What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Maybe tie deference to Star Child with becoming a member of the Federation.

You worship a different god? As long as you also worship Star Child or acknowledge him as superior, it's OK.
If you don't but they aren't evil, then you will stay a protectorate, vassal, partner, whatever.
Maybe tie deference to Star Child with becoming a member of the Federation.

You worship a different god? As long as you also worship Star Child or acknowledge him as superior, it's OK.
If you don't but they aren't evil, then you will stay a protectorate, vassal, partner, whatever.
The problem is that Kin status is currently based on species and not individuals. So like a species is considered Kin after a trial period or after they do some heroic stuff. Tying it to religions makes it so that some of the species members are kin and some are not...which doesn't sound great for cohesion reasons

Edit: Also I am gonna be pushing for this song if the numbers on dev next turn look good

Hippity Hoppity, Where The FUCK Are Our Ancestor's Properties?! - Humanity Technology Technology Perception Perception

I want that STC hunting
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The problem is that Kin status is currently based on species and not individuals. So like a species is considered Kin after a trial period or after they do some heroic stuff. Tying it to religions makes it so that some of the species members are kin and some are not...which doesn't sound great for cohesion reasons
Well... Basing kin on race is kinda bad anyway.
I mean, humans fail that test right now.

We will eventually come upon a species residing in more than a singular civilization. When we do, it may turn out one civ is Dogmatic/Heretical and other may as well be Glimmerlings in all but name. Would it be just to forsake people just because someone they are related to is evil?
And when a topic such as how the Droman Creed would deal with the Eleven Spirits came up, the viewership shot into the stratospheres of each world.
Thules when they realize non-chaos spirits can be rizzed communicated with: 👀
thules waiting for the O-K that ghosts are smashable and not heresy upon their radio, laptop, monitor and TV all at the same time:
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Well... Basing kin on race is kinda bad anyway.
I mean, humans fail that test right now.

We will eventually come upon a species residing in more than a singular civilization. When we do, it may turn out one civ is Dogmatic/Heretical and other may as well be Glimmerlings in all but name. Would it be just to forsake people just because someone they are related to is evil?
I get the idea but the problem again is that, as it stands, Kin means that your species either did something heroic or grand in the name of the Federation or that they were faithful to the Federation for a given period of time. These are massive barriers of entry and show that, if nothing else, the species/race can be trusted...which is fucked but welcome to 40k.

Now I don't mind the idea of "Individual Kin vs Protectorate" based on religion

But I just don't want to make it easier to become kin because it was designed as a "This is a hard bar to pass because of past shit. If you pass it we are good"

Edit: Honestly another reason why I don't want to do the "Worship whatever god you want to" idea is because...well no theocracy would do that I feel. Like most theocracies do care about who you pray to. Even the "Pray to other gods as long as you pray to ours" is something that I'd get stoned for in the 14th century
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I need an actual priest. Holy shit. Everything I write just sounds like it can lead to the goddamn Protestant Reformation

Edit: Somebody please come up with something better. I can't be the one doing this :V

Edit: if this plan blows up in our face I will not be crucified
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I'm so tempted to do this:

[] Plan: Help, we don't know what we're doing.
-[] Commit to doing the [] [Faith] An Unborn Guide Sought Out action next turn to allow the Star Child to mediate a relationship between the five-fold faith and the eleven spirits.
-[] Consult the divine Sphinxes for their perspective on ensuring a smooth communication.
-[] Follow the guidance of the Star Child in determining the disposition of the spirits and how their worship can be allowed to coexist, including any syncretization or extermination that occurs.

It's like we have the chance to call our god up and go "Ahhh help." In the best case I could see these spirits becoming somehow devas of the Star Child. In the worst case we'll have a god-given instructions to wipe them out.
Hmm, the real question is how to slot this all in?

Like, Saints are a thing that exist, in several forms! But these aren't quite THAT.

Can we establish some elaborate Angelogy to include them in?
Ahh yes. Outsourcing. The greatest of humanities inventions
It just feels so easy to make a decision here that's actually just heretical to the star child. We have the chance to call them up, let's take it.

Or potentially go with The Laurent's path and try to integrate them with our official theology in a way that doesn't break anything. I'll trust them to come up with something workable, because I sure don't trust myself not to set ourselves up for a godly talkin' to.
Hmm, the real question is how to slot this all in?

Like, Saints are a thing that exist, in several forms! But these aren't quite THAT.

Can we establish some elaborate Angelogy to include them in?
I mean that might work for the eleven Spirits but that doesn't work for other Gods and religions. And still faces the problem of more or less implicitly saying that other Gods should submit and be subordinate to the Star Child. Which will almost certainly result in wars that we don't need sooner or later.

The kerfuffle and question at hand seems to be about more than just the Mothome spirits but about other spirits/Gods in general that aren't Chaos aligned.
I mean that might work for the eleven Spirits but that doesn't work for other Gods and religions. And still faces the problem of more or less implicitly saying that other Gods should submit and be subordinate to the Star Child. Which will almost certainly result in wars that we don't need sooner or later.

The kerfuffle and question at hand seems to be about more than just the Mothome spirits but about other spirits/Gods in general that aren't Chaos aligned.

I mean, I think we're not going to get around that? Like, we cannot in fact abandon our faith. We (that is the in-universe we) do in fact think the Star Child is over all.
Finally, a situation where my religious studies degree can come in handy! I'm assuming our goal is to incorporate the Moths without insulting their spirits too much or turning the Glimmerlings to heresy. With that in mind, here's what I've got.

[]Plan: They're Yours, My Friend, As Long As You Hate Enough Ruin
-[]The Droman Creed acknowledges the Star Child (along with the Five both as a whole and individually) as its only object of worship and the most fitting object of worship. This has not changed.
-[]However, past events have shown that the Star Child sometimes chooses to direct their focus towards matters outside the Federation and the parts of the galaxy it interacts with, and the example of Mothome has shown that it is possible for supernatural beings that are not the Star Child to give mortals aid without leading them down the path of Ruin.
-[]Therefore, since we freely admit that we do not know everything there is to know about the divine, we must acknowledge that it is possible for the Eleven Spirits of Mothome and similar beings to be the results of some design of the Star Child (or another of the Five, or the Five collectively) to give aid and guidance to mortals while the Star Child focuses their attention elsewhere.
-[]The nature of these helper beings is not known at this time. They may be saints given a special task after death, beings created especially for their work, or something else entirely. It is possible we may never understand the matter completely. Therefore, we must be cautious about speculating on them. All that we can say for certain at this time is that any being that leads people to Ruin is absolutely not worthy of worship and any worship of such Ruinous beings must be stamped out as much as possible.
-[]Those peoples who worship non-Ruinous beings, as the Eleven Spirits of Mothome currently seem to be, are not to be considered heretics, since they are worshipping something good and likely did not (or could not) know of the Star Child before encountering the Federation, but they are to be considered in need of correction, albeit gentle correction. All efforts to convert these peoples to the Droman Creed should be continued, but care must be taken to avoid too heavy a hand in our efforts.

If this sounds like how Christians justify praying to saints, well, it kind of is that, except that the Glimmerlings will probably expect the peoples they meet to give up worship of their "saints" eventually as the missionaries get to work. Whether they actually give up their saints or not, who knows.
[]Plan: They're Yours, My Friend, As Long As You Hate Enough Ruin
I like this as a framework, but it feels a little too "stamp out that religion, but do it gently" for my tastes. A big difference between Christian saints and the eleven spirits is that the eleven spirits can decide they don't like us discouraging their worship and decide to fight back, as it were.

I'd prefer to establish a sort of peaceful coexistence if possible?
I like this as a framework, but it feels a little too "stamp out that religion, but do it gently" for my tastes. A big difference between Christian saints and the eleven spirits is that the eleven spirits can decide they don't like us discouraging their worship and decide to fight back, as it were.

I'd prefer to establish a sort of peaceful coexistence if possible?
That's a good point. Hmm, maybe there's a non-heretical way to say "it's okay if you worship these guys a little bit, but you do gotta start worshipping the Star Child sooner or later." I'm just not sure what that'd be.
We still have the Sphinxes, remember. Maybe something similar to the justifications we used for them?
Then again, those Divine Beasts were directly molded by the Star-Child into what they are now after they embraced their light, so I don't think it's an apt comparison when we're talking about Warp-Beings that have never interacted with the Star-Child unless they accept them into their hearts.
That's a good point. Hmm, maybe there's a non-heretical way to say "it's okay if you worship these guys a little bit, but you do gotta start worshipping the Star Child sooner or later." I'm just not sure what that'd be.
I mean we could go with "as long as you are within Glimmering Federation territory you will respect the Star Child as the God of the Federation and pay due deferrence, but you can still worship your own Gods/spirits so long as they are not Chaos or other bastards".

Plus frankly trying to stamp out other Gods is a waste of effort and even worse would Doom many souls of other races to being devoured by Chaos because the Star Child is first and foremost a racial God of humanity.
Alright, well. Voting is open and I don't have any better ideas. Maybe we'll get some new sphinx-equivilants!

[X] Plan: Help, we don't know what we're doing.
-[X] Commit to doing the [] [Faith] An Unborn Guide Sought Out action next turn to allow the Star Child to mediate a relationship between the five-fold faith and the eleven spirits.
-[X] Communicate a desire to live peacefully with the Eleven Spirits if possible, and to have them help with the mission of the Glimmering Federation and the Star Child in protecting and uplifting humans and Xenos across the Galaxy.
-[X] Consult the divine Sphinxes for their perspective on ensuring a smooth communication.
-[X] Follow the guidance of the Star Child in determining the disposition of the spirits and how their worship can be allowed to coexist, including any syncretization or extermination that occurs.
[X] Plan: The Star Child Model
-[X] The galaxy is rife with all manner of faiths despite the Imperiums best efforts to stamp them out. As not all gods and warp spirits are of the Four and as such must be treated as potential allies. To this effect all citizens of the Federation are, as per previous mandates, required to worship the Star Child however they can also worship other gods if they so wish.
-[X] As for the other gods their worship will be observed and studied in order to see if there are any Chaos or malicious influences or encourage such things. A registry of faiths will be created with the core tenants of the faith recorded thus that is a record of all faiths in the Federation
-[X] Consult the divine Sphinxes for their perspective on ensuring smooth communication.
-[X] A communion will be had with the StarChild sometime in the next 50 years with regards to his opinion on the other warp spirits and gods and for further instruction regarding this matter.
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