What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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[X] Non Nos Tollet

This is the best improvement to our citizen's quality of life that we can make. Everyone gets to live centuries longer, universally. That's a massive source of prosperity and equality.

If you need a more pragmatic angle, consider how this is a massive coup for external relations. If people know that if they joined, they'd get to live five times as long? Or that with the Glimmering Federation's help, their planet could have something similar? They'd be far more willing to work with and/or join us.

[X] Non Nos Tollet

Fuck it, I'll piss against the wind. I didn't get Yggdrasil Worlds, and I didn't get my Archaeotech Battleship, I want mechanical benefits.

I want people to be able to live longer because we build tall, and people living longer allows to leverage that while also allowing our population base to expand as die-offs will be delayed compared to continual births. It'll be a useful leverage for future negotiations and annexations, and frankly our dudes living longer will also be able to leverage their military experience. It's been noted that our Paladins can whip Tempestus Scions because they have literal centuries of experience and training compared to our opponents.

With the Shipwrights merging and maybe our annexation of the Councils in the near future, we'll be able to no longer be bottled up and be able to access more and more systems.

Maybe not the most idealistic, but Rejuvenat is one of our starter benefits -- I want to take it to the finish.
To both of you:
The augments also lengthen life. Plus they have other benefits. (Replacement parts for the injured, specialized parts for the specialists)
And they indirectly increase our Rejuvenat distribution:
Everything fixed by augmetics doesn't require Rejuvenat, and if the person using it would have been assigned Rejuvenat for it, the Rejuvenat can go to someone else instead.

[X] Dominus Deus Omnium Nostrum

[X] Memoria Manet In Aeternum
I think that Med XX might give the Juvenat thing again, but that Faith fleets as a civilisational Trait can only be found here, and so I would rather take this first myself
I think that Med XX might give the Juvenat thing again, but that Faith fleets as a civilisational Trait can only be found here, and so I would rather take this first myself

For me it boils down

After death our devots join the star child or get afterlife
After death most people get dispersed in the warp
But the victims of chaos get their inmortal existance corrupted and integrated into chaos entities

Saving them matter more than living long to me
To both of you:
The augments also lengthen life. Plus they have other benefits. (Replacement parts for the injured, specialized parts for the specialists)
And they indirectly increase our Rejuvenat distribution:
Everything fixed by augmetics doesn't require Rejuvenat, and if the person using it would have been assigned Rejuvenat for it, the Rejuvenat can go to someone else instead.
Ideally, we'd get both. But rejuvenant is more universally useful and impactful, and neither option is winning the vote currently. Even if we do go for Medical XX (which we may not) and Herocooky gives us similar options, we'd only be able to get one, not both.
In the beginning our civilization started with an act of defiance, of gazing at the horror and suffering inflicted on the innocent by the grim darkness of this universe and saying "No More" and despite being nothing but slaves, mutants and a single cursed angel, despite our enemies having the favor of dark gods and endless cruelty for everyone but themselves we fought, we fought with stolen bullets, with rusty guns and with prayers to a not yet born God!... and we won, and for the first time after all the decades of torture and pain we had freedom, freedom to think for ourselves, freedom to choose our own destiny and freedom to decide if we would give this universe the same kind of pain it had forced upon us for so long and do you know what we did with all that pain? Shall I tell you were we put it? We held it tight! Until it burned our hands and we said this: No one else will ever have to live like this! No one else will have to feel this Pain! NOT ON OUR WATCH!... and now after century's of effort We have the Faith, we have the Steel and we have the Compassion and Will to make that promise a reality
[X] Dominus Deus Omnium Nostrum
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Ideally, we'd get both. But rejuvenant is more universally useful and impactful, and neither option is winning the vote currently. Even if we do go for Medical XX (which we may not) and Herocooky gives us similar options, we'd only be able to get one, not both.

Honestly knowing that we are going to en this quest in less of a month I bet that we will do our best to achieves an all XX Perk if only because the Epilogue will be much more epic that way...

It is a shame that we don't have a couple months more though, I really wanted to plunder and research some more...
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Ideally, we'd get both. But rejuvenant is more universally useful and impactful, and neither option is winning the vote currently. Even if we do go for Medical XX (which we may not) and Herocooky gives us similar options, we'd only be able to get one, not both.
Is it more universally useful and impactful?

Rejuvenat gives the affected a total of up to 500 years (if full dose).
Augmetics can give those 500 years, too. Maybe even more. (When do Tech-priests die of old age?)
And its has further bonuses. (Augmetics that don't just increase lifetime, but also quality (prothesises for injured, Rejuvenat doesn't return a leg that was lost in an accident/battle), or productivity (Mechadendrites with job relevant tools))

One disadvantage of the Augmetics vote:
There may be citizens that don't want to go that route.
But If they are rare enough (people who don't want Augmetics live extension or for whom it isn't an option (can psykers do immortality through steel parts?) < Rejuvenat production) they can just use our existing Rejuvenat production.
More longevity than Rejuvenat vote + better QoL + better productivity.

So imho "Memoria Manet In Aeternum" is a strict updgrade over "Non Nos Tollet", since "Memoria..." does everything that "Non..." does and then some more.

For "its not gonna win anyway": Thats what approval votes exist for.
To both of you:
The augments also lengthen life. Plus they have other benefits. (Replacement parts for the injured, specialized parts for the specialists)
And they indirectly increase our Rejuvenat distribution:
Everything fixed by augmetics doesn't require Rejuvenat, and if the person using it would have been assigned Rejuvenat for it, the Rejuvenat can go to someone else instead.
I'd agree with you more if we took Yggdrasil Worlds or Necrodermis, but we decided not to for… a variety of reasons.

If it wins, I'm fine, but I'm more in favor of the simple simplicity that Rejuvenat has. Mechanical parts are also a bit of a hassle in terms of healing — Luminous Aid, for example, doesn't work on purely inorganic things.

That's not to say Augmetics are bad or anything but I don't think that we get to eat our cake and have it too. I think both have their benefits but for pure and simple longevity Rejuvenat will be better because… that's the point behind it. That's the point gameplay-wise of this vote.

If another vote was "we get this, but ALSO the benefits of an entire other vote" then that would be basically laughable for the purposes of a capstone vote.

And its has further bonuses. (Augmetics that don't just increase lifetime, but also quality (prothesises for injured, Rejuvenat doesn't return a leg that was lost in an accident/battle), or productivity (Mechadendrites with job relevant tools))

Also… we already have this. That's the point behind Augmetic Legions.

The point of the latter vote is that it's not just for purely quality of life. It's so people can do it just because or whatnot — pure sheer freedom to do what they like with their bodies and so on.

In a way, that's the point of each of the three votes. Sharing our freedom with those who have never had it, increase freedom for all under our aegis from the specter of old age, and freedom for those under our aegis to customize their own bodies for whatever reason.

I'm fine with all three winning but I don't think "Rejuvenat but better" is a winning argument, personally speaking.
Yes, but your vote for "Dominus Deus Omnium Nostrum" is effectively voting against the rejuvenant. With the vote as it is now, we're not getting the augmetics or rejuvenant.
Yeah, because i favour "Dominus Deus Omnium Nostrum" over Rejuvenat.

Spreading the Starchild (and with that also grow, giving us more ability to spread the Starchild etc (virtuous circle)) over the (imho) lesser longevity option.
If another vote was "we get this, but ALSO the benefits of an entire other vote" then that would be basically laughable for the purposes of a capstone vote.
If you feel attached to being purely biological, then Rejuvenat would be much better. So big difference in Bio vs Machine narrative, if you care about it.
Also fun note, when the chaos gods are dead, or at least fought off. The eldar way of immortality I.E reincarnation, will be open to humanity and our cult through the star child.

It's just a matter of if the star child ends up, or can, do what the eldar gods did.

But at the very least we'll be getting an afterlife for more people with the crusade fleets
Vote closed
595.M43 - Grove and Glimmering
For those who had lived long enough to see the two nations grow together, closer and closer, over the centuries and millennia of fighting, hardship, prosperity, and advancement, it felt like the final step toward unification between two nations that had their edged blurred centuries ago to mean almost nothing at all should have...been monumental.

It felt like there should have been shocking promises and great upheavals, ripples throughout the military, industry, culture, and the entirety of the Glimmering Federation and the Shipwright's Grove.

It felt like...it shouldn't have been what it was.

Two nations and peoples that were, in truth, already one, finally doing away with the last barriers that prevented them from being what everyone already knew; one nation.

And thus, in the year 595 of M 43, the Shipwright's Grove and Glimmering Federation unified.

Will you change your name?
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] Glimmering Federation is fine.
[] Stargrove Federation sounds good.
[] (Write-In)

Culture Changes. Always...yet:
[] Shipwright Grove Culture Persisted

You will remain a 5/5 Iconoclast. You will gain weak versions of the Grove Traits.
[] Glimmerling Culture Persisted
You will gain 1 Dogmatic for 1 Iconoclastic. You will gain the full versions of the Grove Traits but weaken your own.

AN: Grove Traits are all about automatic colonization and more ships.
[] Stargrove Federation sounds good.
[] Shipwright Grove Culture Persisted

i choose these two, for one this is about growth of our federation, and second is that thius allows us to get more ships and automatic colonization going...even if its weaker.

this allows us expansion rate, while at the same time expanding our fleets...which will be needed when the nids come.
[] Shipwright Grove Culture Persisted
You will remain a 5/5 Iconoclast. You will gain weak versions of the Grove Traits.
[] Glimmerling Culture Persisted
You will gain 1 Dogmatic for 1 Iconoclastic. You will gain the full versions of the Grove Traits but weaken your own.

I feel like these are the wrong way round…