I unfortunately don't have access to anything right now that can match Cooky's propaganda memes, but there's a reason despite me really liking Alectai's and Cooky's plans (I'm voting for them!) I still like mine the best.

First off, of all the leading plans, mine is the only one with
>Reality Simulations
>Full STC
>Diplomatic Suite

All together. Yes, this is a bit of at an expense of some special payloads (not like I'm fully lacking them, there's still Cybernetics and Fundamental Physics), but I genuinely do believe that having all 3 at the start of the game is worth it at the expense of giving up some (and that's not guaranteed -- Full STC allows for a higher chance of rolling some of the Special Payloads, after all).

And these things aren't minor -- Reality-Simulators are double that of the lower tier option, and in terms of Design, a Full STC is like, five times better than a Broken one, not to mention all the units underneath that are unlocked.

Fundamentally, I like freedom of choice the most. My plan has a pretty important plotline with a lot of hooks in it, but it's got a lot of availability in it that I feel isn't fully there in a lot of other plans. The Vaulite one is super neat, but I'm not super in favor of it because this is vote 1 of CharGen -- locking Vaul in right now doesn't feel that great when it can be a next vote option! I don't mind if it wins there -- if mine wins, Vaul is still a War in Heaven "primary source," but yeah. Cooky's is pretty powerful, but it locks in having to be attached to a civilization. I don't mind that, but I don't enjoy being locked into that. Being able to live if diplomatic relations break down is pretty nice. And Alectai's is great too -- I just want to have the higher STCs, and also being locked into having to move pretty often just feels rough. I like exploring and delving into new stuff -- is part of the fundamental appeal of my plan, figuring out lore and contacting people most people don't contact, but having only the ship be the home base doesn't scratch my brain fully like having a fully tricked out star system as a home base, making a library and repository of knowledge that shall not be lost while wayfarers travel in and out to learn more and deepen the understanding of the galaxy.

Basically -- I really just like having choices. It's vote 1! Leave some options open for the future, basically.

(I also really, really, want to see what Neablis has cooked up behind a Full STC)
Cooky's is pretty powerful, but it locks in having to be attached to a civilization.
It locks us into having allies. We start with 2 potential ones, and have the internal ability to create more thanks to the free Genebanks. My plan's sthick is to gather as many munchkins as possible to create an EU4 Vassal Swarm without the "Vassal" part. :3
I unfortunately don't have access to anything right now that can match Cooky's propaganda memes
It's literally just Microsoft Paint...

Anyway, your plan is one of better ones, the only thing I would change is adding Friendly Xenos and replace something to spend that one more shiny for them.

We would hardly be able to speak with faction that literally is described as omnicidal, even with maxed out diplomacy, and it would be more fun to...Well, speak with someone on friendly terms from the beginning. Beyond that, your plan is perfect and nice change of pace from typical civilization builders, which I myself have to admit, despite liking said civilization builders. Also, friendly entity is such a cool idea with so much potential.
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I appologise for it being really bad. This was made on my phone as a counter to the propaganda made by certain other voters

I will probably make it for vaul and friend as well, but history teacher going around in a battleship is just too funny to not have run into... circumstances.

[X] Plan: TFW a history degree needs a battleship

[X] Plan: The Arsenal of Office Overtime
[X] Plan: TFW a history degree needs a battleship

Ngl I liked every single plan so far but this one's plot hook/having a chance at trolling Trazyn and full STC sold it for me.
I mean, I'd argue that "A Full STC is buying more trouble than we can afford right out the gate", since that's one of the things that will draw in every diviner and Big Name in the setting who has the ability to keep an eye out for these ripple effects to act. We can build up fast, especially with a heavy research focus, but we're also going to be under a lot of immediate pressure as well. I still have the Reality Simulations, but I also have Psytech and the Diplomatic Suite, which keeps the Warp from being a complete blank slate, and thanks to my Juvenat Vats, we can keep any Hero Units we might pick up along the way long term, which gives us all kinds of crazy nonsense given how cracked Heroes can get in 40K, especially when you can invest in them long term. If anyone wants a cadre of technomancer-psykers? Vita's the way to go after all, since she's the only one with the precise set of traits to really go deep into that!

Even bog-standard humans can become the likes of Creed! He of the "I Deep Strike a Baneblade into the battlefield because I'm just that much of a Tactical Genius". Imagine how crazy they can be with a major investment in elevating them to hero level, as well as enough data and foundation to do a deep dive into the Warp without getting nommed by it?

After all, while there is a focus on History--yes--there's also the Problem that it's surrounded in enemies, has no allies in its starting position, and crosses the rubicon to the "At War pretty much the entire game" threshold to afford that Full STC, and still has a notable blind spot in how it has no backing in the Warp beyond its Ally, and the STC explicitly does not include Psytech and Warp based knowledge as part of the things it can roll up.

And the thing is, when you have a single point of failure, one that can bypass all of your crazy knowledge and technology, you're just asking for trouble. Doubly so since while it does have a Diplomatic Suite, it doesn't start with any people who would be especially willing to listen in its starting area. The only "Good" play is that there's no significant Chaos power in that starting sector, but both breeds of Space Elf are present, as well as active Necrons, and they'd all fuck you over on principle if only to deny you to the humans.

Remember what happened when that one bunch found Panacea? The Space Elfs mobilized almost as a single unit to deny it to the Imperium, including the fucking Harlequins. Just because it was a secret of the Dark Age and like hell should the monkeigh become an actual threat.

Meanwhile, I've got Vita! A highly experienced, determined optimist who doesn't have any immediate game breaking cards to play, but has friends in the starting place, the traits and benefits to get a good investment in starting allies and Hero Units, and the skills and knowledge to break the setting wide open even if she doesn't have the biggest toolkit right out of the gate. It's a chance to dig deep and create something new instead of just copying what had already failed in the past, and that's very appealing to me!
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Just as a FYI, if I knew how to draw a labcoat and goggles, I'd have already made a prop-meme for you.

I've actually got a few references for Vita's avatar on the table lying around, including probably one of the best AI gens I've ever done, which would be ironically appropriate in context!

Roboute and Jan have a brief moment to enjoy a cup of coffee/recaff while trying not to think of the dumpster fire that is the state of the galaxy.

Guilliman: Well...uh, hmm...

Jan: Yeah...

Guilliman: It's hard not to comment on the state of things.

Jan: Yup...

Guilliman: I'd say maybe something good will happen...but, well, yeah...

Jan: At least we have each other's misery to keep company.

Guilliman: That is something.
It's literally just Microsoft Paint...
I'm on my phone right now and am at work :V

That aside, thanks! Yeah, the omnicidal xenos isn't ideal for diplomacy — I probably would switch it if I could shake free a few shinies, but alas.

That being said, I still chose this over Imperials or Heretics for a reason. Liber's likely more than familiar with the concept of friendly Xenos, thanks to living in better days. But omnicidal xenos is a lot different, especially since they're likely to have a coherent record of culture and history compared to say, Orkz or Tyranids. It's an unpleasant introduction to the Galaxy, but while most PCs are just going to gun them down in a fight to survive, Liber's going to by their own nature have to figure out why these guys decided to 1vE everyone. Was it weird warp stuff mindfucking them? Was it one too many Orkz and Imperials and Tyranids forcing them to go Dark Forest? So on and so forth.

It's a bit dark, but I think it's the setup of fairly strong character moment where there's facing the darkness of the galaxy, having to deal with it, but sticking to the principles that even omnicidal xenos deserve to be remembered, recorded, and understood.

It locks us into having allies. We start with 2 potential ones, and have the internal ability to create more thanks to the free Genebanks. My plan's sthick is to gather as many munchkins as possible to create an EU4 Vassal Swarm without the "Vassal" part. :3
That's fair! It still sticks us with a specific playstyle though, which I guess is the whole point of the plan, but yeah.

After all, while there is a focus on History--yes--there's also the Problem that it's surrounded in enemies, has no allies in its starting position, and crosses the rubicon to the "At War pretty much the entire game" threshold to afford that Full STC, and still has a notable blind spot in how it has no backing in the Warp beyond its Ally, and the STC explicitly does not include Psytech and Warp based knowledge as part of the things it can roll up.
Huh? No, it doesn't. It's the "above 5" that's the war with the entire sector. I can see the confusion thanks to the xenos but the sector power bits are at 5. I had to do some juggling to make it work, but no, it's not war all the time.

Fair bits about the Warpstuff (although I think you're wrong about it not being rollable. The full STC doesn't have it automatically included, but it's part of the Special Payloads which are rollable. Still chancy, of course, but I want to be clear about that) but ultimately I think it's still workable. Liber starts in space, so they're less noticeable, and the full STC does in fact start with cloaking which does matter, even with scrying.

Yeah, I agree that the Eldar can scry, but they do in fact sort of have bigger problems thanks to you know, the Tyranids nearby which are explicitly fucking up psychic stuff thanks to their Shadow iirc, and so as such I figure that a warp entity that could shield us from Chaos corruption for 10 millennia could shield us a little bit until we get up and going. Not to mention the Necrons.

Yes, there's not an easy set of allies as yours and Cooky's is, but I wouldn't say it's as fully dire as you say either. Liber has the advantage of also knowing at least a basic picture of what's going on, the Aeldari are in fact a known factor even back from being in the DAOT, and there are in fact bigger problems. Problems that we can help with — the Aeldari are all for skullfucking but with their ancient enemy and something spec'd to murder them nearby…

I think it's definitely pretty workable!

But yeah I definitely didn't put any Chaos here for a reason, yeppers.