from your Liege Lord. Note: doing so will begin War Turns, but since you have no Liege, things may be different.
    [x] Count Beans: Invest yourself in running your realm, hopefully increasing your Stewardship. Will also give you a better picture of the realm's finances if completed successfully.
    [x] Hire Merchant: Spend a handful of lien to hire a Stewardship Instructor, and gain a courtier.
    [x] Gather Rumors: Send out some agents to listen to the whispered word of your realm and beyond, collecting rumors, news, truths, lies, and everything in between. Allows for more accurate news and rumors, and better estimation of how things are in the world of Remnant.
    [x] Personally Spy: Your Spymaster is most likely occupied with other matters, or he/she/it does not fully possess your trust (or they're the one you're spying on!). Personally spy on a character, learning more about their personality, skills, secrets and ambitions.
    -[x] Chancellor Alan Black
    [x] Study Religion: Work at improving your Learning score on your own.
    [x] Keep at Hand: Keep Alan at court. Your own diplomacy rolls will have an added bonus, and if any crises come up, you will be much more prepared to deal with them.
    [x] Discourage Serf Revolt: You believe the serfs of your realm are growing unruly and discontent. Send Russet out with a token force to discourage any attempts to destabilize the realm.
    [x] Conduct Census: Order Amity to compile a comprehensive and detailed report on your titles, the serfs that occupy them, and the general state of affairs in your realm. Will improve tax collection for a number of turns, and give you more specific numbers regarding your titles.
    [x] Spy (Internal): Have Spymaster look inside your own court for malcontents and malicious thoughts. With any luck, he could uncover valuable secrets, and improve your information collection for your realm this turn.
    [x] Keep at Hand: Keep Sullivan around. He'll likely pester you to start praying more, but having him on hand should increase your learning rolls.
[x] plan king warrior

[x] Cull Grimm: You want to do everything in your power to cull the creatures of grimm.
since is RWBY......

[x] Family: Spend some time with your family.
[X] Replace/Appoint a New Councilor: Search for a new Huntsman Superior

better keep the money

[DD] Speech Practice: Work at improving your ability to Diplomacize on your own. (Mirror, Mirror)

xx isn't better than DD? for doubling down?

[x] Train: Begin a routine of physical exercise in an attempt to improve your personal combat ability. You're already in good shape, but you're not in peak physical condition.
[x] Independence (Self): Immediately declare independence from your Liege Lord. Note: doing so will begin War Turns, but since you have no Liege, things may be different.

we are the boss here... better be sure.

[x] Count Beans: Invest yourself in running your realm, hopefully increasing your Stewardship. Will also give you a better picture of the realm's finances if completed successfully.
[x] Hire Merchant: Spend a handful of lien to hire a Stewardship Instructor, and gain a courtier.
-25 Lien

money is important so we need a Merchant!

[x] Gather Rumors: Send out some agents to listen to the whispered word of your realm and beyond, collecting rumors, news, truths, lies, and everything in between. Allows for more accurate news and rumors, and better estimation of how things are in the world of Remnant.
5 Lien
[x] Personally Spy: Your Spymaster is most likely occupied with other matters, or he/she/it does not fully possess your trust (or they're the one you're spying on!). Personally spy on a character, learning more about their personality, skills, secrets and ambitions.
-[x] Chancellor Alan Black

need more info....

[x] Study Religion: Work at improving your Learning score on your own.

is time to get better.

[x] Keep at Hand: Keep Alan at court. Your own diplomacy rolls will have an added bonus, and if any crises come up, you will be much more prepared to deal with them.
[x] Discourage Serf Revolt: You believe the serfs of your realm are growing unruly and discontent. Send Russet out with a token force to discourage any attempts to destabilize the realm.
[x] Conduct Census: Order Amity to compile a comprehensive and detailed report on your titles, the serfs that occupy them, and the general state of affairs in your realm. Will improve tax collection for a number of turns, and give you more specific numbers regarding your titles.
[x] Spy (Internal): Have Spymaster look inside your own court for malcontents and malicious thoughts. With any luck, he could uncover valuable secrets, and improve your information collection for your realm this turn.
[x] Keep at Hand: Keep Sullivan around. He'll likely pester you to start praying more, but having him on hand should increase your learning rolls.
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The reason why I wanted DD is because its harder for someone to type DD on accident than xx. Also, the vote tally program that SV uses only accepts a single upper case or lower case x in brackets. Using DD is a distinct message, which makes itself clear.

A message to everyone:
Now, this is just a pet peeve, but if you're doing planned voting, please only have your votes selected for the vote name (i.e. [x] Plan Final Solut-We Need Better Plan Names). This way, I don't have to wade through a cluttered tally screen to see which votes are winning. Plus, it makes it easier for me to know which votes to discount for not doing planed votes.

Edit: To future readers, please ignore this message. My system has changed a bit. You'll see further on.
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