I said that we were the 600-pound gorilla. That's still true. We can throw 45 battleships at a problem when we need to, and if we really get scared we can declare an emergency and build about a hundred battleships a turn. Of course we'll be building more mixed fleets, so it'll be more like 5 flag armadas & 30 SBGs, but still.
You know what? Given that no enemies remain I'm thinking we go ham with colonizations without swapping our ISCs.
[] Plan: Land Claiming Push
-[] [General] Colonize (Sub-Sector)
--[] Gutson (11/11 Systems)
--[] Broken Tower (17/19 Systems)
--[] Yearning Tower(16/16 Systems)
--[] Palace of Stars (4/26 Systems) [Mechandrite Action]
@HeroCooky does General Action done with progress gained from Mechandrite count to triggering Mechandrite again?
My problem with this is that while it is an increase in territory for us, it's not a particularly significant one.
Think about it in terms of the epilogue. Which one is more significant, being 5% bigger, or having a 50% higher quality of life/advanced technology/etc.
Also - I expect us to be able to colonize 2-subsectors per action at some point soon.
Arcanum Psyker Staves are at (4/5) if we are doing research i like to fit those in
What tech should we replace with it? The turn's full, and all of the other techs there are
important. Sigils are us finally developing faith-based items we just got a bonus with, we're going to want to do more ship designs from the bonus we just got, so the Black Cat ship components seem important. Then the grammaphone, tangle and shriek are all strategic-level psykana-enabling items. And the Arcanum psyker staves will probably get completed
anyway by our research auto-ticker, which is why it's at 4/5.
Anyways, if we don't want to just do a big general action turn, we can get halfway towards popping off:
[] Plan: The Development Treadmill
-[] [Free] Consecrate in Sacred Sands (Verdant Dawn)
-[] [General] Develop The Federations'...
--[] Food Production XI & XII (
NOT USING the 50% discount) (2 actions)
--[] Heavy Industry XII & XIII (1 Devouring Mechadendrite action) (Using one of the 50% discounts)
--[] Medical Services XI & XII (Using one of the 50% discounts) (1 action)
That gets us halfway to popping off to get All-XV. We still need to get:
-[] Food production XIII
-[] Military Industry XI
-[] Military Industry XII
And then we'll be ready for a turn that looks like this (And requires Cry for the Future to be already active)
[] Plan: The Grand All-XV
-[] Food production XIV & XV (Using the 50% discount) (1 action)
-[] Heavy industry XIV & XV (Using the 50% discount) (1 action)
-[] Medical Services XIII, XIV (Using 2 50% discounts) (devouring mechadendrite action)
-[] Medical Services XV, XVI (1 action)
-[] Military Industry XIII (Cry for the Future action)
-[] Military Industry XIV (Devouring Mechadendrite action)
-[] Military Industry XV (Cry for the Future action 2)
So either we do the big research+psykana turn
now, or we do 2 turns of development (with a flex action next turn), then do the big research + psykana turn and immediately get to all-XV, then have a giant life-or-death voting fight as we try to pick capstone traits for Food Production XV, Heavy Industry XV, Medical Services XV, Military Industry XV and All-XV at the same time.