What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

  • Total voters
Finally caught up again. Glad I managed it before everything came to an end, though there's no way I'll be able to participate in making turn votes anymore with how complicated the Choir, Song, and Symphony juggling has become lol.

One thing I would like to put forward, is there a chance we can put an action into bulking out the Legio Gladius with a hundred Warhound-equiv titans soon-ish? I feel like that would be beneficial to have before things really kick off as they seem to be building towards.

I also have an idea for a design and would like to try and add another thing to this wonderful quest.

It still brings me great joy when I look at the Order of the Blazing Sun on the Military page.
Finally caught up again. Glad I managed it before everything came to an end, though there's no way I'll be able to participate in making turn votes anymore with how complicated the Choir, Song, and Symphony juggling has become lol.

One thing I would like to put forward, is there a chance we can put an action into bulking out the Legio Gladius with a hundred Warhound-equiv titans soon-ish? I feel like that would be beneficial to have before things really kick off as they seem to be building towards.

I also have an idea for a design and would like to try and add another thing to this wonderful quest.

It still brings me great joy when I look at the Order of the Blazing Sun on the Military page.

Personally i wanna get at least 1 deus titan done before quest end

Just having 2 mountains of "fuck you"
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Jan 22, 2025 at 2:14 PM, finished with 17 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Plan: It Belongs in a Museum!
    -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Mecropis Omega)
    -[X] [Military] The Ancient's 4x (3 actions + 1 heartbeat of industry action)
    --[X] Hallowed Grounds
    ---[X] Flag Armada Pulsar, SBGs Sphinx, Centaur, Werewolf and Minotaur, Nomadic Fleets Once-Forgotton-Joy & Thrum-of-the-Journey, LRAD Alpha & Logistic Fleet Mermaid.
    ---[X] Embermire Grand Army, Order of the Silent Vigil, and appropriate transport for them.
    --[X] Trainyard
    ---[X] Flag Armada Ashen Star, SBGs Leviathan, Basilisk, Hydralisk & Necrolisk, Nomadic Fleets Illuminators-Of-The-Road-Not-Traveled & Basion-of-Pathways, LRAD Beta & Logistic Fleet Cherub.
    ---[X] Ambrosius Grand Army, Order of the Crimson Dawn, and appropriate transport for them.
    --[X] Friends of the Mountains
    ---[X] Flag Armada Broken Star, SBGs Kraken, Gorgon, Gryphon, Wyvern, Nomadic Fleets Trade-Guardians & Winged-Deliverance, LRAD Gamma & Logistic Fleet Nymph.
    ---[X] Hidden Village Grand Army, Order of the Voidbound Chalice, and appropriate transport for them.
    --[X] Chants Under Hallowed Halls
    ---[X] Flag Armada Magnetar, SBGs Dragon, Cyclops, Phoenix, Garuda, Nomadic Fleets Dust-Upon-The-Winds & Beat-of-Oiled Drums, LRAD Delta & Logistic Fleet Dryad.
    ---[X] Melritrum Village Grand Army, Order of the Radiant Halo, and appropriate transport for them.
What's it gonna be.

Personally i wanna get at least 1 deus titan done before quest end
Just having 2 mountains of "fuck you"
Like this one?
Hope Ascendant
-Size: Deus Machina
-Colors: White and Gold with fringes of Black and Yellow.
-Left-Hand Armament: Titan Siege Club, Ion Shield Gauntlet, Powerfist.
-Right-Hand Armament: Plasma Annihilator, Hellwrath Stormcannon, Celestial Lance.
-Left Shoulder Armament: Volcano Turrets, Macross Missile Batteries.
-Right Shoulder Armament: Melta Lance Turrets, Macro-Bolter Turrets.
-Back-Mounted: Phantom Mantle, Point Defense Department.
-Optimized both for long-duration combat against foes who cannot effectively match it and short, high-intensity combat against similar-weight foes, the Hope Ascendent is outfitted primarily with energy weapons that don't require resupply, and several support options to supplement its incredibly powerful void shield and extend its survivability. Though too large to be considered "stealthy" in any sense of the word, the presence of the Phantom Mantle allows some amount of strategic unpredictability for what is undeniably a strategic weapon.
-Number of Legs: Two
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555.M43 - A Cursed Place
The planet upon which the hallowed grounds stood was a cursed place.

Arachnids the size of adult human men crawled through the forests, Ogryns turned feral and animal by gene experiments marched through mountain, bog, and forest, giants with enough strength to crush a knight in plate with one hand and munch on his head with the other, war beasts of forgotten species pounded on their paws and claws through the steppes, curses long forgotten seeped through the lands and called back the resting dead to bring their fury unto the ends of this world once more, all the while rocks and stone and sand awoke in shifting minds that merged without intelligent thought, some growing as large as mountains in the dunes of the desserts before falling apart once more.

And all throughout the lands, primitive humans lived, fought, died, prospered, and fell from grace. Citadels of stone and wood watched over mountains and woods, cities with a hundred thousand citizens were counted among the greatest bastions of civilization, alchemists plied their trade with pried loose hearts and sap of animated wood marching against lumberjacks, histories recorded the glories and gory of the nobles while they ignored the yoke and plight of the people, while bands of mercenaries exchanged bloodshed for coin, be it to do it to others, man and beast alike, or to defend those who wished it not done to them.

And above the planet, a million sophonts began their descent unto that world, three places in mind, their passing forever recorded in the minds of these peoples, that day when the heavens sent down chariots of fire.

What place had what they sought?
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] The Obsidian Monolith
(Gain: Power Armor STC)
[] The Crawling City
(Gain: Industry STC)
[] The Grotesque Tree
(Gain: Rejuvenat STC)

Above another world, or rather around the station that housed the prices sought, another fleet of Glimmerling ships circles the great defenses, armaments barking deadly retorts to Archeotech and Xenotech Sorceries, blinding pulses of sunlight dancing across timelines slicing apart ships while undulating blobs of matter swerve and pierce the fighters that come too close in intent to shatter them, the fleet burning through munitions at a rate their gunnery can barely count as every second bought it another that the soldiers ripping through the inside of the station can use to find what is sought, shut down the defenses, and lay bare the befouled inhabitants unto the scales of justice that the Federation has brought to the Ancient's Trainyard.

Few things of worth are found here, yet they are:
[] Children In Stasis

(Gain: A Forgotten Abhuman Species.)
[] 'The Records Of Ancient Transgressions'
(Gain: Ancient Mutilated Dreadnought requiring repairs.)
[] Nothing But The Loot Was Found
(Gain: Three New Ship Weapons And One Equipment.)

Those sent to discover the Ancient's Friends of the Mountains find nothing. There is only a graveyard where a bustling system once stood, qintillions of bleached bones floating in the void of some horrific monster of the galaxy slain by weapons and dogged determination. With nothing else to do here besides create a monument for the fallen...carry some of the bones for study...

...And Leave:
[] And Then Pray.

(Gain full knowledge of Lesser Tyranid Bioforms.)
[] And Then Record.
(Gain full knowledge of Higher Tyranid Bioforms.)
[] And Then Mourn.
(Gain full knowledge of Specialist Tyranid Bioforms.)

The chants...the chants...The Chants! They call...they speak to us...they know of us...we answer. We answer. WE ANSWER!


(New Melody: Chant)
(New Melody: Movement)
(New Melody: Oblivion)
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[] The Obsidian Monolith
[] Children In Stasis
[] And Then Mourn.
Forgot about the vote time limit T-T
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Oh damn. I forgot how good these sites were. Initial thoughts:

What place had what they sought?
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] The Obsidian Monolith
(Gain: Power Armor STC)
[] The Crawling City
(Gain: Industry STC)
[] The Grotesque Tree
(Gain: Rejuvenat STC)
Wow, that's hard. Genuinely all amazing. I think power armor is just terminator armor which is good but not exactly... incredible. We've built tall with industry, and I like the idea of boosting that further. But a rejuvenat STC... would be a way for us to really break past the 10% barrier. That would be incredible.

Still, I think I'm going to go for Industry? We can pump out dozens of battleships at once, but this is how we start to actually mass-produce dreadnaughts. And that's how we win the next war.

Few things of worth are found here, yet they are:
[] Children In Stasis

(Gain: A Forgotten Abhuman Species.)
[] The Records Of Ancient Transgressions
(Gain: Ancient Mutilated Dreadnought requiring repairs.)
[] Nothing But The Loot Was Found
(Gain: Three New Ship Weapons And One Equipment.)
Wow. These are great. I think the new ship weapons & equipment are right out. We just refit our ships, probably for the last time. I'm very tempted by the dreadnought. Very tempted, especially if it gives us discounts to Void Industry Development.

...And Leave:
[] And Then Pray.

(Gain full knowledge of Lesser Tyranid Bioforms.)
[] And Then Record.
(Gain full knowledge of Higher Tyranid Bioforms.)
[] And Then Mourn.
(Gain full knowledge of Specialist Tyranid Bioforms.)
Huh. Probably Higher? It's easier to gain knowledge of the Lessers, and knowing about the Higher tells us about the importance of synapse-leaders and killing the big ones.

Though knowing about the specialists might tell us about genestealers, and that's valuable. Very valuable. As well as maybe their FTL?


(New Melody: Chant)
(New Melody: Movement)
(New Melody: Oblivion)
I like [] Cease. We already have harmony & song, so I'm not sure if chant is really new, as well as void, death, Start so oblivion doesn't seem that novel. But nothing that really effects movement.

@HeroCooky Questions!
1. The mutilated dreadnaught - does that give us just a project to get a dreadnaught, or does it also give us bonuses to future dreadnaughts/discounts to void industry development?
2. Which category do genestealers land in? What about Narvhals?
3. What does the juvenat STC mean? instant upgrade of juvenat access? Bigger steps forward in rejuvenat?
4. Would oblivion let us make songs to perma-kill demons?

[X] The Obsidian Monolith
[X] Children In Stasis
Voting isn't open. We have six hours to chat first. Do you have arguments for your thoughts?
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[] The Obsidian Monolith
(Gain: Power Armor STC)
[] The Crawling City
(Gain: Industry STC)
[] The Grotesque Tree
(Gain: Rejuvenat STC)
I think that better Power Armor from Dark Age of Technology will be the most useful for us given how we have space marine legion as back up and how we have elite human size units. I think that Rejuvenat could be useful if it makes our lives even longer, but given how little time is left of the quest it isn't top priority for me. Industry STC seems to be replication or moving factories which is why I am not that focused on it.
[] Children In Stasis
(Gain: A Forgotten Abhuman Species.)
[] 'The Records Of Ancient Transgressions'
(Gain: Ancient Mutilated Dreadnought requiring repairs.)
[] Nothing But The Loot Was Found
(Gain: Three New Ship Weapons And One Equipment.)
I want another Abhuman species especially since it is forgotten. We just had ship upgrades and Dreadnoughts aren't that game-changing edit never mind I thought it was Space Marines Dreadnaughts not the battleship+++
[] And Then Pray.
(Gain full knowledge of Lesser Tyranid Bioforms.)
[] And Then Record.
(Gain full knowledge of Higher Tyranid Bioforms.)
[] And Then Mourn.
(Gain full knowledge of Specialist Tyranid Bioforms.)
I want to point out that the Patriach (i.e. the thing that makes genestealer cults) is specialist, I rest my case your honor.
(New Melody: Chant)
(New Melody: Movement)
(New Melody: Oblivion)
Oblivion could be useful for a plan to make perma death of daemons if possible, but other wise Chant seems most useful as it could probably act as boost for other songs and generally a long-term boosts.
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Well this was a fruitful archaeological spelunking. Also is it just me, or is anyone else have a feeling that the first world sounds a lot like Mallus from WHF?

[] The Grotesque Tree
[] Children In Stasis
[] And Then Mourn.
@HeroCooky Questions!
1. The mutilated dreadnaught - does that give us just a project to get a dreadnaught, or does it also give us bonuses to future dreadnaughts/discounts to void industry development?
2. Which category do genestealers land in? What about Narvhals?
3. What does the juvenat STC mean? instant upgrade of juvenat access? Bigger steps forward in rejuvenat?
4. Would oblivion let us make songs to perma-kill demons?
1. It gives you a mutilated Archeotech Dreadnought Ship.
2. Both are Specialists.
3. Juvenat STC. The ambiguity is part of the vote.
4. You could certainly try!

And with that; Night!
[] The Grotesque Tree
More rejuvenant lets us have more immortal polymaths, and better Juvenant coverage seems like something the star child would like
[] Children In Stasis
Saving the children seems like something the star child would want. Also they might be amazing? Idk I only know about Ogryns, Ratlings and Felinids as abhumans, and we already have representation from all of them. Guess we might get Navigators?
[] And Then Mourn.
Profilozof had a very good point about genestealers being specialists.
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