What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Bound To The Stars - Enables your Choirs to act as akin to a bad Navigator.
A Web Of Song - Enables a Choir to forward messages to the three nearest systems as long as there is another Choir stationed there.
I would've assumed 'three nearest systems' was about a choir messaging multiple adjacent systems, rather than three systems away, maybe clarify?

It's pretty obvious, it's a matter of communication time and Warp Travel time for our fleets.
I also don't know how good a bad navigator is compared to a warp abacus, twice as fast? Half the number of warp accidents? I'm excited numbers went up, but I want to know what numbers went up!

Also love that well, the downside of a passionate and growing space marine chapter without clear Chaos / Xeno threats...is a passionate and growing space marine chapter investigating nearby human polities trololo.

'I swear, the Glimmering Federation isn't declaring war on you! It's the Space Marines! Who are housed and supported entirely by the Glimmering Federation, but you tell them no! Try it!'
I mean, yes, I'm more asking if these benefits are useful to us, or if they're below our level of abstraction?
Any benefit to travel/communication time is more fluff than mechanical due to me not bothering with the system beyond the rare (as in; it only happened once in the entire Quest) occassion. Except that you can now travel through Unstable Warp Routes semi-safely.
So one more upgrade to Melodies and we'll have a Song for having genuinely decent navigators, and can use the unstable routes fully safely(ish).

That'll be huge. We'll be gaining advantage that Orks have, except arguably better since they just kind of crash through it and don't care and we'll be able to avoid it fully.

We'll be able to fully ignore the NO DON'T GO THERE system. If we decide to jump on Duchy after all, we can jump to the other side of their territory as a surprise attack!

... Can our scouts use those unstable routes to extend their range, or is that too much risk still?
Any benefit to travel/communication time is more fluff than mechanical due to me not bothering with the system beyond the rare (as in; it only happened once in the entire Quest) occassion. Except that you can now travel through Unstable Warp Routes semi-safely.
Oh. Handy. I assume that turns to 'safely' with the song at level 3?

None. You have, officially, ended the Voxx Population Crisis, depopulating an entire Hive World by moving the people into your territory. 🎉 🥳 🎉

Alright. So, ashan buyout or black ash poison gift? I'm inclined towards black ash, to get access to the new worlds & to start subversion of the black cat company sooner. But doing Ashan first would boost our productivity again, which would be nice.

Then for the third general action - more diplomacy?

Then the free other action, the options I see are another song, upgrading melodies or finally building the anti-duchy ships.

Any benefit to travel/communication time is more fluff than mechanical due to me not bothering with the system beyond the rare (as in; it only happened once in the entire Quest) occassion. Except that you can now travel through Unstable Warp Routes semi-safely.
Hmm. If we can make Choirs as effective as a (bad, for now) navigator, could we create a Song that acts as a Warp Beacon?
[] [Chapter] Lord Or Tyrant? (0/0.5)
It is one thing to be noble. Another to say you are to rule. Just as a knife's edge can be used to heal, it can also be used to cut flesh in anger. Let us see which the Lords of Eternity's nobility pretends to be, and which it is.
(Gain: A Target.)
Oh...Ohhhh...oh well. We should uhh watch out for that one. Go Lamenters but also...last time they pulled this shit it was against orks...which was very profitable for us
[] Plan: To protect us from Chaos and to start absorbing the old friend
-[] The Family Buy-Out (0/2)
-[] [Military] Sector Battle Group Construction And Repair
--[] 2x Long Range Anti-Duchy Specialist Fleets (0/1)
[] [Psykana] Sing a Song (Choose at least Three below.)
--[]Shield Us From The Influence Of The Four - Protection, Hope, Grounding, Health, Protection

Okay so hear me out. Yes it's not doing both general actions but next turn we can do the 4. I think in this case doing 1 is okay. Also getting ships out and doing a song as well. The Duchy isn't attacking and it might be Cold War but it's good to have an insurance against getting jumped....and also because the Chaos Influence shielding sounds good as a further fuck you to Chaos
... Black Ash Clan because I suspect we're going to be busy real soon.

Shame we didn't get a bonus action, but such is life.

[ ] Plan: Our mistakes didn't happen, understand?
-[] [Free] Assign 20 Choirs to Glint of Genius

-[] [General] Ministry of Subversion, Infiltration, and Interstellar Communication
--[] The Grand Gift( Poison) (0/2) (One Free AP)
-[] The Family Buy-Out (0/2)
-[] [Military] Sector Battle Group Construction And Repair
--[] 2x Long Range Anti-Duchy Specialist Fleets (0/1)
-[] [Free] The LRADs seem to be missing a few ships due to a clerical error, fill the difference with Hydrus and Sagittarius ships as logistics allow. (+6 ships to hit the 40 ship fleet max)

Unfucks the Black Ash Clan problem that's waiting to happen, even if it fails, and since we're up to four uncolonized Normal Planets, I use the extra AP to lock them down. We also take the first step to buying out the Ashan, and can finish that off with a single action next turn. Finally, we get our LRADs built in case the Duchy gets frisky when the NAP concludes in the next few decades, and keep them parked nearby but still out of easy reach. This should put us the rest of the way over the top on our project debt and let us focus back on Psykana stuff.
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Anyway, if we're going to be doing LRAD's we should really fill it up to 40 ships, rather than the current 34.

Also; fun thing, we now have 4 QoL research actions we can take.
Taking all of them at the same time would be fun.
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... Black Ash Clan because I suspect we're going to be busy real soon.

Shame we didn't get a bonus action, but such is life.

[ ] Plan: Our mistakes didn't happen, understand?
-[] [General] Ministry of Subversion, Infiltration, and Interstellar Communication
--[] The Grand Gift( Poison) (0/2) (One Free AP)
-[] The Family Buy-Out (0/2)
-[] [Military] Sector Battle Group Construction And Repair
--[] 2x Long Range Anti-Duchy Specialist Fleets (0/1)
-[] [Free] The LRADs seem to be missing a few ships due to a clerical error, fill the difference with Hydrus and Sagittarius ships as logistics allow. (+6 ships to hit the 40 ship fleet max)

Unfucks the Black Ash Clan problem that's waiting to happen, even if it fails, and since we're up to four uncolonized Normal Planets, I use the extra AP to lock them down. We also take the first step to buying out the Ashan, and can finish that off with a single action next turn. Finally, we get our LRADs built in case the Duchy gets frisky when the NAP concludes in the next few decades, and keep them parked in our Fortress System. This should put us the rest of the way over the top on our project debt and let us focus back on Psykana stuff.
Few suggestions:
1. Can't park the ships in the fortified system, that's still a fleet-free zone.
2. Switch ISC to colonization for the archaeotech worlds.
3. Switch subversion target from Brans to the Black Cat world The Talon, I checked last turn and we can do it the same turn we do the poison gift.
Few suggestions:
1. Can't park the ships in the fortified system, that's still a fleet-free zone.
2. Switch ISC to colonization for the archaeotech worlds.
3. Switch subversion target from Brans to the Black Cat world The Talon, I checked last turn and we can do it the same turn we do the poison gift.

I was referring to the one in Archwan that we dug in before this started.
Anyway, if we're going to be doing LRAD's we should really fill it up to 40 ships, rather than the current 34.

Also; fun thing, we now have 4 QoL research actions we can take.
Taking all of them at the same time would be fun.

A whole turn of research actions is a wild idea and it sounds fun. We are in the General Actions renaissance(albeit not for research) but still that's amazing to think about
Done, hmm, did we ever get Quintura consecrated? That's our Psykademia planet so...
Yeah, that was a couple turns ago. Only one of the two planets though.

How? There's 7 planets on the table, even with the boost, we'll be short one.
Ah. I didn't see Trif - Cretetri. Where did that come from? Still, 6/7 planets is better than 4/7.

And the black cat reassignment just seems like a no-brainer? When our other slot frees up we'll assign it to their other world, which Herocooky has confirmed is synergistic.
[] Plan: Preparation For The Grand Gift Poison
-[] [Knightly Orders] Train (0/?)
-[] [Chapter] Lord Or Tyrant? (0/0.5)
-[] Military Industry VI (1/2)
-[] [Free] Assign 20 Choirs to Glint of Genius
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Pretty much all I want to do is add this to any plan that does the poison gift:
-[] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Howling Gale - Abyssal eye)
-[] [Free] Swap ISC to Green Horizons Colonization LTD
-[] [Free] [AUTOMATIC] System Subversion - after the poison gift, the new focus is The Talon in the Qo system

Ubraka has a long history and is another step towards sanctifying our starting sub-sector.
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Pretty much all I want to do is add this to any plan that does the poison gift:
-[] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Khara - Ubraka)
-[] [Free] Swap ISC to Green Horizons Colonization LTD
-[] [Free] [AUTOMATIC] System Subversion - after the poison gift, the new focus is The Talon in the Qo system

Ubraka has a long history and is another step towards sanctifying our starting sub-sector.
I thought we were going to Consecrste Irridanus first due to it being the smallest Sub-Sector we have?
[] Plan diplomacy and building up fleets
-[] [Free] Assign 25 Choirs to The Devouring Mechadendrite
-[] [General] Ministry of Subversion, Infiltration, and Interstellar Communication
--[] The Grand Gift( Poison) (0/2) x2
--[] Formal Exchange Of Dipomatic Contacts (Watchtower Confederacy) (One Free AP)
-[] [Military] Sector Battle Group Construction And Repair
-[] Hydralisk and Necrolisk (0/1)
--[] Transfer a Leo from each existing SBG to the new ones and build Pegasus-Class Command Cruisers to replace them
--[] Transfer two Scorpio-Class Light Cruiser from each existing SBG to the new ones and build Hydrus-Class Rad Cruisers to replace them
--[] Make the default for new SBG's 1 Pegasus-Class Command Cruisers + 3 Leo's and 2 Hydrus-Class Rad Cruisers as part of their light cruisers
-[] [Free] [AUTOMATIC] System Subversion - after the poison gift, the new focus is to pick single system powers
-[] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (The largest population non Consecrated world)