Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

I'm wondering what the reasoning is for people not adding the free action Crown questions to their vote since it doesn't cost them anything. Maybe it's narrative related or due to the focus issue for one of the questions but no one is talking.


I'm going to put my vote like this until further notice. The missing foci can be addressed later. The intent is what matters anyway.

[X] NEW [SGI] Hunt Down Foes
-[X] Evil Bob
-[X] Crown Questions
It's a matter of focus in my mind. We're just jumping to a random task and asking arbitrary questions while doing so. We'll probably have forgotten most of the details by the time it's relevant to use.

Not that we shouldn't ask those particular ones at some point, but doesn't all this jumping around feel disjointed to you? If we organized things a little better we could set up a whole narrative of the actions we're performing instead of hopping around like a coked up hummingbird.
We're just jumping to a random task and asking arbitrary questions while doing so. We'll probably have forgotten most of the details by the time it's relevant to use.
Not that we shouldn't ask those particular ones at some point,
You know those questions are from the winning Plan vote right? They are going to be asked before March closes out regardless of whether or not they fit the narrative at the time or will be useful in the moment.

Considering the questions themselves I doubt they will all naturally fit in anywhere but they are going to be asked this month anyway so that isn't much of a reason.

If we organized things a little better we could set up a whole narrative of the actions we're performing instead of hopping around like a coked up hummingbird.
That has nothing to do with the Crown questions. They don't require that we go anywhere. We aren't in actuality hopping around with the Evil Bob action either since it's a clone action.

Narratively speaking I can see your point since we just did a theater action it would make sense to continue with the other right now since it would flow better but we don't loose anything by doing it later and honestly I just don't see narrative flow as a high priority. I'd rather see the enemy from Arc 1 addressed before more movie things.
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You know those questions are from the winning Plan vote right? They are going to be asked before March closes out regardless of whether or not they fit the narrative at the time or will be useful in the moment.

Considering the questions themselves I doubt they will all naturally fit in anywhere but they are going to be asked this month anyway so that isn't much of a reason.

That has nothing to do with the Crown questions. They don't require that we go anywhere. We aren't in actuality hopping around with the Evil Bob action either since it's a clone action.

Narratively speaking I can see your point since we just did a theater action it would make sense to continue with the other right now since it would flow better but we don't loose anything by doing it later and honestly I just don't see narrative flow as a high priority. I'd rather see the enemy from Arc 1 addressed before more movie things.
If it doesn't matter when we ask the questions why not do it later then? Doesn't seem to be a rush.

I think narrative flow has a lot more value than you're crediting it with too. The drawn out and exhausting setup for our recent arcs has in part been a result of how we organize things. We go to hell and then come back with a list of random odds and ends to do. We bounce between tasks and end up missing opportunities to work things into each other.

If we actually moved between general tasks as collective efforts I think the same arcs would feel less drawn out and generally get more done.

We should do the hit list all at once after we've finished the topic we've started.
If it doesn't matter when we ask the questions why not do it later then? Doesn't seem to be a rush.
I didn't say that it doesn't matter when. What I said was that your elaborated reasons for being against doing it now rather than later could be used to deny them every time until it's 'appropriate' but that there wouldn't be such a time by your apparent standards this March but they are going to be answered this month regardless because they are on the Plan Vote so this reasoning of yours isn't justification to not do it at any particular point in time during the current month.

Degorium's reasoning for wanting to do the free action now rather than potentially several real life months later is my own.

I'm extremely curious about literally all of this information and to be honest it feels like these are questions that are good to have answers to well before any real action takes place potentially on any of those fronts
At its core it's five Essence for just massive Secrets / greater understanding of ourselves our enemies our allies and what we and potentially our enemies are capable of.
For example, the Crown question regarding Mab is from several Arcs ago. Mab originally used the information that we'd be gaining from that CQ to tempt us. We had to pass a roll not to fall into some kind of trap because she triggered our Urge of the Forbidden. Had we met Mab in person at any point after that Arc with Nemesis!Maeve she would have been free to do so again. Asking that question then pulls ammo out of her hands, ammo that is likely only so effective because it concerns the "Green Sun", the title of the Quest.

I think narrative flow has a lot more value than you're crediting it with too. The drawn out and exhausting setup for our recent arcs has in part been a result of how we organize things. We go to hell and then come back with a list of random odds and ends to do. We bounce between tasks and end up missing opportunities to work things into each other.
I'm having a hard time thinking of any examples of what you're actually describing here. Some Arcs tend to get drawn out because the thread is ambitious so we end up tackling multiple things at once so we don't have to deal with those things later on and to take advantage of opportunities when they present themselves.

The Boston Arc for example. We went to Boston for Harvard then decided to secure it and the Well against Mikaboshi and after killing his plane of troops that he was forced to send to save face, killing his troops in city, removing his other in Boston assets and stopping the attack on America's economy we could have stopped right there and returned to the Mikaboshi issue later as he would have had to deal with other Yama Kings sensing weakness and taking advantage of perceived vulnerability.

We instead decided to go to Hell and continue the Boston action and you were one of the main advocates of doing so having been the one who came up with the Hope Plague idea to make the attack more devastating and viable. In the process drawing out the Arc but likely saving us time later by more proactively dealing with an enemy that was experimenting with essence to try and make something like Molly.

Or the White Council Traitor Arc. We didn't need to spend extra time pushing our Book of Laws agenda back then and it made the Arc even longer but we took advantage of that opportunity and worked it into that current action. There was even an argument about shoving more agendas into that action such as the Pigeon God.

We can't do everything at once due to time and essence constraints and what you seem to be asking for is that we make Arcs even more drawn out instead of of leaving some newly discovered plot threads for later because of how drawn out some of our Arcs have been.

What opportunity(s) would we be missing out on by coming back to the make a movie plotline later this month instead of doing it right here and now?

If we actually moved between general tasks as collective efforts I think the same arcs would feel less drawn out and generally get more done.

We should do the hit list all at once after we've finished the topic we've started.

When you say general task do you mean different AP actions that are related in location and or objectives? You are going to have to explain this because what you seem to be suggesting, that we combine similar AP actions to make multi Arcs, would make those Arcs feel even more drawn out rather than giving us a breather in between.

Edit: Fact check, you were actually one of the main advocates against going to Hell and came up with the Hope Bringer after the thread voted to do so regardless. I misremembered.
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So, uh @DragonParadox , any idea of when the char sheets can be updated with the correct soak valie for Molly? Also, last I checked, both Molly and her circle mates were missing their gear in the char sheet (Molly's has only the sword listed, not the Dark Sun Shield), and Lydia is missing her jacket and her familiar, abd I dont know about the other 2 people.
Its just that my OCD is acting up seeing an incorrect, incomplete char sheet.
So, uh @DragonParadox , any idea of when the char sheets can be updated with the correct soak valie for Molly? Also, last I checked, both Molly and her circle mates were missing their gear in the char sheet (Molly's has only the sword listed, not the Dark Sun Shield), and Lydia is missing her jacket and her familiar, abd I dont know about the other 2 people.
Its just that my OCD is acting up seeing an incorrect, incomplete char sheet.
I don't know Exalted from a hole in the ground or I would keep the sheets updated like I do for DP's Pathfinder quest.

If any of y'all are Exalted literate, you could just update the sheets with the relevant information for DP to save him the trouble.
So, uh @DragonParadox , any idea of when the char sheets can be updated with the correct soak valie for Molly? Also, last I checked, both Molly and her circle mates were missing their gear in the char sheet (Molly's has only the sword listed, not the Dark Sun Shield), and Lydia is missing her jacket and her familiar, abd I dont know about the other 2 people.
Its just that my OCD is acting up seeing an incorrect, incomplete char sheet.

Soak fixed, will handle the rest tomorrow. In the meantime Vote closed, lets see if you cant track down Evil Bob.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Jan 15, 2025 at 12:35 PM, finished with 59 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] NEW [SGI] Hunt Down Foes
    -[X] Evil Bob
    -[X] Crown Questions
    [X] NEW [SGI] Hunt Down Foes
    -[X] Evil Bob
    [X] Evil Bob: Last you heard he was somewhere in Egypt, or at least the monster he bargained with was, 1 AP
    [X] Crown Questions
    -[X] What does Mab know concerning the subject of your exaltation? (use the recording of your talk with Mab when she referred to you as Green Sun)
    -[X] Who was Hollow Man referring to when he offered to tell Molly of other people like her in exchange for his life? (use record of his word)
    -[X] How (by what means) has Mikaboshi seized the power from its previous owner? (use The not Entirely stable Essence Cage)
    -[X] What are the consequences of Harry becoming the Warden of Demonreach that the spirit of Demonreach is unable or unwilling to tell him about? (Recording of Demonreach speech)
    -[X] What has Thorned Namshiel learned from their encounter with us? (Record of Thorned Speech)
    [X] NEW Entertainment from the courts
Arc 15 Interlude 7: Hunters' Lore
Hunters' Lore

11th of March 2007 A.D.

The morning sun over Cairo did not yet have the power to bleach the colors from the world, revealing instead a bewildering array of colors and patterns, dresses and carpets, shawls and headscarf from the traditional to 'Daidas' shoes and Versice handbags. Vendors haggled in earnest and tourists haggled in play as they played at wealth in a foreign land. And oh how much this land had seen, Song of Perennial Hours Intrinsically Ascending thought.

The White Council had quite the presence in Egypt, all too aware that for all the tombs that had been ransacked over the ages yet more of them waited, hidden beneath the red land, the sands beyond the life giving banks of the Nile and yet as far as the local wizards were able to ascertain there had never been an attack by the Black Court here. They were creatures of the cold and bleak north where the sun's face was hidden and the storm their weapon. So said Dina Haddad the Warden of Cairo, but the woman was nothing if not willing to help especially once Sophia had proven her worth by tracking down one of the 'True Magi' to a carwash in the city of all places. Whether he was planning some nafarious car related sabotage or just trying to lie low until the hunt died down his blood had been shed just as that of countless others though the centuries had been and dragon-fire had made short work of the remains.

Though the fallen wizard had been a dead end, he had indirectly provided a clue about the old evil they hunted. He had been attempting to get into contact with one of Egypt's ancient ghoul clans. More refined that the brutish clans that hunted the cemeteries of Europe north of the Alps, less subservient than those who had sold themselves into the service of the White Court the those children of Lamashtu who remained close to their ancient birthplace were said to have a sort of honor to their dealings with outsiders over and above the strict necessities of the Accords. 'That doesn't mean they aren't going to devour you if you look weak, but they'll at least feed you some complementary tea and Balah El Sham before they do it', according to her guide. Also according to the formidable Warden Haddad the ghoul lords of the deep deserts disliked competition, to the point where they would sometimes even devour human bandits and rebels who wandered too far into the desert, much less creatures like the vampire who fed upon the same stock as them, which was why she was wandering the bazaar at seeming random following a man in a green cap, a courierwho was definitely mortal and who most likely didn't even know he had been hired to lead a wizard and dragon to a meeting place of ghouls.

Sophia had been briefly worried that they ghouls were going to eat the man after they were done with him, but apparently these ghouls were too aware of the dangers of exposure to do something to obvious. Once more I find myself before the lesser evil, she thought. The question is what can I pay them so that they will not become the greater ones...

[] Money, you have plenty of it and no doubt the ghouls will have some use for it, though they might hesitate to share their most ancient of secrets for such a mundane price

[] Alchemical goods, no doubt useful, but who knows who they might trade it to afterwards or what they might be able to deduce about your art

[] Balefire weapons, the least palatable offer, but also the most likely to get full answers out of them. Everyone can always use more weapons

[] Write in

OOC: Bonus this time around, you killed another one of the True Magi.
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Even well to do Ghouls have to work at keeping their prodigious appetites sated. That's expensive if you don't want to attract attention.

[X] Money, you have plenty of it and no doubt the ghouls will have some use for it, though they might hesitate to share their most ancient of secrets for such a mundane price
[x] Alchemical goods, no doubt useful, but who knows who they might trade it to afterwards or what they might be able to deduce about your art

Aren't we planning on starting to push manufacturing these things and selling them anyways?
[] Balefire weapons, the least palatable offer, but also the most likely to get full answers out of them. Everyone can always use more weapons
Are they likely to be able to reproduce them are should they become dependent on us for resupply and maintenance? Just that when you get to high level stuff being an arms merchant is a very close relationship that goes both ways.
In the meantime Vote closed, lets see if you cant track down Evil Bob.
Did you find out if we had already used the Akuma corpse Crown focus for Mikaboshi as a crafting regent?

Aren't we planning on starting to push manufacturing these things and selling them anyways?
The March plan vote is to look into selling "exotic materials" not solidified spells. Thinking back to a recent conversation with DP on the Wicked City during the last vote I'm hoping that part of the plan isn't saying to sell solidified bits of Molly's soul to earth for cash.
Advanced materials: High temperature superconductors, advanced steels and alloys, nanotubes and more exotic materials still – your Courts understanding of material science is far superior to the best Earth has to offer. Time to start leveraging that advantage. Look into starting exports and/or production Earthside of materials that Earth doesn't have analogs of. Nothing too advanced at first, of course.
Are they likely to be able to reproduce them are should they become dependent on us for resupply and maintenance. Just that when you get to high level stuff being an arms merchant is a very close relationship that goes both ways.

Molly doesn't think any faction on earth beside the White Council could reproduce them (and even they would not be able to do so in bulk), but just because the weapons cannot be reproduced and may not be serviced doesn't mean they aren't useful. It would be a case of 'use it til you lose it'.
[X] Alchemical goods, no doubt useful, but who knows who they might trade it to afterwards or what they might be able to deduce about your art

For one Express reason Alchemy Goods are non- fungible while they can be exchanged for things the ghouls would be definitively losing out on the benefits the potions or salves or whatever concoctions directly Grant in doing so. They provide a unique and Powerful value that's hard to justify replacing with money or weapons or maybe even food if it's healing type Alchemy Goods.

This is in direct contrast to money and or bale fire weapons which while the balefire weapons are also not fungible they're only uses in being used as well either a deterrent or actively used to kill.

Money on the other hand is the medium exchange so they can be used to buy more weapons more food more anything really because also not a particularly prestigious medium trade for that exact reason. The uniqueness of the Alchemy Goods should help smooth negotiations as well as give us the opportunity to negotiate what type of alchemy good we are giving them.
[x] Balefire weapons, the least palatable offer, but also the most likely to get full answers out of them. Everyone can always use more weapons
-[x]On the condition that they tell us which enemies they plan on using their newfound fortune on.
[X] Money, you have plenty of it and no doubt the ghouls will have some use for it, though they might hesitate to share their most ancient of secrets for such a mundane price
[X] Alchemical goods, no doubt useful, but who knows who they might trade it to afterwards or what they might be able to deduce about your art

Just to be clear - this is main Molly action in general, correct? I thought this was main Molly action. I'm guessing Sophia is doing prepwork?

On what to offer - tentatively alchemical goods. They can't be preserved for long, normally, so they won't have much time to analyze them or resell them.
Are these supposed to be Molly-sourced Alchemical products or stuff imported from Sanctuary?
Are these supposed to be Molly-sourced Alchemical products or stuff imported from Sanctuary?
Technically anything from Sanctuary is Molly sourced lol. I'm guessing Sophia would teleport to Sanctuary then back with the stuff. That would make the most sense to me anyway. It doesn't actually say huh. Anything Molly made could last significantly longer than normal.