Screw it, we can build new fleets after we get void XX. For now, we're gonna be archaelogists.
@HeroCooky I'm hoping we can do all of these in a single sub-turn - if we can't I might try to write out another vote that instead makes a bunch of fleets or something.
[X] Plan: It Belongs in a Museum!
-[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Mecropis Omega)
-[X] [Military] The Ancient's 4x (3 actions + 1 heartbeat of industry action)
--[X] Hallowed Grounds
---[X] Flag Armada Pulsar, SBGs Sphinx, Centaur, Werewolf and Minotaur, Nomadic Fleets Once-Forgotton-Joy & Thrum-of-the-Journey, LRAD Alpha & Logistic Fleet Mermaid.
---[X] Embermire Grand Army, Order of the Silent Vigil, and appropriate transport for them.
--[X] Trainyard
---[X] Flag Armada Ashen Star, SBGs Leviathan, Basilisk, Hydralisk & Necrolisk, Nomadic Fleets Illuminators-Of-The-Road-Not-Traveled & Basion-of-Pathways, LRAD Beta & Logistic Fleet Cherub.
---[X] Ambrosius Grand Army, Order of the Crimson Dawn, and appropriate transport for them.
--[X] Friends of the Mountains
---[X] Flag Armada Broken Star, SBGs Kraken, Gorgon, Gryphon, Wyvern, Nomadic Fleets Trade-Guardians & Winged-Deliverance, LRAD Gamma & Logistic Fleet Nymph.
---[X] Hidden Village Grand Army, Order of the Voidbound Chalice, and appropriate transport for them.
--[X] Chants Under Hallowed Halls
---[X] Flag Armada Magnetar, SBGs Dragon, Cyclops, Phoenix, Garuda, Nomadic Fleets Dust-Upon-The-Winds & Beat-of-Oiled Drums, LRAD Delta & Logistic Fleet Dryad.
---[X] Melritrum Village Grand Army, Order of the Radiant Halo, and appropriate transport for them.
Here's the full list, I picked four that sounded interesting. Let me know/post your own plan if you like a different set.
Jubilant Den/Circus De Meniue/Flirtatious-Indolent Bay Resort/Flowergarden/ Stone Of Water/Drowned Forest/Crucible of Bile/Temple of The Ancient Tombs/Bell Of Vitaes/Smiling Cat Tavern/Supple Slumber/Friends of the Mountains/Webbed Nests/Hallowed Grounds/Trainyard/Chants Under Hallowed Halls/Earthen Nuts]
(also should we change our company bonus to no longer be colonising?)
We did that last turn.
-[X] [Free] Switch ISC back to New Dawn For next turn, so after colonization.
Currently Active ISC: [New Dawn R&D]