[] Supreme Adaptability: Rather then focus upon one specialty this Chapter believes in superior discipline and training. Each Battle Brother should be capable of acting within any role upon the battlefield as required.
[] Auxiliary Forces: Whether it be Chapter Serfs, Imperial Guard or something more esoteric this chapter has a reliable stable of worthy allies to accompany them onto any battlefield.
This chapter and their allies are going to go up against two very nasty enemies and they not only need to be prepared to face them but also have great synergies with their auxiliaries forces as well.
[] Auxiliary Forces: Whether it be Chapter Serfs, Imperial Guard or something more esoteric this chapter has a reliable stable of worthy allies to accompany them onto any battlefield.
This chapter and their allies are going to go up against two very nasty enemies and they not only need to be prepared to face them but also have great synergies with their auxiliaries forces as well.