What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

  • Total voters
Same man, we don't need to get into a Peer power fight if it happens. I would say after this next turn to just create the Damn Anti-dutchy SBG's already and make a few more SBG's so we have a garrison and defensive force here if we do go to war.
I mean, if defensive Garrison is what you want, HeroCooky did say that now we have the ability to make 4-5 SBGs worth of defensive stations so we could just plop that down over Phantom for a very visible buffer and deterrent.

Also, how have things with the Moth people been going?
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I know this changed

1. QM how is a Trif - Cretetri with a Lilypad ocean biosphere? like how does living on such a world work and how does that affect their daily lives?
2. we have a buy out option for the Ashan Family that costs two actions but is there anything we might be wishing here? how are they about Xenos if we do buy them out and absorb them into the Federation?
The pictures/text for the Warp Navigation/Communications Songs didn't change.

1. Dunno. It's gonna be aquatic and wet. With lilypads strong enough to hold cities.
2. They already know about the Xenos, and aren't that angry about it. Just don't put them down on their planets until your missionaries got to the people.
Also, how have things with the Moth people been going?
Interstellar Culture Shock. Expect nothing from them for at least a century.
Hold the phone. Are we Sure? are we SURE we want to do this shit in the Black Cat Company that is behind the Black Ash Clan Territory? The Black Cat Company who holds a Battleship and we will need to crashbuild maybe 6 SBG's with the expectation of losing them? Are we SURE we want to go through with this and commit to it? Recall how long we sat and let Brauns continue and only stopped at the last minute.

Just WHY are we doing the Black Cat Company at all and not just holding off a turn or two to see how things are currently.
Yeah, I think this is a good idea. We're subverting them, not declaring war. Also - they only have two planets. HeroCooky has confirmed that if we subvert both at the same time it'll be synergistic, and our other slot frees up next turn.

We might need to throw an action or two into it, but my thought is that we'll gain an auto-ticker to just integrate the entire polity. Including their battleship.

And once we've done that, the Black Ash will be strategically flanked and vulnerable to either conquest or influence.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Sep 7, 2024 at 2:48 PM, finished with 24 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] Plan: A Knightly Gift
    -[X] [Free] Assign 20 Choirs to Glint of Genius
    -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Howling Gale - Abyssal eye)
    -[X] [Free] Swap ISC to Green Horizons Colonization LTD
    -[X] [Free] [AUTOMATIC] System Subversion - after the poison gift, the new focus is The Talon in the Qo system
    -[X] [General] Ministry of Subversion, Infiltration, and Interstellar Communication x2
    --[X] The Grand Gift( Poison) (0/2) x2
    --[X] The Family Buy-Out (0/2) (Bonus Action)
    -[X] [Military] Sector Battle Group Construction And Repair
    --[X] 2x Long Range Anti-Duchy Specialist Fleets (0/1)
    -[X] [Free] Adjust the LRAD composition to be 4 Pegasus-class Command Cruisers, 13 Hydrus-class Rad Cruisers, 3 Andromeda-Class Guide Ships, 6 Scutum-class Shield Frigates, 5 Sagittarius Lance Frigates and 2 Lupus destroyers.
    [X] Plan: Our mistakes didn't happen, understand?
    -[X] [Free] Assign 20 Choirs to Glint of Genius
    -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Abyssal Eye - Howling Gale)
    -[X] [Free] Switch ISC to Green Horizons
    -[X] [General] Ministry of Subversion, Infiltration, and Interstellar Communication
    --[X] The Grand Gift( Poison) (0/2) (One Free AP)
    --[X] The Family Buy-Out (0/2)
    -[X] [Military] Sector Battle Group Construction And Repair
    --[X] 2x Long Range Anti-Duchy Specialist Fleets (0/1)
    -[X] [Free] The LRADs seem to be missing a few ships due to a clerical error, fill the difference with Hydrus and Sagittarius ships as logistics allow. (+6 ships to hit the 40 ship fleet max)
    [X] Plan: Preparation For The Grand Gift Poison
    -[X] [Knightly Orders] Train (0/?)
    -[X] [Chapter] Lord Or Tyrant? (0/0.5)
    -[X] Military Industry VI (1/2)
    -[X] [Free] Assign 20 Choirs to Glint of Genius
    -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Howling Gale - Abyssal eye)
053.M43 - Crimes Against Humanity
"What news have you gathered, Brother?" Mordallon spoke through the vox, hailing Naaron Ashblood, Scoutmaster, the moment their ship had entered range. Normally, he would have waited for a formal report, but the vessel sported battle damage and had practically limped back into the system. Seeing as it had been sent out to speak with the Lords of Eternity on a diplomatic mission, such things could not be the harbingers of good news.

"Xenos, Brother," Naaron's voice replied. "I bring news of two Xenos. One vile, hateful, and utterly repugnant, the other a possible candle against the darkness almost snuffed out by the first. The Chapter must mobilize to ensure the first taints the stars no longer, and their crimes against humanity are repaid in full."

Dossier on the Lords of Eternity

1) Basic Economics
1.a) Trade

The Lords of Eternity do not, to our knowledge and their admission, practice extra-polity trade beyond rare convoys of metals and fuel to the Watchtower Confederacy in exchange for war materials. This is achieved with a small trading fleet of 32 Armed Cargo Transporters of old Imperial Design, with an accompanying fleet of around ~4 Light Cruisers and ~2 Destroyers to act as outriders.

Their main fleet comprises ~40 Destroyers, ~30 Frigates, ~15 Light Cruisers, and ~3 Heavy Cruisers.

1.b) Shipbuilding
Their total ship production capabilities are primarily occupied with repairing their damaged ships, with new ships coming online as needed or as enabled with the bounties gained by their colonies within Sub-Sector Valiant.

Their Destroyers measure 1.3km, Frigates 1.8km, Light Cruisers 2.5km, and Heavy Cruisers 4km.

They primarily use Lances, though they are gradually being replaced with Macro-Cannons whenever they are damaged beyond repair in battle due to the Lords not possessing the ability to manufacture them and not being placed on new ships whenever they are constructed.

2) Socio-Economics
The Lords of Eternity are ruled by noble lineages of Psykers, banded together under Houses, with new members inducted by secret rites after new psykers graduate their psykana institutions without falling to Chaos and exhibiting the required mental stability. These Houses oversee the governance of cities, continents, planets, and systems, with a singular body called the Chamber of Illumination overseeing their war efforts against the Asuryani and Valan Blood Court and comprehensive path within the stars.

A Charter of Rights and Responsibilities oversees what their citizens are legally afforded, such as the right to assemble for protests, and what must be delivered to retain these rights, such as mandatory military service in either combat, combat-related, or logistics-related roles.

They place a heavy emphasis on mental stability, with meditation and mental wellness checks enforced for all their people.

Their primary religion is a bastardization of the Imperial Cult, venerating the Emperor in the Aspect of the Priest, Aspect of the Soldier, Aspect of the Wizard, and Aspect of the Statesman.

Mutants are given the choice between front-line duty, stationary factory laborers, or execution whenever they are found.

The Lords are home to an Abhuman species called "Ratlings" used as scouts, snipers, and cooks within military contexts but are mostly kept on the same level as Baseline Humans.

They also are home to a Xeno Species seen as equals called the Msk'fa.

3) Corruption
No visible/noticeable Chaos Corruption was noticed. Mundane Corruption likely exists.

4) Propaganda
Their propaganda primarily focuses on the need to fight against the Valan Blood Court, or else all will be lost, and to report any manifestations of psychic abilities at once to deny Chaos any grasp upon the soul of those capable of wielding psychic skills.

New Species Entries

Name: Valan
Appearance: Descendants of a type of avian creature, these Ravagers are vaguely humanoid if standing upright on two taloned legs, yet possess two large wings upon their backs, with two smaller wings along the side of their body. The bigger wings can be used as legs when required, and the smaller ones possess manipulators to hold tools and weapons. Two eyes, with eyesight roughly thrice as good as a human's, are situated in their head, sunken into their sockets, with huge and sharp beaks the length of a human arm, alongside tiny ear-holes underneath the crest atop their head. When taken in isolation, their face elicits a neonatal response from the human mind, something the Valan have been more than willing to take advantage of in their initial attacks. Their skin is thin yet possesses a resilience akin to leather and is covered in short, thin, mostly dark red, pink, and bronze feathers. Male Valan have less vibrant feathers but exhibit more confident behaviors, while female Valan are larger and stronger.
Age Range: Unknown. Unknown.
Technology Level: Low Imperial.
Psychological Compatibility: Low.
Physiological Compatibility: High-Extreme.
Chocolate Compatibleness: N/A.
Short History: Errutped from their star holdings in 683.M42, whereupon they preyed upon the colonies of the Lords of Eternity for over 200 years. Planets and stations were either depopulated via the mass abduction of its colonists or slaughtered to the last, with no quarter given, but plenty requested and taken advantage of when such requests were granted. Though capable of dialogue with humans, they remain utterly hostile in every interaction recorded, with prisoners always trying to escape at the first opportunity they believe holds a chance for escape or attempt to kill their jailers. Experiments with artificially (read: non-consensually created via harvesting of genetic materials and induced egg-laying) created Valan have always resulted in the same behavior, despite heavy indoctrination attempts, with the young inevitably declaring themselves to be above humanity and, at best, their absolute rulers, at worst, their executioners. It is unknown what part of their biology is the cause of this behavior. They prefer to use weapons with high fire rates and small calibers or darts, coating the latter in toxins that cause anything from violent nausea to complete euphoria.

Name: Msk'fa.
Appearance: The Msk'fa (spoken Misk-fa) are a type of mammal with six legs and a long but weak tail. Their head possesses two eyes situated to the side of their head, which they can fold into their body for protection, and they have weaker eyesight than a human. Their narrow mouths and thin noses give them an air of dishonesty and slyness, with two large and two small, yet pointed, ears atop and to the side of their head. However, they do not possess good hearing and mostly use them for socialization. Tiny horns grow alongside their spine to the edge of their tail, where a thin needle-like spike sits, capable of injecting paralyzing toxins into the bodies of their predators. Their skin is elastic and strong, covered in thick, short hairs, and colored mostly a light bronze, dark yellow, or blue, which dulls as they age. Male Msk'fa are usually social loners with less vibrant colors, while female Msk'fa tend to stick into family groups of 4~12 adults and young. They are tiny (<60cm) with no tool-using appendages, though a mind slightly above the human median's, whose primary mode of manipulation stems from a species-wide ability to psychically manipulate objects. However, this ability is rarely strong enough to do more than a median human arm can.
Age Range: ~40 years for females, ~80 years for males, and ~65.000 as a species.
Technology Level: Early Space being uplifted into Low Imperial by the Lords of Eternity.
Psychological Compatibility: Middle.
Physiological Compatibility: Medium-High.
Chocolate Compatibleness: Classified as a drug for their species.
Short History: Evolved on Ilua within Sub-Sector Unfallen, they were overlooked and ignored by the Imperium of Man as they advanced until Imperial control collapsed due to the Great Rift bisecting the galaxy. Encountered in 234.M42 by the Lords, they were initially placed under observation before being contacted in 764.M42 after the Msk'fa managed to discover the observation station and send a crewed and crude rocket to dock with the station after messages failed to elicit any response due to their stars interference with vox systems. They have since become members of the Lords of Eternity, granted a Seat within their government, and are de facto equal members. Over 99% of their population was killed by an attempted Exterminatus by the Valan in 954.M42, with less than 20 million of their people surviving.

"Shit, that's a lot of Armigers."
-Local of Brans upon seeing the broadcast showing off the diplomatic gift of the Federation to the Clan.

Imagine a story leading to duels here.
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] (Write-In 3 Karnivore Pilots, (at most one Yeeni) with name, backstory, and specialty, alongside what Pattern they use, here. They will be the vessel of tomorrow's update for the Duels. Night.)
Well then, looks like we've got... A CRUSADE to go on!

A good old fashion Ravager Bash, I love it! And now that we've got an LRAD online, we've got what we need to fuck their shit up without compromising the Duchy Defense Line.

Oh, that aside @HeroCooky, I guess the Lords of Eternity are Icono 3/Dogmatic 2? Still have the broad outline of the Imperial setup, but have cleaned out some of the scuff? Or are they Dogmatic 3/Icono 2?
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Given how the Lords Of Eternity's navy is tiny compared to our own, and they've still managed to survive this long against the Ravagers, it is likely that our existing forces can curbstomp the Ravagers easily enough.
Yeah, I think we can probably detach two SBGs and a Nomadic Fleet and stabilize that front until we have a clear corridor, the main issue is that we don't have clean and reliable logistics to them, even with the ability to transit Unstable Routes if we have to, and their own infrastructure doesn't seem up to Heavy Cruiser level operations.
We got two Lrads, so we're good to send several SBGs if we want to.

I'm thinking of writing a hunan pilot voxx-born pilot from Abyssal Eye? Faith and steel, federation style.

Let's pool ideas. Each pilot should have a coherent origin, theme and fighting-style.
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Well at least the Lords of Eternity seem generally sensible. Might have to talk them down on the mutant thing but even there they're better than… basically the entire Imperium.

They've even got their own Kin!
We got two Lrads, so we're good to send several SBGs if we want to.

I'm thinking of writing a hunan pilot voxx-born pilot from Abyssal Eye? Faith and steel, federation style.

Let's pool ideas. Each pilot should have a coherent origin, theme and fighting-style.

I've got some ideas, gimmie a bit.
Here's about how we should format our proposed pilots. The patterns are available here.

Name: Xexes Onast
Origin: Voxx-born, now Abyssal Eye.
Specialty: Close-in brawling
Pattern: Stalker-Pattern
Backstory: In-progress
Jesus well at least the Lords of Eternity tried to, in a way, make or try to make less hostile bird friends. Like damn another polity that doesn't completely suck
Also quick aside. Will 2 LRADs be enough in the event of an attack? I know the Arconade canon is nasty but…well never mind. There are 4 of those there. If that's not enough nothing will be
Also quick aside. Will 2 LRADs be enough in the event of an attack? I know the Arconade canon is nasty but…well never mind. There are 4 of those there. If that's not enough nothing will be

Not in itself, no, but with a shitton of conventional SAGs too?

Well, we'd want one more for a complete cleansweep, but with the two we have, I'd give us good odds against a second go. It really does hard counter their entire setup as hard as "Spam a shitton of flak frigates and instant-kill anything that tries to brawl with us" does to our original doctrine.

It's worse because once you take away their Phalanx Doctrine and escort weight swarms, the Duchy... Isn't really that special? At least on this front. And we have AoE naval guns now thanks to the Ar-C Carronades, which turn escorts into exploding torsos. So they either need to risk their major DPS ships getting singled out and nuked down, or they take the entire Phalanx down to reset and expose themselves to 8 fucking AoE chain lightnings while they're in a tight formation.
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We should try to figure out what is causing the Valan to behave in this way. I dont believe it is a genetic reaction, maybe its more psychic in nature?

No soul is above salvation. Not even theirs.
Damn, these Valan are apparently hard wired to conquer and exterminate others, looks like they have to die.

Blows, but that's how 40k rolls.
We should try to figure out what is causing the Valan to behave in this way. I dont believe it is a genetic reaction, maybe its more psychic in nature?

No soul is above salvation. Not even theirs.

No, some beings are just Built Evil in 40K, they actually seem to resemble the Rak'Gol, but are just less ridiculously overpowered. Even if hypothetically speaking, if you could cut them off from their gestalt and it wasn't necessary to exist (Assuming it is psychic), at that point it's so distinct that they may as well be a completely different species.

There's a good reason you don't try to save an Ork, they're physically incapable of not trying to kill you, because they will literally wither and die like a starving person if they're not constantly fighting. We won't know for sure until we get properly stuck in, though their weapons resemble what Dark Space Elfs like, which is concerning.
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The pictures/text for the Warp Navigation/Communications Songs didn't change.

1. Dunno. It's gonna be aquatic and wet. With lilypads strong enough to hold cities.
2. They already know about the Xenos, and aren't that angry about it. Just don't put them down on their planets until your missionaries got to the people.
Oh really? I could have swore the second one changed, oh well I guess that was me then.

1. fair enough and holy shit, that's an interesting world, also fits the craziness of it all. you build cities on lilypads.
2. okay, just wanted to know that bit, if that's all we just put a notice or order for a century or so until they are ready. So how badly is that moment when the buy out happens, Our guys arrive but its crazy anrachy, riots, revolutions and rebellions as normal and the dozen assaults' on the banks before they didn't know they had new owners or expecting more of the same?

Yeah, I think this is a good idea. We're subverting them, not declaring war. Also - they only have two planets. HeroCooky has confirmed that if we subvert both at the same time it'll be synergistic, and our other slot frees up next turn.

We might need to throw an action or two into it, but my thought is that we'll gain an auto-ticker to just integrate the entire polity. Including their battleship.

And once we've done that, the Black Ash will be strategically flanked and vulnerable to either conquest or influence.
recall we still had a Civil war on Voxx Primus, the subversion can be discovered and forced to trigger early, even if we go for a peaceful way. A write-in or the like would need to be done to make sure we contest or control the Battleship as well to stop it from causing too many losses in our SBG's.

"What news have you gathered, Brother?" Mordallon spoke through the vox, hailing Naaron Ashblood, Scoutmaster, the moment their ship had entered range. Normally, he would have waited for a formal report, but the vessel sported battle damage and had practically limped back into the system. Seeing as it had been sent out to speak with the Lords of Eternity on a diplomatic mission, such things could not be the harbingers of good news.

"Xenos, Brother," Naaron's voice replied. "I bring news of two Xenos. One vile, hateful, and utterly repugnant, the other a possible candle against the darkness almost snuffed out by the first. The Chapter must mobilize to ensure the first taints the stars no longer, and their crimes against humanity are repaid in full
....FUCK, looks like we're going to war- I mean it looks like we're Launching a Crusade. I thought the damaged ship was bad enough but considering this it looks like their a Ravager. Shame but I guess we got lucky with the last few ones. it also means we're about to dive into a three way way with each side having 5 SBG's..... so you know, it might be worth it to make 2 or 4 more as well. that way we send support with the Lamenters and have reinforcements ready at home in case it's needed.

Dossier on the Lords of Eternity
1) Basic Economics
1.a) Trade

The Lords of Eternity do not, to our knowledge and their admission, practice extra-polity trade beyond rare convoys of metals and fuel to the Watchtower Confederacy in exchange for war materials. This is achieved with a small trading fleet of 32 Armed Cargo Transporters of old Imperial Design, with an accompanying fleet of around ~4 Light Cruisers and ~2 Destroyers to act as outriders.

Their main fleet comprises ~40 Destroyers, ~30 Frigates, ~15 Light Cruisers, and ~3 Heavy Cruisers.
Oh its been a while since we have one of these things. So only convoys of metals and fuels to the WatchTower Confederacy, something to take note of there and seem to have a decent fleet but focus on lighter ships and a few heavy Cruisers. Not bad and not too much of a problem to deal with if need be. We might be able to leverage some things if we trade with them, depends on the rest of the Dossier.

1.b) Shipbuilding
Their total ship production capabilities are primarily occupied with repairing their damaged ships, with new ships coming online as needed or as enabled with the bounties gained by their colonies within Sub-Sector Valiant.

Their Destroyers measure 1.3km, Frigates 1.8km, Light Cruisers 2.5km, and Heavy Cruisers 4km.

They primarily use Lances, though they are gradually being replaced with Macro-Cannons whenever they are damaged beyond repair in battle due to the Lords not possessing the ability to manufacture them and not being placed on new ships whenever they are constructed.
Oh so that's interesting, So they don't make many new ships and they can't make anymore Lances and going to Macro-cannons now. Easy Write-in to gain profits and leverage right there. also shows they are degrading in quality against the Xenos and Eldar, so it MIGHT be worth it to support them with lances just so they can hold out a bit longer. Also not a lot they can field as they are struggling to maintain what hey have.

2) Socio-Economics
The Lords of Eternity are ruled by noble lineages of Psykers, banded together under Houses, with new members inducted by secret rites after new psykers graduate their psykana institutions without falling to Chaos and exhibiting the required mental stability. These Houses oversee the governance of cities, continents, planets, and systems, with a singular body called the Chamber of Illumination overseeing their war efforts against the Asuryani and Valan Blood Court and comprehensive path within the stars.
huh..so they managed a way to induct the Pskyers and keep them stable. It is Psyker led faction in a lot of things while not falling to Chaos. Good to know and see, one less problem.

A Charter of Rights and Responsibilities oversees what their citizens are legally afforded, such as the right to assemble for protests, and what must be delivered to retain these rights, such as mandatory military service in either combat, combat-related, or logistics-related roles.

They place a heavy emphasis on mental stability, with meditation and mental wellness checks enforced for all their people.

Their primary religion is a bastardization of the Imperial Cult, venerating the Emperor in the Aspect of the Priest, Aspect of the Soldier, Aspect of the Wizard, and Aspect of the Statesman.
Right to assemble for protests... ahh that's the catch, only by those who helped in the war effort in some way to have them. Very Star Ship Trooper like. I was going to say I was surprised they offered that stuff only to see the cost for it. And they really are focused on mental health there, proabably a good reason and checking for chaos but still.

Oh boy, so they broke the Emperor into four aspects for their religion? not the worst and we can smooth things over if we absorb them.

Mutants are given the choice between front-line duty, stationary factory laborers, or execution whenever they are found.

The Lords are home to an Abhuman species called "Ratlings" used as scouts, snipers, and cooks within military contexts but are mostly kept on the same level as Baseline Humans.

They also are home to a Xeno Species seen as equals called the Msk'fa.
jeez, not surprised and they are given two choices rather then straight up killing them so there is that. Still not good.

Oh hey we can get Ratlings now, sweet and they are treated as baseline human level too.

They have a Xeno race and didn't kill them? interesting, not Dogmatic then, at least overwhelming.

3) Corruption
No visible/noticeable Chaos Corruption was noticed. Mundane Corruption likely exists.

4) Propaganda
Their propaganda primarily focuses on the need to fight against the Valan Blood Court, or else all will be lost, and to report any manifestations of psychic abilities at once to deny Chaos any grasp upon the soul of those capable of wielding psychic skills.
Good, no Chaos Taint is always a welcome sign. Not bad and understandable for the propaganda fronts.

Name: Valan
Appearance: Descendants of a type of avian creature, these Ravagers are vaguely humanoid if standing upright on two taloned legs, yet possess two large wings upon their backs, with two smaller wings along the side of their body. The bigger wings can be used as legs when required, and the smaller ones possess manipulators to hold tools and weapons. Two eyes, with eyesight roughly thrice as good as a human's, are situated in their head, sunken into their sockets, with huge and sharp beaks the length of a human arm, alongside tiny ear-holes underneath the crest atop their head. When taken in isolation, their face elicits a neonatal response from the human mind, something the Valan have been more than willing to take advantage of in their initial attacks. Their skin is thin yet possesses a resilience akin to leather and is covered in short, thin, mostly dark red, pink, and bronze feathers. Male Valan have less vibrant feathers but exhibit more confident behaviors, while female Valan are larger and stronger.
Avian-Type Ravagers huh? that's new anddddd oh boy that thing about neonatal response and their taking advantage of it.... lets see what they did. Also keeping to how Nature normally is with the Females being larger and Stronger then males.

Age Range: Unknown. Unknown.
Technology Level: Low Imperial.
Psychological Compatibility: Low.
Physiological Compatibility: High-Extreme.
Chocolate Compatibleness: N/A.
Short History: Errutped from their star holdings in 683.M42, whereupon they preyed upon the colonies of the Lords of Eternity for over 200 years. Planets and stations were either depopulated via the mass abduction of its colonists or slaughtered to the last, with no quarter given, but plenty requested and taken advantage of when such requests were granted. Though capable of dialogue with humans, they remain utterly hostile in every interaction recorded, with prisoners always trying to escape at the first opportunity they believe holds a chance for escape or attempt to kill their jailers. Experiments with artificially (read: non-consensually created via harvesting of genetic materials and induced egg-laying) created Valan have always resulted in the same behavior, despite heavy indoctrination attempts, with the young inevitably declaring themselves to be above humanity and, at best, their absolute rulers, at worst, their executioners. It is unknown what part of their biology is the cause of this behavior. They prefer to use weapons with high fire rates and small calibers or darts, coating the latter in toxins that cause anything from violent nausea to complete euphoria.
So Low Imperial level tech and they right away preyed on the colonies of the LoE for two centuries.... planet and stations depopulated with no quarter given, prisoners' trying to escapes or kill their jailers and using Dark Eldar inspired or adjacent weapons.Oh and they are also evil or their species supremist at birth.... just better to wipe the slate clean on this one. We can help out the LoE with this one.

Name: Msk'fa.
Appearance: The Msk'fa (spoken Misk-fa) are a type of mammal with six legs and a long but weak tail. Their head possesses two eyes situated to the side of their head, which they can fold into their body for protection, and they have weaker eyesight than a human. Their narrow mouths and thin noses give them an air of dishonesty and slyness, with two large and two small, yet pointed, ears atop and to the side of their head. However, they do not possess good hearing and mostly use them for socialization. Tiny horns grow alongside their spine to the edge of their tail, where a thin needle-like spike sits, capable of injecting paralyzing toxins into the bodies of their predators. Their skin is elastic and strong, covered in thick, short hairs, and colored mostly a light bronze, dark yellow, or blue, which dulls as they age. Male Msk'fa are usually social loners with less vibrant colors, while female Msk'fa tend to stick into family groups of 4~12 adults and young. They are tiny (<60cm) with no tool-using appendages, though a mind slightly above the human median's, whose primary mode of manipulation stems from a species-wide ability to psychically manipulate objects. However, this ability is rarely strong enough to do more than a median human arm can.
okay overall weird but they aren't hostile or doing the same thing as the Valans. Interesting thing of their tiny horns on their spine and wow they are small and all have psychics.... only able to lift or do with what a Human can lift but that's still impressive for a species as a whole to have it.

Age Range: ~40 years for females, ~80 years for males, and ~65.000 as a species.
Technology Level: Early Space being uplifted into Low Imperial by the Lords of Eternity.
Psychological Compatibility: Middle.
Physiological Compatibility: Medium-High.
Chocolate Compatibleness: Classified as a drug for their species.
Short History: Evolved on Ilua within Sub-Sector Unfallen, they were overlooked and ignored by the Imperium of Man as they advanced until Imperial control collapsed due to the Great Rift bisecting the galaxy. Encountered in 234.M42 by the Lords, they were initially placed under observation before being contacted in 764.M42 after the Msk'fa managed to discover the observation station and send a crewed and crude rocket to dock with the station after messages failed to elicit any response due to their stars interference with vox systems. They have since become members of the Lords of Eternity, granted a Seat within their government, and are de facto equal members. Over 99% of their population was killed by an attempted Exterminatus by the Valan in 954.M42, with less than 20 million of their people surviving.
Hahaha, the Chocolate is classified as a Drug to them? and they were under observance before the Great Rift and left to advance when it all fell apart similar to the Yeeni, I am surprised they were granted a seat in government and equal members,.... oh they population was nearly offed because of the Valen. Yah I think we can support the LoE with little issues and help them kick the Valen's ass for the shit they pulled.

"Shit, that's a lot of Armigers."
-Local of Brans upon seeing the broadcast showing off the diplomatic gift of the Federation to the Clan.
Hahaha, yah it would be a sight. I do love how that's all we get for now on it.

Well then, looks like we've got... A CRUSADE to go on!

A good old fashion Ravager Bash, I love it! And now that we've got an LRAD online, we've got what we need to fuck their shit up without compromising the Duchy Defense Line.
I'd still like to get 2 or 4 SBG's produced with the actions just to act as a reserve as the LRAD is what disrupts the formations and doctrine of the Dutchy but we need other normal SBG to follow up on it.