Loyalty is its own Reward (A Traitor Legion Chapter Master Quest)

I think building up our fortress monastery* takes priority over talking to the Mayor-Governor. We're planning to go to kill the Eye of the Mutator soonish. And we're probably not going to have marines not on deployment until that's wrapped up.

*With a personal preference for the forge increase.
Even in my very plan, I've got one company I'm fairly sure isn't doing anything. A reserve company, admittedly, but still. And leaving our house undefended is a terrible move. 50BP is frankly too small an increase to be worth an action.
Even in my very plan, I've got one company I'm fairly sure isn't doing anything. A reserve company, admittedly, but still. And leaving our house undefended is a terrible move.
What forces exactly do you have idle? And why do you have them Idle? If they're going to stay on Luctus then see if you can have a write in and use them to help deal with the beasts that are giving the PDF trouble.
50BP is frankly too small an increase to be worth an action.
Considering we only have 250 a turn 50 BP's an ok amount. The sooner we get more BP the sooner we can start spending it. And if you don't like that then expand the Apothecarion or build up the outer defenses or something.
What forces exactly do you have idle? And why do you have them Idle? If they're going to stay on Luctus then see if you can have a write in and use them to help deal with the beasts that are giving the PDF trouble.
The 7th company, because I don't see any situation where they'd be both able to contribute and which wouldn't send them out solo. And I'm asking the Governor to make sure that the beasts issue is actually what they need to get done.
Considering we only have 250 a turn 50 BP's an ok amount. The sooner we get more BP the sooner we can start spending it. And if you don't like that then expand the Apothecarion or build up the outer defenses or something.
We make 300, unless I'm very stupid. And I don't see the other options as very important right now.
.... About how much we make or my stupidity?
I was trying to be funny. We make around 300.

---[X] Write-in Dispatch Force: Strike Cruisers Luctusian Dusk and Shrouded Blade, Master of Recruits Myrok Kuthil, Chaplains Osinki and Djanko, Chief Apothecary Valzadai, Techmarine Noricum, All of 6th Company, Squads 10-2 and 10-3, All of 9th Company not assigned elsewhere, 1 Predator, 2 Rhinos, 1 Whirlwind, 10 Attack Bikes, 1 Storm Bird, 2 Thunderhawks, 3 Land Speeders, 10 Plasma Guns, 10 Melta Guns, 10 Lascannons, 10 Extra Missile Launchers, 20 Stalker Bolters
I'm a little worried send our newbies against traitor marines would rather have them go against the rebellion and or genestealer clean up to get some more before they fight traitor marines. I think everything else with the plan looks good. Also the 9th captain is smart so I figure he be good at investigating.
I'm a little worried send our newbies against traitor marines would rather have them go against the rebellion and or genestealer clean up to get some more before they fight traitor marines. I think everything else with the plan looks good. Also the 9th captain is smart so I figure he be good at investigating.
I was thinking that with our Master of Recruits to help ride herd on them, an entire Company to take the brunt of the fighting, and an unknown-but-currently-allied group of Marines to provide intel and cover the gaps, sending them against the Iron Warriors isn't as risky as it appears at first glance. And an assload of Heavy Bolters and Missile Launchers for focusing fire against hard targets is why a bunch of us voted for a Devastator company in the first place, and thus a fairly natural soft counter to treadheads like the Iron Warriors.

The big issue is that as a full Devastator company, they really do need to be deployed en-masse for maximum effect; rooting out guerillas in a Hive City is a terrible field for that (doubly so with newbies) and while they would certainly be useful for suppression and breaching on the Rebels I feel like that's already covered by the friendly Imperials already there.

But if you have a suggestion for explicit numbers on how to swap the 7th company and 9th company for best effect, I'm all ears. I'm certainly not heavily invested in that choice, seeing it as the best of a not-optimal set via extenuating factors. Only reason I didn't send them against the Orks (always good targets for getting newbie heavy weapons some comparatively easy training) is because the ship-board combat there has the same problems the Hive City does.
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The big issue is that as a full Devastator company, they really do need to be deployed en-masse for maximum effect; rooting out guerillas in a Hive City is a terrible field for that
It says its a civilized world not a hive world so their should be plenty of places with open space for the devestator squads to take advantage of. I've though about it some more and it makes sense to have heavy weapons when facing the irons warriors so I'm conflicted enough where I'm fine either way.
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[X] Plan Storming Forth
-[X] Chapter Master Severus
--[X] Meet up with a Local Faction Leader.
---[X] Lord Admiral Hanno Adherbal (Imperial Navy)
----[X] Make preparations for the coming campaign against the Eyes of the Mutator
--[X] Tutor another Marine
---[X] Captains Mikhail and Pluvia (Willpower)
-[X] Master of the Keep
--[X] Improve an Aspect of the Fortress-Monastery.
---[X] Expand Forges (Increases BP by 25)
---[X] Expand Apothecarion (Reduces successes needed to complete actions)
-[X] Chief Librarian
--[X] Inscribe Wards in the Librarius
-[X] Master of the Forge
--[X] Examine the Contemptor-Pattern Dreadnought.
--[X] Repair Vehicles
---[X] Land Raider (100 BP)
---[X] Stormbird (50 BP)
---[X] Thunderhawk (25 BP)
---[X] Strike Cruiser Shrouded Blade (150 BP)
-[X] Chief Apothecary
--[X] Investigate Mist counter-agents.
--[X] Continue on Spatha´s geneseed.
-[X] Master of Recruits
--[X] Train your Chapter
---[X] Intelligence.
---[X] Willpower
-[X] Lezoan mop-up: While the bulk of the cult was slain in the campaign proper, you promised the Lord Sector that your forces would assist him in culling potential infectees.
--[X] Squads 7-1, 7-2, and 7-3, Lieutenant Mircio, Techmarine Husnik, Apothecary in Training Biernat, 1 Thunderhawk
---[X] Whilst there, Husnik is to take account of any lost Space Marine equipment. Such artifacts should be returned to the service of the Emperor's Angels, not left to waste away in some forgotten corner of Lezo.
-[X] Burning through Freebootas: The Blazing Wardens have been facing a particularly slippery group of Ork Freebootas in the border between the Aetelian and Cassioan Sectors. They have requested your help in hunting them down.
--[X] Strike Cruisers Luctusian Dusk, Bird of Prey, and Unavoidable Sentence, Techmarine Siracusa, 6th Company, Captain Catilina, Master of the Fleet Hostilius, 2 Storm Ravens, 1 Stormbird, 3 Thunderhawks
-[X] Bleeding Iron: A warband of Iron Warriors is laying siege to the Fortress world of Noitsab. However, the garrisoned regiments of the Imperial Guard have received assistance from a depleted force of Space Marines, although the astropaths weren't able to communicate what chapter they belong to. Help your unknown cousins slay the bitter besiegers of the IVth.
--[X] Battle Barge Fear of Judgement and Strike Cruiser Night Terror, Chapter Master Severus, Honour Guard, Chapter Champion Spatha, Master of the Forge Karark Zel, Master of Recruits Myrok Kuthil, 2nd Company, Captain Pluvia, Squads 9-1 through 9-6, Squads 10-1 through 10-4, Captain Secutor, Apothecaries Soran and Diocles, Techmarine Ostia, Master of Sanctity Falce, Chaplains in training Djanko, Lavtizar, Fabien Dacourt, and Pavel, 20 Stalker Bolters, 20 Lascannons, 20 Plasma Guns, 10 Melta Guns, 5 Power Swords, 2 Chainglaives, 1 Volkite Charger, 50 Prototype Mk. VI, 1 Whirlwind, 1 Predator, 7 Rhinos, 2 Razorbacks, 3 Stormbirds, 2 Thunderhawks
-[X] Ghosts in the Grass: The Agri-world of Saibula has been reported a number of mysterious disappearances in one of the islands of the northern hemispheres, including with scattered sightings of what you recognize are Eldar. Whatever are they doing there, they must be culled.
--[X] Squads 7-4 through 7-10, Squads 10-5 and 10-6, Captain Logos, Techmarine Noricum, Chaplain Osinki, Apothecary Anodynon, Chief Librarian Yefimovich, 1 Crozius Arcanum, 5 Land Speeders, 20 Attack Bikes, 10 Melta Guns, 10 Missile Launchers, 10 Stalker Bolters, 20 Prototype Mk. VI, 1 Thunderhawk
-[X] Inquisitorial Hunt: Inquisitor Jack de Wiart, the one behind the Genestealer presence in Lezo, has ignored it´s summoning to the Inquisitorial Conclave of the Aetelian Sector, and has been officially declared Excommunicate Traitoris. Last sightings of him place him in the Hive-world of Boshin, find him and purge that traitor.
--[X] 3rd Company, Captain Gallienus, Squads 10-7 through 10-10, Techmarine Capua, Squads 9-7 through 9-10, Captain Mikhail, Chaplain Jaronski, Chief Apothecary Valzadai, Apothecary in Training Florent Pascal, 1 Crozius Arcanum, 10 Melta Guns, 10 Heavy Bolters, 10 Stalker Bolters, 20 Prototype Mk. VI, 1 Stormbird
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-[X] Master of Recruits
--[X] Train your Chapter
---[X] Intelligence.
--[X] Tutor another Marine
---[X] Captain Mikhail (Willpower)
How do you feel about changing the action from training Mikhail's willpower into training the chapters ballistics or willpower? Ballistics because we just got a devastator company so I'm expecting more ballistic rolls and willpower because of the Eyes of the Mutator campaign we'll be doing in the future.

Also we're skipping on the rebellion but not the Eldar. I'm curious on your reasoning because they both seem somewhat low priority but the rebellion is causing much more apparent damage to the sector while being easier to take care of. They could be hiding something far worse but thats only speculation so I'm on the fence of which is more dangerous.
How do you feel about changing the action from training Mikhail's willpower into training the chapters ballistics or willpower? Ballistics because we just got a devastator company so I'm expecting more ballistic rolls and willpower because of the Eyes of the Mutator campaign we'll be doing in the future.

Also we're skipping on the rebellion but not the Eldar. I'm curious on your reasoning because they both seem somewhat low priority but the rebellion is causing much more apparent damage to the sector while being easier to take care of. They could be hiding something far worse but thats only speculation so I'm on the fence of which is more dangerous.
I'm willing to swap out Mikhail's training for Chapter Willpower training, sure. But I won't be switching Intelligence for Ballistics because it's too far from the next stage to reasonably be completed this turn. We tend to get around 100 Ballistics XP from turn deployments, and training rolls average out to about 150 or so, while 300 XP is needed for Ballistics to cross the finish line. Intelligence and Willpower on the other hand are each just 140 away from the next stage.

As for the Eldar, I picked them because they're more suited to Grigori's particular talents, what with him being Deathwatch and all. Also, the fact that only small parts of the planet's population have gone missing makes me think it's either Craftworlders or very well-disciplined Dark Eldar, and leaving them to do their business unhindered sounds like it would have greater repercussions than Lutrilles bogging down part of the Guard.
For Eldar, wouldn't it be a better idea to have Severus and the Honor Guard deploy there so Spatha can use his Relic in case a Farseer shows up?
But I won't be switching Intelligence for Ballistics because
I meant switching out training Mikhail's training for either willpower or ballistics. I agree that intelligence is more important than ballistics since its closer to finishing.
(Edit I meant instead of putting both chapter training actions into Willpower put one of those into either intelligence or ballistics not forgo willpower for them both.) I realized I worded it poorly. I really need to get in the habit of proofreading before posting.
For Eldar, wouldn't it be a better idea to have Severus and the Honor Guard deploy there so Spatha can use his Relic in case a Farseer shows up?
Honestly if It was a farseer I'd prefer to just leave them alone there's a 50/50 shot we'll somehow make things worse by stopping them.
Craftworlders or very well-disciplined Dark Eldar, and leaving them to do their business unhindered sounds like it would have greater repercussions than Lutrilles bogging down part of the Guard.
Fair enough I tend to go for leaving the Craftworld Eldar alone when possible since half the time what their doing is either neutral or beneficial to the imperium (the other half of the time its bad and if its Biel-tan it's almost always bad) but they do have the potential to be far worse than a non chaos rebellion so I concede the point. Also if it is well disciplined Dark Eldar than yeah fuck em up they always suck regardless of the context.

[X] Plan Storming Forth
[X] Plan You Gotta Anotha Thing Comin
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For Eldar, wouldn't it be a better idea to have Severus and the Honor Guard deploy there so Spatha can use his Relic in case a Farseer shows up?
That depends on if it's worth sending him there at the cost of his presence against the Iron Warriors. Personally I wouldn't say so, because it's the Iron Warriors, who seem to have enough power that they gave themselves good odds at succeeding in an assault against a Fortress World of all things.
Fair enough I tend to go for leaving the Craftworld Eldar alone when possible since half the time what their doing is either neutral or beneficial to the imperium (the other half of the time its bad and if its Biel-tan it's almost always bad) but they do have the potential to be far worse than a non chaos rebellion so I concede the point. Also if it is well disciplined Dark Eldar than yeah fuck em up they always suck regardless of the context.
If they're Craftworlders I wouldn't mind getting their reasoning for why they shouldn't get a ceramite fist to the face, and if it's good enough they would indeed not get a ceramite fist to the face. But they also have a bad habit of not explaining jack shit so what can ya do.
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