What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Anyway, to illustrate the relative benefits and drawbacks of stations, I made the computer do a bit more math.

PlanetTarget BiosphereMaximum Population (Billions)Terraformation Time (Years)Completion Time (Year)Currently TerraformingPopulation × (Completion Year - 880)
AmutVolcanic Basalt Lichen1080890No100
Howling GaleBlack-Sky Myconoid50120886Yes300
LlolanovTemperate Forests and Mild Arctic9140950No630
NusharDry Forests and Steppes22150960No1760
LitraIce Bog15160970No1350
IxcatWet Tidally Locked16160970No1440
NurnFog Mountains27170970Yes2430
IvuhPlanetary Mangroves18180990No1980
X-14/RHODry Caves91901000No1080
MapharaTepui and Cenote101200980Yes10100
YeogawaFlowering Abundance462201030No6900
ScilPetrified Woods and New Growth Forests352301040No5600
TrifLilypad Ocean202501060No3600

The new column to the table illustrates the difference between stations (available right now), and planets (future) in the billion years of people that we're leaving people on a hellworld.

Right now, the plan total is 15 710 billion people years, driven mostly by Maphara taking ages.

A max terraforming plan :
--[] Nushar (22 billion, complete 960)
--[] Ixcat (16 billion, complete 970)
--[] Litra (15 billion, complete 970)
--[] Ivuh (18 billion, complete 980)
will increase that too 22 240 billion people years.
Before Maphara is a very weird deadline to take, because Maphara itself is a century too late.
Well, in a sense it is, except that we expect at least 50 years of fighting on the planet where we won't be able to evacuate anybody. And after that we'll have the option to delay and let the hive 'fester' as the planets finishing. As I see it we literally don't have a choice but to wait, since that 100 billion of capacity is absolutely required to evacuate Voxx. So we might as well plan for the rest of the terraforming to finish by then anyway, then delay delay delay until 980 and we can actually house everybody.

I could see swapping out Ivuh for Bob to get that housing earlier, though I think it's likely to be sitting there for a while as the war ticks on.

Acceleration is exponential if we don't actively turn the clock back.
We've still got ~5-7 more turns, yeah?
Yeah. Unlike Van Zandt, for whom Voxx Primus is merely a source of manpower, we can make very efficient use of the 300 billion people there. All our actions will benefit from this, though I expect it'll take a generation before we can make use of it (because we'll need to reprogram all the Hivers). The Temple ship will likely help there, it's a conversion machine.
yup, given our QoL and focus on improving things we will be able to find some place and work for those people, along with finally adding more Choirs again since any choirs on Voxx Primus can't get the age-slowing or whatever serum. So that alone will help a lot.

The death of the late Chapter Master Amadeus 'Chyron' Chyropheles hits the Federation, above all other deaths that decade, the hardest. Possibly the hardest since Saint Teeln, Prophet of the Star Child, and First Hymnal Bnuy passed in their sleep to the side of the Star Child.

A veritable ancient of the days before Candle Keeper Station was freed, instrumental in liberating the seed that would become the Glimmering Federation, a stalwart ally in ways and fights beyond counting, and a well of lore and history that had historians flock to his gates for even a sentence of insight into the past.

It is the starkest severance to the Federation's founding and past that could happen, one that left a gaping maw in the minds of all who had assumed that Chyron would live forever in his duty to humanity and the Star Child.
Oh right, that guy was a living history since he has been active for a long time and the Lamenters were a Fleet Based Chapter so they travelled around a lot. not to mention the Glimmering Federation is... to the galactic north east and south east of of Ghoul Stars? I think? So yah we are in our own little bubble here.

Add to that he has been around since the beginning along with our Saint and Prophet so its kinda that feeling, he's always been there and now he's gone. Another of the founding members died, it really hits when considering how long they've been alive and there have been many generations who knew of him or just alive during that it seems like he always would be there to watch over and guard him.

Oh shit, I didn't think of it like that. he basically watched the entire history of their nation, someone who was there day one and you could ask about how things were or just look to for how any number of things regarding the Federation.

If it were not for the still-lively presence of the Five Divine Beasts and their sight at the Week of Mourning called in response to the death of Chapter Master Chyron, the response would have likely been far more significant. To be a citizen of the Federation was to be one among giants and heroes that walked the worlds liberated from Chaos and Heresy in its first half of existence. To be one in its latter half is to be one staring up at timeless shapers and carvers of history, workers of magics and psykery, towering intellects and minds of grand strategy, comforted in the knowledge that the weight of centuries of experience itself is on your side.

To lose one such pillar of assured knowledge was a blow at any time, to lose the last that had seen the entire history of their nation and people?

It was enough to invite despair.
Oh, well that was an unintended side effect, the Five Divine Beasts being there for the week of Mourning still showing up shows there are still others from those early days. And damn, I didn't think of it like that, so many generation born and died while Teeln and Chyron and others still alive, you lived, went about your lives and looked to them for guidance or left things to them to lead or figure out. Always having someone there to fix things or solve big problems. And the second half our time in quest really has been kicking into high gear with research and new discoveries and bigger picture that was still guided by those giants, I think the last our the founding council is gone now. I guess this is Childhood's End and now the Federation will need to do without them, a big Step up now in character.

And yet, it had been a millennium of labor to rebuild those mighty defenders of humanity that had once united the galaxy. It had been a millennium of work to create a Chapter from nothing to a thousand strong once more. A millennium where the Lamenters were not cast out as cursed mongrels but as cherished protectors and allies against the cold of the void.

If a week of mourning him was what was needed to fill the empty maw his passing had left in the soul of the Federation, then a week of celebration in his name, and in the name of all Lamenters who had died in the name of their duty to shield the innocents, was not needed, it was mandated by the people.

They deserve nothing less.
Indeed, his work has been One thousand years of rebuilding the Lamenters Chapter back up to full strength and passing on everything he knew to them and managed to find a home with allies that will stick with them. And the week of mourning followed by week of celebration for all that was done and all Lamenters who fell in combat to get this far.

Oh right so do we need to do that week of celebration for the Lamenters or did that already happen after the week of mourning?

-[] Ogryn Neural Cognition Enhancement Studies
(Gain: Potentially smarter (potentially up to a smart 5-year old!) Ogryn?)
Holy shit that's big improvements! we gonna get big thinkers. wish we could spare an action for it.

-[] Evacuation Fleets - (0/4.5)
(Gain: 4x Canis-Major, 9xCanis-Minor, 3x Rustbucket-Class, and 19x Auriga-Class, enough to evacuate Voxx Primus without titanic civilian casualties.)
Ah, shit. so that many actions worth but makes sense considering its a fleet for Evac and supplying Voxx-Primus and its only an action and half more. It also shows that like the Terraforming the actual number of actions needed is dependent on our way of designing and going about things as shown with the two past options. I would honestly just spend a single action in Space Habitat to see what the required action will be at this point.

Is the Space Habitat similar in the past choices in that we will get an option to choose how and what to include in the stations or get a better insight into how they work, stuff needed to build them and the like QM? @HeroCooky

I feel fully and entirely vindicated in pointing out that we needed to take the Evacuation Fleet Design action as early as possible.
Yah, I think it was dependent on how we designed the ships and how expensive they would be to build. but yah, it was best to get this done so we knew what to expect.

Yeah, it means that.
On the other hand, it would mean far less people you need to worry about.
So what's a little starvation that makes every famine on Earth combined look like nature wasn't even trying in the face of that? :V
ahhhh, yah this problem. It'd be far easier to let more people died from it and deal with what's left but that's just not how we are. We choose this path and refused the easy way out and so we'll grit our teeth and hard this long path and try to save and feed as many people as we can.

Also holy fuck! that bad huh? reminds me of the arugments and rants about how Hive Cities just should NOT work.

Yes, but only if both are done.
Fair enough but given how it dropped down to two actions each, 3 actions is enough since we get .4 banked to a free research point with each action. So it'd be a turn's worth of action to get done. I would say its worth it. Better to get that done before the war kicks off so it has time to trickle down.

None, planet will be colonized and prepared for the Hivers ahead of time, below abstraction.

Nope. The Templars did enable you to get into higher/advantageous positions that will pay dividends next Turn.
Yah, those worlds should be fine until they settle down and the children grow up adjusted to things, I do wonder how the culture of those worlds will evolve given its a Hiver population on some of these worlds. Still overall best to do and I still say doing the Space Stations is worth it rather than dumping the population our worlds, less unrest and all.

I will say that people are forgetting we'll be busy after the war kicks off since we'll be using actions to replace losses in the SBG's first and foremost. We still might need to contest the space and hold on evac. I can see this going for 5 or more turns before that is the case so I will say we don't NEED the whole Evac fleet done but it be at 3 or 4 so its ready to get with a single action. And as much as I dislike putting it off, Songs as well. We can do the songs during the war turns if need be.

In addition to any other write in's or attempt to push back the discovery, But I think we should be able to do it. It won't with our dream loadout but you go with what you got. I would say to at least finish the other SBG next turn and put two actions into the Evac fleet over the next few turns.
@HeroCooky What does our naval personnel think of the survivability of the Andromeda in a future battlefield environment?
The entire point of the Andromedas is to drop off the fleet and run the hell away until the shooting stops. It's 100% not supposed to get even within strike craft launch range of the fighting.

The best thing to do with the Andromeda is max out it's engines and stuff a bunch of defensive stuff into it like the point defense guns instead of trying to turn it into a worse Libra.

It does not stay with the fleet.
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The entire point of the Andromedas is to drop off the fleet and run the hell away until the shooting stops. It's 100% not supposed to get even within strike craft launch range of the fighting.

The best thing to do with the Andromeda is max out it's engines and stuff a bunch of defensive stuff into it like the point defense guns instead of trying to turn it into a worse Libra.

It does not stay with the fleet.
We're going up against a peer enemy. Any plan that counts on us never needing to retreat is a terrible one, that will see our fleets scattered and defeated piecemeal.

Also, not sure where you got "worse Libra" from. I merely said that the design is thoroughly obsolete, which it is.
Equally tied. Freighters are critical to keep the planet fed (and exert pressure that way), but that point is moot if the stations aren't taken, yet it won't change as much as not having the freighters...
Both need to happen. Maybe we can adjust the write-in as such, and if we're lucky that'll work for both. @HeroCooky ? My thoguht is that the megafreighters dock at the stations all the time, so we can get entry into them through there as part of the same action?
-[] Voxx Station Infiltration. We already have a solid base of plants on the Voxx Station Defense stations, but that must be expanded and expended into the megafreighters that commonly dock there. We will use our existing network to bring more people into the stations, focusing on building a broader base of support in the megafreighters and getting individuals into key positions that are well-suited to sabotage or control of the stations defensive armaments. Special focus will be paid to the shield generators, with the hope that the Lamenters can carry out boarding actions to capture the stations wholly intact.

@HeroCooky What does our naval personnel think of the survivability of the Andromeda in a future battlefield environment?
I think our plan was to wait to refit the andromeda with psytech, I think.. We don't have the actions to make that happen right now. Its current role is to just drop off the fleet and then skedaddle. I'm fine with that. We can stick some choirs on the Leos with grounding songs if we need to.
I think our plan was to wait to refit the andromeda with psytech, I think.. We don't have the actions to make that happen right now. Its current role is to just drop off the fleet and then skedaddle. I'm fine with that. We can stick some choirs on the Leos with grounding songs if we need to.
We could, I think.

We just need to make the decision to do so now, not postpone it until after we've already build the old, obsolete ones.

My thoguht is that the megafreighters dock at the stations all the time, so we can get entry into them through there as part of the same action?

Why would the freighters dock at the defense stations, instead of the cargo spires?
So, we have 11.5 actions still needed, and 21 actions still in reserve.
15 if we assume assume no further diversion is succesfull.

What this means, is that I think every plan proposed so far is making a big mistake. They're all focusing on essential action, when what we should be doing now is to take one last set of enabling actions to make those essential actions better.
If I can make some suggestions for those actions, I'd recommend these 5 at the very least for the upcoming war.

-[] Free Duchy Shipwreck And Battle Studies
-[] Expanded Snapshot Cogitation Improvements and Tetratek ARc Cannonade
-[] Novel Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development
-[] Logistical Infantry-Grade Weapons Development (0/2)
-[] Logicstical Infantry-Grade Armor Development (0/2)

We at least want to know how the Duchy builds and uses their ship because that seems pretty important, and then we get the artillery weapon to break down any defenses, not that it's really needed but it could be something for the future.

The increased breakthrough against hostile AM-systems also seems useful for the weird cutting ships, but that's just a guess. Likewise, better and more armor for our ground troops will hopefully reduce the slaughter fest to something a bit more appealable, even if I know we'll still be losing a metric fuckton of soldiers.

If we do any of these research actions, do the infantry ones first, because as I mentioned before they'll likely take time to propagate considering we only have Military Industry VI right now.

Besides that, maybe once we're finished building the SBGs and evacuation fleet we can put an action into making more scouts? 3/turn is good but we can crank out about 50 of them in a single go, but we'll have to limit that because I think they might use Choirs.

And a few actions for building up more SAGs if at all possible, I'd rather we start building those now instead of in the middle of a war.
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We're going up against a peer enemy. Any plan that counts on us never needing to retreat is a terrible one, that will see our fleets scattered and defeated piecemeal.

Also, not sure where you got "worse Libra" from. I merely said that the design is thoroughly obsolete, which it is.
Sorry, a lot of Andromeda refit designs people floated have had them add more fighter and bomber hangers to the Andromeda and one or two strikecraft related modules and basically make them a worse Libra and implicitly going with the idea of the Andromedas staying with the fleet and contributing to the Libras' strikecraft wings.
Sorry, a lot of Andromeda refit designs people floated have had them add more fighter and bomber hangers to the Andromeda and one or two strikecraft related modules and basically make them a worse Libra and implicitly going with the idea of the Andromedas staying with the fleet and contributing to the Libras' strikecraft wings.
It should stay with the fleet, how else will the fleet be able to withdraw in good order if it needs to.

To have them hang out alone is asking those cutting warp destroyers to take a big bite out of it.
On the subject of continuing infiltration... I would argue the logical next step is to focus on infiltrating administrative and security roles, since those will help all the rest of our infiltration actions.
Based on the answer above i would suggest doing this as it will count as an action for voxx so pushes the clock back a turn and i suspect that this will increase the amount of SAG's we get per action
It will also add 0.2 to banked research(0.4 per action gained 1 spend) allowing us to do two researches for one action next turn.
[] Plan improved logistics
-[] Logistical Infantry-Grade Weapons Development (0/2) x2
-[] Logicstical Infantry-Grade Armor Development (0/2) x2(one from free research)
] Plan: By Now, This Has Become A Terror
-[] [Military] Fill Out Sector Battle Group
--[] Minotaur (1/3)
-[] Voxx Station Infiltration. We already have a solid base of plants on the Voxx Station Defense stations, but that must be expanded. We will use our existing network to bring more people into the stations, focusing on building a broader base of support and getting individuals into key positions that are well-suited to sabotage or control of the stations defensive armaments. Special focus will be paid to the shield generators, with the hope that the Lamenters can carry out boarding actions to capture the stations wholly intact.
-[] [General] Terraform [Planet]
--[] Nushar, Ivuh

[] Plan: Last Sale on Living Space
-[][General] Terraform x2
--[] Nushar (22 billion, complete 960)
--[] Ixcat (16 billion, complete 970)
--[] Litra (15 billion, complete 970)
--[] Ivuh (18 billion, complete 980)
-[] Voxx Station & Freighter Infiltration. We already have a solid base of plants on the Voxx Station Defense stations, but that must be expanded and expended into the megafreighters that commonly dock there. We will use our existing network to bring more people into the stations, focusing on building a broader base of support in the megafreighters and getting individuals into key positions that are well-suited to sabotage or control of the stations defensive armaments. Special focus will be paid to the shield generators, with the hope that the Lamenters can carry out boarding actions to capture the stations wholly intact.

Slight update on the write-in to try and combine the megafreighter infiltration with the Voxx delay. We can always do another one of these split actions later if this isn't enough to infiltrate the freighters.

Also - the last terraforming we'll do. This should mean we won't need to take the giant development hit, and will minimize the unrest of dropping Hivers on our own worlds.
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[] Last Sale on Living Space
-[][General] Terraform x2
--[] Nushar (22 billion, complete 960)
--[] Ixcat (16 billion, complete 970)
--[] Litra (15 billion, complete 970)
--[] Ivuh (18 billion, complete 980)
-[] Voxx Station & Freighter Infiltration. We already have a solid base of plants on the Voxx Station Defense stations, but that must be expanded and expended into the megafreighters that commonly dock there. We will use our existing network to bring more people into the stations, focusing on building a broader base of support in the megafreighters and getting individuals into key positions that are well-suited to sabotage or control of the stations defensive armaments. Special focus will be paid to the shield generators, with the hope that the Lamenters can carry out boarding actions to capture the stations wholly intact.

Slight update on the write-in to try and combine the megafreighter infiltration with the Voxx delay. We can always do another one of these split actions later if this isn't enough to infiltrate the freighters.

Also - the last terraforming we'll do. This should mean we won't need to take the giant development hit, and will minimize the unrest of dropping Hivers on our own worlds.
You have to put Plan at the start of the plan name, or else the tally will get confused.
[] Last Sale on Living Space
-[][General] Terraform x2
--[] Nushar (22 billion, complete 960)
--[] Ixcat (16 billion, complete 970)
--[] Litra (15 billion, complete 970)
--[] Ivuh (18 billion, complete 980)
-[] Voxx Station & Freighter Infiltration. We already have a solid base of plants on the Voxx Station Defense stations, but that must be expanded and expended into the megafreighters that commonly dock there. We will use our existing network to bring more people into the stations, focusing on building a broader base of support in the megafreighters and getting individuals into key positions that are well-suited to sabotage or control of the stations defensive armaments. Special focus will be paid to the shield generators, with the hope that the Lamenters can carry out boarding actions to capture the stations wholly intact.

Slight update on the write-in to try and combine the megafreighter infiltration with the Voxx delay. We can always do another one of these split actions later if this isn't enough to infiltrate the freighters.

Also - the last terraforming we'll do. This should mean we won't need to take the giant development hit, and will minimize the unrest of dropping Hivers on our own worlds.

I feel like this makes some assumptions that don't make sense and kinda tries to do both the Freighters and Defense Stations as one action.
[X] Plan Terraforming Industry Efficiency and Station Infiltration
-[X][General] Terraform
--[X] Nushar - (Target Biosphere: Dry Forests and Steppes) - (Maximum Population: 22 Billion) - (Terraformation Time: ~150 Years)
--[X] Ixcat - (Target Biosphere: Wet Tidally Locked) - (Maximum Population: 16 Billion) - (Terraformation Time: ~160 Years)
-[X][General] Research:
--[X] Sophont Workforce Requirement Reduction Considerations
-[X] Voxx Station Infiltration. We already have a solid base of plants on the Voxx Station Defense stations, but that must be expanded. We will use our existing network to bring more people into the stations, focusing on building a broader base of support and getting individuals into key positions that are well-suited to sabotage or control of the stations defensive armaments. Special focus will be paid to the shield generators, with the hope that the Lamenters can carry out boarding actions to capture the stations wholly intact.
I feel like this makes some assumptions that don't make sense and kinda tries to do both the Freighters and Defense Stations as one action.
Yeah, it is trying to do freighters and defense together, because maybe it'll work. If it's doesn't, then maybe we do another action to shore them up. It's better to try to be efficient and need to end up spending two total actions than just assume 2 actions is required. I doubt the QM will penalize us and make it take 3 actions if we do this one.

What other assumption? That we won't be able to stall the evacuation long enough for terraforming to finish? Unfortunately given the timeline and capacity of Maphara I don't see another option.
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[X] Plan: Last Sale on Living Space
-[][General] Terraform x2
--[X] Nushar (22 billion, complete 960)
--[X] Ixcat (16 billion, complete 970)
--[X] Litra (15 billion, complete 970)
--[X] Ivuh (18 billion, complete 980)
-[X] Voxx Station & Freighter Infiltration. We already have a solid base of plants on the Voxx Station Defense stations, but that must be expanded and expended into the megafreighters that commonly dock there. We will use our existing network to bring more people into the stations, focusing on building a broader base of support in the megafreighters and getting individuals into key positions that are well-suited to sabotage or control of the stations defensive armaments. Special focus will be paid to the shield generators, with the hope that the Lamenters can carry out boarding actions to capture the stations wholly intact.
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