What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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I'd say we get the Titans and get the Lament Legion.

The Lamenters have been saving our butts so many times. We want so, so many more of them.

The necrons did lose the War in Heaven, so I imagine the eldar would recover their own ships.

Or it could have been from the time where the Necrons reveled against the C'tan, with our tomb world belonging to a C'tan loyalist.
??? No. The Necrons won. They and the Ctan killed off the Old Ones and forced the Eldar into hiding in the Webway.

And then the Silent King backstabbed the C'tan for tricking the Necrontyr about the biotransference and shattered almost all of the Ctan.
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The Necrons finally arrived after their wacky-interstellar-road trip. Now we just need to send a diplomatic mission to their ship packed with as many Yenni's as we can to diplomacy the fuck out of them.

-[] Monofilament Missile Studies (0/1)
(Gain: Increased Ground-Missile Damage.)
-[] Malicious Bone-Growth Weaponry Studies (0/1)
(Gain: Uuuuh...)
-[] Dark Matter Blaster Studies (0/1)
(Gain: Darklight Prototype Weaponry.)
-[] Monomolecular Blade Studies (0/1)
(Gain: Monomolecular Melee Weaponry.)

Yo these new tech options absolutely kick ass, especially the monomolecular blades, which are pretty much like the High-Frequency Blades from Metal Gear, and cut through shit the molecular level, which in laymen's terms, means they can slice through ANYTHING (definitely something we need to do).

We're never going to find out are we.

As Cocky just mentioned that's not it, given the response to them traveling through DO NOT ENTER was "WHY IS EVERYTHING IN REVERSE" could mean some time shenanigans happening similar to the Hadex Anomaly, though who knows?
The necrons did lose the War in Heaven, so I imagine the eldar would recover their own ships.

Or it could have been from the time where the Necrons reveled against the C'tan, with our tomb world belonging to a C'tan loyalist.
Necrons won the war in heaven, though.
Old Ones: Dead and/or corrupted
Krorks: forced to degenerate
Eldar: Admitedly they were quite strong at the time
C'tan: Shattered and counter enslaved

Silent King won the war in heaven and decided that fighting Krorks before they degenerate and Eldar, was less worth it than waiting for them to die.
You can try; he'd not answer.
What about the Cryptek? Being forced to talk to primitives could be a punishment.
Remember y'all. We still gotta .5 action locked away so one of those 50% transfers will go toward the new ship designs. As for the rest...well go wild

Edit: I guess the question is Do we want to do action econ or do we switch symphony for the total war footing songs"

Edit 2: Hmm...the monomolecular would be nice for...the fucking Khornate jackasses who love to fight in the melee. Decisions decisions
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Edit: I guess the question is Do we want to do action econ or do we switch symphony for the total war footing songs"
Action Symphony gives actions.
Switching Symphonies cost an action.

We lose plenty of actions by switching now, all for unknown duration of an experimental Symphony.
Would suggest putting off new Symphonies for now. Actions are the lifeblood of our nation.
The question still stands, though. Can a Necron just swipe another dynasty's World Engine? Like, wouldn't it have security protocols in place?
That is their World Engine. The rest of the ships can be swiped via enough application of Math-Juju.
Hey. Can somebody do a Negaverse Duchy reaction plis. I wanna see how our counterparts would react to our good shit.
I second this. Make it long enough and I'll even give you 0.5 Actions. :]
Action Symphony gives actions.
Switching Symphonies cost an action.

We lose plenty of actions by switching now, all for unknown duration of an experimental Symphony.
Would suggest putting off new Symphonies for now. Actions are the lifeblood of our nation.

Shutting a Symphony off is free. I 'm saying we take advantage of the Warp stuff cooling for a bit to let our Tremors go down.

I second this. Make it long enough and I'll even give you 0.5 Actions. :]

I gotchu fam. Let me get some lunch started and I'll start working on it.
"...they are asking if we know anything about the "Metal Planet" they failed to tow away."
Spoiler: Interstellar Communication

Say since we made contact with some necrons, can we spend an action to ask them questions on their culture and other facets of their society like laws and social structures, art, language, other political groups within the civilization, beliefs/religion, etc. that isn't from 2nd hand guesses and learn from a 1st hand source?

It would be nice to know what they are like so the GF knows how to interact with any new necron groups we met in the future
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Hmm, Heartbeat of Industry is on, but Unto Works Generational isn't.

You know, if we really want to do Black Ash with a bang, I figure if we activate Works, a Deus Machina with the 50% boost and Mechandrite is "only" 2 real actions haha…

I'll see if I can get something together if we want to design a new Titan, it's a weekend.