What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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~Pop go the Dogmatics~

Oh and the Coalition is taking over their territory.

...and they're pissed with us for not fighting earlier? Ungrateful little pricks. It wasn't exactly without cost.

@HeroCooky Questions!
1. How close are we to integrating the Coalition?
2. Are there any diplomatic actions we can do with the coalition to prep them for integration? ISC access seems like far down the line, but trade deals, tech transfer, aid missions, etc etc.
3. So the 50% discounts on Dev mean that 1 action is converted to two is that correct? So putting 1 action into Heavy Industry would bump it from 11 to 13, and two actions would bump it all the way to 15.
4. No three developments can total more than 45 before the cost on all of them goes up? Wow. Ok. Civ + void is already 31, so no other dev can reach 14? In the past wasn't it that no two could be more than 30 before we got the all-X increase?
5. Can you remind me, does Unto Works Generational work on research actions? That would make Discordant Shriek into a 6-action research, which might make it much more attainable. What about Hexagrammic Grammophone & Choir's Tangle?
6. Oh yeah. What does this do? Below abstraction?
[Temple Cultural Harmonization] - Weavings Of Faith - The power of the soul, woven into the Materium by hands sure and certain, can bring about more miracles than the fires of the weapon could ever conceive.
(Improves production of Faith Items by 50%.)
7. Will any researches give us a 50% bonus on Military Industry development?

Anyway, here's my plan. We have at least one Cry Turn, potentially two. So let's do this. It should unlock every single remaining melody, as well as the ability to automatically sing them with the grammaphone, as well as all of the ship equipment we need for the future design actions. And some fun songs.
[] Plan: Go Nuts with Research
-[] [Psykana] Sing a Symphony (A Cry for the Future)
-[] [Psykana] Sing a Symphony (The Grand Design)
-[] [Psykana] Conduct Six Melodies (Class is in Session 1)
--[] Slumber, Plants, Hunger, Comfort, Revenge, Retribution
-[] [Psykana] Conduct Six Melodies (Class is in session 2)
--[] Clockwork, Candle, Prophecy III, Time III, Harmony III, Paths III
-[] [Psykana] Sing two Songs (class is in session 3)
--[] Rise Anew, Above, Beyond, Embers Of The Ash - Fire, Hope, Death and Growth
--[] A Path Towards the Future - Prophecy, Time, Wisdom, Paths, Harmony
-[] [General] Research: (1 normal action + 3 Cry for the Future action + 6 bonus research actions, all boosted by The Grand Design)
--[] Black Cat Ship Weapon Rationalization, Black Cat Shield Overload, Large Black Cat Troop Compartment, Expanded Sensorium, and Black Cat Heat Cyclers (0/1)
--[] Sigils (0/1)
--[] Arcanum Psyker Staves (4/5)
--[] Hexagrammic Grammophone (0/3)
--[] Choir's Tangle (0/4)
-[] [General] Develop The Federations'...
--[] Medical Services XI & XII (With the 50% discount) (4th Cry for the Future action)

The idea behind this is that we get up to a level where we can burst out all-XV with the 8 actions we get with a full mechadendrite+cry for the future turn.
Food production is at 10, has 1 bonus so requires 4 actions
Civilian is Done
Heavy industry is at 11, has 2 bonuses so requires 2 actions.
Void is Done.
Medical Services is at 10, has 4 bonuses so requires 3 actions.
Military Industry is at 10, has zero bonuses so requires 5 actions.
Total is 14 actions.

It will take a total of 8 actions (3 for food, 1 for heavy industry, 1 for medical, 3 for military industry) to boost them up as far as we can without getting slapped with the penalty of increased costs, at which point we'll be at:
Food production is at 13, has 1 bonus so requires 1 actions
Civilian is Done
Heavy industry is at 13, has 1 bonuses so requires 1 actions.
Void is Done.
Medical Services is at 12, has 3 bonuses so requires 2 actions.
Military Industry is at 13, has zero bonuses so requires 3 actions.
That's a total of 8 actions, which is what we get from a full Cry for the Future+Devouring Mechadendrite turn. This turn gets us halfway there:
[] Plan: Go Nuts with Development
-[] [Psykana] Sing a Symphony (A Cry for the Future)
-[] [Psykana] Sing a Symphony (The Grand Design)
-[] [Psykana] Conduct Six Melodies (Class is in Session 1)
--[] Slumber, Plants, Hunger, Comfort, Revenge, Retribution
-[] [Psykana] Conduct Six Melodies (Class is in session 2)
--[] Clockwork, Candle, Prophecy III, Time III, Harmony III, Paths III
-[] [Psykana] Sing two Songs (class is in session 3)
--[] Rise Anew, Above, Beyond, Embers Of The Ash - Fire, Hope, Death and Growth
--[] A Path Towards the Future - Prophecy, Time, Wisdom, Paths, Harmony
-[] [General] Develop The Federations'...
--[] Food Production XI & XII (1 general action, 1 cry action) (NOT USING the 50% discount)
--[] Heavy Industry XII & XIII (1 Devouring Mechadendrite action) (Using one of the 50% discounts)
--[] Medical Services XI & XII (1 Cry action) (Using one of the 50% discounts)
...and they're pissed with us for not fighting earlier? Ungrateful little pricks. It wasn't exactly without cost.
It wasn't without cost for us, but the thing is that they were fighting the Diaconate for about a century on their own while we were just using them as Proxies and the same turn we decided to fully get involved we curbstomped them. Not without cost of course, but we did skullfuck what was an existential threat to them when it's looking obvious to them that we could have saved the Coalition a lot of lives if we directly got involved sooner, but just chose not to for whatever reason.
I was just thinking that the qm said we are the smallest power at the moment. We do need to expand and gain more ground. We can let them have a few and take the rest.
It wasn't without cost for us, but the thing is that they were fighting the Diaconate for about a century on their own while we were just using them as Proxies and the same turn we decided to fully get involved we curbstomped them. Not without cost of course, but we did skullfuck what was an existential threat to them when it's looking obvious to them that we could have saved the Coalition a lot of lives if we directly got involved sooner, but just chose not to for whatever reason.
Yeah, it's a little rough, because we sure as shit IC didn't know that the Diaconate was this fucking weak lol

We sent people in, tried to garner intel, and our IC intel as of a turn or two ago was like "peasants don't know that much" "what secrets" "uh they're the Angels of Death" for the space marines

So legit IC it honestly kinda feels like "I… I thought you were stronger"

It will take a total of 8 actions (3 for food, 1 for heavy industry, 1 for medical, 3 for military industry) to boost them up as far as we can without getting slapped with the penalty of increased costs, at which point we'll be at:
Yeah, that looks good to me in terms of planning.

We can let Med sit a little because it has those 4 50% discounts. Get everything to as close to All-XV as possible without slapping penalties, then I think getting 3 of them to XV, then getting VI to 20, and then wrap up Medical Infrastructure should get us to what we want. The only question is if we want to flip on Lament because there's a lot of people dying so it might suppress the Tremors a bit if we're turning on Cry, dropping either Grand Design or the two Songs sung.

That research looks good, but if you want to gamble you could probably drop the staves for something else because New Dawn seems to have been monofocusing on them. See if you can either drop something else for Blanks or find something good that's also 1 AP, like the Dark Eldar stuff.
[] [Military] Construct God-Engines (100x Grandis (0/1), 60x Modeste Immensus (0/2), 20x Immensa Immensus (0/2), 10x Magnificus (0/3), 4x Momentus (0/4), 2x Deus Machina (0/5))
Also, other things have been going up lately, but it looks like the Titans have hit critical mass, goddamn. No action cost reductions but increased efficiency it looks like. 2 Deus Machinas for 5 actions is remarkable, but 100 baby titans for 1 action is fucking crazy. We can print out 400 baby titans in one turn, that's ridiculous.

(Gain: All Knightly Orders will be far more effective against the Diaconate.)
This text probably needs to be edited Cooky.
...and they're pissed with us for not fighting earlier? Ungrateful little pricks. It wasn't exactly without cost.

@HeroCooky Questions!
1. How close are we to integrating the Coalition?
2. Are there any diplomatic actions we can do with the coalition to prep them for integration? ISC access seems like far down the line, but trade deals, tech transfer, aid missions, etc etc.
3. So the 50% discounts on Dev mean that 1 action is converted to two is that correct? So putting 1 action into Heavy Industry would bump it from 11 to 13, and two actions would bump it all the way to 15.
4. No three developments can total more than 45 before the cost on all of them goes up? Wow. Ok. Civ + void is already 31, so no other dev can reach 14? In the past wasn't it that no two could be more than 30 before we got the all-X increase?
5. Can you remind me, does Unto Works Generational work on research actions? That would make Discordant Shriek into a 6-action research, which might make it much more attainable. What about Hexagrammic Grammophone & Choir's Tangle?
6. Oh yeah. What does this do? Below abstraction?
7. Will any researches give us a 50% bonus on Military Industry development?
From their perspective, they have been fighting for literal generations for the right to live, with you aiding them in the last few decades in grand gestures. And then the only reason you didn't murderfuck the Diaconate within a few years when you decided to do so was a literal archeotech device that blocked you moving futher...and then murderfucked them the second that device went offline. Imagine you've been fighting in a war that your great-grandma died in, and it ends within a week after the guy who sold you weapons joined. They are a bit salty about that.

1. You've made no progress...and also lost none. Mutual growth is a bitch, ain't it?
2. ISC access would further it right now. You are basically halfway to tying the knot, but you both aren't committing.
3. Yep.
4. Yeah and Yup. It changed due to it now being All XV instead of All X.
5. It works on General Actions, so...yeah?
6. You literally have no Faith Items to produce. :V
7. No.
I meant with how HeroCooky mentioned the other powers had been expanding while we haven't.


Can you confirm this?
Tbf, you consistently play Tall instead of Wide at nearly every opportunity. So...go colonize the 6 Sub-Sectors currently available if you so desire?
So legit IC it honestly kinda feels like "I… I thought you were stronger"
Yeah, it was basically as if the US and USSR went to war with the US having fully bought 100% of the latter's boasts and propaganda as truth, geared up accordingly...and then mulled about in Moscow with confusion.
You know what? Given that no enemies remain I'm thinking we go ham with colonizations without swapping our ISCs.

[] Plan: Land Claiming Push
-[] [General] Colonize (Sub-Sector)
--[] Gutson (11/11 Systems)
--[] Broken Tower (17/19 Systems)
--[] Yearning Tower(16/16 Systems)
--[] Palace of Stars (4/26 Systems) [Mechandrite Action]

@HeroCooky does General Action done with progress gained from Mechandrite count to triggering Mechandrite again?
From their perspective, they have been fighting for literal generations for the right to live, with you aiding them in the last few decades in grand gestures. And then the only reason you didn't murderfuck the Diaconate within a few years when you decided to do so was a literal archeotech device that blocked you moving futher...and then murderfucked them the second that device went offline. Imagine you've been fighting in a war that your great-grandma died in, and it ends within a week after the guy who sold you weapons joined. They are a bit salty about that.

Fair. But we were also fighting giant chaos cults and then recovering from fighting giant chaos cults can we leak information to them to that effect? Something like this?

[] give the triumvirate information on exactly why we didn't help before now, namely that we were In a rather bigger war with Chaos and then were recovering from that war.
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we don't make faith items?
the faith has fallen, Trillions must convert
Capitalized Letters my friend. You make plenty of trinkets, amulets, books, mementos, "who the fuck sanctioned that?!" goods, cashgrabs, and more for the faithful of the Federation.
@HeroCooky does General Action done with progress gained from Mechandrite count to triggering Mechandrite again?
My brain is melting due to updating Cult Creator right now, but I don't think so? @Neablis, what's been my standing ruling on that?
Fair. But we were also fighting giant chaos cults and then recovering from fighting giant chaos cults can we leak information to them to that effect? Something like this?
Yes, but this is about feelings right now. They'll come to their senses next Turn. :p :V
6. You literally have no Faith Items to produce. :V
...how...how do we make some?

My brain is melting due to updating Cult Creator right now, but I don't think so? @Neablis, what's been my standing ruling on that?
No. Otherwise we could do fucky things. Extremely fucky things. Like infinite action loops with Cry for the Future. Same with Cry for the Future counting Cry for the Future actions.

5. It works on General Actions, so...yeah?
Oh. OK. This changes things. New research plan:

[] Plan: Go Nuts with Research
-[] [Free] Consecrate in Sacred Sands (Verdant Dawn)
-[] [Free] Remove the Choirs from the Diaconate Fifth columns except where they're critical to establishing stable psykana traditions on their new worlds, and allocate them and any extra choirs to applying our new Choir's Tangle & Discordant Shriek throughout the Federation.
-[] [Psykana] Sing a Symphony (A Cry for the Future)
-[] [Psykana] Sing a Symphony (The Grand Design)
-[] [Psykana] Conduct Six Melodies (Class is in Session 1)
--[] Slumber, Plants, Hunger, Comfort, Revenge, Retribution
-[] [Psykana] Conduct Six Melodies (Class is in session 2)
--[] Clockwork, Candle, Prophecy III, Time III, Harmony III, Paths III
-[] [Psykana] Sing two Songs (class is in session 3)
--[] Rise Anew, Above, Beyond, Embers Of The Ash - Fire, Hope, Death and Growth
--[] A Path Towards the Future - Prophecy, Time, Wisdom, Paths, Harmony
-[] [General] Research: (1 normal action + 4 Cry for the Future actions + 7 bonus research actions, all boosted by The Grand Design) (Italicized numbers are reduced by Unto Works Generational. Also Grand Design is active so all of these should be buffed)
--[] Black Cat Ship Weapon Rationalization, Black Cat Shield Overload, Large Black Cat Troop Compartment, Expanded Sensorium, and Black Cat Heat Cyclers (0/1)
--[] Sigils (0/1)
--[] Hexagrammic Grammophone (0/2)
--[] Choir's Tangle (0/3)
--[] Discordant Shriek (0/6)

Uh. Yeah. So this gets us new things to do with our Choirs. Basically, strategic defense (our own version of what the Diaconate had, but ours just takes a choir instead of mass sacrifice), as well as general faster travel around our systems, like an astronomicon but not god-dependent. We're basically building walls and roads. But in the warp.
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I'm against doing the Cry for the Future this turn. There really isn't a lot that the Chaos Gods have to try to hit us right now, but if we constantly have our Warp turmoil at High while also rolling the dice on the Psykana stuff (each Melody roll has a 1/25 chance to roll a Chaos number) the Chaos Gods could have a fair chance to smack us with something.
Personally, unless we're popping Lament I would not pop Cry at the moment.

I'd really just prefer for us to stay on target, grind our Development levels and occasionally grab a bonus or two if we want but really just slow and steady wins the race here. Stay on target, etc.

Research before we get Heavy Industry at XV feels kinda eh too.

6. You literally have no Faith Items to produce. :V
Ah, I was thinking maybe there was something going on with Sacred Sands and Temple Ships, but if not that makes sense. Purity Seal type stuff I figure?

Yeah, it was basically as if the US and USSR went to war with the US having fully bought 100% of the latter's boasts and propaganda as truth, geared up accordingly...and then mulled about in Moscow with confusion.
Gonna be a hell of a thing to say for our diplomats to say next turn lol
I hope we do anti chaos sigils and anti psyker materials eventually
So we can finally do the next stage of automata

I think cheaper dev costs is gated behind that automatization path

Also know that duchy are friends,we should be able to trade all the good stuff with them with no worries