What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Good point. Edited to Growth II & Mercy III.
Mercy should already be 3, despite it not being 3 on the Melodies list, due to this series of events and it also being 3 on the song it's apart of. @HeroCooky may have to add that to their workload tomorrow haha…
Edit: Just realized Mercy isn't level III! Let's do that. Then Luminous Aid starts at level III.
The Healer's Star - Health III, Compassion III Mercy III, Wisdom III, The Star
I really, really want to take the Chaos Resistance Trait for All-XV and All-XX, since I want to see what the max level of it is and there are no other ways to get there. Hopefully I don't have to fistfight the thread to do so?

We need bountu of plentiful to reach all XX
But i wouldnt mind taking as XX trait
Mercy should already be 3, despite it not being 3 on the Melodies list, due to this series of events and it also being 3 on the song it's apart of. @HeroCooky may have to add that to their workload tomorrow haha…
To my knowledge (and checking), no. Mercy is at II.
Duchy explaining their change fron dogmatic to iconoclast over the centuries:
They exchanged 1 Heretical for 1 Icono over the centuries and y'all acting like they vibing. >:[
Speaking of the Duchy how does religious situation is looking there?
*Waggles Hand* Looking "eh"? Sub-Sectors near you are solidly Star Child, but various sects of Imperial-Era Cults exist, some old-new faiths are rising, things are weird near their xeno vassal, the Mechanicus is...the Mechanicus. You know how it goes.

With that: Night!
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I'm hoping rank XV will be strong enough to give us multiple ticks on the faction trait, but if not, I'm fine with boosting it for our last infs.
[X] Plan: We're Going Nuts
-[X] [Free] Consecrate in Sacred Sands (Firc)
-[X] [Free][Psykana] (0.8/1 - Auto Complete) - [Choose Melody]
--[X] Growth II
-[X] [Psykana] Sing a Symphony (A Cry for the Future)
-[X] [Psykana] Sing a Symphony (The Grand Design)
-[X] [Psykana] Conduct Six Melodies (Class is in Session 1)
--[X] Slumber, Plants, Hunger, Comfort, Revenge, Retribution
-[X] [Psykana] Conduct Six Melodies (Class is in session 2)
--[X] Clockwork, Candle, Time III, Harmony III, Mercy III, Community II
--[X] If we already have any of these, change to another valid melody another valid melody, it's very confusing.
-[X] [Psykana] Sing two Songs (class is in session 3)
--[X] Rise Anew, Above, Beyond, Embers Of The Ash - Fire, Hope, Death and Growth
--[X] A Path Towards the Future - Prophecy, Time, Wisdom, Paths, Harmony
-[X] [General] Research: (1 normal action + 4 Cry for the Future actions + 7 bonus research actions, remaining research bonus of 0.5) (Italicized numbers are reduced by Unto Works Generational. Also Grand Design is active so all of these should be buffed)
--[X] Black Cat Ship Weapon Rationalization, Black Cat Shield Overload, Large Black Cat Troop Compartment, Expanded Sensorium, and Black Cat Heat Cyclers (0/1)
--[X] Hexagrammic Grammophone (0/2) x2
--[X] Choir's Tangle (0/3) x3
--[X] Discordant Shriek (0/6 )x6
[X] Plan: We're Going Nuts

alectai is gonna either cream his pants or shoot himself over the prospect of redesigning our entire fucking navy
[X] Plan: We're Going Nuts

alectai is gonna either cream his pants or shoot himself over the prospect of redesigning our entire fucking navy
To be fair, our fleet doesn't need *that* much of a change- stuff some additional point defenses plus internal defenses to prep for the 'nids.

Maybe put more weapons in general because 'nids are going to be coming in a proper splinter fleet or if we are unlucky minor Hive fleet
Why would I scream or go crazy?

I've had two nights so far and another about to start where I got a full night's sleep for the first time in months.

It would take a lot for me to fly off the handle now!