Where Waters Meet
26st of February 2007 A.D.
"Because these waters have suddenly become of interest to many powers, some with whom you might be familiar with, others with whom no one should be and if it's 'gold' you seek I'm open to investing."
"That's not..." Kristin looks around at the family with two kids and a small dog that may or may not be technically allowed in here, at the little old lady snapping pictures of the commemorative plaques that mark milestones in commercial fishing, that looks like a foreign school group about to walk in and shakes her head. "We really shouldn't talk about this here. Ancestors, I shouldn't have talked about this at all. Guess it's a bit late. How do you feel about spas?"
Self-conscious, you answer mentally. Maybe it's just that you didn't go as often as to the beech or the pool, but you've always found the crowding uncomfortable and felt people's eyes on the back of your neck more, but aloud you just answer: "Is that an invitation to meet with you later or with someone else?"
Her voice drops to a whisper... mostly joking you'd judge. "Assuming grandmother doesn't lock me in the basement for talking to charming strangers about things that should stay in the family I think I'll be able to come along."
"I do hope you get to see the light of day such as it still is," you motion to the sky which had already taken on the hue of evening though the sun had barely deigned to dip above the horizon. "In the interests of keeping you out of basements..." you give her a note with your name as well as your dad's name and a short formal note. It does feel a touch odd to be falling back on the the forms of modern letter writing, but you don't really know what all this is and what little you do understand is so out of date it's from before there were dates.
By the time you get to the
Blue Lagoon, so named for the silica that forms a soft white mud along the bottom of the pool the sun had already dipped below the horizon, leaving the moon and stars to watch over a meeting with what you judge is a rather chastised Kristin and lady in a one piece bathing suit and what you can only call flip flops with flame decals who looks fifty and
feels older in the same way as the heat shimmering off the water. But they do not come along. There is a third woman there whom you never met in your life, but recognize from the watchful stillness, from the way people seem to flow around her.
"Good afternoon," you politely greet one of Odin's Valkyries. Monoc Securities had found you after all.
"Ms Carpenter, I'd say I'm surprised to see you in this part of the world, but you have made something of a habit of showing up where events are about to precipitate, regardless of distance."
"I do hope this isn't the case here," Kristin's grandmother who introduces herself as Ragnhildur and looks on expectantly through the haze. Not being a wizard you are pretty sure she can't see though your glamor, but you have no doubt she's already leanred quite a bit from Odin's people if she's friendly enough to bring one along.
What do you reply?
[] Hopefully trouble hasn't followed me so far, but there's certainly the wrong kind of interest afoot (Explain Anti-Bob's interest in Odin't actions especially the Kingfisher's purpose)
[] No trouble, I just followed the ley-line and my own curiosity, it is uncommon to see works of magic so deeply entwined with those of modern engineering (Try to flatter them)
[] Write in
OOC: Enjoy.