What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Yeah. They are in your list of ships, aren't they? (Except for the Grand Cruiser ones.)
Nice, the Loyalty's Bloom-Class Scout Destroyer is a good target to autobuild for the next few turns with maybe a set of rustbuckets in a while to help them move around

If we build Risen Dirge-Class Boarding Ships do we have troops that can survive being deployed by torpedo and would having some help with supporting the revolts on the stations and food haulers?
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That escalated quickly.


Honestly, not too chuffed about it, I am really, really ready to just get Vox Primus over with already. And if it's happening like...three turns early, then I'm fine with that.
Resurgence Mk.2-Class Torpedo Hunter - 6x
-Weapons - 2x 4x80m Torpedos/4x Light Kopesh-Pattern Missile Pods
-Equipment - .../Auto-Loaders/...
I would have thought Auto-Loaders don't help Torpedos or Kopesh Missile Pods? Maybe left over from old version?

Loyalty's Bloom-Class Scout Destroyer
-Weapons - 3x Light Kopesh-Pattern Missile Pods
-Equipment - .../Snapshot Pinpoint Targeting Solutions/...
Similar with this, I thought Snapshot Pinpoint Targeting Solutions wouldn't help Missile Pods much because they're not a battery/turret, and only choose a target and fire once.
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Harrowing news from Voxx Primus; Star-Magos Caine has returned, her tainted soul and corrupting speeches rearing their heads once more within the minds of the innocent and insufficiently guarded.

With her words, she took up the banner of the Five-Fold Path. With her techno-sorceries, she beguiled many Techpriests, from the lowest Acolyte to the highest Magos. With her corruption seeping from unholy sigils, she turned Regiments of PDF and scores of local law enforcers and Arbites to her side.
Oh fracking... seriously? she popped up again? I get chaos get pop up anywhere and due to the nature of the warp creatures and deamons and it gets even worst when you have some space marines or the like get ascension to deamon hood and just respawn back in the warp But I didn't think she was still alive or reached that point yet.... FUCK She blew our entire operational timeline! there's no way the Dutchy won't respond to this and comb every damn level of the Hive after a confirmed Chaos uprising and hearing wind of our group.

and she infiltrated and used the Mechanicus just like us... we just lost contacts and connections in there since ANYTHING out of the norm or like is looked over at every angle. and use of the sigils made things worst because of how those work.... fuck Arbites and PDF? she's fucking over every way we infiltrated and gonna get our agents caught up in all of this.

In her name, they spread unknown to our manifold eyes and ears.
In her name, they took and prepared for a fight against reality and reason.
In her name, they rose, a scream of daemonic cackling thundering within the souls of the Voxxians and the minds of the Voxxian psykers.

In her name, the Hallowed Cogitation screamed within the Warp for three minutes, something within the vessel writhing in pain and terror beyond counting and knowing.
Andddd any Pskyers we didn't get to become sacrifices and vessels for other uses, that sucks and feel bad for them.

OH FUCK! Whatever they had on that ship, fucking Caine did something to it. If it is a Man of Iron it just got infected with Scrap Code or the like or was tortured and will NOT be a in good state of mind to talk or anything. I hope it wasn't a chance to talk with an AI or something and we lost it now. Still everyone is going to jump at the slightest of shadows and now we're down however much to trigger the revolution.

And in her name, all those who took up her banner rose into the Upper Spire of Hive Jubileus, turning tens of thousands into fuel for a ritual that allowed over three million cultists to escape.

The results of her month-long rampage were...damaging to our efforts.
Ohhhh shit, that is putting any surviving Nobility into a 'no excuses, no bullshit, no infighting' status and making sure they are not ANY lingering cultists or the like and scouring the Hives and they will find us. Damn you Caine!

As much as I dislike the Nobles of the upper Hives the fact it got that bad and targeted the leadership of the Hives and got a lot of our agents caught hurt and suck. Three Million Cultists isn't much But I want to know who those three million are, I'm guessing most of them will be used as slaves or for more sacrifices but how many of them were Mechanicus that we could have gotten on our side and the like and what they will contribute to her side.

ahhh frack of course it was a month long.

The Mechanicus is currently devouring itself in a frenzy of Orthodoxy; any deviancy from the Credo Omnissiah is punished beyond proportions, and the local cults and sects of the Imperial Cult are on a warpath against anything that they believe might be tainted by even a smidge of Chaos.

Millions have already died, and millions more will follow.

The damage to our networks has been... significant. Many of our operations had to be burned in full or evacuated immediately thanks to the frenzy of the populations, and the Propaganda Office is certain that our efforts to undermine and infiltrate Voxx Primus cannot be kept hidden for more than three decades thanks to these...events. All efforts must be placed on ensuring the war will succeed now. There is little room for anything else now.
.....Yah, no surprise there. After that incident EVERYONE is under watch and surveillance for ANYTHING remotely suspicious which will include our network and spies within the Mechanicus, so they going to ground or being rooted out. Along with those who would have joined us and given the history of 'pysker cabal' in the underhive and nature of our forces there... this ain't looking pretty.

damn it, and it just had to happen during the turn we are trying to do the defense stations and damage to our general operations. So limit is three turns including this one and chance the Dutchy may find our forces and force us to start early anyways. Yah, no time for reserach now. We have to finish at least the 5 SBG and do the songs this and next turn.

Doubly so because the Arch-Heresiarch Caine ensured one last message was played through the Noosphere and vox-casters of the planet;
+++In the name of the Star-Father and the Five-Faced Godhead, I bid thee farewell until we meet again; all you fooled by the lies of The Glimmering Quinceps and his words of gilded poison. May your war be long and bloody.+++

Seriously out of everything she could have done to damage us THIS was the most irradiating and most likely effective. Once they hear of our name and faith they will link this to us and doubt our efforts and the like, at the very least she just made the Dutchy take this as seriously as that generations long war to the knife and may sow doubt in any who were on the fence on joining us. She certainly did change this to be as annoying, bloody, and long as possible. Also now puts this as a two sided affair between the 'Star Father' and the 'Star Child' that the Dutchy will assume just two things of chaos.

Yah, after this war we put a hit squad together and try to go after her somehow.

-[] Heavy Industry VI (1/2)
I'm guessing New Dawn did that since we had that last time.

Voxx Primus
Ordered Subversion Time-Frame: ~80 Years
Suspected Time to Discover our Efforts: ~30 Years
Modifiers: -~20 Years to Discover thanks to Mechanicus Orthodoxy Crackdown and Chaos Cult Rising
Fuck, I don't doubt it and shows events that can shorten the TDO. Knew from the update but still a problem and we need to change plans now.

-[] Lamenters Chapter Fleet (30/30)
(3x Andromeda-Class Command Ship, 5x Loyalty's Bloom-Class Scout Destroyer, 2x Risen Dirge-Class Boarding Ship (0/2 Companies), 6x Lantern Bearer Mk.2-Class Commandeering Ship (0/6 Companies), 6x Resurgence Mk.2-Class Torpedo Hunter (0/3 Companies), 4x Bloody Sunrise-Class Light Cruiser (0/8 Companies), 4x Bloody Sunset-Class Light Cruiser (0/8 Companies), 2x Thunderous Wings-Class Heavy Cruiser (0/8 Companies), 1x Eternal Promise-Class Temple Ship (0/8 Companies))
.... I'm sorry wasn't this suppose to standardize and cut down on the amount of number designs? this looked more like design and fleet expansion. well it works out in our favor but still.

[] [Blazing Sun] Every World A Fortress (6.5/7)
No longer left aside.
(Gain: 5 War-Packs per Action, one per Planet. +1 War-Pack when completed (due to funky math).)
At the very least this will be done in time for the invasion and we'll be able to count a LOT of warpacks.

[] [Chapter] Ah, Yes. The Codex. (0/1)
The one we follow. That Codex. The one written by Roboute Guilliman. Primarch of the Ultramarines. Who wrote it. Over ten millenia ago. That Codex.
(Gain: Examine the Space Book.)
Hah, Kronk meme. Very nice and I do think it will... hmmm, QM is this entirely up to them or what in regards to how they follow it and the like?

You Still Have Time To Get Ready.
Yup, I still remember this in regards to us fucking over a 6 action plan to take the Armory World back with Neon Protectorate. But given what happened it would send the thread into a panic for several pages with accusations of you screwing the thread over for X, Y, and Z reasons.

And this is the result of an old enemy not rolling like shit for once while preparing and working toward this and just having bad timing. I'm still pissed but at Caine and her timing and focused on trying to make the revolution still possible and work.

.... I do think you HAVE to do this everytime an enemy succeeds on their plot or plan just to tell and cut off any panic or doomposting.

She literally rolled below 4s in a 2d6 system for nearly ~60 turns. :cry::rage:
Ah that would do it and fair enough, given enough time for RNG it will give some high rolls. and shows she was active for nearly six turns... when did the attacks on our forces in the Hives start again? and were we just caught up in the Dutchy going after Caine's forces and we got misidentified?

Shows it wasn't a Hand of the QM moment meant specifically for it and just a possibility that existed if the rolls went well.

Now they won't.

Fuck the Dice in all honesty.
That is a shame and those researches will not happen until after the war. and it was a good plan to do those techs too.

Skimming the wiki it seems the 1000 marine strong limit on chapters is the main part, so if a single space marine turns to chaos, they don't command millions of fellow transhumans.

We could go either way, since devotees of the Star Child are more resistant to chaos it seems not as big a deal to have larger chapters, alternatively we could just keep it and encourage Gamma to found new ones since Lamenters are at Codex Compliant Capacity.

Wiki also mentions how Codex says chapters are supposed to be independent in terms of their gear and training and whatever, we could try and integrate them more. Juicy possibilities! For...after the war lol.
Yah pretty much, this was meant to stop Chaos from turning a whole legion again and limiting the damage from such an event but since our faith in the Starchild no sells most of the ways that turn people to Chaos were better off and kinda null and voids the main reason for the limit.

Of course there are other High level chaos ways to turn someone, Remember how Erebus turned Horus to Chaos by stabbing him with a corrupted sword. This shit can still happen, don't forget it. its just harder and work to due to our faction bonus with Faith and they can get massive returns with little effort.

It really depends if we just want more Space Marines in general and maybe work up to fleets or if we want to try to do the chapters and have them specialize in other areas like how the Imperium does things. We have the Lamenters as a Fleet Based Chapter with focused on Shock Assault, Orbital Drops, Strike Teams, Air Assaults. So obliviously nothing specialized for Siege or Fortifications, nothing for stealth or sabotage, etc, etc.

It really depends on whether we have input and what we want from it.

To be fair, three million cultists is kinda chump change, to be honest? Chaos has lost literally every confrontation with us it's ever engaged in, lol.
It really is, the problem I have with it is WHO they were. I know it could have been just a way for Caine to fuck us over but I'm holding onto suspicious for what she planned and got away with. A lot of the Upper Hive got killed which mostly has the servants for the Nobles and Administrators and the like. and the Upper Hives were used for Sacrifices.

And yah, thanks to the Lamenters and us no selling their corrupt while going through with our plans and actions we kinda denied a lot of their plans or diminished it to a fifth or less of what they wanted to do.

You need to either spend two Actions on infiltration or order a part of your Military (>.> Lamenters <.<) to go and board the ever-living crap out of them.
urghhhh, I think we're gonna have to go with the Lamenters boarding it but fuck man I do want to risk stations or the megafreighters scuttling themselves because they had time But we don't have the actions to get that done... ahh choices, choices.

No, when she got nuked on the Forge and escaped, she rolled with the Action [Sabotage Effort]. This would have, for example, set you back ~two Actions in the United Cults Wars, or force you to whack down on a Heresy fucking off successfully by chasing it down. Here she did three minor things of which two turned into a middle-finger to you. Rousing the Mechanicus and Imperial Cult into a frenzy.
Yah we picked up on that in the aftermath with no confirmation she died that. She just ended up nuking the world and... kinda just forced our hand to pick up the survivors and just forget about it. sure it lost us a Proto-forge world but kinda just denied us a boost more then anything.

Yah, more as a side bonus then the main thing, those two minor things don't matter to her but have big effects for us as they caused a audit and overwatch on everyone and are getting our agents caught and killed due to it.

No, Fives are Holy Number for her, so she got to visit Voxx Primus.
Oh shit, so that's what it was? damn she stole our thing. We should sue for Copyright!

but seriously, so that's the case? damn it, so I guess she finally succeeded or rolled a 5 5 on their dice.

Might be worth it to get sigils in over the course of the war just in case.

No, she would have grokked Warp Bullshit Sensors up and down the entire investigation. And no, that was part of Voxx Primus using [REDACTED] to figure out who is doing this bullshit but [REDACTED] had exactly none of that shit.
Okay so there goes any chance of her being behind attacks on us before. So it IS the Dutchy trying to figure who was doing this subversion and the like and trying to find out about us or Caine but that faction/group decided to kill those groups of our forces and seemed to cover it up? or they jumped the gun and killed the groups as they found them?



Excuse me, I'm just amazed how many Command and Conquer memes can be made to happen recently in SV and SB.
Oh right, forgot about that. Yah that fits but I REALLY hope she doesn't become that and refuses to die when killed or keeps escaping. And yah you can make a lot of memes.

It means that they will be split. Like...they are a full Chapter. Even one Company is enough to count as an "I Win" button for the Ringyards. Half of one? I doubt it would be lower than that.
.... facepalm
I'm a fucking idiot. It kinda slipped my mind they are space marines and in Lore sometimes a squad of ten is enough for somethings and a Company is enough for others. Also how the Space Marines are in the sense of 'nothing that big should be able to move that fast' in the sense a space marine can move faster then an unaugmented human can see in a few seconds.

Like even when Dorma was an Imperium Remnant and how Chyron and his four or five recruits was enough to help put down a Rebellion on the planet with the help of two Groups of our soldiers. and how a squad of ten can help put down a planetary rebellion and the like.

So even if we have to spare a company.... yah the Lamenters have 900 more Space Marines to task with other areas. So them going to the MegaFreighters can be taken with the marines but I'd like to spend an action to get agents on board to stop the scuttling and hold in place until the Lamenters take the ship so we don't have to worry about that shit. Seems like a good compromise to help reduce the risk.

Nope. They can do both, as you see...they have a shiny new fleet.
Yup, with a full Chapter Strength and the updated fleet and ships done refitted to the doctrine and working together.

You do not have the Songs for that, but she just jumped to #1 Federation Enemy thanks to that stunt.
Yup I assumed with that stunt she would. Put together a hit squad and get some songs done.... Fucking hell we haven't even gotten started any songs yet. So at most we can do one or two songs before we kick off the revolution.

1. Yes.
2. Further infiltrated. Can now gamble on doing two stuff or get a high chance on one effort.
3. No, that is for the most optimal time to trigger the Revolution.
Well, at least the we have the option to try to do two things or just focus on the shield generators to shut them down. might be worth it to focus on them so the Lamenters and teleport on board.

1. That was fluff. You still have all your mechanical advantages ready to roll.
2. Yes, which did gove you a Trigger for when the Revolution pops.
Oh! so like how when our forces in the Hive got attacked those times it was just halting our expansion and not anything deeper then that. Alright that's good, we still have most of our core strength right now.

Oh so they are just waiting for the signal to get the hell out of dodge and head to us when it kicks off, fair enough and good to know how that works now with that and how that option pooped up.

She did fail with 1s, a lot. And every time she failed she pushed back Chaos on your worlds by accident, or revealed some fuckery for one of your neighbors, or slapped Khorne away from the Moths, or prevent a Lamenter tragedy, or...
Oh... so she's helping us more that harming us, this turn not withstanding, and did that stuff? How did she slapp Khorne away from the Moths?

This is just the trope of the enemy that damages their own side more than they ever do to the heroes. I guess she was due for a win soon enough. I will still hate and laugh at her for this though.

Let Our Souls Ignite The Flames Of Kindred Minds Against The Roaring World - Struggle, Fire, Humanity, Unity, Hope, Song

It's quite literally the "Do You Hear The People Sing" option. The one that rouses everyone who doubts this broken, fucked up system into Ignition, into not merely saying, "Shit is bad, guess we can do nothing" but "Tonight We Riot!"

It is literally that fucking cool and useful based on the description and vibes.
Yah, I think if anything we want to get this song and that other song that cuts off communication done before Voxx. Both will be massive boons to it and help our forces.

It is... I just worry about this will affect things with the chaos attack and might inspire some against us as well. Just be wary when using it and the like.

Basically guaranteed.

Enough that you are putting heavy emphasis on getting this done, enough that they know shit went wrong, but not enough to have their victory disease be affected negatively.
Well that's something, so only a turn or two of three actions and taking losses before we can get it into high gear and churn out a SBG a turn and still do things.

Sounds about right and oh boy things are going to get worst before they get better.

If you want them without leaving a chance that they may just *kabloom*, yeah.
Oh, that's great and I am still behind using an action to make sure they can't scuttle the ships with the Lamenters on board. Just take over the areas that do that or would be blocking the way and help the Lamenters take over the ships. I don't count on the Ships NOT to pull a 'Better to die for the Emperor then Live for yourself' moment and scuttle themselves to spite us and killing Lamenters due to it.

Absolutely not. I only allow it for them because they have like a dozen other things they can roll.
yah, as you should. keep it random and a large pool of different thing to choose from.

Oh shit, they are building up more than I thought they could or would. I thought it was just maintained what they had and maybe build new ones. How long did it take them to build that new expansion to the fleet?

Loyalty's Bloom-Class Scout Destroyer - 5x
-Length - 1.600m
-Width - 400m
-Acceleration - 8 Gravities
-Armor - Thin Double Hull
-Shields - One Array
-Weapons - 3x Light Kopesh-Pattern Missile Pods
-Equipment - Ghosts Amidts The Stellar Winds/Snapshot Pinpoint Targeting Solutions/Missile-Swarms/Macross Missile Massacres /BESH Missile Store
My comments:
AHHHH. I can't imagine a more terrifying ambush ship. This is going to dump like 600 missiles on you as an alpha strike, then skedaddle to reload. SO MANY VERY DANGEROUS MISSLES COMING AT YOU OUT OF NOWHERE.
My thing is this thing has Ghosts Amidts The Stellar Winds, this fucker is meant to stealth its way close to you and Missile Massacre you with all those missiles. If this goes the way its meant to then holy shit man.
I know, it's frustrating that they can do with one action what takes us dozens, if not hundreds.

But it's always been easier to break than it was to build. And Dogmatic factions are--irritatingly enough--critically weak against the one power that they're supposed to be specced against, so we can basically be ignored by Chaos heroes teleporting around us, instantly subverting Imperial followers by going loud and just magicking a revolution out in a month or so, and then scooting off while we end up holding the bag of the consequences.

But... Well, that's just how the setting works. "Chaos Always Wins." The fact that they can't just Do This To Us" (Though apparently they were trying to do so until we closed the Heresies hole.) Is what gives us a non-zero chance of coming out on top in the end. It is admittedly frustrating though that in the long run, we're going to be fighting Chaos and all of the Imperium because the latter are fucking muppets who are only competent when it's standing against us and otherwise are basically just tools for Chaos to commandeer with a gesture.

But again, that's just canon. So as frustrated as I am, this is basically just the Expected Outcome. We're the only one who have to have a logical chain of cause and effect to get anywhere in this galaxy, while the Imperium can just go "YAY POPULATION DENSITY AND HYPER COMPETENT ROBOCOPS AS LONG AS WE'RE RUTHLESS :D" and Chaos can just go "YAY I JUST BUY 30 ACTIONS AT THE SLIGHTEST WEAKNESS AND INSTANTLY CREATE A PLANET THREATENING CULT FROM NOTHING AS LONG AS WE'RE EVIL :D."

The only upside to this is that while we have to follow Cause and Effect, other factions have to do the same to beat us. They can't just magically make us lose like how everyone the Imperium fights is either worse than they are or make critical mistakes that make them cut down at great sacrifice (That never actually stops them from advancing anyway), or like how Chaos can just flip a nation in a month.
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I know, it's frustrating that they can do with one action what takes us dozens, if not hundreds.

But it's always been easier to break than it was to build. And Dogmatic factions are--irritatingly enough--critically weak against the one power that they're supposed to be specced against, so we can basically be ignored by Chaos heroes teleporting around us, instantly subverting Imperial followers by going loud and just magicking a revolution out in a month or so, and then scooting off while we end up holding the bag of the consequences.

But... Well, that's just how the setting works. "Chaos Always Wins." The fact that they can't just Do This To Us" (Though apparently they were trying to do so until we closed the Heresies hole.) Is what gives us a non-zero chance of coming out on top in the end. It is admittedly frustrating though that in the long run, we're going to be fighting Chaos and all of the Imperium because the latter are fucking muppets who are only competent when it's standing against us and otherwise are basically just tools for Chaos to commandeer with a gesture.

But again, that's just canon. So as frustrated as I am, this is basically just the Expected Outcome. We're the only one who have to have a logical chain of cause and effect to get anywhere in this galaxy, while the Imperium can just go "YAY POPULATION DENSITY AS LONG AS WE'RE RUTHLESS :D" and Chaos can just go "YAY I JUST BUY 30 ACTIONS AT THE SLIGHTEST WEAKNESS AND INSTANTLY CREATE A PLANET THREATENING CULT FROM NOTHING."

The thing is, did it? Like, other than fucking us over, what did Chaos get from this? Three million cultists is a literal rounding error! We're told by HeroCooky that there are, like, half a dozen ongoing revolts at any one time in the Hive Planet, it's just that most of them stop at a small revolt of only a few million.
The thing is, did it? Like, other than fucking us over, what did Chaos get from this? Three million cultists is a literal rounding error! We're told by HeroCooky that there are, like, half a dozen ongoing revolts at any one time in the Hive Planet, it's just that most of them stop at a small revolt of only a few million.

They didn't gain anything, but nor did they lose anything. But now we lost what little wiggle room we had and now the Big Boys are going to be in place to counter us in the revolution because they were so obvious about it and then proceeded to warn them we were coming while scooting away.

Remember, the heretical superpower is "Buy arbitrary amounts of actions as long as you have enough sacrifices to pay for it." Most Imperial Worlds are a smorgasboard for that.
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They didn't gain anything, but nor did they lose anything. But now we lost what little wiggle room we had and now the Big Boys are going to be in place to counter us in the revolution because they were so obvious about it and then proceeded to warn them we were coming while scooting away.

Remember, the heretical superpower is "Buy arbitrary amounts of actions as long as you have enough sacrifices to pay for it." Most Imperial Worlds are a smorgasboard for that.

I mean, I presume they've spent time here trying to make something happen.

Listen, there has not been a single setback in this entire Quest that you haven't been not only doomer about--and I get that, I'm often negative about setbacks--but utterly apocalyptic about.
On a completely unrelated note to every other conversation, I am very worried about what happened to whatever entity is on that Mechanicus ship over Vox Primus-it did do a warp-scream. So if it's some kind of AI or Machine Spirit I hope that what Caine did to cause that wasn't something irrecoverable from. I'm really hoping its something we can befriend, cause I really like AIs and Machine Spirits and such.

...I also had a thought about what the Cutting Ships might be, in relation to the weird Mechanicus ships.

They might be some kind of 'drone swarm' of ramming ships under the central control of an AI/Machine Spirit located on that big ship, which uses some kind of psytech to either be more maneuverable so they can close the distance, or maybe enhance their ramming attacks via like...applying the Force Weapon effect to their prow-rams.
I mean, I presume they've spent time here trying to make something happen.

Listen, there has not been a single setback in this entire Quest that you haven't been not only doomer about--and I get that, I'm often negative about setbacks--but utterly apocalyptic about.

Except they didn't?

They got a good roll which put them on Voxx Primus, and from there everything else was just them cascading off of that roll. Unless you're going to claim that Caine is also completely invisible to our best operatives--and it was confirmed that there was no Psychic Bullshit going on until she got here and instantly gained a threatening level of momentum. So unless our Templars and our operatives really are fractally incompetent (Which was just recently denied), then yeah, she got on planet and then instantly magicked up an uprising that could penetrate into the Upper Hives before our side could so much as send word that she was there.

They effectively cleaned the planet out of everyone who wasn't already ride or die on our side or agents of the Cult, removed all of our ability to extend the clock, and got away clean, from a single roll putting them on planet. This whole event unfolded in just over 30 days. This was, functionally. "A Chaos Hero got a lucky roll, was put in a good place, and then just bought up so many actions from having so many sacrifices that they did what would take us decades in a month, before fucking off the moment they ran out of easy sacrifices to buy more actions with, getting out clean with a final "Fuck You" aimed directly at us."

Yes, in the long run, it doesn't actually set us back to square one, but it does throw what tiny motes of slack we managed to eke out the door, and proceeded to all but announce we were going to be coming.
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No, but that got pushed into the "minor news" section of the news. You have 34 black-green ships. And they aren't Necron. *wink*


Ok, something happened to the resident Dynasty apparently, no way in the universe would they willingly abandon so many ships.
We are just playing fetch with our fluffy friends.
In the "we mimic throwing and they run off" version. And they come back with stuff.

They got a good roll
critical success.
5 is a holy number for Starfather, too, and Caine got 5 and 5.
This was, functionally. "A Chaos Hero got a lucky roll, was put in a good place, and then just bought up so many actions from having so many sacrifices that they did what would take us decades in a month, before fucking off the moment they ran out of easy sacrifices to buy more actions with, getting out clean with a final "Fuck You" aimed directly at us."

I'm pretty sure we had a larger, more entrenched, and certainly more hidden movement with one action on Voxx than Caine did.

She just went loud, which spooked the people who will stare at us, and they still won't find us for 30 years. That's a hell of a long time.

We've been incredibly lucky this quest, which I chalk up to the star child protecting us from waaghs warping in on a world, or necron fleets appearing, etc etc. No surprise enemies, no truly threatening invasions. Even this is us expanding!

We are the cradle of the Star Child, protected in their crib!
The problem is, when things go right, it's often in very subtle ways that aren't always obvious until it's brought up. When things go wrong, it looks like the other side just fucking materialized from the aether with a few dozen actions ready to go before we even find out they're present.

Suffice to say, I'm frustrated but I'm hardly livid, because I was expecting something like this to happen from the get-go. I thought we'd have a chance to actually intervene when it happened, but "Chaos teleports a Hero in who fucks our plan up" was always something I expected to be a matter of time rather than a surprise. The only good news is that they didn't actually stop our advance so much as just prevented us from pushing the doom clock back any further.
[X] Plan: ALL IN, The Flop
-[X] Minotaur (2/2.5)
---[X] Excess to go into Leviathan
-[X] Leviathan (0/2.5) x2
-[X] Note, both new SBGs are to be in Perfinda, so that they CANNOT in any way notice that we now have 5 SBGs.
-[X] Auto Melody: Justice 1
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it looks like the other side just fucking materialized from the aether with a few dozen actions ready to go before we even find out they're present
Here is the main thing I disagree with, 'a few dozen actions' would've seen Chaos actually take the world, or permanently marr it or something. We could've had a revolt this size with a single action, maybe a few more, we had many many millions of followers relatively quickly and then could've gone loud in a Mad Max out the wastelands glory ride.

This was a tiny ass revolt that the QM said lucked with timing to be actually annoying to us, calling it dozens of actions worth seems an order of magnitude off.
-Promise of Rebirth - An Ancient Hellfire Dreadnought once occupied by Chapter Master Amadeus 'Chyron' Chyropheles, May His Name Ever Be Remembered, before dying due to old age in 798.M42 after nearly two millennia of service in the name of Humanity. Painstakingly maintained and upgraded throughout the centuries, it now sports a Heavy Plasma Cannon, Missile Launcher, Smoke Launchers, and Twin-Linked Heavy Bolters, alongside improved Auramite armor coatings.
Oh, I checked the Lamenters information and this was added. It is now a relic....BOLT IT DOWN BEFORE THE MAGPIES ARRIVE!

Still pretty good all things considered and good loadout.

In order;
Very much a "Myths and Legends" thing for the general population and a "Yeah, they a thing way over there" for the upper class.

Not much beyond some...odd choices in equipment/weapons, but the style is very similar to standard space marine ships.

No, but that got pushed into the "minor news" section of the news. You have 34 black-green ships. Because they aren't Necron. *wink*
....Hold, what is the context for the Nobility? Like there was a Space Marine chapter that did a few things in the neighboring sectors? That sounded like it was closer and still around.

And that last bit... holy shit we really need to get around to doing that research action already. we have 34 ship just sitting there and very cheeky. We don't know about the Necron yet in quest and their name so they aren't Necron.

I know, it's frustrating that they can do with one action what takes us dozens, if not hundreds.

But it's always been easier to break than it was to build. And Dogmatic factions are--irritatingly enough--critically weak against the one power that they're supposed to be specced against, so we can basically be ignored by Chaos heroes teleporting around us, instantly subverting Imperial followers by going loud and just magicking a revolution out in a month or so, and then scooting off while we end up holding the bag of the consequences.

But... Well, that's just how the setting works. "Chaos Always Wins." The fact that they can't just Do This To Us" (Though apparently they were trying to do so until we closed the Heresies hole.) Is what gives us a non-zero chance of coming out on top in the end. It is admittedly frustrating though that in the long run, we're going to be fighting Chaos and all of the Imperium because the latter are fucking muppets who are only competent when it's standing against us and otherwise are basically just tools for Chaos to commandeer with a gesture.

But again, that's just canon. So as frustrated as I am, this is basically just the Expected Outcome. We're the only one who have to have a logical chain of cause and effect to get anywhere in this galaxy, while the Imperium can just go "YAY POPULATION DENSITY AND HYPER COMPETENT ROBOCOPS AS LONG AS WE'RE RUTHLESS :D" and Chaos can just go "YAY I JUST BUY 30 ACTIONS AT THE SLIGHTEST WEAKNESS AND INSTANTLY CREATE A PLANET THREATENING CULT FROM NOTHING AS LONG AS WE'RE EVIL :D."

The only upside to this is that while we have to follow Cause and Effect, other factions have to do the same to beat us. They can't just magically make us lose like how everyone the Imperium fights is either worse than they are or make critical mistakes that make them cut down at great sacrifice (That never actually stops them from advancing anyway), or like how Chaos can just flip a nation in a month.
My Brother in Star Child, she has been trying to do start for centuries and failed, inadvertently helping us in some cases and only just managed to do something in the past Six turns since she got here to Voxx Primus. She wasn't even here for us and made that last message at us. She came here for something and I'm guessing it was to do that ritual for the thing in that Ship and grab some sacrifices and such, its grocery shopping for her or regular a regular robbery, except she saw a chance to inconvenience us and took it after rolling a 5 5, which was a crit for her, and didn't really do much except be able to do the Ritual and dip while doing with some of general damage. No taking the entire world, no turning it into a Daemon world, no trying cracking the planet or blow our cover this turn and forcing us to launch the revolution this very turn.

Yes that is how Chaos works and using sacrifices and the like to get more ships, support, actions and the like but as we see, they also need to invest actions for shit and take time for big moves like that Armory world we made them waste 6 actions on and stopped any major reinforcements in the 621 Sub-Sector because we raided and stopped the mass sacrifices that would have just summoned a fleet from the Warp.
For the record. When we first started our infiltration of Voxx Primus, our gang was 30 million strong. That was the result of 1 action invested. The Star-Magos, after 60 turns worth of trying to fuck us over, managed 3 millions and only tightened our timetable a little.
To be honest, the dooming is tiring and feels more than a little bit rude to the QM.
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[X] Plan : development
-[X] Heavy Industry VI (1/2)
-[X] Medical Services VI (1/2)
-[X] Military Industry VI (1/2)

[X] Plan: Hope and Ships
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Oh, this one and the Temple Ship aren't new, messed up with the coloring parts there. :V
Speaking of which, what happened to the previous ships? Scrapped I presume?
[X] Plan: ALL IN, The Flop
-[X] Minotaur (2/2.5)
---[X] Excess to go into Leviathan
-[X] Leviathan (0/2.5) x2
-[X] Note, both new SBGs are to be in Perfinda, so that they CANNOT in any way notice that we now have 5 SBGs.
FYI, we still have the Auto Melodies to take care of so it's best you come up with one to do before it does something random
We are waiting for a faith turn, to make the research actually work.
Thing is, that's waiting for a miracle to happen, something that's pretty unlikely to happen. I do think it might be worth it to just go ahead and do it, or just gamble with taking the Learn Melody actions to see if we can get it (and do note it's 4x as likely we get Chaos fuckery instead).
[X] Plan: ALL IN, The Flop

Honestly, I'm not that sad that we have to finally deal with Voxx. Next time anyone wants to mess with a Hive World I'm telling them to go pound sand.
I do think it might be worth it to just go ahead and do it
We have so much to research theres no need to rush to press the mystery box.

[X] Plan: ALL IN, The Flop

Melodies we haven't learned:
Slumber, Mercy, Wisdom, Brutality, Ruthlessness, Innovation, Machinery, Paths, Community, Family
Could try to upgrade a Song.

We should get a notice from the Prop Office this coming Turn if we need to Trigger Voxx Revolution the following Turn.
Voting is open