Arc 15 Post 13: Swimming in Strange Waters
Swimming in Strange Waters
26st of February 2007 A.D.
"You asked to call if I find something pertinent to national security. Would allied national security count? Allied as in 'someone might not consider World War Two ended' allied," you say into the phone, a little bit of levity to alleviate the foul news, even as you keep moving towards your next destination, the waters already in sight.
There's a sort of sharp tick on the other side it takes you a moment to realize it's the sound of a phone hitting a hard surface. Apparently Von Trier invests in resilient technology since the connection is none the worse for hitting a wall, a table or whatever she had to hand. "One ov those...I zee," her accent grows a thicker too and you can easily imagine her eyes flashing in anger. "Vhat do you know? Name, nature, can be be called and bound in a circle?"
Right... that would be what she'd ask, knowing it's a spirit, if one in league with the Black Court. The honest answer would be yes, one can call Bob by his name and bind him in place, so one might do the same for his other self, the one that isn't Bob, but instead Kemmler's helper, but how to explain all that without leaving any trails that lead back to Harry?
That's when it hits you...the Corpsetaker Gorfel, both too dead to contradict you did face both, even integrated the latter. He could easily have let slip about something.
"It is a spirit of the air, a keeper of tainted lore, legacy of the necromancer Kemmler. It is still in contact with some of his would be heirs, though I had hoped that was the worst of it. Given how it escaped I fear there might be a power at play with a far longer arm." You go on to describe the basics of how spirits of knowledge function, of which she knows but listens to politely as well as speculating on how black magic might have changed and empowered him to which she listens to more closely, but still closes out with a weary sigh.
"Thank you Miss Carpenter, if you need anything else or find anything elese do not hesitate to call."
"I won't," you answer honestly
Now to find that ship...
Essence Restored to Full by Sunrise
27st of February 2007 A.D.
Breaking into the building of the Port Authority in a sleepy Norwegian town isn't how you imagined a trip to Europe would go, but this is where records of the Kingfisher are so you walk in past the night watchman who's too polite to notice and past the cameras that already belong to you to find the actual physical ledger. Good thing you're planning to use your Crown for this one, the smudged ink on its pages could be a recipe for the mutton and cabbage stew which Lydia had very gravely informed you is the Norwegian national food when you explained where you were going. You're still not sure if shes's pulling your leg, but you don't intend to stick around long enough for lunch.
Where is the Kingfisher.
Almost mechanically your Crown spits out a set of coordinates off Island, yep just where Lilly said it would be. Just to be on the safe side you get some binoculars from Sanctuary and manifest a good ten miles from the coordinates, land miles that is. You know they are different at sea, but you aren't sure how.
Lost 2 Essence (ATP and Question) -> Now at 16/18
Looking towards the large ship, it's eyes over the water, its voice below the waves casting about for echoes you have to admit you're pretty impressed by the scope of Monoc's operation. Sure you could match it, but only if you didn't mind setting off a UFO scare. Just imagining a Seeker Ship armed with rail guns to see off raiders and a prow ram meant to deal with shirkers, saw-beaks and other leviathans on earth's oceans makes you smile.

"Where is the thing they seek?" you ask again, a question into the ether cast.
Without sight you see deeper and deeper, where the stone is black crumbling to depths unheard and rushing sharply in spines obsidian. Wait that's not... An eye half open dull molten red looks up towards the surface, just as the memory of the poem comes back to you transformed:
'In the belly of the dragon, in the keeping of its kin.'
Maybe those leviathan-proof boats wouldn't be the worst idea.
Lost 1 Essence -> Now at 15/18 (Question)
Regained 2 Essence -> Now at 17/18 (Urge of the Forbidden)
What do you do next?
[] Swim up to the ship, ask them if they know they are liable to poke a literal dragon and if they have a plan for that
[] Call Donar Vadderung, you can speak more frankly with him, though you will also have to watch your words more
[] Write in
OOC: Enjoy.