If Alectai is unaviable. I will Step up to the plate
to the people who have proposed ship designs, i will be cribbing them unless i need somthing better, if you arent okay with that, please tell me and i'll remove it.
Thatguy's Grand Design
[X] Plan:Thatguy's (Not so) Grand design
-[X] Soundless Cry- Class Scout Destroyer (0DP Available)
--[x] Length - 1.600 Meters
--[x] Width - 400 Meters
--[x] Acceleration - 9 Gravities
--[x] Armor - Medium Double Hull
--[x] Shields - One Array
--[x] Weapons - (Write-In, Example: Light Kopesh-Pattern Missile Pods x3 (turret) (6DP*50%=3DP)
--[x] Equipment -
---[X](Standardized Equipment:Ship Shrines, Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations,Space Marine Crew, Dedicated Ortillery,
---[X]1DP Equipment:[Cluster Charge] Missile Stores
---[X]3DP Equipment:BESH Missle Store,Rapid Snapshot Targeting Solutions,
Tiny On-Board Manufactory
---[X]4DP Equipment:Macross Missile Massacres
---[X]10DP Equipment:,Ghosts Amidts The Stellar Winds
---[X]2DP crusader Doctrine Tax)
-[x] [Destroyer] Resurgence MK4 Torpedo Hunter (0 DP Available)
--[x] Length - 1.600 Meters
--[x] Width - 400 Meters
--[x] Acceleration - 10 Gravities
--[x] Armor - Medium Double Hull
--[x] Shields - One Array
--[x] Weapons - 4x80m Torpedosx2,Light Kopesh-Pattern Missile Podsx4,Medium Missiles (14DP*50%=7DP)
--[x] Equipment -
---[X](Standardized Equipment:Ship Shrines, Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations,Space Marine Crew, Dedicated Ortillery,
---[X]1 DP equipment:Improved Armored Prow,Tuned Shields,Auto-Loaders,Missile-Swarms
---[X]2 Dp equipment: Improved Internal Security Systems
---[X]3 DP equipment: BESH Missile Store
---[X]4 DP equipment: Macross Missile Massacres, Large Teleportarium (1 DP refund from doctorine)
---[X]2 DP crusader Doctorine Tax)
[X] [Frigate] Parrying-Gladius-Class Assault Frigate (0DP available) (MODIFIED TO FIT RULES)
--[X] Length - 1.800 Meters [+2]
--[X] Width - 500 Meters [+1]
--[X] Acceleration - 9 Gravities [-1]
--[X] Armor - Thick Medium Double Hull
--[X] Shields - Two Arrays [+1]
--[X] Weapons - Light Rotary Macro-Cannon Turrets x4, Light Plasma Macro-Cannon Batteries x5, Anti-Voidcraft Defenses x5 (28DP *50% = 14DP)
--[X] Equipment - , Auto-Loaders, Tuned Shields, Armored Lifepods, Harsh Crew Training, Large Teleportarium, Lattice Hulls, After-Burner Macro-Shells (15DP)
---[X](Standardized Equipment:Space Marine Crew, Dedicated Ortillery, Ship Shrines, Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations
---[X]1 DP equipment:Auto-Loaders, Tuned Shields, Armored Lifepods
---[X]2 DP equipment:Harsh Crew Training, Lattice Hulls
---[X]4 Dp equipment:
Large Teleportarium (1 Dp refund due to Doctorine), After-Burner Macro-Shells
---[X]2 Dp Crusader Doctrine tax)
-[X] [Frigate] Harsh Bugle Class Boarding Ship (0DP available)
--[X] Length - 2.000 Meters
--[X] Width - 550 Meters
--[X] Acceleration - 9 Gravities -1DP
--[X] Armor - Thick Medium Double Hull
--[X] Shields - Two Arrays +1DP
--[X] Weapons - 8 Boarding Torpedos (4DP*50%=2DP) Medium Prow Lance(2DP*150%=3DP)
--[X] Equipment -
---[X](Standardized Equipment:Ship Shrines, Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations,Space Marine Crew, Dedicated Ortillery,
---[X]1 DP equipment:Tuned Shields,Pure Lenses,Improved Armored Prow
---[X]3 DP equipment:Medium Teleportarium,Augmetic Security Department, Veteran Crews, Lance Scattershot Lens
---[X]5 DP equipment:Black Cat Shield Overload
---[X]2 DP Crusader Doctrine Tax)
-[X] [Light Cruiser] Blinding Vengance Class Lance Boat
--[X] Length - 4.400 Meters
--[X] Width - 600 Meters
--[X] Acceleration - 5 Gravities +2DP
--[X] Armor - Medium Triple Hull-2DP
--[X] Shields - One Matrix
--[X] Weapons - Medium Prow Lancex1,Large Lancesx2,Rad-Lance(12DP*50%=6DP)
--[X] Equipment -
---[X](Standardized Equipment:Ship Shrines, Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations,Space Marine Crew, Dedicated Ortillery,
---[X]1DP equipment

ure Lenses, Tuned Shields
---[X]2DP equipment:Armored Bridges, Improved Internal Security Systems,Improved Prow Spur
---[X]4DP equipment:Lense Cogitation Matrix Lattice, Large Teleportarium (1 Dp refund due to doctorine)
---[X]6DP equipment:Elite Crews
---[X]2DP Crusader Tax
-[x] [Light Cruiser] Couragous Yell-Class Light Cruiser (0DP Available)
--[x] Length - 4.400 Meters
--[x] Width - 600 Meters
--[x] Acceleration - 5 Gravities +2DP
--[x] Armor - Thin Triple Hull -1DP
--[x] Shields - One Matrix
--[x] Weapons - Medium Rotary Macro-Cannon Batteriesx4, Medium Plasma Macro-Cannons Turretsx4,(24DP*50%=12DP)
--[x] Equipment -
---[X]1DP equipment:Auto-Loaders, Tuned Shields
---[X]3DP equipment:Rapid Snapshot Targeting Solutions, Augmetic Security Division
---[X]4DP equipment:After-Burner Macro-Shells,Large Teleportarium(1 Dp Refund from Doctrine)
---[X]5DP equipment:Black Cat Shield Overload
---[X]2DP Crusader Doctorine Tax
-[X] [Heavy Cruiser] Vengeful Determiation -Class Strike Carrier
--[X] Sketch (Purely Optional)
--[X] Length - 5.400 Meters -1DP
--[X] Width - 1.000 Meters -1DP
--[X] Acceleration - 4 Gravities
--[X] Armor - Light Fortress Armor -1DP
--[X] Shields - Three Lattices
--[X] Weapons - Heavy Hangarsx3 (fighter),Heavy Hangarx2(Bomber),Heavy Hangerx1(interceptor)(24DP*50%=12DP)Light Lance Turretsx4(4DP*150%=6DP)
--[X] Equipment -
---[X]1DP equipment:Internal Security Systems, Armored Lifepods
---[X]2DP equipment:Automated Fighter Re-Arming Procedure
---[X]3DP equipment:Handpicked Pilots
---[X]4DP equipment:Yeeni Auxiliary Engineer Division
---[X]2DP Crusade Doctorine Tax
-[x] [Heavy Cruiser] Dawning Age Class Ramming Ship
--[x] Length -5.400 Meters
--[x] Width - 1.000 Meters
--[x] Acceleration - 4 Gravities
--[x] Armor - Light Fortress Armor
--[x] Shields - Three Lattices
--[x] Weapons - Shatter Prow,
Improved Heavy Prow Ram(8DP*50%=4DP) Total 4DP
--[x] Equipment -
---[X](Standardized Equipment:Ship Shrines, Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations,Space Marine Crew, Dedicated Ortillery,
---[X]2 DP equipment: Armored Bridges,
Improved Hardened Prow
---[X]3 DP equipment: Augmetic Security Department
---[X]4 DP equipment: Yeeni Auxiliary Engineer Division
---[X]12 Dp Equipment: Power-Spurs)
---[X]2 Dp Crusade Doctorine Tax
-[X] [Battleship] Mobile Chapter Fortress (174/174)
--[X] Length - 28.000 Meters(5DP)
--[X] Width - 6.000 Meters(5DP)
--[X] Acceleration - 0.6Gravity
--[X] Armor - Deus-Ultima Pattern Armor(8DP)
--[X] Shields - Five Refutation-Pattern Void Shields(4DP)
--[X] Weapons - 2x Ultra Heavy Prow Hangars[Boarding](7DP), 1x Ultra Heavy Hangars[Fighter](4DP), 20x Light Macro-Cannon Turrets(2DP), 6x Boarding Battery(12DP)(11*1.5+14*0.5=24DP)
--[X] Equipment - (2DP Tax)Space Marine Crew, Dedicated Ortillery, Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations, Ship Shrines, Twisted Knotted Vinelloy(15DP), Temperature Controls(12DP), Living Warp-Machines (12DP), Paw and Claw(12DP), Military Bastions(12DP), Elite Crews(6DP), 4x Large Teleportarium(12DP), Strict Pilot Training(1DP), Handpicked Pilots(3DP), Armored Bridges(2DP), Automated Fighter Re-Arming Procedures(2DP), Augmetic Security Department (3DP), Anti-Radiation Hardening (2DP) , Enhanced Strategium(3DP), Large Repair Bay(11DP), Titanic On-Board Manufactory(20DP)(128DP)
Work has begun, Posting this now so other people can contribute to the four required ships we dont have yet. We have 70DP of extra ships we can add, that i am leaving empty for now so that no one feels like they didnt get a chance to contribute.
Edit:I might Cut High Star Invader, While its a really fun concept, The battleship is supposed to be the core of the fleet, and that 1dp discount is insane.
Edit 2:yeah, sorry Never, but i am either going to need to completly redesign the High Star, or throw it out for now. If i have time later, i'll make a attempt, but i want to get the required ships done before herocooky Closes the vote