[X] 400 Greater Companion

So we get it out of the way

Also, with this we can get any starter Pokémon... And many interesting ones, like Dratini.
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@Vitellio There's also Smeargle and its ability to copy parahuman powers as pokemon moves.

I think choosing something that can help Alex's mental defenses might be better, though.

Like an Abra (200 points, evolves in Kadabra and Alakazam, it's a psychic type that can aid us) or a Deino(300 points, Dark/Dragon, evolves in Zweilous and Hydreigon, It's a Dark Type with a natural Psychic immunity that we can use)?
Chapter 219: Sub-Vote: part 2
Okay, let's go for another Companion. For info, I will be removing both Companion and Greater Companion from the list of available powers. We can gain more Companions once we access the Capstone list.

A reminder of the rules:
-Greater Companion: You gain one creature of your choice costing 300 points or less. This creature is permanently summoned to your side, it does not count against your summoning limit. This creature is real in every sense of the word, it needs to eat, sleep, and care. It can die but you can resummon it after 24 hours.
You can gain this benefit any number of times.
In addition, you can choose a creature worth 300 points or less that you already possess as a Greater Companion. In that case, you'll gain a random 300-point creature as a normal creature.

Obviously, you can only choose a normal creature as a Companion, not a Modifier (Half-Fey), not a Category Power (Animagus), not an Invocation (Carbuncle), and so on. I also put a veto on some Categories that you cannot choose from. Namely: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, All Tomorrows, Steven Universe,

[] Write-in

Voting will be closed Friday at 3 PM GMT
[X] Smeargle (Pokemon)
[X] Kuja (Currently Owned)
[X] Bob (Various: Dresden Files)
- A living library of magical knowledge in a conveniently portable form.

[X] Worms (Various: Futurama)
[X] Ra-Seru (Legend of Lagaia)

I forget, was this how the vote worked for Companions?
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[X] Geth Legion
[X] Golden Chocobo
[X] Ra-Seru (Legend of Legaia)
[X] Bastion (Overwatch)
[ ] Spinels

The Geth is because Legion is cool, helps us win the computer warfare game, and also he knows Mass Effect Tech (not as useful unless we can get Eezo, but still helpful for a multitude of things such as Medigel).

Golden Chocobo is a great mount that any of our teammates can use, able to walk on water, walls, and fly. Also decently strong and fast, those kicks would be devastating.

Ra-Seru are powerful elemental spirits that have the goal of fighting for mankinds survival in the face of the end of the world. I don't think I need to explain why they'd be helpful in Worm.

Bastion is cool, a powerful fighter, and gives us access to Omnic Tech.

Spinel is so good at shapeshifting that they have discount toon physics, they have access to Gem Tech, are strong enough to fight the Crystal Gems, and are overall fun loving people who'd be great with the kids (and thus PR). Edit: QM Veto.
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[X] Bob (Various: Dresden Files)
There is a lot that Bob can offer Alex, from the vast amount of magical knowledge he could provide like @Feather_Up said, to a magic teacher/researcher for Alex and possibly others to learn from. With how the rules of a given universe apply to the creature summoned, this could open up a lot of things from the series for Alex to use against his enemies as well, such as the Power of Names.

While it may not work for most capes, those who see themselves as their cape persona would be affected to some degree if their cape name was used in a spell, a quote from the wiki. "A mortal's Name can change over time due to how their perception of themselves can change, whereas most supernatural beings' Name is static and unchanging." It should even be possible to use this to weaken Zion, though the cost of such a spell may be astronomical.

[X] Geth Legion
They would make for a great Companion like @sonicyoash suggested, their computer hacking along with their technical skills should be a match even for Tinkers, given their space age tech background.

Went looking into what items they might come with when summoned and it mentions Geth mobile platforms having Omni-tools, so would Medi-gel and/or Omni-gel be options for Material Extraction?

There's also a chance Alex could learn from this entry on how to use his Multiple Minds more effectively, as how he uses it now is very similar in principle to how a Geth handles their mobile platforms.
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Honestly I'm really looking forward to when we can start allowing the PRT into the dungeon, I'm just wondering if it'd be better for normal agents to go in or parahumans first.
[X] Bastion (Overwatch)
[X] Bob (Various: Dresden Files)
[X] Geth Legion

@zagan I'm sorry if this is already in the Menagerie and I've just missed it, I did look but can't see it, but would Winston from Overwatch be a valid option and if so how much would he cost?
Why not? We've been allowed to pick from the Bonus Categories plenty of times.
*Edit: Oh never mind, apparently we specifically can't do Steven Universe.
When was this established and why?
Well, I'm a bit late to the party, so will have little influence on the results, (not that I ever do anyway), which might be for the best. Nevertheless, Imma post my very favorites first, then vote for some that actually have a chance.

As the plant advocate in this quest, first I vote for my favorite plant (in real life, not just here lol):

[X] Rose

And then for some things every quest, and esp. this one, needs:

[X] Cheshire Cat

because what this quest definitely needs is more eldritch cats. Since we don't utilize the ones we have nearly often enough, if we have a Companion one it's bound to appear in the story more.

[X] Clifford the Big Red Dog

because what everyone, not just this quest, needs is more big friendly dogs. It's hard to get bigger or friendlier than Clifford.

[X] Faerie Dragon

In every situation that it is possible, obviously you need more dragons. And who wouldn't want more Fey? This one is a twofer. How this isn't running away with the vote I'll never know. Think of the humor potential alone!

[X] Asperii

We've made a nice start to our magical horse collection, but again, we obviously need more.

[X] Turtwig

When lobbying for the Greater Companion, some one mentioned Pokemon, and indeed one is in the top voting. I, however, am voting for the very best starter Pokemon. Come at me bro.

Now, for the ones that are already with several votes.

[X] Ra-Seru (Legend of Legaia)

I know nothing of these creatures or their setting, but just from their reference page and what people have said, they tick several of my favorable boxes--eager to help humanity as a whole, dedicated and intelligent, benevolent, and appear to be a bit OP for their cost.

And finally, an old friend of mine--(I've been assured that even though he looks and sometimes even acts like it, the talking skull is really, really not an undead of any kind. I despise undead.)

[X] Bob (Various: Dresden Files)

If anyone can help Alex give better magic lessons, it's this guy. Not to mention helping Alex himself with current and future magical abilities. [Edit insert: I just thought of this, since the world of Dresden Files holds Telepathy and esp. the kind that willbends, i.e. takes control of or influences thoughts, to be quite repugnant, Bob is likely to be quite repulsed by poor Starro.)

One thing I haven't considered is if any of these stand a chance to advance by going thru our dungeon, since that would be a big plus for a permanent Companion. But I'm sure either Rose or the Cheshire Cat could, so maybe they'll catch on in the late voting? Oh well....
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