What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Uh. Do we even need to spend actions on freighter infiltration? Apparently the lamenters can just handle it pretty easily. We won't have as many for the space battle, but I think those actions can be better used elsewhere.

Like a full build action of Sagittariuses. And a grounding song to make the void battle go better.
We're fighting 5/5 Dogmatics.

I would not count on them not blowing up their superfreighters in the event of hostile boarding.
Basically guaranteed.

Enough that you are putting heavy emphasis on getting this done, enough that they know shit went wrong, but not enough to have their victory disease be affected negatively.
If you want them without leaving a chance that they may just *kabloom*, yeah.
It wouldn't be a wasted effort.
So, alternate plan with one megafrieghter infiltration action focused on preventing them from self-destructing, then have the lamenters capture them?
Hmm @HeroCooky so the New Dawn Corporation can sometimes do auto-dev. Is is possible to create a ISC that does auto-dev like New Dawn does on occasion or is that too OP? Like "randomly once per turn it bumps up one industry stat" kinda deal
Welp, it's not ideal, but we were never getting ideal, at least we should hit our minimum goals for when it's Go Time.
Harrowing news from Voxx Primus; Star-Magos Caine has returned, her tainted soul and corrupting speeches rearing their heads once more within the minds of the innocent and insufficiently guarded.
...the Propaganda Office is certain that our efforts to undermine and infiltrate Voxx Primus cannot be kept hidden for more than three decades thanks to these...events.
Big lol. I'm kinda happy we have to just get into it now, no more screwing around.

Fair enough. We already beat the imperial ships in stats so I'm not really concerned about benchmarking against them. We need to have way better ships because of their Dogmatic roll advantage. I guess my design philosophy leans toward being weapon heavy.

1 PSYTECH Andromedas. If we decide to refit anything, then PSYTECH is the path, the correct combat version of the Andromeda is as an amplifier for choirs.
Psytech tree has an upgraded Hymns of the Machine somewhere behind it for Andromedas. I think its a bad idea to stick Andromedas in combat except maybe at Extreme+++ range. Risks losing our fleet transport and the cost of Hymns dilutes the DP needed to be a good combat ship. Better a specialist combat Psytech ship.

You mean, 250 billion on the planets we are terraforming.
50 billion more can be comfortably housed on Voxx itself.
And then a number can be housed on our preexisting planets, though that will involve significant social unrest.
I would rather space all 100 billion of them than let them ruin our Development and core planets.

Hopefully we can fit in Habitat building during the ground war.

So ultimately we just lost 2 turns, not 2 turns and 3-4 actions.
After last turn's 'additional effort' action, we would be at '~60 years to discovery' this turn without the Chaos fuckery. Instead we are at '~30yrs to discovery'. We lost 3 turns.

If you want them without leaving a chance that they may just *kabloom*, yeah.
I was thinking we just task Lamenters and Chamleons to hijack during Military action but we need the guarantee it works. Really sucks it costs 2/3rd of a decade of labour by a ~+50B civilization backed by a full strength Chapter of Space Marines to ensure capturing 3 civilian freighters but it is what it is.

[] Plan: ALL IN, The River
Yup this looks like the best sequence of plans to me. This is Turn 850, I'm somewhat hopeful we can Trigger Voxx Revolution on Turn 860 instead but depends on if '~30 years to discovery' is AFTER 3 decades or ON the 3rd decade. The Propaganda Office will give us 1 Turn notice either way.
I'm just going through the Lamenter's fleet and Oh My God. I've noted how many they have of each and left some comments. I only have one question - @HeroCooky Can we build any of these? I Kind of love the Loyalty's Bloom & the Bloody Sunset ships.

Loyalty's Bloom-Class Scout Destroyer - 5x
-Length - 1.600m
-Width - 400m
-Acceleration - 8 Gravities
-Armor - Thin Double Hull
-Shields - One Array
-Weapons - 3x Light Kopesh-Pattern Missile Pods
-Equipment - Ghosts Amidts The Stellar Winds/Snapshot Pinpoint Targeting Solutions/Missile-Swarms/Macross Missile Massacres /BESH Missile Store
My comments:
AHHHH. I can't imagine a more terrifying ambush ship. This is going to dump like 600 missiles on you as an alpha strike, then skedaddle to reload. SO MANY VERY DANGEROUS MISSLES COMING AT YOU OUT OF NOWHERE.

Risen Dirge-Class Boarding Ship - 2x
-Length - 1.700m
-Width - 400m
-Acceleration - 5.5 Gravities
-Armor - Single Hull
-Shields - Two Emitters
-Weapons - 2x Boarding Torpedoes
-Equipment - Light Teleportarium/Armored Prow/Tuned Shields/Gravimetric Engine Calculations
My comments:
Yeah sure whatever a standard Space Marine boarding ship.

Lantern Bearer Mk.2-Class Commandeering Ship - 6x
-Length - 2.000m
-Width - 500m
-Acceleration - 7 Gravities
-Armor - Medium Double Hull
-Shields - Two Arrays
-Weapons - Prow Ram/2x Boarding Batteries/2x Medium Missile Turrets
-Equipment - Light Teleportarium/Hardened Prow/Prow Spur/"Brace For Impact!"/Tuned Shields/Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Auto-Loaders/Missile-Swarms
My comments:
Oh hey cool a ramming ship. Nice. Still going hard on the missiles beyond that. Cool.

Resurgence Mk.2-Class Torpedo Hunter - 6x
-Length - 1.600m
-Width - 400m
-Acceleration - 8 Gravities
-Armor - Thin Double Hull
-Shields - One Array
-Weapons - 2x 4x80m Torpedos/4x Light Kopesh-Pattern Missile Pods
-Equipment - Armored Prow/Tuned Shields/Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Ship Shrines/Auto-Loaders/Missile-Swarms/Macross Missile Massacres/BESH Missile Store
My comments:
Goddamn they like their missiles don't they? This thing looks built to charge headlong into enemies, shoot its very scary missiles dry and then ram & board. The Tuned shield will probably allow it to survive to close the range too.

Bloody Sunrise-Class Light Cruiser - 4x
-Length - 4.400m
-Width - 600m
-Acceleration - 5 Gravities
-Armor - Thin Triple Hull
-Shields - One Matrix
-Weapons - 1x Heavy Prow Ram/6x Boarding Torpedoes/2x Medium Boarding Hangars/1x Medium Missile Turret (Total: 72 Boarders)
-Equipment - Hardened Prow/Prow Spur/"Brace For Impact!"/"ALL AHEAD FULL!"/Armored Bridges/Ship Shrines/Medium Teleportarium/Tuned Shields/Emergency Maneuver Thrusters
My comments:
Haha another boarding ship of course, nothing too notable, though I'll note this is a lot of bording capability.

Bloody Sunset-Class Light Cruiser - 4x
-Length - 4.400m
-Width - 600m
-Acceleration - 5 Gravities
-Armor - Thin Triple Hull
-Shields - One Matrix
-Weapons - 3x Medium Rotary Macro-Cannon Batteries/2x Medium Plasma Macro-Cannons Turrets
-Equipment - Auto-Loaders/After-Burner Macro-Shells/Internal Security Systems/Armored Bridges/Ship Shrines/Medium Teleportarium/Tuned Shields/Snapshot Pinpoint Targeting Solutions
My comments:
Oh, nice. A very solid macro-cannon lineholder. I think I'd pull out the teleporatrium and stick lattice hulls on it, but very solid.

Thunderous Wings-Class Heavy Cruiser - 2x
-Length - 5.400m
-Width - 1.000m
-Acceleration - 3 Gravities
-Armor - Thick Bulwark Hull
-Shields - Three Lattices
-Weapons - Heavy Fighter Hangars/2x Heavy Rotary Macro-Cannon Turret/3x Medium Rotary Macro-Cannon Batteries (Total: 72 Fighters)
-Equipment - Shield Overload/Tuned Shields/Armored Prow/Armored Bridges/Auto-Loaders/After-Burner Macro-Shells/Strict Pilot Training/Medium Teleportarium/Dedicated Ortillery
My comments:
Huh, this one looks like it's trying to be a lot of things at once, but mostly a lineholder that can also provide fighter cover, has ortillery and a teleporter.

Eternal Promise-Class Temple Ship -1x
-Length - 7.200m
-Width - 1.400m
-Acceleration - 2.4 Gravities
-Armor - Thick Fortress Armor
-Shields - One Aegis
-Weapons - 6x Boarding Torpedos/4x Medium Plasma Macro-Cannon Batteries/2x Heavy Plasma Macro-Cannon Turrets/2x Heavy Hangars (Boarding) (Total: 120 Boarders)
-Equipment - Armored Prow/Auto-Loaders/Strict Pilot Training/Dedicated Ortillery/Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Emergency Maneuver Thrusters/Armored Bridges/Harsh Crew Training/Improved Internal Security Systems/Snapshot Pinpoint Targeting Solutions/Chapels to the Five/Large Teleportarium/After-Burner Macro-Shells/Shield Overload
My comments:
What a beast. Big, fast, pretty tough. Anything that gets close is going to have Space Marine-shaped problems.
Re: triggering the Voxx revolution:

Remember, we still want to delay this by as many turns as we can manage. If it starts too early, then basically all of our terraforming efforts will have been for nothing and hundreds of billions of people will starve to death.
Re: triggering the Voxx revolution:

Remember, we still want to delay this by as many turns as we can manage. If it starts too early, then basically all of our terraforming efforts will have been for nothing and hundreds of billions of people will starve to death.
No? We can just keep it running more or less as normal for a century or so? We are setting up everything we need to be able to feed it properly. Our fleets just need to hold the line and defend Voxx Secundus.

I'm also pretty sure the ship on delaying it any more has sailed, re what the QM has said.
Damn you Caine.

The lead up to dealing with Voxx was going to be an uncomfortably fast walk with a small detour to nearby shop for a snack, but now it's mad sprint to catch the flaming bus of revolution.

I hope we get something useful on our way there. Some kind of trip up on Duchy's part.
But at this point we can only trust our own ships, so much for my dreams of an easy victory.

Voxx is like an uncomfortably long studying prep before a giant exam. I want that damned test to be over and to get a positive grade...
I'm just going through the Lamenter's fleet and Oh My God. I've noted how many they have of each and left some comments. I only have one question - @HeroCooky Can we build any of these? I Kind of love the Loyalty's Bloom & the Bloody Sunset ships.
Yeah. They are in your list of ships, aren't they? (Except for the Grand Cruiser ones.)
Neablis said:
Yeah sure whatever a standard Space Marine boarding ship.
Oh, this one and the Temple Ship aren't new, messed up with the coloring parts there. :V
@HeroCooky Do we have any information how much of a mystique the Space Marines have among the Duchy?

Also, how divergent are their ships from traditional space marine style. Do they follow our building look, or the traditional imperium one?

Also, finally,
Does the integration of the Yeeni mean they stopped fetching us Necron vessels, or did that get integrated into the New Dawn roll table?
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@HeroCooky Do we have any information how much of a mystique the Space Marines have among the Duchy?

Also, how divergent are their ships from traditional space marine style. Do they follow our building look, or the traditional imperium one?

Also, finally,
Does the integration of the Yeeni mean they stopped fetching us Necron vessels, or did that get integrated into the New Dawn roll table?
In order;
Very much a "Myths and Legends" thing for the general population and a "Yeah, they a thing way over there" for the upper class.

Not much beyond some...odd choices in equipment/weapons, but the style is very similar to standard space marine ships.

No, but that got pushed into the "minor news" section of the news. You have 34 black-green ships. And they aren't Necron. *wink*