What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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[X] Plan: The Jousting War, Redoux.

I want to crush the Croaf and kill two birds with one stone (make integrating the Clan easier and smoother), so, helping the Black Ash Clan with the war against the Hegemony it is.
@HeroCooky, should we consider our Military development as directly improving the quality (and quantity?) of our units, or is it more so improving our backline logistics, training, reserve + auxiliary forces, infrastructure, industry, defence fortifications, stockpiles, etc., which gives us a sturdier foundation to regenerate losses from but we need to spend additional actions improving and expanding our military in order to experience the benefit of improved military development on the frontlines, or is it a little bit column A, a little column B? Apologies if this is too 'in the weeds' or below level of abstraction, and thanks for the wonderful quest!
80% of colum B, 20% of Column A.
Oh. Right. Let's show some love to the poor people who have to deal with ALL THOSE SPIDERS. And make their world Holy. Maybe we'll get some holy spiders out of it?
*Spider wearing a cheap priest costume raises their fore-legs to the sky* "And lo, see-eth that it is written in that most sacred collection of wordfull words: 'Thou shalt give unto the Spider-Clergy thy bananas, for it is righteous and just' and know that it is a commandment most holy."
*Random passers-by with a grocery-bag full of bananas stops and raises a hand* "Hey, uh, it that an euphemism for-"
*Immediately gets mobbed by 700 spiders for their bananas.*
230.M43: 398 + 10 = 408
This does not include 5 Choirs. 3 for Pyxis Scout and 2 for Lamenter Andromedas.

Edit: Also; Lamenters now got their own Chief Librarian!
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Edit: Also; Lamenters now got their own Chief Librarian!
Cheers and celebrations!

*Spider wearing a cheap priest costume raises their fore-legs to the sky* "And lo, see-eth that it is written in that most sacred collection of wordfull words: 'Thou shalt give unto the Spider-Clergy thy bananas, for it is righteous and just' and know that it is a commandment most holy."
*Random passers-by with a grocery-bag full of bananas stops and raises a hand* "Hey, uh, it that an euphemism for-"
*Immediately gets mobbed by 700 spiders for their bananas.*
So the solution here is a spider uplift and education initiative, right?
While part of me wants to build Titans ASAP, they probably won't do much good in the Croaf Liberation Crusade/War considering the very much 'hands-off' exploitative approach they take to managing (read: neglecting) planetside affairs beyond deterring, suppressing and destroying rebellions from orbit.

[] Plan: The Jousting War, Redoux.
-[] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Fuck These Spiders in All Honesty - Gigachad)
-[] [Free] [Psykana] Deactivate A Cry For The Future
-[] [Free] [Psykana] Put any free Choirs beyond 50 onto A Hiss of the Steam Valves, prioritize sanctification of new Knights & the Lamenters Battle-Barge to make them Chaos Resistant.
-[] [General] Develop The Federations'...
--[] Void Industry XII (0/1)
--[] Void Industry XIII (0/1)
--[] Medical Services VI (1/2)
-[] [Military] Begin Military Operation: Free Skies
--[] SBG Centaur, SBG Werewolf, SBG Basilisk, LRAD Alpha, LRAD Gamma, LRAD Epsilon, Nomadic Fleet 'Winged-Deliverance', Nomadic Fleet 'Thrum-Of-The-Journey', Nomadic Fleet 'Beat-Of-Oiled-Drums', Nomadic Fleet 'Banished-Sorrows-In-Dark-Times', Irridanus Grand Army, Archwan Grand Army, whatever Knights volunteer.
--[] Assist the Black Ash Clan in their war against the Croat Hegemony, their comeuppance has been long overdue and we help liberate the people they've been brutally oppressing for so long.
---[] If it has been deemed that the Felinds or any other population would not see much better treatment under the Black Ash Clan than the Croaf Hegemenoy, offer to take them off their hands and move them with our evacuation fleet to our territory.
--[] Invite the Lamenters as well to this conflict and let them test out their new fleet.

@Neablis, I like the plan broadly, but I have some concerns about development expenditure when the readiness of our fleets is potentially in question and we are about to confront a naval-focused polity. Even if they are at a great power disparity to us (and are possibly out-of-position to face us while focused on fighting the Black Ash Clans), I fear we might take unnecessary losses which will need more action investment to repair overall.

[] [Military] Sector Battle Group Construction And Repair
-[] 2x Nomadic Fleets [Automatic] (0.4/1)
-[] Hydralisk and Necrolisk (0/1)
-[] Gryphon and Gorgon (0/1)
-[] Wyvern and Cyclops (0/1)
-[] 2x Long Range Anti-Duchy Specialist Fleets (0/1)

Specifically, do you think either "Hydralisk and Necrolisk" or "Gryphon and Gorgon" would be good investments this turn if we swap out Medical Services development or a Void Infrastructure development action?

Granted, we may need Medical Services development to improve humanitarian efforts in newly liberated worlds and systems - and likewise, Void Infrastructure could be very helpful for integrating Navigators as well as supporting Naval efforts - so a trade-off definitely still exists, but I thought it was worth bringing up to consider all options.

Specie/s: Human (Primary), Abhuman - Homo Sapiens Hirsutus (Minor - Second Class Citizens), and Assorted (Insignificant - Perpetual Genocide

Secondly, do you think we should specify offering to take on Navigators as well as Felinids from the Black Ash? I know it is somewhat implicitly implied by the phrasing "or any other population", and it might be seen as more nakedly taking advantage of the situation due to Navigators' strategic value, but I fear that there is a very real chance they are being genocided by Black Ash forces considering the Clan's "Perpetual Genocide" modifier for non-Felnid abhumans and the usually genocidal conduct of Imperial and Imperial-successor polities.

--[] Assist the Black Ash Clan in their war against the Croat Hegemony, their comeuppance has been long overdue and we help liberate the people they've been brutally oppressing for so long.

Lastly, and while this is probably entirely inconsequential outside HeroCooky making a funny reference to a spelling error in our declaration of war or something, "Croaf" has accidentally been spelt "Croat" in the plan (apologies for being nitpicky but I couldn't unsee it when I noticed it and had to get it off of my chest).
80% of colum B, 20% of Column A.

*Spider wearing a cheap priest costume raises their fore-legs to the sky* "And lo, see-eth that it is written in that most sacred collection of wordfull words: 'Thou shalt give unto the Spider-Clergy thy bananas, for it is righteous and just' and know that it is a commandment most holy."
*Random passers-by with a grocery-bag full of bananas stops and raises a hand* "Hey, uh, it that an euphemism for-"
*Immediately gets mobbed by 700 spiders for their bananas.*

This does not include 5 Choirs. 3 for Pyxis Scout and 2 for Lamenter Andromedas.

Edit: Also; Lamenters now got their own Chief Librarian!
I'm pretty sure that I counted both of those but okay - does that mean that the current turn's Choir number should also be 5 higher? Also, how are Lamenters going to be counted psyker wise?
I think they are separate to the Choir system with Librarians being trained in a more conventional/traditional individual psyker capacity.

They're still using their Psychic Powers in the same paradigm, though Space Marines I think are stable enough by default that they can solo-cast Melodies, which is exactly what they need to be.

Looking forward to unlocking Grand Cruisers next turn though! We'll finally get Armada level equipment modules set up!

Huh, I wonder what a local SDF looks like at VI XIII?
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@Neablis, I like the plan broadly, but I have some concerns about development expenditure when the readiness of our fleets is potentially in question and we are about to confront a naval-focused polity. Even if they are at a great power disparity to us (and are possibly out-of-position to face us while focused on fighting the Black Ash Clans), I fear we might take unnecessary losses which will need more action investment to repair overall.
I cribbed the entire war plan from somebody else's plan last turn, so I don't have justifications for all of it. Still, it looks good to me. But let's go through it piece by piece.

First, I'm not sure what you mean by 'readiness.' Our fleets are stronger than they've ever been. Stronger than when we fought van Zandt, by a lot.

Second, our last intelligence report on the Croaf (which is not even a hundred years old) said they had 120 military ships TOTAL. Only one of which is grand-cruiser scale. We also know their military shipbuilding strength, which was 0.5 light cruisers per decade. So in the time since that last report they could have built... 4 light cruisers. And they've been at war for a bit, so they're probably even weaker than that. We're up against, at worst, 125 ships. Half of which are probably frigates?

On our side, this is what we're deploying:
3 SBGs, which is 12 Leo Heavy Cruisers, 24 Libra Carriers, 18 Scorpio Brawler Cruisers, 24 Crux Brawler Frigates, 12 Lupus destroyers,
3 LRADs, which is 12 Pegasus-class heavy carriers, 39 Hydrus-class lance cruisers, 18 Scutum shield frigates, 15x Sagittarius lance frigates, 6x Lupus destroyers.
4 Nomadic Fleets, which is 4 battlecolonies, 8 Bastion Heavy Cruisers, 8 Quill Light Cruisers, 56 Ink-class Frigates.
That totals to 4 battlecolonies, 32 Heavy Cruisers, 89 light cruisers, 113 frigates and 18 destroyers. Total of 256 ships (Oh that power of 2 makes me feel good) with 125 cruisers and up. I'm not counting the Andromeda's here. Then there's whatever the Lamenters decide to bring.

We're not just sending double their entire navy, we still outnumber their entire ship strength with just cruisers. Even without the Lamenters.

Add that into the fact that we know that their ships are relatively unmodified imperial designs, which we know how to beat. We've got a trifecta of a very solid frontline, incredible numbers of high-quality fighters and extremely potent lances to shoot down anything tricky at hitscan speed from long range. Oh, and our ships are all faster than theirs (on a tactical level at least).

Best of all, they've never fought us before. They don't know our doctrine, which means in the first engagement they'll probably just get buried under fighters and long-ranged lance fire. Our Admirals know this, and with the widespread use of enhanced strategiums (there are 36 of them in this fleet) know how to exploit it, especially since we promote on competence, and they promote on nepotism.

If it were me I'd pretend to be slow and without ranged options, bait them into a decisive engagement where they think they can kite us. Then we take the engagement and reveal our true hand. When they try to disengage we run them down and use our speed and range advantage to ensure their only choices are surrender or death and wipe a majority of their fleet in one engagement.

Even the stations shouldn't be a big problem, because we have 12 Carronade siege weapons in the fleet. Which we've never seen in action. I'm looking forward to it.

Specifically, do you think either "Hydralisk and Necrolisk" or "Gryphon and Gorgon" would be good investments this turn if we swap out Medical Services development or a Void Infrastructure development action?
Two counterpoints:
1. We can't swap out any dev actions without losing one action this turn, and only doing 3 actions instead of 4. Our turns right now are set up to heavily reward us for doing 2 dev actions, which The Devouring Mechadendrite rewards with a bonus action. Or we could do 3 military actions, which Heartbeat of Industry would convert to a 4th. So we could go to war, build some SBGs and go investigate some of the ancient ruins all together, but I'd prefer to keep the dev ticking instead.
2. I don't know if building 2 more SBGs would increase our 'readiness' levels at all. It would increase our military forces, which would mean we could send more along, but I'd really prefer to grow a bit and get our void infastructure up before we do any more shipbuilding. When we unify with the Shipwright's we'll probably start making like 12 SBGs a turn but it'll nuke our development, so I'd like to lock in all-X & battleships before then.

Secondly, do you think we should specify offering to take on Navigators as well as Felinids from the Black Ash? I know it is somewhat implicitly implied by the phrasing "or any other population", and it might be seen as more nakedly taking advantage of the situation due to Navigators' strategic value, but I fear that there is a very real chance they are being genocided by Black Ash forces considering the Clan's "Perpetual Genocide" modifier for non-Felnid abhumans and the usually genocidal conduct of Imperial and Imperial-successor polities.
Fair enough, added! Also made it... less of an offer and more of a "no you don't get to kill them off, we're taking them."

Lastly, and while this is probably entirely inconsequential outside HeroCooky making a funny reference to a spelling error in our declaration of war or something, "Croaf" has accidentally been spelt "Croat" in the plan (apologies for being nitpicky but I couldn't unsee it when I noticed it and had to get it off of my chest).
Haha, good catch. Fixed.
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You're not wrong in that Titans aren't completely invincible to non-Titans.

That being said, look at the writeup for the Shadowsword more closely. "Yes, it can core a Battle Titan in one shot... If its Void Shields are down, and if it hits, and the price for all that power is being incredibly expensive even by Superheavy Tank standards, glacially slow, having little-to-no traverse, and having to actually turn off the engine before you fire or else it might just fucking explode, requiring a lengthy re-activation procedure afterwards, and outside of its Big Damn Gun, its sole armament is a pair of sponson-mounted heavy bolters.

You absolutely can kill a Titan without one, but it requires ideal circumstances or overwhelming weight of firepower or elites to achieve.
It gives options for killing titans but doesn't matter the options are good ones or ones that hard counter and make Titans things of the past. Just too many conditions need to be met in order to take down titans without such a tech.

Still, the Tau are able to fight against Titans despite not having any of their own.

If we go with War-Walkers, we'll fight Titans by going all Mobile Suit Gundam on their asses, and honestly that seems more fitting for us, having a bunch of elite Ace pilots working together to take on walking behemoths.
Oh right, wasn't it because of their advanced tech letting them make something that could kill Titans? and then had to mass produce a lot of them to do that? I'm sure we could but I think the titans in that were the smaller sizes the QM is not using? I don't know, I feel we won't be able to do that shit unless we develop a weapon/tech that completely bypasses Void Shields. Because at that point it helps a lot and means you don't have to overload the shields first.

Also the Mantra I think they need a lot of them.

The Tau are also blessed with insane amounts of Plot Armor, I would point out, and basically everyone jobs against them. Up to and including an entire fucking Execution Force failing and getting killed to the last Assassin going after a single Ethereal because Plot Armor keeps kicking in to have them get Suddenly Noticed for no real reason before they can strike, with the sole exception of the Culexis who somehow doesn't trip their "THE ETHEREAL IS IN DANGER" senses and let them do shit like identify an immobile Vindicare in a sniping position from out of the blue at significant distance and call artillery down on them, or cotton on to a Callidus because "That doesn't seem right..." When they've historically been able to infiltrate even Ork forces, with an actual confirmed psychic gestalt.

Also, I'm not super keen on the idea of just compensating for not wanting to pay the surcharge for Titans by throwing more bodies at the problem too.
Wait, seriously? It was that bad? I thought most of the complaints was due to old 40k players not liking there was a straight up good faction with no flaws around, add in the false thing of wanting to appeal to animefans/weebs since that was wasn't right. I know they were naïve to the way things worked in the galaxy and were caught off guard at times but adapted well. I thought it was fair given how small it was on the map with the number of worlds they had.

I didn't realize they had plot armor like THAT though.

"Ma'am, the Mechanicus is rioting."
"Really, why? Didn't we agree to start the construction of a God-Engine soon?"
"Yes, but this is about the coloring-scheme."
"I thought everyone agreed to it already?"
"Yes, but they are rioting over whether to use two thin coats or three."
Oh dear what happened now?

Oh rioting over the Color scheme and how many coats? Fair enough, carry on. We already see this in RL.

Current Warp Tremors: [High].
What? oh well shit, well we are dropping that this turn then. at least it gives us time to wait for Grand Design to happen.

-[] Newly Improved Psyker Staves (2/5)
Oh, I think New Dawn is focusing hard on this then, we might have to pop Grand Design Still we have some time.

[] Duel Of The Fates (0/7)
Let The Duels Commence!
(Gain: The Black Ash Clan is assimilated. Increases by +0.5 per Turn.
Warning: [Error 404 - Text Not Found] possible.)
Uhhhhh, I do not like that warning that got corrupted. I would say rushing Titan development in case they pull out their own or something. Still I wonder what's up with ___ possible? also not sure of if we should rush this or not.
it is concerning.....

Watchtower Confederacy
Current Relations: Fuq ya' wan't?
Trend: Increase
Modifiers: The fuckers over there.
yah that's about what I expected from them but love the way they phrase it.

[] [Military] Construct A God-Engine (Variable Action Cost)
00101011 00101011 00101011 01001001 01101110 01101001 01110100 01101001 01100001 01110100 01100101 00100000 01010000 01110010 01101111 01110100 01101111 01100011 01101111 01101100 01101100 00111010 00100000 01000010 01101001 01100111 00100000 01001110 01110101 01110100 00101011 00101011 00101011
(Gain: Titan decided upon in the Sub-Turns and specialized ship capable of moving it.)
Well that makes sense. Its basically the evac options of Voxx Primus in that we need to actually DO the action first to find out the actually costs for it will be. best to do this soon.

Warp Currents.

Oh, if only there was a way to see the ways the water flows...:V
fair enough, was hoping we could wait until next turn but I guess we get started on Warp Observatory and do some Medical Service and hold off until we are free to pop Grand Design and get Medical Services to all X.

1. No, it's an auto-ticker.
2. It's Psykana, ain't it?
3. *shrug*
4. Nope.

Such a helpful QM, I know. :V
QM's can take great joy in being vague and mysertyious.... or just laughing at the thread while they prepare to drop a crisis on thread/readers/quest or that we think we are past the worst of it.

*Spider wearing a cheap priest costume raises their fore-legs to the sky* "And lo, see-eth that it is written in that most sacred collection of wordfull words: 'Thou shalt give unto the Spider-Clergy thy bananas, for it is righteous and just' and know that it is a commandment most holy."
*Random passers-by with a grocery-bag full of bananas stops and raises a hand* "Hey, uh, it that an euphemism for-"
*Immediately gets mobbed by 700 spiders for their bananas.*
What is it with these Spiders and Bananas? also our goal of making the spiders Kin grows closer every day.
Uhhhhh, I do not like that warning that got corrupted. I would say rushing Titan development in case they pull out their own or something. Still I wonder what's up with ___ possible? also not sure of if we should rush this or not.
it is concerning.....
Hmm. That is concerning. Maybe... we should just spend one action on a titan next turn. One third of our output for 10 years should still get us something that can stomp any knight they've got.

You know what, I'll add a free action to the plan to request clarification on the [Error 404 - Text Not Found].
I'm pretty sure that I counted both of those but okay - does that mean that the current turn's Choir number should also be 5 higher? Also, how are Lamenters going to be counted psyker wise?
Since you didn't count them, I'd think so.
And they won't be counted, they are their own thing.
You know what, I'll add a free action to the plan to request clarification on the [Error 404 - Text Not Found].
[Error 404 - {Clarification} Not Found]
You know I just realized that war walkers might had allowed us to make actual Gundam type strikecraft fighters and I foolishly didn't realize that until after the vote was over. Man and I recall mentioning earlier in this thread when we started our strikecraft focus that I hoped we could make Gundams
Croaf Hegemony is gone. And we'll keep integrating the Black Ash Clan bit by bit. Including the conquered Croaf Hegemony.

The Chaos cults are expanding like crazy. Compared to when we first found out about them, the Slaanesh cult conquered at least 5 subsectors, Khornates took two, and the Nurgle cult overtook like at *minimum* 10 subsectors.

Slaanesh cult is just 2 subsectors away from the Shipwrights.

On the other hand, the Mashan took 3, and the Shipwrights got 2 more.

We really need to step up our game and increase our scale. Or else we are going to get drowned by sheer numbers no matter how tall we build.
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Croaf Hegemony is gone. And we'll keep integrating the Black Ash Clan bit by bit. Including the conquered Croaf Hegemony.

The Chaos cults are expanding like crazy. Compared to when we first found out about them, the Slaanesh cult conquered at least 5 subsectors, Khornates took two, and the Nurgle cult overtook like at *minimum* 10 subsectors.

Slaanesh cult is just 2 subsectors away from the Shipwrights.

On the other hand, the Mashan took 3, and the Shipwrights got 2 more.

We really need to step up our game and increase our scale. Or else we are going to get drowned by sheer numbers no matter how tall we build.
The way we do that is to unify with the Shipwrights. I just want to hit the all-X milestone to get the benefits in case that comes with penalties. Here's my current timeline:
This turn: Set up for All-X. (get medical 9, and probably a titan to ensure that the Black Ash duels go well).
Next turn: Get All-X & void infrastructure 15, turn on A Grand Design for one turn in case we decide to do Bounty of Labor and clear the tech tree.
3 turns: Unify with the Shipwrights.

Alternatively, we could be a little less greedy and do it in two turns:
This turn: Set up for all-X. (get medical 9)
Next turn: Get all-X & unite with the Shipwrights.

Then we'll have a much larger industrial base and can go hard on anti-chaos military stuff. We're like 2-3 psykana actions off from really upgrading our chaos resistance, with both the upgraded Do no Evil & Hiss of the Steam Valves song, as well as singing the Shield us from the Influence of the Four, and maybe an anti-chaos symphony.

Wow, Croaf got spineshattered in one go, huh.
I mean, if they were a peer to the Black Ash, then our fleet should have been able to just walk over them. We outnumbered their entire fleet with just the cruisers we sent. I kind of expected this, to be entirely honest.
Wow, Croaf got spineshattered in one go, huh.
While I am also surprised at our success in only 10 years, it does make some sense. We sent 11 fleets of ships to fuck their shit up, 3 of which are Lance-heavy with a lot of the ships in it able to just scramble shields as well as having Carriers chock-full of the best damn pilots in Sector. And back when the Croat had a presence in Ishanu, they only had 1 SBG equivalent on the border with the BAC.

In the end, for all their self-assured superiority, the Croaf just couldn't compare to us. And once the Void was won, they couldn't really put up much of a fight on the Ground due to them disdaining Ground-dwellers.
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