What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Helping trillions of people who have never known the light of the Star Child or any other form of hope, compassion, or happiness in this grimdark universe is a far more worthy goal than just living a few centuries more.

This is what we've been doing the entire quest, let's go out with a bang.
Sending out missionaries... I'm leaning towards this, since faith in the Star Child has real tangible benefits for very little effort. Same reason I really like the Love Unto Death song.

Also, this is seems new and fun/scary!
THeYy cAn SEeeE uSs... - A Choir can summon a Void Titan during battle if this is Sung. It is advised that your fleets run the second the Choir has finished Singing it.
[] Dominus Deus Omnium Nostrum
"It is the duty of all faithful to aid those fallen, those unenlightened, those forgotten, those despised, and those yearning for meaning amidst the cosmos."
(Pilgrim Fleets and Faith Orders will set out across the Sector in aid of the Federation and the Good Cause, billions of faithful bringing hope and deliverance to trillions who have never been given a chance to witness the dawn.)
The Lionstooth spreads its seed.
Adding a big wide component to our Iconoclast tall build.
[] Memoria Manet In Aeternum
Let None Be Forgotten, Let None Be Trapped In Biological Forms, Let Their Eternity Remain Untouched.
(Full-Body Augmentations, Additions, and Replacements in all degrees become common, with all that such entails.)
Eternity in the blessed certainty of steel.
Don't need Rejuvenat if that which is damaged by age is replaced by steel.
Plus the other benefits of augmentation.

And those that don't want heavy augmentation can take Rejuvenat. (As long as there aren't too many)
I suppose the question is - @HeroCooky
1. How well do these scale? Will they grow along with us as we absorb the Shipwrights & beyond.
2. The first seems like a great way for the Federation to have an impact on the greater galaxy during the epilogue.
3. We currently have merit-based juvenat distribution, and have for a very long time. If it stops being merit-based that seems like it'll change something fundamental about our society?
4. Is the third option ([] Memoria Manet In Aeternum) also a kind of eternity? Or just more about unshackling from the physical form in terms of cybernetics, bodies, etc? I see the benefits in terms of individual freedoms but I'm struggling to see the broader advantages.
1. Well...Yes.
2. It does!
3. You'll have to ask smarter people than me for that one.
4. A brain will still rot eventually. But that can be extended. The Memoria option is full Unshackled Minds In Unlimited Unshackling Bodies.
I am for pilgrim fleets.

It leaves a bitter taste in my mouth to think that rich few (Federation) get to live in comfort, possibly eternally, while rest of galaxy suffers.

Feels to close to home.
i go for pilgrim fleets to spread the faith across the galaxy

we been seeding iconoclast nation building for a while,i think thats more important than juvenat
Oh wow, Vote time again. Yippee. Also, the streak of incredibly tough decisions continues with this vote.

Edit 2:yeah, sorry Never, but i am either going to need to completly redesign the High Star, or throw it out for now. If i have time later, i'll make a attempt, but i want to get the required ships done before herocooky Closes the vote

Wait, hold up, I didn't think people were taking that one seriously. The 60 DP Equipment module kind of sucked up a lot of the points, and I mostly put it on there just to see if it could be done. Your design is a lot more sensible and mostly where I would have taken it I decided to go with the non-meme option. My only caveat being that if I had made the decision to cut down on the meme I would have tried to put the Arboretums on there to make it more self-sustaining as opposed to the temperature controls since anyone invading a Battleship containing an entire army is probably already either winning the battle or about to win.

Otherwise, kudos to you. You took a pretty ridiculous build and made it much more sensible.
We don't want to become an eternal gerontocracy.

I am for pilgrim fleets.

It leaves a bitter taste in my mouth to think that rich few (Federation) get to live in comfort, possibly eternally, while rest of galaxy suffers.

Feels to close to home.
500 years total lifespan.

Look, I'm not really in favor or against anything in particular, but Rejuvenat is not immortality, lol

It extends things tremendously, but our dudes are gonna die, just a fair bit later than everything else.

I'm cool with other options but let's not put things where they aren't.

As for us being the rich few, uh, yes, but that's literally already the case. I don't know how to say it, but we live already way better, because we fought for it, bled for it, and died for it. I don't think the comparative status super matters here because uh, we already do a lot of aid and stuff.

If you want to go for further, beyond the Sector, sure, but do note we've also been doing a lot of missionary and aid work already, hence why we have Star Child cults in the Councils and the Van Zandts. We haven't been sitting on our hands — even after being comparatively bottled up.
So the first option seems likely to have diplomatic consequences and potentially lead to further unification.

The second option...maybe pop growth?

And the third option goes full transhuman, including "unshackled minds". Possibly seems like the most xenophilic option? I wonder how it would interact with the Star-Child's narrative and how it defines humanity...
The more I think about it the more I'm actually not interested in Non nos Tollet, the Rejuvenat one. We don't want to become an eternal gerontocracy. We want to continue growing and changing and becoming more. But with Non Nos Tollet I could see us becoming essentially a Stellaris Fallen Empire. I don't want that.
Change doesn't require death - and we're far more likely to end up with "an eternal gentocracy" with an unequal rejuvenant distribution than if we give it to everyone equally. (Also, it's 400 to 500 years of life expectancy, not immortality). That 35% coverage currently still leaves a majority of 65% of our population who get ruled over by their far longer-lived betters, with little to no recourse.

Given how absurdly expensive the research to improve rejuvenant is normally, we either take this perk now for near-100% coverage, or lock in an eternal inequality in our society of who gets hundreds of years more life than others. That's an immense injustice right there, and it's absolutely worth getting rid of completely.
Dominus Deus Omnium Nostrum

This fits us too well not to pick it. It's what our religion is about, going out and unfucking the galaxy. Helping humans and xeno's everywhere we can and bringing light to the grim dark.
I am seeing it repeated a few times by now, but I want to chime in and say that the 35% Juvenat is not "35% of your population gets 100% of the Juvenat and the rest gets none." It means that you could do so, but generally most people get a century more if they spend a few years working for it. Only your Hymnals and Blanks automatically get the full 500 years.
[X] Non Nos Tollet

This is the best improvement to our citizen's quality of life that we can make. Everyone gets to live centuries longer, universally. That's a massive source of prosperity and equality.

If you need a more pragmatic angle, consider how this is a massive coup for external relations. If people know that if they joined, they'd get to live five times as long? Or that with the Glimmering Federation's help, their planet could have something similar? They'd be far more willing to work with and/or join us.
Faith fleets seems far more fitting as a Capstone than 100% Juvenat unfortunately, and I think this or something similar will still be available in Medical XX (is that safe to say, QM)?

[X] Dominus Deus Omnium Nostrum
[X] Dominus Deus Omnium Nostrum
Sure, long life is nice and all, but have you considered FUCK CHAOS?
Also we still have XX medical to work on, which should benefit lifespans, though probably in a different way than juvenat
[X] Memoria Manet In Aeternum

Honestly this just seems like the rejuvenat option but better, so that gets my vote.
Sure even this is not full immortality, but it should buy a heck of a lot more than 500 years, even regular ole Mechanicus Magi can manage 500 years, and I assume this is beyond even them.
Also, it unlocks transhumanism for everyone, and that I am 1000% down with
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