So, putting together a bit of a wish list for Telepathica actions. I'm well aware that we lack the free actions to do most of these, but given the sheer amount of backlog we've got there putting some real thought/analysis into prioriziation is a good idea.
Now, the obvious highest-priority action set are the highly time-sensitive ones. Having substantial warning for incoming invasions is a Good Idea, especially given that we've got some warning that Lin is going to get targeted. Tutoring our baby Alpha when the opportunity arises is also quite important—a safe and sane Alpha would be a huge help in a lot of situations, especially with the more dangerous shit out there. This does put in some pretty heavy time constraints with respect to Ridcully, as that means we can't have him doing much long term stuff for the moment.
The single research action I want to grab ASAP is the destructive frequencies research. Garkill's little trick with the Weirdboyz has highlighted a bit of a weakness with our ability to counterspell stuff, and I'm betting that might help with that. Plus, in addition to advancing our understanding of Warp stuff in general (which might decrease the difficulty on things like Ridcully's research on Immaterial Resonance), there's a chance it'll also be useful for dealing with the Curse.
For Tamia, Songs of War and Power Melody Composition are both pretty high on my priority list. The sheer flexibility of a Songweaving choir is amazing already, as our last campaign demonstrated, and bulking up their numbers and effective powers should be huge. Of course, that is seventeen years of action locked up, so we'll need to find someone else to do any of the more general research we want done in that time.
For warding, I'd really like to get basic fleet wards and wards on our Void shields out the most. Turning our flagship into a heavily warded monstrosity might be fun, but I'd view having more general defenses on the whole fleet as being more useful overall. Void shields are just good sense—while Avernus seems to take a dim view of continent-cracking orbital bombardment, general bombardment options against us would be so very much scarier if our shields get taken out by some assholes. The SAM batteries are nice and all, but if they know enough about them to be able to target the batteries with Warp shit then they can largely avoid them by just dropping troops off out of range. A major hassle on Avernus, sure, but hardly as much of a problem as us having our Void shields taken offline.
For the Artisan stuff in general, my 'ideal' path would be Void Shield Wards -> Basic Fleet Wards -> Force Weapons -> SAM Battery Wards -> Command Battleship Wards. The first two address relatively significant strategic weaknesses on land and in the void, the third then improves a fairly important resource, and the fourth and fifth are nice to have but don't change the strategic picture significantly.
Next, looking into Warp-reactive material from previously studied wildlife. I'm for it. Here are a few of what I view as the more promising options there:
- Congregation Asp: Real potential to help out with the psychic frequency matching needed/useful for neo-Astropaths and choirs, as individuals from the same 'hive' share a frequency. Also has a chance of boosting Biomancy, as that's the normal power the snakes have.
- Bombardment Cacti: Some potential as a Divination focus. Divination is OP as fuck.
- Thundabeasts: Both promise at improved kinetic shielding for our psykers AND more effective force weapons.