*Insert sound of the QM sitting back to watch what the readers come up with.*
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I'm in favour of a Halberd. Maybe mecha-shift into a crossbow/firearm? Similar to the Guardian Spears wielded by the Adepus Custodes.

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This is my last post for the night, so let me give a bit of a hint. For the Ancestral Weapon, anything goes. For the personal weapon? Well, play to your strengths.
[X] Appearance: KITTY! Uh, I mean, with cat ears.
[X] Heraldry: Purple on Green
[X] Ancestral Weapon: Medusa's Gaze; A trident-sniper meant for keeping one's distance all-around, from gunnery to bladework.
[X] Personal Weapon: Poise & Fury; Paired short swords. Fury is the larger of the two, as a sabre. Poise is a sword with a point, but no edge, meant for thrusting attacks and agile combat.
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[X] Plan Guardian

[X] Appearance:
-[X] Picture: (with cat ears)

[X] Heraldry: A golden Lion on a white field.
[X] Ancestral Weapon: Most noble houses have a master-crafted folding weapon that passes along with their primary title. Write-in what this weapon is, and name it.
-[X] Custos; A Mecha-Shifting Halberd in which may transform into a high-caliber firearm.

[X] Personal Weapon: Though you rule your lands, you do so in your brother's place, and as such he is the rightful holder of your house's Ancestral Weapon. That doesn't mean that you don't have a favored weapon, even if it is simpler.
-[X] Longsword. A Simple but strong blade. Name: Audaculus

The images are a guideline. If anyone can find some that they think would work better I would be happy to see them.
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Not really an actual post, considering that early morning is often part of my night, I have one thing to say.

Unhacker's Chaos Die? It changed things. A LOT. HOLY DUST AND UNHOLLY GRIMM! MORE PLOT! Sincerely, G.
Adhoc vote count started by Raiu on May 21, 2017 at 11:35 AM, finished with 3 posts and 2 votes.

  • [X] NavySeel
    [X] PowerofMind
    [X] Appearance: KITTY! Uh, I mean, with cat ears.
    [X] Heraldry: Design or submit the dynasty's heraldry.
    [X] Ancestral Weapon: Medusa's Gaze; A trident-sniper meant for keeping one's distance all-around, from gunnery to bladework.
    [X] Personal Weapon: Poise & Fury; Paired short swords. Fury is the larger of the two, as a sabre. Poise is a sword with a point, but no edge, meant for thrusting attacks and agile combat.
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[X] Appearance: Canadiian Patriot's
[X] Heraldry: Powerofmind's
[X] Ancestral Weapon: Mecha-shift Greataxe-Mortar
[X] Personal Weapon: Greataxe
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[X] Personal Weapon: Poise & Fury; Paired short swords. Fury is the larger of the two, as a sabre. Poise is a sword with a point, but no edge, meant for thrusting attacks and agile combat.

Complements our agility trait nicely.

Some suggestions of the blade our kitty can use:

If anyone can find some
Feel free to see if any of them better fit the sword you have in mind.
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[X] Appearance: NavySeel
[X] Heraldry: Powerofmind
[X] Ancestral Weapon: Medusa's Gaze; A trident-sniper meant for keeping one's distance all-around, from gunnery to bladework.
[X] Personal Weapon: Poise & Fury; Paired short swords. Fury is the larger of the two, as a sabre. Poise is a sword with a point, but no edge, meant for thrusting attacks and agile combat.
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[X] Appearance: But with no tail.
[X] Ancestral weapon: Raven's Call A Glaive/axe with a collapsible shaft/handle, the shaft can collapse or expand quickly to catch enemies by surprise.
[X] Personal Weapon: Shadowclaw a plain pitch black Longsword.
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[X] Appearance: But with no tail.
[X] Ancestral weapon: Shadowclaw A Glaive/axe with a collapsible shaft/handle, the shaft can collapse or expand quickly to catch enemies by surprise.
[X] Personal Weapon: Catscratch a plain pitch black Longsword.
[X] NavySeel
I second this decision, except for the name of the ancestral weapon, the "Raven's Call" sounds a bit better given the family name
In terms of the heraldry:
[X] PowerofMind

EDIT: By Oum I don't know how spoilers work
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[X] Appearance: KITTY! Uh, I mean, with cat ears.

[X] Heraldry: Design or submit the dynasty's heraldry.

[X] Ancestral Weapon: Medusa's Gaze; A trident-sniper meant for keeping one's distance all-around, from gunnery to bladework.
[X] Personal Weapon: Poise & Fury; Paired short swords. Fury is the larger of the two, as a sabre. Poise is a sword with a point, but no edge, meant for thrusting attacks and agile combat.
Well, we're having some interesting developments going on here. Let me just save a few people from having their votes discounted.

Any vote line that says "Design or submit the dynasty's heraldry." I am going to straight up ignore. Come up with a unique name for the heraldry, state whose you're voting for, or just say "Attached Image". @giodan, @Gamefreak1ed, and @Powerofmind, you should change the name, just to ensure none of your votes get misinterpreted.

Remember, only you can prevent voter fraud. (Doesn't have the same ring to it...)​
Adhoc vote count started by Raiu on May 21, 2017 at 11:37 AM, finished with 21 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Appearance: KITTY! Uh, I mean, with cat ears.
    [X] Heraldry: Design or submit the dynasty's heraldry.
    [X] Ancestral Weapon: Medusa's Gaze; A trident-sniper meant for keeping one's distance all-around, from gunnery to bladework.
    [X] Personal Weapon: Poise & Fury; Paired short swords. Fury is the larger of the two, as a sabre. Poise is a sword with a point, but no edge, meant for thrusting attacks and agile combat.
    [X] Plan Guardian
    [X] Appearance:
    -[X] Picture: (with cat ears)
    [X] Heraldry: A golden Lion on a white field.
    [X] Ancestral Weapon: Most noble houses have a master-crafted folding weapon that passes along with their primary title. Write-in what this weapon is, and name it.
    -[X] Custos; A Mecha-Shifting Halberd in which may transform into a high-caliber firearm.
    [X] Personal Weapon: Though you rule your lands, you do so in your brother's place, and as such he is the rightful holder of your house's Ancestral Weapon. That doesn't mean that you don't have a favored weapon, even if it is simpler.
    -[X] Longsword. A Simple but strong blade. Name: Audaculus
    [X] Appearance: Canadiian Patriot's
    [X] Heraldry: Powerofmind's
    [X] Ancestral Weapon: Mecha-shift Greataxe-Mortar
    [X] Personal Weapon: Greataxe
    [X] Personal Weapon: Poise & Fury; Paired short swords. Fury is the larger of the two, as a sabre. Poise is a sword with a point, but no edge, meant for thrusting attacks and agile combat.
    [X] Appearance: NavySeel
    [X] Heraldry: Design or submit the dynasty's heraldry.
    [X] Ancestral Weapon: Medusa's Gaze; A trident-sniper meant for keeping one's distance all-around, from gunnery to bladework.
    [X] Personal Weapon: Poise & Fury; Paired short swords. Fury is the larger of the two, as a sabre. Poise is a sword with a point, but no edge, meant for thrusting attacks and agile combat.
    [X] Appearance: But with no tail.
    [X] Ancestral weapon: Raven's Call A Glaive/axe with a collapsible shaft/handle, the shaft can collapse or expand quickly to catch enemies by surprise.
    [X] Personal Weapon: Shadowclaw a plain pitch black Longsword.
    [X] Appearance: But with no tail.
    [X] Ancestral weapon: Raven's Call A Glaive/axe with a collapsible shaft/handle, the shaft can collapse or expand quickly to catch enemies by surprise.
    [X] Personal Weapon: Shadowclaw a plain pitch black Longsword.
    [X] Appearance: KITTY! Uh, I mean, with cat ears.
    [X] Heraldry: Design or submit the dynasty's heraldry.
    [X] Ancestral Weapon: Medusa's Gaze; A trident-sniper meant for keeping one's distance all-around, from gunnery to bladework.
    [X] Personal Weapon: Poise & Fury; Paired short swords. Fury is the larger of the two, as a sabre. Poise is a sword with a point, but no edge, meant for thrusting attacks and agile combat.

Adhoc vote count started by Raiu on May 21, 2017 at 12:05 PM, finished with 21 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Personal Weapon: Poise & Fury; Paired short swords. Fury is the larger of the two, as a sabre. Poise is a sword with a point, but no edge, meant for thrusting attacks and agile combat.
    [X] Heraldry: Design or submit the dynasty's heraldry.
    [X] Ancestral Weapon: Medusa's Gaze; A trident-sniper meant for keeping one's distance all-around, from gunnery to bladework.
    [X] Appearance: KITTY! Uh, I mean, with cat ears.
    [X] Ancestral weapon: Raven's Call A Glaive/axe with a collapsible shaft/handle, the shaft can collapse or expand quickly to catch enemies by surprise.
    [X] Appearance: But with no tail.
    [X] Personal Weapon: Shadowclaw a plain pitch black Longsword.
    [X] Ancestral Weapon: Most noble houses have a master-crafted folding weapon that passes along with their primary title. Write-in what this weapon is, and name it.
    -[X] Custos; A Mecha-Shifting Halberd in which may transform into a high-caliber firearm.
    [X] Heraldry: A golden Lion on a white field.
    [X] Appearance: Canadiian Patriot's
    [X] Heraldry: Powerofmind's
    [X] Ancestral Weapon: Mecha-shift Greataxe-Mortar
    [X] Personal Weapon: Greataxe
    [X] Appearance: NavySeel
    [X] Appearance:
    -[X] Picture: (with cat ears)
    [X] Plan Guardian
    [X] Personal Weapon: Though you rule your lands, you do so in your brother's place, and as such he is the rightful holder of your house's Ancestral Weapon. That doesn't mean that you don't have a favored weapon, even if it is simpler.
    -[X] Longsword. A Simple but strong blade. Name: Audaculus
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Not really an actual post, considering that early morning is often part of my night, I have one thing to say.

Unhacker's Chaos Die? It changed things. A LOT. HOLY DUST AND UNHOLLY GRIMM! MORE PLOT! Sincerely, G.
Oh Oum, we're going to be outnumbered like Twenty to One aren't we? In addition the quest will start with like forty different assassination plots against us, I can fell it.
Also, question: Can we, as regent, fuck around with the council laws and screw around with succession?
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Oh Oum, we're going to be outnumbered like Twenty to One aren't we? In addition the quest will start with like forty different assassination plots against us, I can fell it.
Also, question: Can we, as regent, fuck around with the council laws and screw around with succession?

I'll answer this in reverse. Screwing around with succession? No, that's one of the things you can't really do officially, but you don't really need to. Your brother doesn't have himself a heir, and with him stricken by the plague, that likely isn't going to change any time soon. So having your brother abdicate for his health isn't that bad of an idea.. It just hasn't been done yet because the plague is causing problems. Council laws? Possibly, though I'd have that be at a write in.

And no. Everything is at a mostly even playing field right now. You will come to rue the day G. was rolled. I hope you like being thorns in each other's side.
Omake: What Could Have Been.
Oh, The Possibilities We've Denied

"It's time, Lyra."

You grunt in annoyance at the interruption from your Semblance training, holstering Argent Blaze. You've got to dress for the meetings. Donning your huntsman gear and packing away an extra you've yet to wear, you are picture perfect.

You arrive with time to spare, your sisters nodding their greeting quietly as father and some of his other roadmasters discuss the state of things. You settle into your place near the edge, passed over for title from an over-eager couple of parents who'd had the gall to bear half a dozen children before yourself. That was a problem that would surely be solved today.

Red and his main apprentice, Neftiri, entered about ten minutes after you. It was all your father could do to say "You're late," before the huntsman had drilled a lethal hole in his chest. Carnage ensued, as Neftiri and Red began slaughtering everyone in the room, children included. Two of your sisters and your mother put up a valiant defense...

Until you turn Argent Blaze, at full blast, on their unprotected backs. "Fuck, Lyra, couldn't have bothered helping before she put a bullet in my arm?" complains Neftiri. You look, and indeed there's a rough hole where one of your mother's pistols cracked through the girl's aura.

"Red, put a hole in her arm through the bullet wound," you order, somewhat callously even for you. Your huntsman nods, and Neftiri has a moment to look stupefied before she howls louder than everyone they'd just killed combined.

Peeking out from the tent flap, Mallo shushes the screaming apprentice and appraises the bloody work you've done. "Excellent, my Lady Lyra. Now, we do need a scapegoat. Red, if you would be so kind?"

Quiet as the grave, the huntsman superior nods again, turning to you as you shift Argent Blaze to it's carbine mode. You fire, repeatedly, until his aura breaks, and then until he breaks.

There is a tiny, dying voice in the back of your mind that crows vengeance, quietly. You embrace the feeling, ignoring the grief beneath.

Positive emotion is a falsehood and a lie. It only repels the Grimm as long as you can hold onto it, and Lyra, it's so terribly easy to lose. Negative thoughts, negative emotions, are just as dangerous, but the best state to commune with the Dark Ones is to have a foot on each side of the line. Do not embrace joy except in the suffering of another. Do not embrace exultation without causing pain.

You breathe; once, twice, before letting the dying little voice free. You cry, keening, agonizing wails. You shed true tears. It doesn't take long for a guard to lift the flap, see the state you're in, Mallo fretting uselessly, Neftiri biting back wails of her own as she keeps pressure on her arm.

Despite your tears, despite your real suffering, when no one sees you anymore, when you are alone, you smile. It's all yours now.


Oh, oh is this... why yes, yes it is~
Oh, The Possibilities We've Denied

"It's time, Lyra."

You grunt in annoyance at the interruption from your Semblance training, holstering Argent Blaze. You've got to dress for the meetings. Donning your huntsman gear and packing away an extra you've yet to wear, you are picture perfect.

You arrive with time to spare, your sisters nodding their greeting quietly as father and some of his other roadmasters discuss the state of things. You settle into your place near the edge, passed over for title from an over-eager couple of parents who'd had the gall to bear half a dozen children before yourself. That was a problem that would surely be solved today.

Red and his main apprentice, Neftiri, entered about ten minutes after you. It was all your father could do to say "You're late," before the huntsman had drilled a lethal hole in his chest. Carnage ensued, as Neftiri and Red began slaughtering everyone in the room, children included. Two of your sisters and your mother put up a valiant defense...

Until you turn Argent Blaze, at full blast, on their unprotected backs. "Fuck, Lyra, couldn't have bothered helping before she put a bullet in my arm?" complains Neftiri. You look, and indeed there's a rough hole where one of your mother's pistols cracked through the girl's aura.

"Red, put a hole in her arm through the bullet wound," you order, somewhat callously even for you. Your huntsman nods, and Neftiri has a moment to look stupefied before she howls louder than everyone they'd just killed combined.

Peeking out from the tent flap, Mallo shushes the screaming apprentice and appraises the bloody work you've done. "Excellent, my Lady Lyra. Now, we do need a scapegoat. Red, if you would be so kind?"

Quiet as the grave, the huntsman superior nods again, turning to you as you shift Argent Blaze to it's carbine mode. You fire, repeatedly, until his aura breaks, and then until he breaks.

There is a tiny, dying voice in the back of your mind that crows vengeance, quietly. You embrace the feeling, ignoring the grief beneath.

Positive emotion is a falsehood and a lie. It only repels the Grimm as long as you can hold onto it, and Lyra, it's so terribly easy to lose. Negative thoughts, negative emotions, are just as dangerous, but the best state to commune with the Dark Ones is to have a foot on each side of the line. Do not embrace joy except in the suffering of another. Do not embrace exultation without causing pain.

You breathe; once, twice, before letting the dying little voice free. You cry, keening, agonizing wails. You shed true tears. It doesn't take long for a guard to lift the flap, see the state you're in, Mallo fretting uselessly, Neftiri biting back wails of her own as she keeps pressure on her arm.

Despite your tears, despite your real suffering, when no one sees you anymore, when you are alone, you smile. It's all yours now.


Oh, oh is this... why yes, yes it is~
Nice work, mate.
Neat for sure. We will see just how... intricate this web will become.

Now POW, I have you a question. Something familiar or something mysterious?