Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

Malfeas exists, this was determined in a vision of the Crown after the Wampire Party, but it is in an eternal nightmare, that is, we don't need to worry about it unless we actively look for mess with it.

Furthermore, since this is a cross exalted, the Wyld would be the Outside, where are the Unshapeds, who need to pass through the Gates because they have lost the ability to form an identity on their own and the gates themselves are a Shima (we found out talking to Archive) and the Neverborn are.

Have you really forgotten all this or are you really trying to lie so as not to lose in an argument?
ExWoD specifies that he's super dead right now; that crown vision showed us the identity of a person we were looking for not his current state. It came up in the follow up questions to that chapter.

The bit about the wyld is harder to say, but something in the Outside has clearly seriously changed to the point where it's at least a question. If the Outside was just the wyld as it was and regular Rakasha were still running around then we'd see very different behavior from the Outsiders.
Turning to the matter of actually getting the cup back, we're going to need to work out a safe way to interact with Demonreach. We don't know about the Warden stuff IC and it's a maximum security prison for shit like what Molly feels like to supernatural senses.

I'd rather not get stuck in a box by something that can actually keep us there despite all our bullshit.
Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Jul 10, 2024 at 8:41 AM, finished with 77 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X]Plan Cupbearer
    -[X] Offer to go to the Nameless Place and try to get his Cup back. You seem to be making a habit of springing people who do not belong in jail recently, not to mention you are good with talking
    -[X] Ask more questions. What was the name of the Denarian? The sacrifice who communed with Embermane? (Charisma+Etiquette DC 9)
    -[X] Does anything remain of the sacrifice or the sacrificer? Anything that would be useful/relevant to an investigator?
    -[X] When did these events happen? Before or after the birth of Christ? Who were the Fae Queens then?
    -[X] What does he know of the Nameless Island?
    -[X] Active buffs: Transcendent Lord of Flies
    [X] Plan: Terms of Service
    -[X] Introduce yourself as Queen of the Five Fold Courts of Fate.
    -[X] Offer to go to the Nameless Place and return to him his Cup. You seem to be making a habit of springing people who do not belong in jail recently, not to mention you are good with talking.
    -[X] In exchange for being reunited with his other half ask for 100 years of service.
    --[x] Etiquette excellency
    [X] Offer to go to the Nameless Place and get his Cup back. You seem to be making a habit of springing people who do not belong in jail recently, not to mention you are good with talking
ExWoD specifies that he's super dead right now
Pedantically: it doesn't. It specifically says that Malfean Neverborn might still be around:
What happened to [insert Exalted character here]?
They're dead or transformed or fragmented so
completely that they may as well be dead. Autochthon,
the patron of the Liminals, and the Malfean Neverborn
are the only things that might have "survived" all
the way from the Age of Legends to the present, and
even that is up to you to decide. Even then, the latter
two might just be the nightmares of Grandmother,
dreaming of the dreadful things that once accumulated
above her all-consuming maw in ages past.
And this might well not apply to this quest.
Malfeas exists, this was determined in a vision of the Crown after the Wampire Party, but it is in an eternal nightmare, that is, we don't need to worry about it unless we actively look for mess with it.

Furthermore, since this is a cross exalted, the Wyld would be the Outside
, where are the Unshapeds, who need to pass through the Gates because they have lost the ability to form an identity on their own and the gates themselves are a Shima (we found out talking to Archive) and the Neverborn are.

Have you really forgotten all this or are you really trying to lie so as not to lose in an argument?
This isnt an Exalted cross, its an Exalted vs World of Darkness cross.
And this is what we were told at the very beginning of the story:
ExWoD p10-11 said:
the shattering:
a Big-piCture explanation

The Age of Legends existed, but even within its
time of glories and splendors, contemporary savants
and oracles observed that it was the nature of the
world to decay and decline. The connections of the
great forces of Creation and the powers beyond weak-
ened. The divine energy which once suffused all things
became a scant resource, and wars were fought over
it, further destroying the glories which remained. The
great gods and demons who once bestrode reality be-
came ten thousand lesser things, and dispersed across
a world whose borders contracted until what was once
a quay jutting out into the vastness of the cosmos was
left a mere globe, bounded and inescapable.

The sun remains, an ineluctable truth, but what
was once singular and unconquered has become a
hundred disunited divinities: Ra, Helios, Surya, Am-
aterasu, Huitzilopochtli, Bila; countless others. The
calamities who spun Creation into being obeyed their
natures and splintered into a further infinitude of
monsters: Urge-Wyrms and Banes, Yama Kings, even
demons who – correctly, in their way! – claim to have
made the world and then been locked away from it for-
ever. The Neverborn, forever dead and forever wishing
to pass beyond death into oblivion, continue to rot in
the Underworld, still seeking their final release.

The World of Darkness, then, is the flotsam and
jetsam of the Age of Legends, washed up more-or-less
at random across the globe. Why did one legacy of
blood-drinking hungry ghosts struggle up from a grave
in Mesopotamia and spread its curse across millennia
to come? Why does an entirely different one haunt
the Asian nights? Why does one sect of magicians find
power in service to the Divine, while another sect finds
power in charting the contours of a world where divin-
ity doesn't exist?

Every denizen of the World of Darkness would tell
you that it is because they are in some way more spe-
cial than any other monster with whom they share the
night, but the truth is that everything is shrapnel from
the end of the Age of Legends. Vampires, the Wan
Kuei, the Fera, a hundred different magical traditions:
they're the result of where this or that seed landed and
took root, and have since forgotten that they all fell
from a common tree. That's all.

What it all means

Here's the long and short of it: Creation as de-
scribed in Exalted is gone. The World of Darkness
is what's left. The Unconquered Sun isn't waiting to
descend from some otherworldly pleasure-dome. The
only Malfeas to be found is the toxic abode of the
Wyrm. The Lords of Chaos who once threatened re-
ality are now lost in human flesh, dreaming with des-
perate and heartsick longing of a home they can no
longer find.

And the Exalted? The Chosen of the gods who
once strode the world like colossi, etching their legends
into eternity with spell and sword and sermon? What-
ever happened, whatever calamity damned the world to
endless nights full of strife and fangs, rest assured they
were at the center of it, and they were struck down in
the course of that grand disaster. No man or woman
has blazed with the divine power of the sun or moon or
stars in their moment of deepest peril since thousands
of years before the first stone of the pyramids was laid
in place. Whatever the final trial of the Exalted may
have been, they were found wanting, and their power
departed the world. The very few who are aware that the
Chosen were anything more than myths tend to assume
their power was extinguished in the time before time
442 said:
What happened to [insert Exalted character here]?
They're dead or transformed or fragmented so
completely that they may as well be dead. Autochthon,
the patron of the Liminals, and the Malfean Never-
born are the only things that might have "survived" all
the way from the Age of Legends to the present, and
even that is up to you to decide. Even then, the lat-
ter two might just be the nightmares of Grandmother,
dreaming of the dreadful things that once accumulat-
ed above her all-consuming maw in ages past.
Whatever Malfeas and the Yozi were splintered into, we couldnt put them back together.
Thats well outside our capabilities.
Or frankly that of the First Age Solar Deliberative.
Have you really forgotten all this or are you really trying to lie so as not to lose in an argument?
I try to assume that even when I violently disagree with someone else, that they are arguing in good faith.
Please do me the courtesy of assuming the same.
Thank you.
Arc 13 Post 31: Names Old and New
Names Old and New

7th of February 2007 A.D.

This is dangerous, you know. This is very, very dangerous and not just for the obvious face-melting reasons. Any place, nameless or otherwise that needs a battering ram this powerful to break into is liable to be harder by far to enter than Caer Sindi and God alone knows what's in there that the Denarians would want to loose. Yet you cannot just turn your face away, for all the dangers there's a right thing to do here, not just for Embermane's broken self, but for your friends, your family, Harry and the whole city of Chicago. While he is here and in this state he might still be taken advantage of by those who would do evil. "I will seek your cup Ancient One, east we will travel, but to find all ends we will need more than one direction."

"Directions are illusion, a trick of perspective," the fire crackles waspishly, you'll take that over incandescent rage any day. "Ask your questions herald."

Herald? Oh, you had just introduced Harry hadn't you? For one who's struggling to keep others in mind the title would seem as good as any other. Each word weighed carefully to rouse his remaining graces you ask: "What was the name of the tool and the one who used it? Which of the Thirty has transgressed so flagrantly against you?"

"I did not hear the Name, but the flame-given gifted it to me for the undoing of his foes." Lines of fire drip upwards from its many eyes, like molten lead into an invisible mold, an unfamiliar angelic seal.

Tilting your head back and affixing your mind to the almost-Enochian you speak you're able to read it plain as day: Eschtamidel.

"I will give you the name of the mortal, though it will serve you not at all," the spirit continues, his thickening breath a cloud of noxious vapors that forces Harry to conjue wind to shield himself. "Samuel Maskelyne."

"Why is that no good?" the wizard in question asks.

"He did not outlive becoming the epicenter of my rage. The vessel of his master was beyond my power to disturb so I hurled it as far and as fast as I could to at least inflict upon him the inconvenience of distance."

"What of the sacrificed, bringer of valued tidings? What name bore he?" you press, even though that first name gives you a bit of a hint. That is a name for someone who lived in Chicago, the city, though that still gives you centuries to work with it's less than the two thousand years the involvement of the Denarians would imply.

"A... priest... a servant of the One in White. Murphy... yes that was it, Father Murphy, though not just for his own children."

"Is there anything left of either of them?" Harry asks the question one might expect of both a wizard and a detective.

"No," The mountain shakes, restive in its struggles to recall the hour of its maiming, but vengeance and perhaps hope animate it. "The flesh was given to the fire and each was taken: the first dragged down, the second greeted by the One in White and taken Beyond. Of those fates I can say no more."

"When did this happen, when the city was still much of wood or when it was stone?" you adjust the question to what the names already reveal.

"Of wood it was and wood burns bright." Odds of it being the Great Fire are only getting better... or at least more likely, you're not sure if 'better' is the word.

The next obvious question comes to mind. "What do you know of the island?"

"Only what I have told you, only what I have been told. I dare not go near lest my desire to be whole overtakes me," the fire crackles low, the eyes begin to close, as the will that had driven it first to rage then conviction is starting to fade. "Mayhap the wind in the North knows more."

Where do you head to now?

[] East to the prison right away

[] Back to mortal Chicago, you know where the Great Fire was said to have started and you have at least one name that must have belonged to a local, check that information

[] North to the Empty Roost, the spirits dwelling there are described as being gripped by the sorrow than wrath, maybe there's something you can do to help or at least some agreement you can reach with them on borders in the Nevernever

[] Write in

OOC: Enjoy
Last edited:
Names Old and New​
7th of February 2007 A.D.
-Apropos of nothing?
Nevile Maskelyne was the 5th Royal Astronomer of the UK, and a magician who died in 1811.

There's also a different Maskelyne family, also British, that produced 3 stage magicians in different generations:
=John Nevile Maskelyne (1829-1917)
=Nevile Maskelyne(1863-1924)
=Jasper Maskelyne(1902-1973)
Might be relevant might not.

-The Great Chicago Fire was October 8-10, 1871.
Twelve years before Ebenezer blew up Krakatoa in 1883.
Eighteen years before Donald Morgan was born in 1889.

Im not sure that they are related events to the matter we're facing.
Specifically, Im not seeing any reason why the Denarian who tried this would have waited until October to do it and still have done it outside Halloween.

-Eschtamidel is a non-canon Denarian.
Tiffany should know of him though, and might know his bearer at the time.
I will note that this particular Fallen has been name dropped before in this quest as someone with a fondness for fire:
Sanya's Interlude said:
Not the kind of place you would be expecting one of them to be meddling, the traveler, the Knight, thought, hand sliding to the pummel of his sword. Not unless Eschtamidel was trying to get his hands on weapons grade Uranium again. He was nothing if not predictable in his love of fire and what fire could be more deadly than the flames of the sun brought to earth? Whatever else he was undeniably in the right place, he could feel the heat radiating off Esperacchius, almost as though in anticipation... and not so incidentally keeping his ass from freezing.
Tiffany might have some idea when Eschamidel lost this particular host.
Or what the fuck he was trying to accomplish.

Father Murphy, OTOH, makes things easier.
The Catholic Church has records of who its priests are, and I am pretty sure that even if we cant find him online, Father Forthill can tell us when he served the church.And when he vanished, which would give us a RL date.

Given that he knew of Demonreach, he was probably working in the Church's Ordo Malleus.
And if he knew of Demonreach, the Church does as well. So Molly can probably use a scene with Father Forthill as a Crown focus to learn what the Church knows/knew about Demonreach.

Hell, she can probably use a scene with Harry to learn what the White Council knows about Demonreach.

I WILL point out that the name of the priest is suggestive, given that everything appears to have.
Ten to one Father Murphy was from the Murphy clan.
Karrin Murphy's family.
Ok, let's think about it. Going to the North requires Lydia, if I understand correctly. @DragonParadox do I understand correctly that spirits there are either ghosts or something ghost-adjacent, given their previous description:

It doesnt require her.
It would make things easier, but Molly has Demonic Primacy, and the dead are Creatures of Darkness.
She can probably manage just fine.

That said, I am not aware of any immediate urgency that would make Molly press on without at least calling Lydia to see if she was interested.
Oh right... I did not mention it did I? In this world the Great Chicago Fire happened on Halloween ;)
So the Darkhallow fuckery two Halloweens ago was only the latest in a long line of attempts to play fuckfuck games in the Chicago area on Halloween.

That settles it then.

[X] Back to mortal Chicago, you know where the Great Fire was said to have started and you have at least one name that must have belonged to a local, check that information
-[X] Crown Question: What does the White Council know about the Nameless Island. Focus: Current scene with Harry Dresden, warden regional commander for the Eastern United States.

Talk to the specialists.
Talk to Forthill and Michael about Father Murphy, and Tiffany about Eschamidel.
And bring in Lydia before going to the North.

Crown Question about Demonreach, using the current scene with Harry as a focus.
He's a significant figure in the White Council, and he's supposed to be responsible for the Eastern US, which includes Demonreach. That makes scenes with him an applicable focus.

Of course, Harry is the person who named the island in canon. Prior to that it didnt have a name.
Alfred, the spirit of the island, didnt have a name either.
[X] Back to mortal Chicago, you know where the Great Fire was said to have started and you have at least one name that must have belonged to a local, check that information
-[X] Crown Question using the current scene: What are the Rules the Nameless Island is operating under?

@DragonParadox is this question valid, or would something narrower be better? If needed, I'll add "in regards to visitors and prisoners, their acquisition, holding and release conditions".

-[X] Crown Question: What does the White Council know about the Nameless Island. Focus: Current scene with Harry Dresden, warden regional commander for the Eastern United States.
Why this question? It adds separation where none is required. Harry can ask around by himself, without using the Crown question. Better to learn how the thing operates from the absolute perspective - I am betting White Council doesn't have all the details.
@DragonParadox is this question valid, or would something narrower be better? If needed, I'll add "in regards to visitors and prisoners, their acquisition, holding and release conditions".

That does not work unfortunately, the island has been mentioned, but specifically in the context of him not knowing much about it. You could ask under what conditions the Grace is kept since you are looking at the rest of the same being, but nothing about the island in general
Why this question? It adds separation where none is required. Harry can ask around by himself, without using the Crown question. Better to learn how the thing operates from the absolute perspective - I am betting White Council doesn't have all the details.
-Applicable foci.

Embermane is not an applicable foci for the Nameless Island.
Especially since Embermane outright says he knows nothing else about the place. The White Council usually supplies the person who acts as Warden; they almost definitely know the most about the place.

When we meet Father Forthill, we'll use the scene with him as a focus to learn what the Catholic Church knows about it.

-White Council information on Demonreach is restricted. Really restricted.
Probably more restricted than things like "the White Council has a hitman".

Even after bonding Demonreach in canon, Dresden knew next to nothing about the island itself until the island told him about it. Nobody in the know on the Senior Council or among the senior wizards called him and talked to him about it or the place, not even his grandfather or the Gatekeeper.

I dont expect that will change now; he goes looking, he'll find nothing.
And have to answer questions.

-Demonreach was built by the first Merlin.
The people who know the most about this place, the people who have the most written records, are almost definitely wizards.
That does not work unfortunately, the island has been mentioned, but specifically in the context of him not knowing much about it. You could ask under what conditions the Grace is kept since you are looking at the rest of the same being, but nothing about the island in general
Ok. So, something like this "What are the rules under which the Embermane's Grace was acquired, is kept and can be released"? It's a single question, since those are all part of the same ruleset.
-Demonreach was built by the first Merlin.
The people who know the most about this place, the people who have the most written records, are almost definitely wizards.
Demonreach was built by Merlin violating the hell out of the Laws. I am unsure how much of the design he shared or recorded, and how much wasn't intentionally distorted.
-Applicable foci.

Embermane is not an applicable foci for the Nameless Island.
Especially since Embermane outright says he knows nothing else about the place. The White Council usually supplies the person who acts as Warden; they almost definitely know the most about the place.

When we meet Father Forthill, we'll use the scene with him as a focus to learn what the Catholic Church knows about it.
Not for the island as a whole, but for ruleset under which it's being held? Should work. Better to use something of Harry's to learn what White Council knows, a pair of Tiffany's shoes to learn what Denarians know, etc. Those, while useful, are still separated and distorted and not using the cron to its fullest potential, I feel, though. Useful to ask, but we can do better.
Demonreach was built by Merlin violating the hell out of the Laws. I am unsure how much of the design he shared or recorded, and how much wasn't intentionally distorted.
Did he? The Laws quite likely didnt exist when he built this place.
The Blackstaff has served the White Council almost since its establishment, and its literally his job to break the Laws.

Furthermore, the White Council has provided Wardens for the island pretty regularly for at least a thousand years. Thats a thousand years of different wizards serving, gathering information and experience.
And you cant run a mystical prison without knowing the operating manual at bare minimum.

Thats why my question is : What the White Council as a whole knows. Not "what a single person knows".
Not for the island as a whole, but for ruleset under which it's being held? Should work. Better to use something of Harry's to learn what White Council knows, a pair of Tiffany's shoes to learn what Denarians know, etc. Those, while useful, are still separated and distorted and not using the cron to its fullest potential, I feel, though. Useful to ask, but we can do better.
Thats something we can use a scene with Demonreach to determine.
If necessary, we can go away, come back to Demonreach later and use a fresh scene as a focus; scenes are renewable resources. We dont really need physical foci for this.

And like I said above, the operating manual/guidelines have to be known to the wizards who are expected to be guardians for this place, and when necessary, to imprison new threats. There had to be a Warden to have imprisoned the Grace in the first place; if not, the Grace is probably lying somewhere on the island. They are physical objects after all.

Assuming this was linked to the Great Chicago Fire of 1871, then this would have been around Kemmler's tenure as Warden, either during or just before/after.
We dont know which of his deaths was when he lost guardianship.
So the Darkhallow fuckery two Halloweens ago was only the latest in a long line of attempts to play fuckfuck games in the Chicago area on Halloween.

That settles it then
We need to curse the shit out of ritual magic for Halloween and the whole week leading up to it or something, because a historical pattern of apocalypse plots in one city is bullshit.
Is the grace referring to the entities good graces, or a physical or incorporal object that has true faith with it?
That does not work unfortunately, the island has been mentioned, but specifically in the context of him not knowing much about it. You could ask under what conditions the Grace is kept since you are looking at the rest of the same being, but nothing about the island in general