What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

  • Total voters
[X] Accept the Terms of Surrender

[X] Plan: Fight Smart
-[X] Accept the Terms of Surrender
-[X] We Fight!
--[X] Hold our Aries-S Corvettes & Sagittarius-S back to protect our backline, if any Flyssa arrives concentrate all fire on them--the Lover's Dance Lances combined with their impressive speed and our Sagittarius-S classes incredible firepower and range in the backline should do much to run down the Flyssa-class ships.
--[X] Bomber Strikes are to concentrate on Light Cruisers in the skirmishing phase, especially of models or specific hulls known to carry Null-Nets, ideally weakening them or forcing them to deploy their superweapons before our battle line closes.
--[X] Leos, Battlecolonies & Lamenter heavy cruiser ships are to focus on bullying enemy light craft when possible, spread out and keeping their distance from the light cruisers so that Null Net attacks are less likely to overtake them.
--[X] Scorpio & Crux-class ships are to focus on the light cruisers carrying null-nets, forcing them to be lost or deployed against imperfect targets that can dodge.
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[X] Accept the Terms of Surrender

[X] We Fight!
-[X] Hold our Aries-S Corvettes & Sagittarius-S back to protect our backline, if any Flyssa arrives concentrate all fire on them--the Lover's Dance Lances combined with their impressive speed and our Sagittarius-S classes incredible firepower and range in the backline should do much to run down the Flyssa-class ships.
-[X] Bomber Strikes are to concentrate on Light Cruisers in the skirmishing phase, especially of models or specific hulls known to carry Null-Nets, ideally weakening them or forcing them to deploy their superweapons before our battle line closes.
-[X] Leos, Battlecolonies & Lamenter heavy cruiser ships are to focus on bullying enemy light craft when possible, spread out and keeping their distance from the light cruisers so that Null Net attacks are less likely to overtake them.
- [X] Scorpio & Crux-class ships are to focus on the light cruisers carrying null-nets, forcing them to be lost or deployed against imperfect targets that can dodge.
[X] Accept the Terms of Surrender
[X] We Fight!
-[X] Before combat commences, provide evidence of enemy utilization of abominable intelligence to enemy command and any other force willing to listen. Offer the opportunity to surrender.
-[X] Hold our Aries-S Corvettes back to protect our backline, if any Flyssa arrives concentrate all fire on them--the Lover's Dance Lances in concert combined with their impressive speed and our Sagittarius-S classes in the backline should do much to run them down, and they're no longer suited for front line duty.
-[x] Concentrate some Leo's near either edge of the fleet, but keeping enough in reserve to hold the core. These Leo's while have their choirs use "Turn Their Eyes Away ", using the psychic power to fool the enemy into a moment's inattention, which will allow them to dart forward/ allow them to be ignored as the core retreats, and take the enemy in a deadly enfillade
-[X] Push half of the more intact Libra-Quartus's forward, to resupply fighters as they take on point defense, and to use their own point defenses to help stem the torpedo tide.
- [X] Utilize torpedo fire in concentrated waves against enemy light cruisers, to deny them any path forward to deploying their null beams.
-[X] Deploy bombers against light cruisers initially, then destroyers
-[X] Have the Loyalty's Bloom hidden among the front line, to boop the nose in of any light cruiser which attempts to close
-[X] Lamenter vessels should try to identify the enemy command ship, and if possible, attempt a boarding in force to capture intel/desorganize the enemy formation

I wrote a lot more out, but there's basically only 3 points that are different.

1) A different gambit with the choirs on the Leo's, where we use our hiding power to give us the time we need to catch the enemy by suprise
2) Being more specific about which ships hold back the light cruisers and how, and which ships deal with torpedoes and how
3) Letting hte lamenters do some boarding, they love it.

Edit : Oh and utilizing hte AI revelation, where I really don't see any reason not to do it.
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[X] Accept the Terms of Surrender
[X] We Fight!

[] [Light Cruiser] Cygnus-class Exploratory Cruiser
-[] Length
- 4.000 Meters (+1 DP)
-[] Width - 500 Meters (+1 DP)
-[] Acceleration - 5 Gravities (-1 DP)
-[] Armor - Medium Double Hull (-1 DP)
-[] Shields - One Matrix
-[] Weapons - 2x Medium Mixed Hangars/2x Medium Plasma Macrocannon Turrets (-6 DP)
-[] Equipment - Ship Shrines/Strict Pilot Training/Veteran Pilot Gene-Lines/Enhanced Supply Generation/Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Anti Radiation Hardening/Stealth Engine Dampeners/The Celestial Orrery (-19 DP)

Broadly, this is our "Federation Explorer" ship. Fast, capable of running quietly even if it can't sneak up on a fortified planet to drop stuff on and repeat the feat again and again, hardened against stellar phenomena so as to be able to explore places that would normally be out of reach--excellent range, excellent speed and agility, and teeth enough to take down anything it can't flee from. We're only liable to build a couple of these, but they can range further and in deeper places than anything else--which makes them excellent for being first movers into a new region, because they're stealthy enough and have long enough legs that they can Translate out far away from a system and then bypass it safely, and the Orrery is enough to pick up on locations that normally would be beneath notice, meaning we just need to get close enough to get a detailed astrographical map of a large region.

We don't need many of these, but it's very much designed in the same spirit as the Yeeni Spirit of Discovery cruiser. Just better protected and with sharper teeth, with the kind of equipment our more conventional scouts only dream they have.
Oh wise shipmaster,
think a change in expedition fleet makeup could work to cut back on Choirs needed for scouting?
Big stealthy ship with orrery and Hymns with a small fleet of destroyer scouts.
Or would that make the big ships too big to be reasonably stealthy?
[x] Concentrate some Leo's near either edge of the fleet, but keeping enough in reserve to hold the core. These Leo's while have their choirs use "Turn Their Eyes Away ", using the psychic power to fool the enemy into a moment's inattention, which will allow them to dart forward/ allow them to be ignored as the core retreats, and take the enemy in a deadly enfillade
I doubt the Leo's still have choirs. The plan prior was to drop them off on the Hive World and it was shown that they weren't going to exactly help with their super weapons.
[X] We Fight!
-[X] Hold our Aries-S Corvettes & Sagittarius-S back to protect our backline, if any Flyssa arrives concentrate all fire on them--the Lover's Dance Lances combined with their impressive speed and our Sagittarius-S classes incredible firepower and range in the backline should do much to run down the Flyssa-class ships.
-[X] Bomber Strikes are to concentrate on Light Cruisers in the skirmishing phase, especially of models or specific hulls known to carry Null-Nets, ideally weakening them or forcing them to deploy their superweapons before our battle line closes.
-[X] Leos, Battlecolonies & Lamenter heavy cruiser ships are to focus on bullying enemy light craft when possible, spread out and keeping their distance from the light cruisers so that Null Net attacks are less likely to overtake them.
- [X] Scorpio & Crux-class ships are to focus on the light cruisers carrying null-nets, forcing them to be lost or deployed against imperfect targets that can dodge
[X] We Fight!
-[X] Hold our Aries-S Corvettes & Sagittarius-S back to protect our backline, if any Flyssa arrives concentrate all fire on them--the Lover's Dance Lances combined with their impressive speed and our Sagittarius-S classes incredible firepower and range in the backline should do much to run down the Flyssa-class ships.
-[X] Bomber Strikes are to concentrate on Light Cruisers in the skirmishing phase, especially of models or specific hulls known to carry Null-Nets, ideally weakening them or forcing them to deploy their superweapons before our battle line closes.
-[X] Leos, Battlecolonies & Lamenter heavy cruiser ships are to focus on bullying enemy light craft when possible, spread out and keeping their distance from the light cruisers so that Null Net attacks are less likely to overtake them.
- [X] Scorpio & Crux-class ships are to focus on the light cruisers carrying null-nets, forcing them to be lost or deployed against imperfect targets that can dodge

...please give it a specific name??
Plan name in case you don't want to copy the whole thing. If you want to vote for accepting surrender & fighting for Echish, please vote for this plan to include an updated battle strategy.
[X] Plan: Fight Smart

-[X] Accept the Terms of Surrender
-[X] We Fight!
--[X] Hold our Aries-S Corvettes & Sagittarius-S back to protect our backline, if any Flyssa arrives concentrate all fire on them--the Lover's Dance Lances combined with their impressive speed and our Sagittarius-S classes incredible firepower and range in the backline should do much to run down the Flyssa-class ships.
--[X] Bomber Strikes are to concentrate on Light Cruisers in the skirmishing phase, especially of models or specific hulls known to carry Null-Nets, ideally weakening them or forcing them to deploy their superweapons before our battle line closes.
--[X] Leos, Battlecolonies & Lamenter heavy cruiser ships are to focus on bullying enemy light craft when possible, spread out and keeping their distance from the light cruisers so that Null Net attacks are less likely to overtake them.
--[X] Scorpio & Crux-class ships are to focus on the light cruisers carrying null-nets, forcing them to be lost or deployed against imperfect targets that can dodge.

Also voting normally:
[X] Accept the Terms of Surrender

[X] We Fight!
-[X] Hold our Aries-S Corvettes & Sagittarius-S back to protect our backline, if any Flyssa arrives concentrate all fire on them--the Lover's Dance Lances combined with their impressive speed and our Sagittarius-S classes incredible firepower and range in the backline should do much to run down the Flyssa-class ships.
-[X] Bomber Strikes are to concentrate on Light Cruisers in the skirmishing phase, especially of models or specific hulls known to carry Null-Nets, ideally weakening them or forcing them to deploy their superweapons before our battle line closes.
-[X] Leos, Battlecolonies & Lamenter heavy cruiser ships are to focus on bullying enemy light craft when possible, spread out and keeping their distance from the light cruisers so that Null Net attacks are less likely to overtake them.
- [X] Scorpio & Crux-class ships are to focus on the light cruisers carrying null-nets, forcing them to be lost or deployed against imperfect targets that can dodge.
[X] Plan: Fight Smart
-[X] Accept the Terms of Surrender
-[X] We Fight!
--[X] Hold our Aries-S Corvettes & Sagittarius-S back to protect our backline, if any Flyssa arrives concentrate all fire on them--the Lover's Dance Lances combined with their impressive speed and our Sagittarius-S classes incredible firepower and range in the backline should do much to run down the Flyssa-class ships.
--[X] Bomber Strikes are to concentrate on Light Cruisers in the skirmishing phase, especially of models or specific hulls known to carry Null-Nets, ideally weakening them or forcing them to deploy their superweapons before our battle line closes.
--[X] Leos, Battlecolonies & Lamenter heavy cruiser ships are to focus on bullying enemy light craft when possible, spread out and keeping their distance from the light cruisers so that Null Net attacks are less likely to overtake them.
--[X] Scorpio & Crux-class ships are to focus on the light cruisers carrying null-nets, forcing them to be lost or deployed against imperfect targets that can dodge.
Again, why are we not telling them about the AI we found?
Primarily because it's too late to change the plan now, and I didn't see the suggestion while we were frantically trying to get people on-board with voting to actually have a battle strategy.

Secondarily because it's hard to broadcast that kind of information before a battle. We can't exactly lay out our 22 articles of evidence that van Zandt was experimenting with AI before the battle lines clash. That's the kind of propaganda we use over the medium-long term to flip nobles & mechanicum members in Voxx primus & as we infiltrate the rest of Voxx.

On that note - it would be nice to lay the groundwork such that when van Zandt inevitably crumbles the way Neon did we have a bunch of systems jumping into our boat instead of just being independent. Maybe that should be the next task for the propaganda Bureau.
Primarily because it's too late to change the plan now, and I didn't see the suggestion while we were frantically trying to get people on-board with voting to actually have a battle strategy.

Secondarily because it's hard to broadcast that kind of information before a battle. We can't exactly lay out our 22 articles of evidence that van Zandt was experimenting with AI before the battle lines clash. That's the kind of propaganda we use over the medium-long term to flip nobles & mechanicum members in Voxx primus & as we infiltrate the rest of Voxx.

On that note - it would be nice to lay the groundwork such that when van Zandt inevitably crumbles the way Neon did we have a bunch of systems jumping into our boat instead of just being independent. Maybe that should be the next task for the propaganda Bureau.
I suggested it. Several times.

Not that it mattered, because vote by default is in full effect, with pretty much zero discussion or planning.