What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Lol. Ok. We have 9 actions and 8 essential actions (including the actual invasion). Let's get cranking.
-[] [General] Voxx Primus Population Crisis Preparations
--[] Evacuation Fleets - (1/4) x2
-[] [Military] Fill Out Sector Battle Group
--[] Minotaur (2/2.5)
--[] Leviathan (0/2.5)

Can probably only get a single song now. Revolution or Grounding?
Lol. Ok. We have 9 actions and 8 essential actions (including the actual invasion). Let's get cranking.
-[] [General] Voxx Primus Population Crisis Preparations
--[] Evacuation Fleets - (1/4) x2
-[] [Military] Fill Out Sector Battle Group
--[] Minotaur (2/2.5)
--[] Leviathan (0/2.5)

Can probably only get a single song now. Revolution or Grounding?

Revolution, I think.
Honestly I had been thinking we've had a long peace without random Waagh's, Eldar raiders, Tyranids etc for the 40k universe. We were about due, and this wasn't even that big a thing.
She literally rolled below 4s in a 2d6 system for nearly ~60 turns. :cry::rage:

I think your balance is of in that case?

Imagine if every single one of her actions had this kind of effect, but she'd rolled normally instead of abnormally low. We'd be facing a crisis like this every 2-3 turns, and that would absolutely not be survivable.

Like, it feels like you boosted her actions to make up for the fact that she constantly rolled failures, but that kinda undermines the point of failures being well, failures?
-[] Minotaur (2/2.5)
---[] Excess to go into Leviathan
-[] Leviathan (0/2.5) x2
-[] Note, both new SBGs are to be in Perfinda, so that they CANNOT in any way notice that we now have 5 SBGs.

Added this bit.
Harrowing news from Voxx Primus; Star-Magos Caine has returned, her tainted soul and corrupting speeches rearing their heads once more within the minds of the innocent and insufficiently guarded.

With her words, she took up the banner of the Five-Fold Path. With her techno-sorceries, she beguiled many Techpriests, from the lowest Acolyte to the highest Magos. With her corruption seeping from unholy sigils, she turned Regiments of PDF and scores of local law enforcers and Arbites to her side.
In her name, the Hallowed Cogitation screamed within the Warp for three minutes, something within the vessel writhing in pain and terror beyond counting and knowing.
The cutting weirdness came from a magos that we kicked out doing chaos-y shit in their mechanicus.

The damage to our networks has been... significant. Many of our operations had to be burned in full or evacuated immediately thanks to the frenzy of the populations, and the Propaganda Office is certain that our efforts to undermine and infiltrate Voxx Primus cannot be kept hidden for more than three decades thanks to these...events. All efforts must be placed on ensuring the war will succeed now. There is little room for anything else now.

Doubly so because the Arch-Heresiarch Caine ensured one last message was played through the Noosphere and vox-casters of the planet;
+++In the name of the Star-Father and the Five-Faced Godhead, I bid thee farewell until we meet again; all you fooled by the lies of The Glimmering Quinceps and his words of gilded poison. May your war be long and bloody.+++
Caine. You are a fucking cunt.

Well played @HeroCooky
Honestly I had been thinking we've had a long peace without random Waagh's, Eldar raiders, Tyranids etc for the 40k universe. We were about due, and this wasn't even that big a thing.
Next thing you know, they show up at your front door using the unstable warp route, the bloody wankers.
@HeroCooky Is codex action auto-filling like other lamenters actions or do we need to do it?
Probably something we have to trigger given the user/voter input.

Does anyone have any idea as to what they'd change about the Codex Astartes? I'm not very familiar with it but the whole independent small Chapters all spread out seems like a waste to me, even if it was originally intended for good reasons.
Is it time now to smack emergency button for 5AP turns? We're now very sure the war will happen in the next 30 years.
We need the first casualty reports to come back to scare our people into accepting that. I also agree it's best used when the war kicks off.

...how's the Megafreighters situation? Or rather, precisely how fucked is it?
That's included in the 7 mandatory actions. We have literally one free. We should probably jam it next turn, with the 4 actions we've got then. Reminder of the write-in I wrote.
-[] [Megafreighter Infiltration] Federation logistical planners have determined it is absolutely essential to capture the three megafreighters 'Trusty Delivery,' 'On-Time Hallowed Foods,' and 'Bulk Discounts Need Not Apply' in working order to avoid massive famines on Voxx Primus during the upcoming war. To that end, all three ships must be infiltrated to a degree sufficient to enable takeover, or at least enough to facilitate boarding and capture by Chameleon during the initial stages of the invasion. Therefore, we will plant infiltrators into the crew in key positions and make plans to infiltrate elite Templar strike teams & plan out boarding actions to allow the ships to be seized quickly and without damage.

And you tell me, when I stared at the 2d6's rolling both 5.
Would it have been better if they were lower? Like if she'd rolled 2 3's or something.

Yup, nothing complicated. Let's do it.
I think your balance is of in that case?

Imagine if every single one of her actions had this kind of effect, but she'd rolled normally instead of abnormally low. We'd be facing a crisis like this every 2-3 turns, and that would absolutely not be survivable.

Like, it feels like you boosted her actions to make up for the fact that she constantly rolled failures, but that kinda undermines the point of failures being well, failures?
Her action was pretty minor, a small chaos uprising that was quashed quickly as far as I can tell? It just happened at the worst time for us :p.
We need the first casualty reports to come back to scare our people into accepting that. I also agree it's best used when the war kicks off.

That's included in the 7 mandatory actions. We have literally one free. We should probably jam it next turn, with the 4 actions we've got then. Reminder of the write-in I wrote.
-[] [Megafreighter Infiltration] Federation logistical planners have determined it is absolutely essential to capture the three megafreighters 'Trusty Delivery,' 'On-Time Hallowed Foods,' and 'Bulk Discounts Need Not Apply' in working order to avoid massive famines on Voxx Primus during the upcoming war. To that end, all three ships must be infiltrated to a degree sufficient to enable takeover, or at least enough to facilitate boarding and capture by Chameleon during the initial stages of the invasion. Therefore, we will plant infiltrators into the crew in key positions and make plans to infiltrate elite Templar strike teams & plan out boarding actions to allow the ships to be seized quickly and without damage.

Would it have been better if they were lower? Like if she'd rolled 2 3's or something.

Yup, nothing complicated. Let's do it.

I know what that action is, but I'm not sure whether it's fucked or not yet.

Similarly, @HeroCooky , can you use a Song on the same turn you Develop it?
I think your balance is of in that case?

Imagine if every single one of her actions had this kind of effect, but she'd rolled normally instead of abnormally low. We'd be facing a crisis like this every 2-3 turns, and that would absolutely not be survivable.

Like, it feels like you boosted her actions to make up for the fact that she constantly rolled failures, but that kinda undermines the point of failures being well, failures?
And you tell me, when I stared at the 2d6's rolling both 5.
Sounds to me like she got a series of failures and then got a critical success since it seems 5 is also the lucky number for the Star-Father.

But yeah, this really fucked us up here. Not severe, but certainly something that just messed up our timeframe and will likely cost billions their lives.
Her action was pretty minor, a small chaos uprising that was quashed quickly as far as I can tell? It just happened at the worst time for us :p.
It's an odd feeling when you look at the chaos she caused and go "Yeah it was a small uprising for a hive world". Like she was actively subverting everyone but that shit cooked. Also yeah either we gotta trigger the revolution. Thankfully the next planet over still has assets
Well at least I no longer have to debate with all those, "Oh we can definitely just save the SBGs for the last moment" people, whereas I was like, "If literally anything goes wrong while we stint on SBGs we're in a world of hurt."

It's an odd feeling when you look at the chaos she caused and go "Yeah it was a small uprising for a hive world". Like she was actively subverting everyone but that shit cooked. Also yeah either we gotta trigger the revolution. Thankfully the next planet over still has assets

Not yet, but the timer is now running out. On the third turn, we Trigger it, Send a Fleet, and One Other Thing, whatever that is.
Her action was pretty minor, a small chaos uprising that was quashed quickly as far as I can tell? It just happened at the worst time for us :p.
The main thing is that apparently it occured without us having the slightest idea that it, or any preparation like it, were occuring.

It's unfortunate that we have literally zero actions for it, but we should probably invest in chaos detection if we can do so at any point in time.