This is adding 20 to all the research rolls so

93+20=113 Critical Success!
23+20=43 success
37+20=57 good success
87+20=107 Critical success!
21+20=41 success
14+20=34 success
4+20=24 poor success
79 Level up!
93+20=113 Critical Success!
23+20=43 success
37+20=57 good success
87+20=107 Critical success!
21+20=41 success
14+20=34 success
4+20=24 poor success
79 Level up!
Good summary, thank you, though these are the actual categories:
0-15 Fail
16-35 Poor success
36-65 Success
66-90 Good success
91+ critical success.

So you have 3 normal successes, with 2 crits and 2 poor successes. I was going to change the order of the techs chronologically to tell a better story, but now that I think about it I should keep the rolls according to the order in the plan to avoid favoritism. Specifically I was planning on doing the archenemy research happen at the end of the update for drama, but if that's how I assigned dice then it would be your lowest roll, which feels unnecessarily cruel. So let's do it this way instead:
93+20=113 Crit - Mechanicus files on the Archenemy
23+20=43 success - In-atmosphere void shields
37+20=57 success - What's up with this tech?
87+20=107 Crit - Let's fix the lag issue
21+20=41 success - System survey
14+20=34 poor success - Basic Imperial Hacking
4+20=24 poor success - Combat Bot Humanization, Redux
79 Anexa Level-up
Without a good roll on Imperial Tech studies, a poor roll on basic hacking and a terrible roll on combat bot humanization, you don't make any progress on Combat Bot Humanization, Redux.

Of course, if a different plan wins then I'll adjust the order, though if I'm starting to write now I'm going to cut down the vote timing. Please don't make a new plan that aligns tech rolls in the order you want them to be in.
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Of course, if a different plan wins then I'll adjust the order, though if I'm starting to write now I'm going to cut down the vote timing. Please don't make a new plan that aligns tech rolls in the order you want them to be in.
Changing away from the winning vote, even to an existing plan, because of how the rolls went for a different order sounds bizarre to me. Not that I mind this order this order, it sounds we hit a gold-mine with some proper Inquisition-level files on the Chaos. But to expedite the currently winning vote getting locked in, because I was already pretty okay with Alectai's plan anyway:

[X] Plan: Technology is about to go crazy!
Yes, but poorly. My options there are to make your capabilities worse and give you a follow-on tech to fix the issues or make follow-on techs more expensive/lock some of them until you do the next tech.

I'm not sure which way I'll go yet. Probably the former, maybe a bit of both.

Edit: Just did the math again and saw the extra 50 bp and understood the conditional part of the plan. Yeah, in return for not getting the humanization tech that'll neutralize the poor roll for hacking without additional penalty.
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So you have 3 normal successes, with 2 crits and 2 poor successes. I was going to change the order of the techs chronologically to tell a better story, but now that I think about it I should keep the rolls according to the order in the plan to avoid favoritism. Specifically I was planning on doing the archenemy research happen at the end of the update for drama, but if that's how I assigned dice then it would be your lowest roll, which feels unnecessarily cruel. So let's do it this way instead:
Btw, on this. Can't you just, you know? Re-arrange the chronological order for when Vita researches the techs to better fit the story, while at the same time keeping the rolls for the techs the way they are in the winning plan?
Yes, but poorly. My options there are to make your capabilities worse and give you a follow-on tech to fix the issues or make follow-on techs more expensive/lock some of them until you do the next tech.

I'm not sure which way I'll go yet. Probably the former, maybe a bit of both.

We can also do some narrative consequences. A worm accidentally escapes and Vita feels anxious about Anexa getting the cyberflu.
Yeah, that was the plan. I just decided to use plan ordering for roll assignment.
That was not what I meant, I understood what you meant (or so I believe). I mean, can't you just write the narrative in the order you want, while keeping the results from the roll assignment like the way they are in Alectai's plan. Meaning keeping these:
93+20=113 Crit - Mechanicus files on the Archenemy
23+20=43 success - In-atmosphere void shields
37+20=57 success - What's up with this tech?
87+20=107 Crit - Let's fix the lag issue
21+20=41 success - System survey
14+20=34 poor success - Basic Imperial Hacking
4+20=24 poor success - Combat Bot Humanization, Redux
79 Anexa Level-up
While still making at least that 113 crit for the Archenemy files -research to happen chronologically/narratively in the end. Because I don't think anyone would mind you fudging such a tiny bit as a QM to write a better story, if it doesn't really change anything mechanically.

...Or maybe you meant exactly that what I just wrote, and I'm just not getting what people are saying for some reason. Because I feel like that what might have been happening today multiple times. Sorry if that is the case.

On other topics, I wonder how much Vita felt the cybernetic lag-issue personally offending her. Based that roll on it, at the very least.
A crit on learning about Chaos and a crit on fixing the lag.
The cybernetics are... not going well. You don't want to destructively investigate her augments, especially not when your own aren't up to snuff yet. You can build implants, and they do work. Your components are cleaner, smoother, more sterile. They don't provoke irritation and they're better adapted to the human form than what the mechanicus can build. You can install them just fine. The basic technology is better in just about every way except one - they aren't responsive enough. There's about a tenth of a second of lag between your digital interfaces and the neurons they connect to. It's good enough to test the the augments you build, and they do work, and you're pretty sure somebody could get used to it if they had to. But it's absolutely maddening otherwise. Anexa quickly abandons your augments to go back to hers, and asks that you figure that out so that she can start building herself new versions.

You think you know how to fix the issue, but it'll require more research and until you do, any combat-rated cybernetics and brain implants are completely off the table.
Our bean is getting to make herself new augments!