We are going to want a large proportion of launch/recovery hangars and launch tubes. As these small craft are reliant on depletable missiles, we are going to need to be able to recover, re-arm and launch them quickly to have any meaningul lasting impact in a fleet action.
Yeah. And launch decks and recovery tubes are not omnopotent for sure.
Which I translate as "if crafts are pre-aranged in tube before the engagement, we can release 10 crafts for each tube. But after that, we would need to spend a round to put a craft into launch position - meaning if we want to launch 10 more crafts, we need to spend 10 more rounds to load them into now-empty tube".It takes one round to manoeuvre a craft into 'firing'
position within a launch tube but, once there, it takes
a single space combat round to release up to 10
craft, after which both the mothership and launched
spacecraft may expend Thrust and make attack rolls
during the same round.
And the recovery deck is even worse:
So after we launched 10 crafts from a single tube, and they spend all their ammo and went back to reload, we need to wait 1 round per tube for each fighter to be recovered.
So if we have 10 crafts, 1 tube and one deck, we would need to spend no less than ten (and probably more) rounds of crafts being recovered, re-armed with missiles, packed back into tubes and launched again. Maybe with 2 decks per 10 crafts and 1 tube, we can make it a bit quicker, but again, no less than 10 rounds.
if all this is true, then maybe we want to lose either 2 points of armor or the turret and load 1 ton of missiles on fighters.
armour is obviously useful, and turret probably makes it much easier for the fighter pilot to react to interceptors or frag missiles launched against it and to launch his own missiles diectly at them.
Or we can lose half-ton of fuel - but can we take half-ton of missile ammo? And also that's a lot of fuel, and refuelling fighters onboard would also take time.
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