Anyway, since it's on topic now, I'm inclined to go with this for the other votes.
[] Anexa: Master of Many Talents
Sure, on the forefront of things, this seems worse, but I looked real close and found out the secret spice that makes this actually really good!
The doubled Specialty pool? That's great, especially since it'll scale over time and there's still two more "Perks" on the table in the long run, which we might be able to use for some other shiny stuff. But the real spice here is that this applies the Specialty Bonus to her Passive rolls
Which means Anexa is chopping away at our Research Backlog with a +10 bonus (Which almost completely eliminates Failure from the table, I would remind you, and gives a modest chance of critting). Even if we don't do research in a given turn. This is more likely to happen than not as the map opens up! Since Exploring is very action intensive but also extremely lucrative when it comes to producing discounts. She also has a 20% chance every time she uses her passive to generate a Bonus Tech and Level Up, which tend to be Extremely powerful, even disregarding the tech discounts that come with it--and the specialties she already has both contain a lot of high RP but very important projects, it's just really handy to have, you know?
Jack of All Knowledge does outpace the numerical bonus, but only applies it to half the number of projects, and does nothing to improve her Passive, so she rolls those straight across. So any turn where we're not doing a Research is going to be one where she's not being super productive. It's great--if you assume that the two Specialties we already have are all we'll ever need, and that we'll be researching in those fields every single turn without fail.
Master of Many Talents--at least--means that if we're doing something that isn't on one of her specialties, she's still got two slots open to add more specialties, This adds up over time, especially since it synergizes with Vita's own passive +20 to research, meaning she's got a roughly 30% chance of unlocking a new specialty if we branch her out into another field. That's really good. It also ensures that if we are playing in Anexa's specialty, the chance of even getting a poor success drops to 5%--while our chance at critting hits 40%. This is very, very good, and very, very consistent, even if it lacks the spike potential of Jack, or the sheer "INCREASE NUMBERS" of Researcher.
And finally.
[] Cia: Yes
Pyromancers are spectacularly good Champions. Which isn't to say a commander would be useless--we'd probably like one down the line to fill one of our 2 remaining slots after our Pilot-bean is decanted and raised. But Pyromancers are very good at being very scary to a lot of things, especially when we can produce Space Marine quality, psi-active Power Armor and Force Equipment on top of that.