Fire's Depths
7th of February 2007 A.D.
Ok, this feels like another bigtime former raksha.
Iku-Turso big, which means we are potentially dealing with something the size of a real world volcano spirit OR an old god from the old pantheons.
Sixteen eyes? A spider has 8, IIRC.
Demonreach was able to fend off simultaneous attacks by
- The Great Walker He Who Walks Before and an small army of lesser Outsiders and mortal accomplices
- Winter Lady Maeve and her entourage
- Summer Lady Lily and her entourage
At the same time.While still mostly dormant because its Warden wasnt dialled in yet.
There was absolutely negative chance that Embermane could have punched through Demonreach's defenses.
And any Denarian would have known this.
Which means that whatever its goals were, using Embermane to break the prison wasnt likely to have been part of it.
Potential goals being infiltration to steal something, or just an attempt to seize control.
Nevertheless, fucking with Supernatural Supermax is incredibly reckless.
I think we need to know which Fallen-human pair did this, and when.
As a priority. So we can have them un-Alived.
Im also going to note that Embermane appears to mention a single Denarian, not a group of them; whichever Denarian did this appears to have tried to do it on the down-low.
We also need to find out who was the poor fellow who got sacrificed.
Faith suggests he was a priest, but it doesnt necessarily mean that he was one.
[x] Offer to go to the Nameless Place and get his Cup back. You seem to be making a habit of springing people who do not belong in jail recently, not to mention you are good with talking
-[x]100 years of service seems fair.
No, it is not.
Pretty much a "your eyes are bigger than your head" situation.
At most, this would be a three favors situation. At most.
[X] Plan: Terms of Service
-[X] Introduce yourself as Queen of the Five Fold Courts of Fate.
-[X] Offer to go to the Nameless Place and return to him his Cup. You seem to be making a habit of springing people who do not belong in jail recently, not to mention you are good with talking.
-[X] In exchange for being reunited with his other half ask for 100 years of service.
--[x] Etiquette excellency
Edit: Changed to an etiquette excellency
Telling the not-raksha who just told us that he refused to serve that he should serve us for a hundred years seems like the sort of thing that would engender ill-will.
At best.
This is really a case of "Read the room"
Was there ever a solid given canon explanation for why Demonreach was left without a Warden? I do recall it being said that Kemmler was it's last Warden, you'd think the White Council would try and have someone there (or at least with the position) for asset denial if nothing else.
Kemmler wasnt its last Warden.
Kemmler was the third to last Warden; there were two Wardens between him and Dresden. Word of Butcher was that there was a stalemate among the senior wizards, who werent sure who could be trusted.
Its implied at some points that Kemmler was corrupted by some of the entities in the Well; that he either listened to some of the whispers, or drew from some of the power before he could
Regardless, thats the sort of thing to make White Council wizards especially wary about who can be trusted with it.
Reddit Transcript said:
Priscellie: Who was the warden of Demonreach before Harry?
Jim: Lemme think, I know who it is, and who the guy before that was, but the guy before /that/ was Kemmler so...
Priscellie: Oh god. *laughs*
Jim: Yeah, I mean, half of that entire thing was just the white council trying to keep Kemmler from getting back to the island and opening it up. Which is why they had him being hounded by the wardens all through the wild west and so on. It was to stop him from being able to set things up even more. Kemmler is sort of in the Dresden Files universe he's sort of the Dresden Files version of WWI where it was actually the biggest most epic most incredible conflict the world has ever known but we're all used to seeing WWII because they got some of it on film but we didn't get nearly as much of the great war on film but when you actually go and study it and study all the troop numbers and resources involved WWI was really the great war and WWII was kind of a follow-up. A softer echo in many ways.
Priscellie: In terms of how long someone is a warden, I'm sure it varies from case to case but how long does wardenship typically last?
Jim: It depends on how quickly it gets you killed.
Priscellie: Is that the only way out?
Jim: I'd say it's not the only way out. You can definitely walk away from it or be dragged away from it or driven away from it. And then if somebody else comes along and challenges Demonreach then it's their island if your influence isn't there anymore.
By the time Harry got there nobody had been there in a good long while because among the people who are in the know on the council it would be suicide to go try and do that. If one of the senior council guys got it all the other senior council guys would be like "yep he's the bad guy he's definitely corrupt and serving evil". And then Dresden walked into it and it was just such a stupid move they all kind of looked at him and went "I think he was he was being dumb? Do you think he was being dumb? Yeah it looks dumb. It looks like he was just being stupid, oh my god, we do need the firepower", you know, like that. The poor council, they find themselves so strapped for resources in so many ways that they keep having to tolerate Harry Dresden.
Priscellie: Did his (Kemmler) wardenship end when he was killed after WWII?
Jim: It ended during one of the times they killed him. Kemmler got killed a bunch of times. He was one of those fun villains who just kept getting back up again just kept Napoleoning his way back into being a problem for the white council.
Priscellie: Pop goes the weasel for necromancers.
Jim: Exactly.
Since this Q&A answers a lot of questions I figured I might as well post it here too. Question marks near words that aren't questions means that...