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If I had my way, you'd be bickering over what an adorbs Yeeni-Robit would put into a love letter to her crush. :mob:

...Apologies if I'm taking this too literally, but if you'd prefer to write a different option, would you like us to start over while we are still very early in the quest? I'd happily prioritise your enjoyment over player agency.
...Apologies if I'm taking this too literally, but if you'd prefer to write a different option, would you like us to start over while we are still very early in the quest? I'd happily prioritise your enjoyment over player agency.
Nah, this is me having some fun. I wouldn't do that unless you got 2/3rds of the people who voted for TAUBENMUTTER to agree to a re-vote. But I do not think people will agree to that.
It's not too late, we can always create one more AI or several, after all they are a great advantage for everything.
Nah, your AGI will be a unique for at least a literal century.

Also, your spanish is showing. :V
Perspective - Bad Cowgirl
"C'mon, C'omn," Nina shouted in the blazing furnace of Big Bull's innards, her vision blurry and red in her left eye just as the right watched the Shadowhawk of the Moss Viper Company approach, the mocking voice of the bastard leading their rotten ilk in the 'mech transmitted for all to hear. "Ah know ya got more fight in ya!" Nina screamed, kicking Big Bull from within, praying to the Lord that her ancestral 'mech would just finally restart from his-YES!

With a whirr and hum, the coolant coursing through his arteries now at levels deemed acceptable by the ornery bastard of a shitheap-mech, systems came back online, and the sheepshagger realized that he should have killed her when he had the chance. Because now Nina had a say in the matter. "EAT MA ENTIRE ASS!" She shouted over the radio, a malicious grin splitting her face as she thumbed down on every firing mechanism she had, instantly making Big Bull blast her with hot air like a bull in heat. "AH BROUGH ~ROCKETS!~" And with that, forty dumb-fire rockets streamed from Bulls' shoulders, the things exploding forth like a barely constrained stream of death in their single-minded pursuit of burning fuel to hit something and explode.

Much to her snarling disappointment, the Viper fuck knew that she only had dumb rockets and activated his JJs to dodge out of the way of most of them. The intelligent missiles, those who could lock onto a target and weave over and through obstacles or follow a simple side-step, had been spent in the first month of the invasion, and there had never been a chance to resupply from what little caches remained. After all, those were on the other side of the damn continent, and walking her ass all the way over there meant the Vipers would have been able to run amok in the countryside without fearing an ambush.

"AH NEED SOME COMPANY OVER HERE!" She shouted instead of fretting over spilled beans, Big Bull's lasers scoring a nick and then some on the bastard's armor, the 'hawk crashing a street over unto solid ground. Fuckers had learned quickly that Gunhallow didn't have the kind of funds to make their buildings stand up to 'mechs walking all over them like those posh fuckers in the 'Spere do.

"Ahm comin', just wait uh minit! Not everyone has a map in their 'mech!" The voice of John 'Twin1' Smith, the greatest cheat on this side of the galaxy, came with the tell-tale 'thump, thump, thump' of his Locust running around soon reaching her ears. Luckily for him, he rounded the corner just as Nina was about to lay into him again, his fast and little machine covered in pock-marks, scorched lines, soot, and the blood of pirates trampled underneath his feet. Thankfully, he seemed still operational, and his heavy repeaters at the arms looked able to shoot. What didn't look ready to shoot was the utterly mangled SRM on his left side.

"Shit, please tell me yore only down uh single weapon," Nina said, looking around the destroyed cityscape for any sighting of the Shadowhak...though he had likely retreated after scoring hits and getting hit in return. It was...still frustrating that, even now, the name of the game was Cat And Mouse. She had played that for three years; this liberation was supposed to be the end of that.

"Sorry, ah lost 'em both. Only the left side can fire, and it'll be a day to replace it all," John said with a grimace in his voice, and Nina could feel the urge to swear shoot up from her stomach to her mouth...yet she was interrupted by Smith 'Twin2' John's voice crackling to life over the radio. "HEY! SWITCH TO CHANNEL 94.6 AT ONCE! AND LOOK TO THE SKIES! SOME FUCKERS ARE ABOUT TO MAKE PLANETFALL!"

"WHAT?!" Nina and John exclaimed in shock, their 'mechs twisting around to look into the skies...only to see a dozen red balls of flame descend onto the ground. With hasty fingers, Nina switched the channel to 94.6 and listened to the voice speaking in an exotic accent.

"-tain Wriothesley Adams of the Furina De Fontaine. Under the Charter given to my command, I have authorized the deployment of Military Personnel to aid the settlers of this planet against the illegal occupation by pirate forces. They will land in the disused spaceport of the capital city and proceed to clear the area, city, and then world of hostile forces. We are deploying ten thousand well-trained soldiers, over thirty thousand drones, and two hundred Exo-Strider Combat Automata to aid your struggles. To all Officers of the Planetary Defense Force, please contact us to coordinate efforts to return peace to this world so that recovery efforts may be initiated as soon as possible. I repeat: This is Captain-"

Perspective Shift:
[] Human Shield
[] Pirate Pilot
[] Militia Grunt
[] Civilian Child
[X] Human Shield

Poor hostage has nothing to do but watch the fight, so they'll have an excellent POV if they live.
-Looks back at the mechs we picked up-
You know considering how tightly this bunch hold to the rules of war along with the Geneva Conventions etc; I have to wonder how badly the Firestarter FS9-H triggered them. Because that mech was made with very specific purposes in mind.
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