[] [Battleship] Deliverance-class Battle-Barge
-Length - 28.000m
-Width - 6.000m
-Acceleration - 1 Gravities
-Armor - Deus-Ultima Pattern Armor
-Shields - Five Refutation-Pattern Void Shields
-Weapons - 20x Boarding Torpedos/2x Heavy Prow Hangars (Boarding), 6x Heavy Hangers (boarding) (Total: 560 Boarders and 120 Fighters), 50 light lances, 40 light macrocannons, 5 Anti-Voidcraft Defenses
-Equipment - Ship Shrines (standard), Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations (standard), Space Marine Crew (standard), Dedicated Ortillery (standard), Improved Armored Prow, Armored Bridge, Military Bastions, Handpicked Pilots, Harsh Crew Training, Veteran Crews, Infused Amor-Plates, Voidshield-Surge Capacitors, Paw and Claw, Core of Comprehension, Rapid Snapshot Targeting Solutions, Sanctum of the Steam, Auto-loaders, 4x Large Teleportariums, Chapels to the Five, Hexagrammic Grammophone (Duty), Dedicated Heavy Ortillery, Large Black Cat Troop Compartment
The Deliverance class is named for that which the legion aspires, and at its heart a grammophone sings the symphony of duty unending. It will serve as the fitting centerpiece of the Legion's fleets as they travel the galaxy to deliver protection to the innocent and mercy to the guilty.
The ship itself is a story of trade-offs as compared to its predecessor, as it loses maneuverability and a tiny amount of durability to gain significantly more powerful broadside and more than doubled boarding potential. It carries more than double the boarding craft and fighters, along with improved pilots and onboard cogitators to help coordinate it all. Further improvements have been made to the troop-carrying capability, the crew training and the defenses against small craft.
Ultimately, the Deliverance-class is designed to lead offensive fleets and deliver the Spacer Marines of the Legion to where they are needed most.
Budget: 180
Hull: 5 for length, 5 for width, 5 for speed, 7 for armor, 5 for shields, 2 for doctrine. 29 total.
Weapons: Boarding torpedoes for 8, Prow Hangers for 6, regular hangers for 12, lances for 5, macrocannons for 4, 10 for anti-voidcraft. Total is 45
Equipment: Prow for 1, bridge for 2, bastions for 12, Pilots for 3, veterans for 3, infused armor for 12, voidshield for 12, Paw and claw for 12, Comprehension core for 10, Snapshot targeting for 3, Sanctum of the Steam for 5, auto-loaders for 1, teleporters for 12, Chapels for 3, Grammaphone for 8. Ortillery for 3, Black Cat Troop Compartment for 4 Total 106
Total: 29 + 45 + 106 = 180.