What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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I'm not sure that is the kind of message we want to send.
True, it does feel like the sort of thing we don't want do anything.... how about just doing a Heavy or Grand Cruiser? It feels much more in line and more to the degree of what the Dutchy can also maintain. We don't NEED to make it a battleship.

No, making the Duchy think the Ripped Tomboy Nun has the biggest dick around is exactly the message we want to send.
On the other hand, this is too funny not to at least do the attempt and see what happens. Also Slaanesh bait RIGHT there.

It's 20kg of schlong on the table. That's showing off. Also unhygienic

(Also not cramming.)

1. Shaking hands while squinting suspiciously at each other.
2. Rolled 'em.
3. Fucked off to the fronts and got upgraded since.
4. Borger, Mercenaries for Hire, Pillow Manufacturers, and PDF boosters.
5. Going Agnostic.
6. Tomorrow.
8. You can start a Tech-Trade Sub-Turn with a Free Action.
lol, yah it and I've said we should aim for Heavy or Grand Cruiser instead.

1. Sounds about right since its recent and only now working and normalizing relations.
2. I see, no double numbers at all, which is probably good.
3. Fair enough, they found some role there if they were kept around this long but then again we just normalized relations so maybe they were kept for us.
4. Are they good Borgers? should we let them set up shop in Federation territory? and that makes sense, surprised the Dutchy was using mercenaries. I... I need some context to why there is a Pillow Manufacturers, what bonus did they give? and PDF booster would be important.
5. OH, oh this seems like an opportunity for us to spread the faith in the dutchy, question is how far can we push on it? I'm assuming this is a write-in but how many actions do we need to put into this.
6. Fair, its going to make us want to research it I bet.
7. Boat indeed, but how much Boat?
8. OH neat, so we CAN get one of the other options if we do a write in and have tech to offer, we need to know just WHAT they would want though, I'd say a few more expeditions are in order. Will we get an option of the tech options in this vote? or these are more high valued techs they expect a large price for later

Does feel like we're getting the short end of the stick, then.

We're exchanging our cutting edge, DAOT-era technology for what is their second or third rate cast offs.
That was my thought as well since this is DOAT tech, though I get why, you aren't getting your highest tech-

You are giving them the primer you scraped off of the walls of a damp hole in the ground, not the advances you've made to make your automata.
OH the primer, so the beginning of it and letting them develop stuff on their own instead of our advancements, alright then that's fair.

Unfortunately not. Despite me desperately wanting ship auto building it is actually not the idea option. Why? Because of the Research Symphony, that essentially makes it so that we get the next level up of automation when it is active. Meaning that we can probably out pace what this would grant us in fewer levels. Of course that requires us to actually use said symphony actions on auto building ships.
Problem is shipyard automation four is four AP, so I doubt if we don't take this it we won't get to that level of it. Yes Grand Design will give us the better outcome but we won't give the needed AP for it compared to other options.

Edit: Neablis is there anychance we can slim down the Battleship to a Grand Cruiser instead? The Dutchy should be capable of handling that no problem while still giving them a big ship too.
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Edit:mad:Neablis is there anychance we can slim down the Battleship to a Grand Cruiser instead? The Dutchy should be capable of handling that no problem while still giving them a big ship too.
The difference between a grand cruiser and a battleship is that they can't build a battleship. It's kind of like the difference between giving a modern military a Leman Russ versus Baneblade. They'll be excited about both but the baneblade hits different.

4. Are they good Borgers? should we let them set up shop in Federation territory? and that makes sense, surprised the Dutchy was using mercenaries. I... I need some context to why there is a Pillow Manufacturers, what bonus did they give? and PDF booster would be important.
Ab-so-lutely fuckin' not. We have a whole prophecy about "Beware the stranger from the duchy with a twisted body." I'm down to get a little cozier with them, but genestealer-contaminated burgers are off the menu.
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[X][Ship Sales] We Will Sell Bespoke Ship Class/es: (Write-In up to 5 Designs)
-[X] Caelum-class Lance Destroyer
-[X] Equuleus-class Escort Frigate
-[X] Lacerta-class Light Cruiser
-[X] The Gift of Guiding Light

[X][Tech-Exchange] Wetware For Shipyard Automation

[][Tech-Exchange] Wetware For Shipyard Automation
(Gain: Shipyard Automation VII.)
[][Tech-Exchange] Wetware For Industrial Automation
(Gain: Modular Automated Assembly Lines.)
[][Tech-Exchange] Wetware For Ship Automation
(Gain: Ship Automation Equipment.)

8. You can start a Tech-Trade Sub-Turn with a Free Action.

1) @HeroCooky, if it's a free action, can we choose to start a Tech-Trade Sub-Turn right now, or do we need to wait for the next regular turn?

while the latter [Chaos] approaches something that Cerberus wouldn't classify as "National Emergency" if similar numbers of cultists were to be found within the Glimmering Federation. This can, in part, be followed back to the ever-decreasing numbers of adherents to the Imperial Cult.

Very interesting - I would have thought that the decline in the Imperial Cult would make it easier for Chaos to arise, not less (even if it's much less effective against Chaos than our own faith).

Does this mean that the Emperor is becoming more Chaotic, and faith in Him is becoming more akin to faith in the Star-Farther/Tyrant (although as Chaos God of Order, one would think some antithetical rejection of other Chaos gods would remain)?

Or does this suggest that (at least faith in) Chaos and the Anathema are somehow interwoven, whether inadvertently by the harsh inhumane practises of the Imperial Cult driving more into the extremes of Chaos, or their eternal rivalry (and perceived greater threat) leading to both parties dedicating more attention and resources (thus causing more cults and corruption to emerge) to fighting/opposing each other wherever their opposite is present (deprioritizing targets with declining faith), or some deeper intricacy of the Warp?

Or is this a case of correlation not equating to causation, where more effective policing/surveillance/crackdowns, (marginally) less political oppression and rising standards of living (and perhaps AI influence?) all contribute to lessening the appeal/draw of Chaos, which is just coincidentally happening at the same time as falling Imperial Cult adherence?

This is more speculation than anything else, as I doubt we could get any satisfactory/meaningful or actionable answers based on our current limited information, but it's worth thinking about and perhaps investigating in the future. To ask more focused questions;

2) Is the Imperial Cult referring to "traditional"/"orthodox" pre-Rift doctrine only, or does it encompass modified and promoted versions the Duchy has developed post-Rift? I might be misremembering, but hadn't the Duchy been pushing their own variant of the Imperial Faith as far back as the Voxx War? Is that still a thing, and/or has that become/replaced the religious establishment itself which is now losing followers?

3) Does the Duchy still (at least officially) mandate belief in either the Imperial Cult or more general faith in the Emperor in any form? The fact that it's a big enough trend identifiable from the outside (whether or not it's publically acknowledged in or by the Duchy) and that there isn't mention of any reprisals or lethal consequences for lack of belief (or at least outward/public expression of belief) suggests that mandatory practice of the Imperial Cult or Faith is if not officially relaxed, then no longer widely enforced?

4) Has faith in the Star Child (heretical to Federation doctrine or otherwise) spread at all in the Duchy, whether through Iconoclast adoption, prolonged contract through trade/proselytising, Warp-derived Star Child inspiration/"corruption"/influence (whether intentionally guided or as an unintentional by-product) on the minds and souls of psykers and more psychically sensitive "spilling over" from close proximity to such a significant concentration of Star Child faith, causing worship and faith in the Star Child to arise organically?
[X][Tech-Exchange] Wetware For Industrial Automation

No opinion yet whether the battleship is a good idea, thus abstaining on that matter.
And there we go, that plus the Gift of Guiding Light should form a comprehensive ship ecosystem for them, that fits into their doctrine cleanly while being capable of being detached as independent skirmishers. I can't really think of any good designs that would work beyond this?
It would involve an additional tech exchange, but a design with a rad lance might work as a sterilizer against nurgle ships.
We took 400 billion people off their hands.
700 Billion.
I... I need some context to why there is a Pillow Manufacturers, what bonus did they give?
Why not pillow manufacturer? And they give population growth, happiness, and luxuries.
Weaving_Dreamer said:
Are they good Borgers?
They are all good (grox) borgers, Brent Dreamer.
1) @HeroCooky, if it's a free action, can we choose to start a Tech-Trade Sub-Turn right now, or do we need to wait for the next regular turn?

2) Is the Imperial Cult referring to "traditional"/"orthodox" pre-Rift doctrine only, or does it encompass modified and promoted versions the Duchy has developed post-Rift? I might be misremembering, but hadn't the Duchy been pushing their own variant of the Imperial Faith as far back as the Voxx War? Is that still a thing, and/or has that become/replaced the religious establishment itself which is now losing followers?

3) Does the Duchy still (at least officially) mandate belief in either the Imperial Cult or more general faith in the Emperor in any form? The fact that it's a big enough trend identifiable from the outside (whether or not it's publically acknowledged in or by the Duchy) and that there isn't mention of any reprisals or lethal consequences for lack of belief (or at least outward/public expression of belief) suggests that mandatory practice of the Imperial Cult or Faith is if not officially relaxed, then no longer widely enforced?

4) Has faith in the Star Child (heretical to Federation doctrine or otherwise) spread at all in the Duchy, whether through Iconoclast adoption, prolonged contract through trade/proselytising, Warp-derived Star Child inspiration/"corruption"/influence (whether intentionally guided or as an unintentional by-product) on the minds and souls of psykers and more psychically sensitive "spilling over" from close proximity to such a significant concentration of Star Child faith, causing worship and faith in the Star Child to arise organically?
1. The Regular Turn.
2. It is the post-Rift Duchy Doctrine that is losing followers.
3. Unlike you, they do not enforce at least Agnosticism. If people don't worship Big E, they don't have to fear state reprisals. Social ones however...
4. Yeah, the closer you are to the Breskal Sub-Sector, itself a "hotbed" (comparatively) of Star Child adherence, the more likely you are to know about it or some worshippers. Since the Star Child is a "Descendant/Emperor-Reborn" religion, Duchy authorities do not bother cracking down on it. That you literally are the only source of chocolate helps its spread. And there is nothing "organic" about its spread. You are actively doing it via your infiltration and subversion networks you've created and fostered since the Voxx Liberation.
Anybody knows what "The Unfallen" at the bottom right of the galaxy map is? Guessing another Khornate cult from the colour.
Would the Duchy refit The Gift of Guiding Light with [Ship Equipment Automation] or would there be protests on that decision because it'd mean less people would get to enjoy the [Luxurious Crew Amenities] and [Luxurious Crew Quarters]?
4. Yeah, the closer you are to the Breskal Sub-Sector, itself a "hotbed" (comparatively) of Star Child adherence, the more likely you are to know about it or some worshippers. Since the Star Child is a "Descendant/Emperor-Reborn" religion, Duchy authorities do not bother cracking down on it. That you literally are the only source of chocolate helps its spread. And there is nothing "organic" about its spread. You are actively doing it via your infiltration and subversion networks you've created and fostered since the Voxx Liberation.
1. How much of the Dutchy by percentage are Start Child followers?
1b. Same for each of our other neighbors
2. What is the rate of conversion to the Star Child in the Dutchy?
2b. Same for each of our other neighbors
3. What type of sub sectors are the Star Child's followers concentrated in, periphery, mid or core territories?
4. What sort of people is the Star Child appealing to? In what order of popularity?
5. What's the highest positioned and/or funniest (from our point of view) person in the Dutchy that's following the Star Child?
1. How much of the Dutchy by percentage are Start Child followers?
1b. Same for each of our other neighbors
2. What is the rate of conversion to the Star Child in the Dutchy?
2b. Same for each of our other neighbors
3. What type of sub sectors are the Star Child's followers concentrated in, periphery, mid or core territories?
4. What sort of people is the Star Child appealing to? In what order of popularity?
5. What's the highest positioned and/or funniest (from our point of view) person in the Dutchy that's following the Star Child?
1. Like...3%?
1b. 5~40%
2. Slow.
2b. Stagnant~Medium.
3. Periphery.
4. Everyone. Generally...everyone.
5. High Jester of the Mulistranus Clown Syndicate.
I find it interesting that the Duchy is asking us for help in the construction of lance weaponry. They used to have those super-lances, did they completely fail at reverse engineering/learning from them?

The Grove and Authority, meanwhile, tell us of Sonic Weaponry that is being used by the Symphosium that carry memetic messages that turn their crews mad if internal speaker systems are not secured by either making them unable to produce sound at all or guarded by engineers and engineseers.

This is why everyone texts these days. Phone calls are nothing but scams.

@HeroCooky That miasma used by the cults, does it bypass shields?
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I find it interesting that the Duchy is asking us for help in the construction of lance weaponry. They used to have those super-lances, did they completely fail at reverse engineering/learning from them?
It's b/c those were Warp Cannons that were fueled by hundreds of Psykers and and the souls of billions of dead Xenos. They couldn't really manufacture more after we took Voxx Primus from them which was their main source of Psykers.
It does bypass them completely.

I am afraid we might need to redesign all the ships? The Phalanx Aegium is mostly deadweight because of this. I think we should focus more on conventional armor. These 3 low tech pieces of equipment would make sense.

Advanced Alloying - Spending more time getting the proper blends flowing will reduce the time needed to replace lost ships wholesale. Negates a single killing blow, merely disabling the vessel until repaired should you win the battle.
Armored Bridges - The Captain of a ship is, arguably, the most critical component of its machinery, as losing them leads to mass confusion and a drastic loss in efficiency.
Lattice Hulls - An improvement of a ship's hull. By combining several armor-shaping techniques from the past with up-scaled proven practices from vehicles, the armor of the ship will be able to withstand even more punishment.

It's b/c those were Warp Cannons that were fueled by hundreds of Psykers and and the souls of billions of dead Xenos. They couldn't really manufacture more after we took Voxx Primus from them which was their main source of Psykers.
Sure, but we designed a variant that didn't do that. Seems like they didn't.
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I am afraid we might need to redesign all the ships? The Phalanx Aegium is mostly deadweight because of this. I think we should focus more on conventional armor. These 3 low tech pieces of equipment would make sense.
Just upping the sheer amount of armor that it has to eat through is one thing, but given it's Chaos psychic defenses are as important as physical ones. But the matter changes if they want to outrange it...

@HeroCooky, if you don't mind me asking: How much range does that Miasma have? Short-range self-centered dome like BFGA, a ranged arc, or is more like strikecraft?