What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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[] [Military] Fleet Construction - (1.900 Points per Action)
Neato -- before absorbing the Black Ash, we had 1400 points, after eating them, we had 1600, and now after integrating the planets, we have 1900.

Their fleets must be preeeeetty hefty to be worth 2 AP to refit. I feel like it's got to be more than 2 honestly, because 2 AP to get 2 fleet equivalents is like, okay I get it, but versus wholesale new construction is pretty chewy. I'm guessing it's gonna be 4-5 maybe.

Anyways, I think it's pretty clearly time to declare an emergency, at least for a turn. Like, we almost got deathballed, these guys need to go ASAP before there is any chance of a rebound, and we need to clean house because I guess the Feathered Cog has been infiltrating us for who knows how long.

For a military oriented plan, it'll depend on the details of what Cooky has for the Refit the Fleets option, but I figure it'll be something like

[] Plan: Star Child, I Think We're Going To Have To Kill These Guys
-[] Neablis' choir arrangements
-[] Turn Off Symphonies (+.5 mech)
-[] Integrate Army (+.5 mech)
-[] Refit Fleet (+.5 mech + 50% boost)
-[] Refit Fleet (-1 mech +50% boost)
-[] Begin Military Actions (-.5 mech - 50% boost + 50% boost)
--[]Nurgle + Slaaneshi front
-[] Design Ships (- 100% boost +50% boost)
--[] Temple Ships

-[] Repair Ships

The math is hurting my head a bit late at night -- I feel like I did something wrong there, but I feel this is pretty important. We want more temple ships, we want to kill some dudes, etc. If we have the the room for extra ap, I think it's time we just print 50 of the baby titans and just send them up to the Slaaneshi front, guys. Set up Cease and kill these dudes for real.

I don't mind Neablis' plan though, I just want to keep the initiative rolling.

Edit: Ignore this plan LMFAO, didn't realize Mechandrite couldn't be used for military actions
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I don't want to go off on a tangent
No no, please do. :3
If we sing Unto Works Generational that seems like it should reduce:
Yeah, it should.
Was Nurgle not able to intervene directly/personally, then? Like, not at all?
I mean, unless Star Child is a peer power to Nurgle in their own right, I think I'm missing something.
He'd need to be aware he's about to get shafted, or told by the Birb that he's about to (which, lol, he ain't gonna for shittles), to do something. Can't defend yourself against getting shanked in the ribs when you can't see and hear the child running up to you with a knoife, now can you? :V
Is there a way we can make a mini astronomicon to guide them back/ help them in the storm or is that a bad idea?
That's the Choir's Tangle in Research.
when you get a sec, what are we lacking for the purpose of taking on the Duelists?
Numbers and a directive to push their shit in. The, and the Maggots, just lost 90% of their ship-building capacity and made a massive push with non-replacable ships to gain territory and time.
@HeroCooky sorry if it's been decided otherwise, but I believe the Upgrade Ships option for the Black Ash fleet was chosen, albeit I don't recall if a Fleet Equivalent amount was decided upon for their navy. Think the 2 AP option might need to be added in, although if you've decided to give it to us for free that would be great lol
Ah, knew I've forgotten something. Added that to the list.
Remember to pick a new subversion target everyone.
(Gain: Allows you to slowly convert two [2] random systems simultaneously to the Glimmering Federation without Action cost.)

Current Target/s:

Orbital Habitat - Jak-Hal
Suspected Subversion Time: ~70 Years
Modifiers: Isolationist Society

Suspected Subversion Time: N/A
Modifiers: N/A
Ah, so they're shockingly vulnerable right now.

Got it, shining up my boot as we speak.
Hm. I guess a military turn? .5 action to repair, 1.5 for refit, and another action to build more ships (we'll need it to push against the Slaanesh cult plus the potential upcoming fight with the dogmatics) and then launch a operation to punish the Maggots and Duelists for overextending?

Still swap ISC to the colony one though.
I can slap together a military plan too. Basically we get 5 military actions & 1 flex action. Flex action probably on integration, military split between repair (2), attack (1) and then either 1 temple ship design 1 production or just 2 production, which would let us hit the fleet cap again.
[X] Plan: Lip Gloss and Lasers
-[X][FREE] Deactivate Symphonies
-[X][FREE] Remove 40 choirs from Class is in Session and 160 choirs from Hiss of the Steam Valve and put all 200 choirs thus freed up into into See The Seer, allowing for 4 targets, which are the main fleet concentrations on each front, our primary governmental facilities with the last one is roving, targeting wherever they think Chaos may be interested.
-[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Melritrum)
-[X] [Free] System Subversion Target: Rose-Torn Heralds - Subsector Gulf's Edge
-[X] [FREE] ISC Activation: Green Horizons
-[X] [General] Integration Of The Black Ash Clan (3/4)
--[X] Army of the Clan (First AP)
-[X] [Military] Fleet Construction - (1.900 Points per Action)
--[X] Repair Your Fleets (0.5/0.5) (First AP partially spent here...)
--[X] Upgrade the Ascendancy Fleets - (1.5/1.5) (Second AP)
-[X] [Military] Design New Voidship Classes - - [80 DP] (Heartbeat AP)

--[X] Cassiopeia-class Arsenal Ship (-50 DP)
--[X] The Seeker of Light (-25 DP)
--[X] Aries-Quartus (Aries-Q) Corvette (-1 DP)
--[X] Sagittarius-Quartus (Sagittarius-Q) Lance Frigate (-2 DP)
--[X] Scutum-Secundus (Scutum-S) Shield Frigate (-2 DP)
-[X] [Military] Construct God-Engines (1x Deus Machina (3/5)) - (.5 Progress from Agenda, putting us in range to finish this next turn for 1 AP + Agenda)
-[X][Military] Begin Military Operations (Agenda AP)
---[X] Now that the Sect and the Duelists are on the backfoot due to the removal of their ship production, and the completed integration of the Black Ash Ascendency' forces into the Federation's Order of Battle, the time has come to put a close on this chapter of the campaign. EAGER STRIKER's purpose is to capitalize on their confusion and drive our blade deeply into their heart before they can adapt, or call in further assistance from their patrons.
---[X] To that end, we will seek to claim a portion of the Sect's territory, pushing through Firc and advancing down the chain until we can close the salient at the Abyssal Gauntlet and the newly isolated chain cut off by Festerspire's collapse. Once the Black Ash's refits and organization is complete, and the advance complete, we will attempt to catch the Duelists in a pincer maneuver dividing their forces--and thus, their capacity to make full use of their ritual magic, while we attempt to grind them into the dust.
---[X] Duelist/Sect Forces are to be reinforced with the Black Ash fleets and armies as they are rationalized and brought into the Order of Battle. With luck, we'll be able to deliver a knockout blow to the Duelists by the end of the decade, before they can adapt to the new conditions.
-[X] Melody Autoticker: Peace

Plan name courtesy of Neablis who worked with me a bit on it. Might still need some tweaks, but I need to focus on the ship designs now.
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[X] Plan: Lip Gloss and Lasers

don't forget to switch ISCs, since iirc it takes a turn to switch or some sort like that.

Otherwise, looks good, plan name bangs. Looking forward to seeing the funny Lance Pantagruel showing up if that's in the cards
[] [Battleship] Cassiopeia-class Arsenal Ship
-[] Length
- 28.000 Meters (-5 DP)
-[] Width - 6.000 Meters (-5 DP)
-[] Acceleration - 1 Gravity (-4 DP)
-[] Armor - Heavy Starclad-Pattern (-4 DP)
-[] Shields - Five Refutation-Pattern Void Shields (-4 DP)
-[] Weapons - 1x Heavy Tetratek ARc Cannonade/4x Green Arc Lance Batteries/8x Green Arc Cannon Turrets/60x Light Lance Turrets (-50 DP)
-[] Equipment
- (Standard) Ship Shrines/Pure Lenses/Armored Lifepods/Tuned Shields/(Standard) Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Armored Bridges/Harsh Crew Training/Improved Internal Security Systems/Augmetic Security Department/Lattice Hulls/Enhanced Strategium/Lens Cogitation Matrix Lattice/Normalized Automated Ship Systems/Elite Crews/Silent Shimmershroud/Arcane Lenses/Temperature Controls/Paw and Claw (-78 DP)

Based on the results of the Arc Cruisers against the Sect's forces, the Magi of the Star-Mechanicum have built a dedicated Arsenal Ship, as a future answer to the Tyranid Threat. That it can also be valuable in the short term against the cults is just an added bonus. Built around a heavy ARc Cannonade, the Cassiopeia class is designed to begin battles with an overwhelming threat, in the form of its fleet-shattering spinal gun, its already staggering range further improved through the highest quality lenses to a weapon that has a non-zero chance of being able to fire twice in an engagement. While actually being able to use this to delete the foes of the Star-Child from existence is the ideal use-case, the expected result is that it will force our foes to split their forces--allowing the navy to better exploit its speed and agility advantage to defeat the enemy in detail.

In proper naval engagements, the Cassiopeia class makes use of its heavy Arc-weapon armament to abrade down a active defenses and crush lighly armored foes, making use of its broadside Arc lances to strike more heavily protected targets quickly and with relative impunity. Kil'drabi and Yeeni enclaves strive to maintain its high rate of fire and effectiveness despite being at the bleeding edge of the Federation's science, while it also makes our first attempt at improved ship automation to get the greatest effect for our crews. As an added surprise to foes, it is equipped with the experimental Silent Shimmershroud, to mask its exact position from enemy artillery vessels, and allow for the diffusion of incoming force by partially shifting the vessel into subspace.
[] [Temple Ship] The Seeker of Light
-[] Length
7.600 Meters (-2 DP)
-[] Width - 1.750 Meters (-2 DP)
-[] Acceleration - 3 Gravities (-1 DP)
-[] Armor - Medium Fortress Armor (-2 DP)
-[] Shields - Two Aegides (-1 DP)
-[] Weapons - Unarmed
-[] Equipment - (Standard) Ship Shrines/(Standard) Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Liturgical Broadcaster/Consecrated Printing Presses/Star-Born Basilica of the Child/Oasis of Hymns/Monasterial Auditoria (-61 DP)'

This is generally intended as a "Mobile School + Propaganda Engine", with a sideline in being a Psyker support Temple Ship. It's pretty handy to have, especially in conjunction with the Divine Spark, where the two provide fairly comprehensive buffs. Should be useful at helping our Subversion efforts at least and our expansion in general.
Anyway, it's too late for me and I have to slep now, I'll take another look at things tomorrow and squeeze some last minute designs in unless someone has a galaxy brain idea before then.
Anyway, it's too late for me and I have to slep now, I'll take another look at things tomorrow and squeeze some last minute designs in unless someone has a galaxy brain idea before then.
Here's one.

[] [Light Cruiser] Spirit of Revelation Scout Light Cruiser
-[] Sketch (Purely Optional)
-[] Length
- 4.000 Meters (-2)
-[] Width - 550 Meters (-1)
-[] Acceleration - 6 Gravities
-[] Armor - Thick Medium Double Hull
-[] Shields - One Matrix
-[] Weapons - 1x Large Lance Turret , 7x Light Lance Turrets (5 DP)
-[] Equipment - Tuned Shields (1), Internal Security Systems (1), Anti-Radiation Hardening (2), Luxurious Crew Amenities (3), Lense Cogitation Matrix Lattice (4), Yeeni Auxiliary Engineer Division (4), Small On-Board Manufactory (4), Stealth Engine Dampeners (4), Ship Shrines (Standardized), Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations (Standardized)

Successor to the now ancient Yeeni Spirit of Discovery Scout Light Cruiser. Fast, some stealth, equipment to handle at least somewhat the dangers of going out to poke things (rad hardening to help against stellar phenomena)
And The Rest.

[] [Destroyer] Aries-Quartus (Aries-Q) Corvette
-[] Length
- 1.600 Meters (+1 DP)
-[] Width - 400 Meters (+1 DP)
-[] Acceleration - 10 Gravities (-1 DP)
-[] Armor - Medium Double Hull (+1 DP)
-[] Shields - One Array (+1 DP)
-[] Weapons - 3x Light Plasma Macrocannon Turrets (-3 DP)
-[] Equipment - Armored Lifepods/(Standard) Ship Shrines/Autoloaders/Lattice Hulls/(Standard) Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Expanded Snapshot Targeting Solutions/(HE/AP/CM) Macro-Cannon Shells/After-Burner Macro Shells (-16 DP)

Fourth Generation Corvette, specializes in taking out light enemy craft with more-or-less impunity thanks to near Space Elf level mobility and lots of accuracy and macrocannon munition boosts.
[] [Frigate] Sagittarius-Quartus (Sagittarius-Q) Lance Frigate
-[] Length
- 2.000 Meters
-[] Width - 550 Meters
-[] Acceleration - 9 Gravities (-1 DP)
-[] Armor - Medium Double Hull (+1 DP)
-[] Shields - Two Arrays (+1 DP)
-[] Weapons - 3x Light Prow Lance (-3 DP)
-[] Equipment - (Standard) Ship Shrines/Pure Lenses/Armored Lifepods/Tuned Shields/(Standard) Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Veteran Crews/Enhanced Strategium/Augmetic Security Department/Lens Cogitation Matrix Lattice/Emergency Manuever Thrusters (-22 DP)

Fourth Gen Lance Frigate, heavier armor and greater acceleration to let it better kite, especially with the thruster mod to let it pivot quickly.
[] [Frigate] Scutum-secondus (Scutum-S) Shield Frigate
-[] Length
- 2.000 Meters
-[] Width - 550 Meters
-[] Acceleration - 9 Gravities (-1 DP)
-[] Armor - Thick Double Hull
-[] Shields - Two Arrays (+1 DP)
-[] Weapons - 3x Medium Lance Turrets/Anti Voidcraft Defenses (-5 DP)
-[] Equipment - (Standard) Ship Shrines/Tuned Shields/(Standard) Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Lattice Hulls/Improved Hardened Prow/Improved Internal Security Systems/Lance Scattershot Lens/Veteran Crews/Shrine of the Charging Revenant (-19 DP)

And finally, new Scutum, which manages to squeeze in the anti-boarding measures that we've been making increasing ubiquitous over the generations, while also making it have higher acceleration (Which is good when it needs to react to a newfound Problem)
And The Rest.

[] [Destroyer] Aries-Quartus (Aries-Q) Corvette
-[] Length
- 1.600 Meters (+1 DP)
-[] Width - 400 Meters (+1 DP)
-[] Acceleration - 10 Gravities (-1 DP)
-[] Armor - Medium Double Hull (+1 DP)
-[] Shields - One Array (+1 DP)
-[] Weapons - 3x Light Plasma Macrocannon Turrets (-3 DP)
-[] Equipment - Armored Lifepods/(Standard) Ship Shrines/Autoloaders/Lattice Hulls/(Standard) Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Expanded Snapshot Targeting Solutions/(HE/AP/CM) Macro-Cannon Shells/After-Burner Macro Shells (-16 DP)

Fourth Generation Corvette, specializes in taking out light enemy craft with more-or-less impunity thanks to near Space Elf level mobility and lots of accuracy and macrocannon munition boosts.
Our first ship capable of 10Gs of acceleration... we can finally catch up to the Eldar! (Though I expect the Drukhari to have something ridiculous like 15 Gs at the cost of being made of broken glass and papier-mâché)
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