If we want to offer him new life as something "fallen" to us from the shadows I'm not sure starting from the position of the sun allowing them to exist fits in smoothly.
We shouldn't consider it "fallen". It was never not fallen - this is why I am using a question from the Crown. I would actually use two, but we are on a limited budget. It is something that exists within god's grace, seemingly. We are not redeeming it, we are, in essence, baptizing a heathen, rather than giving salvation to a heretic.
Hey, that's an idea... Blasphemy to the max, and baptize it using the waters of this dark ocean, with pure intent and a lot of magic. Befoul the dark waters with holy grace. Only mostly joking.
It also doesn't exist in the shadows. It exists within and is of the darkness. Here, let me give you a quote:
The Unconquered Sun began as the antith-
esis of the darkest of the Primordials. In those
days, the Dragon's Shadow was an ancient force
of malevolence and corruption that lay impotent
under the surface of Creation, greater than any
terror ever imagined, but as faint and forget-
table as the slightest whisper. The Unconquered
Sun was created to be everything the Dragon's
Shadow was not; chiefly, light, for the greatest
light in the universe would create an infinitude
of shadows, pushing an endless void as far as the
sun's light could chase. By this, the Shadow of All
Things gained real substance, definition and power
in the world.
Tell me that this isn't relevant. Tell me it doesn't mirror the current situation, where the Heir of Theion is talking to an ancient force of Malevolence and Corruption that lays almost impotent under the surface of Creation, greater than almost any terror ever imagined in this Age, but as faint and forgettable as the slightest whisper, whose designs were defeated by mortals' tale.
Molly doesn't know this IC, not unless we trigger Past Lives very strongly here. But the parallel is there. I am actually so, so tempted to ask the crown "how can the being like this be reforged" or something like this, to see how and why Sol Invictus was made.
I am angling for something like this:
Lamentations of the Void (LV for short): Sun limits Creation, it would be nice if sun didn't exist
Molly: Sun expands the range of things that are possible in Creation, including by its absence
Everything after this is speculative, and shouldn't be taken as part of the current plan. Current plan needs feedback.
Molly next: Instead of taking a reductionist approach, by trying to remove the sun, take a constructive one, by creating new things that interact with the sun, including by expanding and remaking yourself
LV: I don't try to expand outwards, because if I win, I will also be consumed
Molly: Let me help you, so you can't be consumed by the Ocean
I want to offer him life in the world, perhaps akin to how Dragon's Shadow was given life under the Unconquered Sol, but needed participate in making an embodiment of all Virtue. Though I really would like it not to be malevolent. At least no more malevolent than Mab, I guess. I can live with ruthless.
I would laugh and laugh if we pull this off... We even have an angel a bit upstairs, who, in our vision, was a star, and who came here to do good.
We could also, in principle, play the "aliens are real" thing. It doesn't seem to have any sort of cosmic awareness perspective, so countering the argument about life's delusions with "life exists in many permutations, not only organic" might be worthwhile... Hey, we could bring up spirits. Those already exist.
And I am rambling, I think. I'll stop.
More information is good, my main motive for jumping in from the start was a conversational opening he gave. It was too tempting a hook to pass up.
I can see it, but there are too many unknowns. I want to know what this thing is. "part of me is always in the ocean" worries me - we might be talking to a Fetich of a Neverborn/Yozi of sorts. Or even a Jotun. With the Ocean being its world body containing imprisoned Neverborn. It has been ages, I can see a Primordial arising in the Underworld.