What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

  • Total voters
[X] Plan: STC, fried chicken and preventing Heresy.
-[X] [Faith] The Roar Of Heresy Unchallenged
-[X] [General] Research x2
--[X] Chik-an Domestication
--[X] Reconstruct The Shattered STC-Fragment x2 (1 Free AP)
-[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Quintura Major)

I don't want to consecrate Mothome until we've got this whole thing with their gods figured out. It feels like a betrayal to change their world on a spiritual level so much, so quickly.
We're off the hook for making contact with the Black Ash Clan. We don't need to spend an action on it, it'll happen automatically.
But it won't get done until 5 turns, and by that point we'll be 1-2 turns away from our tomfuckery on Bran getting discovered and Diplomacy goes out the window. If we don't spent an action on making formal contact and focusing efforts on Diplomacy, we'll likely lose the chance to absorb them peacefully.
[X] Plan : I CALL FOR THE STAR CHILD (a.k.a I want a holy turn)
-[X] Small Automata Experiments
-[X] Ship Equipment Standardization - [1 DP Equipment] (0/1)
-[X] [Psykana] Conduct Four Melodies (Humanity II, The Home II, Unity II, Fire II)

[X] Plan : I CALL ON THE POWER OF THE STAR CHILD (a.k.a I want a holy turn)
-[X] Chik-an Domestication
-[X] Standard Psychic Hoods
-[X] [Psykana] Conduct Four Melodies (Humanity II, The Home II, Unity II, Fire II)
[X] Plan: United in Knighthood
-[X] [General] Research:
—[X] Noosphere Harmonized Interface and Directed Anti-Gravity Military Utilization
-[X] Formal Exchange Of Dipomatic Contacts (Black Ash Clan)
-[X] [Faith] The Roar Of Heresy Unchallenged
-[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Mothome.)
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The vain hope of doing ind dev through research but also STC wooh
Yeah I'm kind of hoping the STC will have enough side-benefits to boost heavy/military/medical industry a couple points. Who knows!

But it won't get done until 5 turns, and by that point we'll be 1-2 turns away from our tomfuckery on Bran getting discovered and Diplomacy goes out the window. If we don't spent an action on making formal contact and focusing efforts on Diplomacy, we'll likely lose the chance to absorb them peacefully.
To some extent yes, but we can both ask them to delay and modify it farther. See all of my questions to the QM. I don't want to spend an action when we don't have to.
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-[X] [General] Research:
--[X] Small Automata Experiments
--[X] Reconstruct The Shattered STC-Fragment (3/5) x1 AP, 1 banked Research
-[X] [Faith] The Roar Of Heresy Unchallenged
-[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Quintura Major.)

[X] Plan: STC, fried chicken and preventing Heresy.
Yeah, the Greater T'au Mom (Omake writers. Do tha thing.) exists, and they are at their Sixth Sphere Of Expansion. They are getting body-slammed by a Necron Dynasty tho.
Pfffft, I mean the Greater Good goddess the humans that the Tau brought in created is a good one, fanart is good. and ohhhh boy, they are suffering hard I bet with the Necrons coming in, I doubt even they could adapt or reverse engineer fast enough for that.

The investigation raged on, months dragging by as every single sentence spoken, written, suggested, implanted, or shown was scrutinized and gone over again and again, everything from the beginnings of the Eleven Spirits as they knew it to the futures they sought, the ways and means they utilized to do so, and hundreds of topics and questions more.

But let us start at the beginning: with a betrayal, gut-wrenching and primal, of loss and bitter hatred born of resentment long festered, turned into fury and hopelessness. Those were the first feelings the Eleven Spirits ever felt as they came to be thousands of years ago (quick calculations show that their "birth" would have occurred during the latter days of M31 during the Horus Heresy, a time when the Warp was in significant flux and the hands of Ruin would have thrown what few balances remained to the gutter) already part of a group of eleven beings. With nothing anchoring them in the Warp, they were defenseless and had to fight against the ever-expanding reach of the Realm of Chaos that took to conquering all remaining areas of the Warp that weren't entirely in their grasp.
well makes sense to give it this level of inspection anddddd holy fuck. final days of the Horus Heresy? that's something important and gives me an idea of just WHO formed the core of the spirits mayhaps. gut-wrenching betrayal? loss and bitter hatred with resentment long festered turning into fury? I have a GOOD idea who these are, even if they don't turn out to be them. (go to 2 at the bottom)

Ohhh so Chaos didn't corrupt or hold all the warp until the Hersey and they got a second glut of power from the civil war and getting Chaos Marines to act as their main forces.

However, the eleven found shelter near two suns, the suns of Mothome, and found power in the aimless faith of the Mothrame upon the world dancing between the two. Yet, the Eleven were not...cognizant enough to realize what they were doing when they fed upon the faith and began to feed some power back when Oreus accidentally stumbled upon a way to do so and how it massively increased the faith of the Mothrame.

The next few centuries were spent in a slow cycle of feeding and aiding, with the Eleven growing ever more aware of their surroundings and nature, with a self-admitted long time spent thinking they had been entirely created by the faiths of the Mothrame instead of molded and brought to maturity. In those centuries in which they believed themselves to be deities brought about by the Mothrame, they acted upon the domains associated with them that they were molded to encompass, either by a habit of feeding more from that faith or by stoking the flames of belief in those areas.
huh, so basically confused, staving, lost, and barely holding together and just orbited Mothome where it was safe and just feeding off the faith of the Mothome in order to recover while sending a bit back to start a feedback loop. Seems like they were half-asleep during this and focusing on recovering from the wounds they incurred while feeling and only stayed there healing and feeding some power to the moths. Unfortunately due to that long time the moths starting relying on them more and formed religions and cults of them and in their half-asleep states they believed the moths when they came to them to venerate and thank their gods... kinda comes off as a runaway dream or just sleep deprived person going going with it as they try to fall back asleep. They started to be molded and formed into the domains of the moths set for them... okay so these were stable spirits untouched by the Ruinous Powers and were newborns such to be molded or have weight attached to them

So when the Moths began to worship them it gave them specific domains and powers relating to thing, as humanity and other species tend to do as shown by the Greater Good goddess created by the Tau human auxiliaries.

When they realized the truth of their being, the Eleven Spirits chose to...stay. They didn't have much choice, as leaving would see them starve in short order at best and be chained by Ruin at worst, and, though they had only been molded by the Mothrame and not created, they felt that these people were their people. And with the only choice being to go forward...they chose to walk that path unto its end, nudging the minds of their followers along to greatness so that they may rise against Ruin alongside them.

It was only when the Federation arrived and began to observe the Mothrame that the Eleven Spirits realized that the threat of Ruin, half-remembered and realized as some distant, indistinct, and diffuse, yet highly lethal and hostile, group of beings, was far more consequential, as even the minds of beings that crawled over the stars feared them with instincts deeper than their bones.

They doubt that without the intervention of the Federation, the Mothrame would have survived their lapse in guard against the Deciever.

As for the future, the Mothrame are their people, and they have been for over eight millennia. The Eleven Spirits will not back down from guiding and guarding them; they will not abandon them now.

They haven't abandoned them either, after all.
Fair enough, by the time we realized they were stuck in this system and reliant on the moths for sustenance the only chance would be to risk it and go elsewhere to try to find another safe place like Mothrame and that was unknown risk, most likely starving and as stated, captured by the Ruinous powers.

Interesting they started to wake up and half remember stuff when we popped in and starting monitoring the moths. they dug up half buried memories of the dangers and terrors of Chaos and that it was out there that was real... but also it seemed far away and they could take their time waking up or at least start to actively do their job and start preparing for any chaos incursions... only it happened too late and the birdbrain tried his attempt here and the Spirits had to cobble together a fast response to this that just didn't have the backing and preparation to win until we came in and ended it. I do think now they will be good as the Spirits are fully awake now and on alert.

It is rather wholesome and nice the relation the Moths have with these Spirits, they won't abandon each other after so long.

In a matter entirely unrelated to the vicious debate and legalese arguments being hashed out with the Pantheon of the Eleven Spirits, to temporarily find out some manner of legal framework so that the Federation at large can figure out how to deal with this permanently, one of the carriers of SBG Sphinx sitting above the world of Mothome held a group of Thules sitting around a group of pictures in a recreation area. Each of the photographs showed one different alien or abhuman of the Federation, male and female, and each Thule was forced, in turn, to engage in the ancient, renowned, and hallowed tradition of "Fuck, Marry, Kill."

Yes, booze was involved.
andddd we go straight into the Thules.. Oh by the starchild really girls!? they're doing the 'Fuck, marry, Kill' meme and using the abhumans or Xenos of the three races for it aren't they? Of course since it is the Thules I would expect this given the lack of fighting and a more relaxed posting over Mothrame.

"Yeeni female, Mothrame male, Piscarian male," Thule 42/00-BLZ said annoyedly, having been the subject of badgering from her sisters the entire evening after refusing to participate in the game. Taking a swig from her bottle of gut-rot, she was naturally faced with a dozen sisters eager to guess which of the chosen was which category.

"No way in the Warp is the Mothrame marry or fuck!" Thule 0981-LLU laughed, swatting at Thule 01847-//BVC. "Yeah, they are pretty in the pictures, but up close? Ew, no thanks," she shuddered, remembering some anatomical pictures she'd seen. "Besides, they lay eggs! What freak would like that?!"

At that moment, Thule 6969-HRMHVR walked through the door with a cup of recaff and a bar of chocolate in her hands, a shirt three sizes too large on her frame with the words: "Egg Time!" happily stamped on it.
Oh wow, that's a first, but I guess each Thule has their preference and something they can't stand. 42/oo-BLZ just saying whichever one and wow I guess the more anime art style in the picture vs up close realistic art style sort of thing? But really? laying eggs is where they draw the line? is this because they don't have external fun bits?

ohh of course 6969 walks in at that very moment with the words 'egg time' on her shirt and being against the grain in regards to the preferences.

The group stared at her.


The group immediately scattered.

"Weirdos," the new Thule muttered, taking a sip of her cup of liquid energy.
I mean the timing of it all was just too on point you would think its staged or something.

Currently Terraforming:
Qulach's Forge - (Target Biosphere: Savannah and Flood Plains) - (Maximum Population: 9 Billion) - (Terraformation Time: ~340 Years) - (Finished: 260.M43)
Voxx Primus - (Target Biosphere: Continental) - (Maximum Population: 14 Billion) - (Terraformation Time: ~570 Years) - (Finished: 490.M43)

Not Yet Being Terraformed:
Amut - (Target Biosphere: Volcanic Basalt Lichen) - (Maximum Population: 10 Billion) - (Terraformation Time: ~80 Years)
Litra - (Target Biosphere: Ice Bog) - (Maximum Population: 15 Billion) - (Terraformation Time: ~160 Years)
Trif - (Target Biosphere: Lilypad Ocean) - (Maximum Population: 20 Billion) - (Terraformation Time: ~250 Years)
Ivuh - (Target Biosphere: Planetary Mangroves) - (Maximum Population: 18 Billion) - (Terraformation Time: ~180 Years)
Scil - (Target Biosphere: Petrified Woods and New Growth Forests) - (Maximum Population: 35 Billion) - (Terraformation Time: ~230 Years)
Yeogawa - (Target Biosphere: Flowering Abdundance) - (Maximum Population: 46 Billion) - (Terraformation Time: ~220 Years)
X-14/RHO - (Target Biosphere: Dry Caves) - (Maximum Population: 9 Billion) - (Terraformation Time: ~190 Years)
Bob - (Target Biosphere: Badlands) - (Maximum Population: 11 Billion) - (Terraformation Time: ~110 Years)
Llolanov - (Target Biosphere: Temperate Forests and Mild Arctic) - (Maximum Population: 9 Billion) - (Terraformation Time: ~140 Years)
Alabaster - (Target Biosphere: Early Life and High Oxygen) - (Maximum Population: 23 Billion) - (Terraformation Time: ~80 Years)
Horums - (Target Biosphere: Craggy Desert and Metal Fields) - (Maximum Population: 11 Billion) - (Terraformation Time: ~110 Years)
Bakonu - (Target Biosphere: Bioluminescent Tundra) - (Maximum Population: 3 Billion) - (Terraformation Time: ~110 Years)
Hylcyon - (Target Biosphere: Windy Sulfur Continental) - (Maximum Population: 14 Billion) - (Terraformation Time: ~80 Years)
Thule Prime - (Target Biosphere: Archipelago and Oceanic) - (Maximum Population: 7 Billion) - (Terraformation Time: ~140 Years)
Vlllul- (Target Biosphere: Rocky Temperate) - (Maximum Population: 9 Billion) - (Terraformation Time: ~250 Years)
just a reminder for some people not checking, we got more Terraformation candidates again, some new ones showing up I think with some worth doing or having interesting Biospheres like Flowering Abundance or the like.

-[] Chik-an Domestication
(Gain: Chik-an, a small fowl with plenty of meat that can be raised swiftly, while also producing eggs as a by-product.)
Wait.. we didn't have chicken before? None of the places we had or factions we came into contact with had chicken before? wow, that is something I did not expect at all. how are chickens such a gamechanger they are a whole research action?

Malusian - Malus
Suspected Subversion Time: ~40 Years.
Modifiers: N/A.
Ah that's fine, its one of the last holdouts in Macabre and no one mind if it does fall and swap to us.

Black Ash Clan
Current Relations: Who The Chik-an Fried FUCK Are You People?!
Trend: Establishing Contact
Modifiers: QM's Mercy - Five Turns are used to establish contact instead of an Action. This can only be used this once, because I am a generous Deity like that.
Ohhhhh that's the pay off here, use of the relations as first contact taking this long for it. And yah, this was only chosen because efficiency takes fist place again, this is getting done now so.... fair, its saves us one action in exchange for doing this a turn before it would come out that we did a subversion attempt against the Black Ash Clan.

That said I LOVE the reaction for the Current Relations to who coming in and them just going 'where the hell did you come from?' and I'm guessing they are the ones we got the chickens from?

Thank you for the mercy QM.

[] [Faith] The Roar Of Heresy Unchallenged
The findings of the Eleven Spirits have...not been taken kindly by a great many of the Federation's priests. The idea that there are any beings born of the Warp that aren't hostile to sapience is seen as a fraught idea at best, outright heretical at worst. Protests have been lodged on every world the news have spread to to urge the wider faith to cut out the hidden cancer these things represent, no matter their "non-corrupted" nature. In the eyes of many, only those things born or crafted by the hands of the Indivisible Five-Fold are holy. All others are heresy and danger unimaginable.
(Gain: Calm shit down. Also figure out how to fit the Pantheon of Eleven Spirits into the greater works of the Star Child and how future Warp Spirits, or Alien Deities, can be categorized or dealt with as required.)
Hahaha, oh boy it does not end. Now we need to figure out how this affects the faith and how we deal with such spirits going forward and stop everyone from trying to murder those spirits and the moths in the process. Yah I think we have to do it this time to forestall any attempts.

[] [Knightly Orders] Develop New Armaments (0/1.5)
We are all our own luck's smith, but the tools and training we receive play a gargantuan role in the work we shall create. So let us wield weapons of might, tools of glory, and stride forth with banners of augmented honor.
(Gain: More weapons, equipment, and Patterns to use during war.)
Oh, okay. improvements and new stuff to make for all the Armigers we have. still if we follow through with the Black Ash Clan we really should grab the specs of the other Knights they have and get the Orders them. of course having that World that is renowned for the best weapons and armor in the Sector is a advantage for one order.

ay, ay. we know just a lot of stuff to do at the time and we might forgot but given how you highlighted it and reminded us last time... you have something that'll cause a civil war in the thread over choosing or something you want to see the fallout of us getting. not sure if we should now or not....

Ok, looking at this, we don't have 50 years just to make first contact b/c after that we'll have merely 1 turn before they figure out we subverted Brans and go ballistic.

Again, I would rather we try to do this diplomatically to minimize both our losses and theirs so incorporating them is an overall net-gain. And that looks like doing an action.
I think its more we need to contact them in order to pull out without them discovering we DID the subversion attempt. not really sure how it will go and how much time we have to extract them from it but it is a way to save the action which is why we went with it.

Yup, go crazy you Autloader Cult nuts, its what I said last time and quoted that one in particular. or anything else we use a lot of, we on DP point equipment DO we use a lot of?

Hey, when did this happen?
last main update, Swords And Lessons when the Enhanced Servitors were built and most actions went down by one or so.

Also, now that Standardization is 1 AP, we can finally get our free autoloaders.
Hence why I said the Autoloader cult's time was now to get it as its just one point or just spending the banked Research point now.'

Watch this STC just be a knife. I will be so salty.
nah, that one was already discovered but it would be funny. How about we get better flashlights instead? but really most likley its going to be a choice of three different things we're gonna be mugging each for.

Or worse, something to make the Thules more down bad. Possibly down horrendous, even. The mind shudders to contemplate it.
.... I hate that's not a impossibility, it could be but I'm... I honestly can't say what I'm hoping for considering I just don't know WHAT it cold be. I'm assuming it might be another thing of a Different kind of Knight, some anti-chaos thing or blessed thing, or just something else... I'm gonna ask to make sure.

... oh my Star Child it's a chicken. Chocolate's polar opposite.

We must have it. Nobody will stand in our way with this duo.
Eww, now you're making think a chocolate covered roast chicken or chocolate fried chicken. I don't know why I thought to combine them but separately? oh yah it would help out a lot with giving good luxury treat and stable food source of meat that's more compact and easier then cows or pigs.... do we even have those?

1. Oh since you're telling us about the tau currently, how are things for the Imperium on the other side of the rift?
2. Qm, are we looking at the remains of the loyalists of the traitor legions souls forming these spirits or just the innocents all caught up in this gathered in a safe place in the warp until the Ruinous powers coming knocking and most got picked off in their route to Mothome?
3. What IS our livestock in the federation anyways? what animals do we raise for food or their products?
4. Also is it gonna be possible to get the designs of the other types of Knights from the Black Ash Clan should we get good relations and alter absorb them? or is this a case where you NEED the STC blueprints of it to build more of them and without them you can't do much?
The longer we leave the subversion the harder it will be to pull out from that world. Its not like the number of Star Cgild faithful would be staying the same over 50 years. I think its being way too optimistic to think that we can easily prevent a disaster from happening at the last minute (leaving the matter to literally the last turn before it fires off *is* leaving it till the last minute).
[X] Plan: STC, fried chicken and preventing Heresy.

lets just do this one and give the QM some fun by having him dangle shines and we act like chickens in a cockfighting ring.

That said though I think next turn we really should just DO the Anti-Dutchy task fleets to get them over and done with already so we don't have that hanging over our heads. Doing that and some more more Melodies/Songs or more Diplomacy with the Ashan Families and tossing something to the Shipwrights Grove or Black Ash Clan.

You seem to have forgotten, we've already delayed Bran as much as we possibly could without scrapping it entire operation.
have we? I get if we have to wait another turn but we still have some turns left on that don't we?
have we? I get if we have to wait another turn but we still have some turns left on that don't we?
We already delayed Bran to try subverting peacefully, and as of now we have 6 turns before we can't wait any longer.

6 turns to try to non-violently annex an interstellar nation that didn't even know we existed before now.

If you think about, I'm pretty sure you will see why I want to Diplomance them as fast as possible.
We already delayed Bran to try subverting peacefully, and as of now we have 6 turns before we can't wait any longer.

6 turns to try to non-violently annex an interstellar nation that didn't even know we existed before now.

If you think about, I'm pretty sure you will see why I want to Diplomance them as fast as possible.
Oh I don't think we can do it in 6. Like even assuming that we get an action a turn to put on them starting next turn we'd have about equal to what we have with our other allies ie Horizon program, friendship agreement, trade and introduction. And I am saying that because I don't think we can hit that ball swinging without a few turns of "okay wait we need to build relations up".

Like honestly our two choices realistically are spend an action and pull out or take the system and deal with the consequences.

Edit: Speedrunning an diplo-annex is only possible with perfect play and even then
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@HeroCooky Do we produce surplus food? Like more than our state consumes? Because if so new diplomacy action suggestions

Food Aid: The Galaxy has never been a stable place for a lot of things, especially Food. With the Federations consistent warp travel and excess food production(in part thanks to the Irrita) some food trade(and luxury goods like chocolate) can occur between states and lessen the strain on the populace.
(Essentially Food Aid for more influence)

Federation Fortress Expansion: States closely aligned to the Federation haven't always had the kindest neighbours. The Federation's Fortress Stations are a necessity and often looked upon in envy. Close allies can now enjoy the benefits that come with this program as stations manned by the Federation's soldiers will be built to protect their citizens
(Basically we are using our federation fortress initiative and essentially, through the existing infrastructure we built for it, building them one with no actions on our part. Nothing says influence quite like building stations over every planet and lapping as the US)

Edit: This is also totally not a way for us to also do more agri dev so that we can produce more food for more effect with this action...totally
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You seem to have forgotten, we've already delayed Bran as much as we possibly could without scrapping it entire operation.
That's not what happened. We tried to switch focus away from it and got the following note:
SAI Department Note: Abandoning this would risk detection. Switching focus will require greater investiture of resources.
So therefore, we could keep the focus on it and just ask them to wait for overt action. I've already asked what our options are without kicking off a war, here:
8. The 'peaceful' subversion of Brans is a bit awkward. What's going to happen at the end of the timer, the leaders of the planet just decide to peacefully join us? What are our options for modifying it? Can we direct them to stay quiet and use Brans as a base and expand through the rest of the Black Ash clan, spreading covert propaganda about how great we are so we start with already positive relations/influence? Or use Brans as a base to subvert the leadership of the Black Ash?
As far as I see it, we have three options:
1. Desperately try to get on good enough terms with them that stealing one of their planets doesn't immediately kick off a war. As has been pointed out, that will require multiple actions.
2. Just take the planet, retain the moral high ground by having done it peacefully, and win the following war.
3. Depending on the reply to my questions, modify or pause the subversion to give us more time. I'd love to use Brans as a starting point for a long-term subversion of the leadership of the Black Ash clan.

I'd prefer either #2 or #3.
Like honestly our two choices realistically are spend an action and pull out or take the system and deal with the consequences.

Edit: Speedrunning an diplo-annex is only possible with perfect play and even then
Or we could go really hard in supporting them, like help them kick in the Croaf Hegemony's teeth.

And maybe spend more than just an action per turn, but we do have an advantage since we'll be building relations up passively and we have Bran as our (wo)man on the inside to try speaking favorably of us.
3. Depending on the reply to my questions, modify or pause the subversion to give us more time. I'd love to use Brans as a starting point for a long-term subversion of the leadership of the Black Ash clan.

This can be done if we spend regular actions to do the infiltration on every planet they have...that is an option we can also do...if we are feeling particularly...crazy

Or we could go really hard in supporting them, like help them kick in the Croaf Hegemony's teeth.

And maybe spend more than just an action per turn, but we do have an advantage since we'll be building relations up passively and we have Bran as our (wo)man on the inside to try speaking favorably of us.

We could but again that requires us building trust faster than we do. Friendship Declaration is needed before we can truly woo them and that can take a few turns. Next turn we have one action with them diplomatically and then the ticker begins to get to high relations.

Honestly? We should spend the action and pull out if we don't want a fight and do it nice and slow-like. Spend an action to basically go "Okay guys talk nice about us and let us slowly take everyone in while we leave this planet"
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