You can't take a heart Grace without taking a sword Grace and taking a sword Grace requires taking a sword Grace it's literally the methodology by which they can fight you. Why are you treating them like they're a species. But what metric are you deciding what is and isn't a Raksha Iku-Turso is still a Raksha no matter what mein it puts on as a God the Fey are not. They are inherently beings of the shaped World they aren't little bubbles of wild substance that have a temporary identity like The Raksha are. He Who Walks Behind is still a raksha even if he left his heart behind. The fact that he's completely Hollow and becomes other people doesn't help his case of not being just a bit of Wyld substance for the fake identity attached.
What do you mean shaping defenses don't exist anymore. Persistent shaping defenses real matter had persistent shaping defenses. Iron had real shaping defenses I'm certain if you attempted to turn mab into anything other than Mab you discover not inconsiderable resistance. You could literally kill Raksha with a sword if you were fast enough if you were skilled enough no matter how convenient or powerful their shaping was because they weren't fucking real and you are.
1) There is zero reason why he wouldnt have summoned them both first.
I like to assume competence in my antagonists; if he passed up the simple solution of stealing the I WIN button you say is there, even with a Fallen Angel behind him, there's good odds it isnt there.
You are claiming that dude could Shape an Unshaped without its consent but not claim its Graces in the doing.
That seems....implausible.
2)Because they are a species.
Raksha had rules to differentiate them from the other natives of the Wyld, like the Primordials and the hannya.
3)Iku-Turson is not a Raksha.
He used to be one; key word: used. He isnt one any longer, even before Molly stabbed him to death. Just like how the Neverborn used to be Primordials, but arent any longer. Or how Kindred used to be human, but arent any longer.
He Who Walks Behind is NOT a raksha. He was born/originated from one, but he isnt one any longer.
And it bears repeating that, just like there is no Malfeas, there is no Wyld.
4)Exactly what I said.
Compare the mechanics of EIPP, Molly's antishaping charm, with the mechanics of any of the antishaping charms from Ex2.
You can fail to activate EIPP; you cant fail to activate Integrity Protecting Prana or whatever other antishaping defense is in the Celestial charmtree. And there's only one Molly thus far;
Tiffany doesnt have access to a shaping defense.
Iron is not a shaping defense to the best of my recollection.
It wounds the Fair Folk and disrupts some of their magics; its a bane, not a shaping defense.