What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Elite Crews would be a waste for a simple mine layer when it could have greater size, and the Enhanced Strategium also isn't optimal
Yeah I was trying some options to minmax and see if they made the minefield more effective, elite crews seem to help slightly.

1. No. I'd drop the missiles or make the ship larger by downgrading/removing the Strategiums and Stealth Equipment.
2. I would do none. But you can fit a small one.
3. It would, but not by much.
4. It enhances the strategic and tactical impact of a ship and the fleet as a whole.
5. It would.

I'm not sure the mechanics of how mines and minefields work. I haven't played the table top so I might be missing something. I was hoping the Strategium would help it more strategically position the minefield to be more effective but I get the impression it doesn't work that way. Just get more mine layers on the ship I guess.

Thanks for bearing with all the questions, let me know if its too much.

1. Does stealth matter, like if an enemy scout sees the minelayer and they would know the position of the mines?
2. Do multiple Enhanced Strategiums on different ships stack together to give a bigger boost to the fleet?
3. Do Large Mine Layers follow roughly the same mine layer to ship ratio for making an effective minefield? ie 1x mine layer need 30 ships, 3x mine layers need 10 ships?
4. Our singular Lupus-S was recently tested in combat, what would it report on its performance and how well its stealth equipment helps it?
5. Side questions, do Kopesh-Pattern Missile Pods have a lower footprint than other weapons, like you can put more of them on a ship that also has other weapons?
6. Can a Choir on a ship sing Turn Their Eyes Away and give that ship stealth of some kind, either temporary or over the turn?
7. Can a ship using Emergency Transition Warp Breakers with a Choir on board warp into combat then quickly warp away?

Canis-Class Destroyer, Medium Mine Layer (16 DP)
-Length 1.600m (0)
-Width - 400m (0)
-Acceleration - 8 Gravities (0)
-Armor - Thin Single Hull (+3)
-Shields - Singular Emitter (+2)
-Weapons - 4x Medium Mine Layers (-8)
-Equipment - Reflective Hull Coating/Stealth Engine Dampeners/Elite Crews/Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations (-21)

Now a max size and speed destroyer, +1 mine layer so maybe an effective fleet will take 1 less turn of automated production, doesn't seem like much essential equipment.

Serpens-Class Ambush Missile Cruiser/Large Mine Layer(25 DP)
-Length 3600m (+3)
-Width - 400m (+3)
-Acceleration - 3 Gravities (+3)
-Armor - Thick Single Hull (+2)
-Shields - Three Emitters (+3)
-Weapons - 2x Large Mine Layers, 3x Medium Kopesh-Pattern Missile Pods, Medium Hanger (-16)
-Equipment - Missile-Swarms, Macross Missile Massacres, BESH Missile Stores, Zero-Emissions Protocols, Emergency Transition Warp Breakers, Veteran Crews, Emergency Maneuver Engines (-23)

Lays Large mines in downtime. In combat activates Protocols to sneak in close while enemy is distracted, dumps its Missile Pods, then Warps away til the next battle.

That's a lot of medium BESH missiles.

Dumps all hull size, speed, defense for DP; speed doesnt matter much but might be too fragile to get close, not enough hull size to mount weapons. Kopesh go on the outside, Mine Layers and Hanger on the inside, its fine.

I don't see this getting made any time soon, if ever.

[] Black Ash Clan, Black Cat Company, and The Croaf Hegemony
Based on the Intelligence Reports.... Marry, Fuck, Kill

[X] Mashan Temple Authority and Ashan Families
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Protection lll, Protection lll, Protection lll, Protection lll, Protection lll
Immovable Object
@HeroCooky while someone did managed to find a song combination that shuts down a ship's machine spirit, can I ask what this combination will do?

Technology I, Silence I, Grounding I, Void I
Burning Hearts Of Stars No More
Hope, Unity, Struggle, Compassion, Humanity - something about a better future being possible through united effort.
Struggle, Hope, Fire, Compassion, Struggle - Stoke the flames of revolution among the breasts of the disheartened.
Psychic Defense:
Grounding, Protection, Void, Silence, Grounding
Void, Fire, Sun, Song, Void.
Fire, Sun, Struggle, Void, Fire.
Protection, Hope, Grounding, Health, Protection.
Better Days Are Fought For By Kindred Efforts
Let Their Debts To Us Be Paid In Fire
A Veil Turned Curtain
Empty All Warmth Into The Yawning Abyss
Gaze Upon The Malic'd Eye Of The Primeval Fire
Shield Us From The Influence Of The Four
How would Fire, Sun, Void, Struggle work out?
The Sovereigns Have No Foes
1. Does stealth matter, like if an enemy scout sees the minelayer and they would know the position of the mines?
2. Do multiple Enhanced Strategiums on different ships stack together to give a bigger boost to the fleet?
3. Do Large Mine Layers follow roughly the same mine layer to ship ratio for making an effective minefield? ie 1x mine layer need 30 ships, 3x mine layers need 10 ships?
4. Our singular Lupus-S was recently tested in combat, what would it report on its performance and how well its stealth equipment helps it?
5. Side questions, do Kopesh-Pattern Missile Pods have a lower footprint than other weapons, like you can put more of them on a ship that also has other weapons?
6. Can a Choir on a ship sing Turn Their Eyes Away and give that ship stealth of some kind, either temporary or over the turn?
7. Can a ship using Emergency Transition Warp Breakers with a Choir on board warp into combat then quickly warp away?
1. Stealth is abstracted in this Quest, and in-combat stealth is heavily dependant on strategy and rolls. If the stealthed mine-layer is in the front/middle of a fleet, it will likely be seen, if it is in the back, it likely won't. And knowing there is a mine-layer does not reveal the mines.
2. They do, but with exponentially decreasing returns.
3. Depends on your stance of quantity vs quality. Small Mines are many but have little damage compared to Large Mines that have high damage but low numbers.
4. It wasn't tested. It watched ~9k strike craft nuke a gaggle of ships without ever reaching engagement range.
5. Yes, since they are designed to dump their munitions and then be themselves dumped from the physical ship itself after running dry.
6. Mayhaps it does that for a ship. But not enough to make it invisble or hide it for an entire battle.
7. Absolutely not. However, it would make bailing via the ETWB less painful.
Ah, we are playing song guessing with @HeroCooky again?
The Sun, Fire, Paths, Struggle, Death
You do not have Paths or Death.
Oh, now that's good news, @HeroCooky , I assume since the Chamleons already require a Choir to do their Navigation for them (it's why it's important to balance how many of them we have, because just like Scouts they're expensive), that they'd have this capacity?
Excusez moi?

Did we just find the holy grail?
No. Think of it as starting a slapfight against Chaos for a few moments before getting beaten if Chaos is more than passingly interested.
if something has no acceleration, the question becomes if the constant speed its traveling is above 0, cause then it's an unstoppable force
This does not create an Immovable Rod with 0 acceleration relative to the center of the universe.
Oh, now that's good news, @HeroCooky , I assume since the Chamleons already require a Choir to do their Navigation for them (it's why it's important to balance how many of them we have, because just like Scouts they're expensive), that they'd have this capacity?
Only for a few minutes. Getting ships in and out of the Warp takes more out of them than a full-body workout on its second day when you are unused to workouts.
@HeroCooky what would be the vibe of these songs?
Technology, Progress, Creativity, Logic
Technology, Creativity, Progress, Logic
Advance Upon Uncertain Paths
Interesting Creations Improved Linearly
You'd be a fast army using High Point Units to blitz around the battlefield, alongside a Psyker Choir to provide battlefield-wide buffs/debuffs. You would also have more unique Xeno Models than the T'au, fielding both Kil'drabi and Yeeni. You would also likely use strats focused on Zooming Around, Repositioning, and causing enemy units to bail.

You would then get fucked over by not having any AP whatsover despite the lore stating otherwise. :V

Huh. Ok. I'd think we could ally in knights (or at least our Kahaivores) for AP at short range.
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Not Pictured: Non-Locations of Import.

Not Pictured: Non-Locations of Import.

Not Pictured: Non-Locations of Import.

Not Pictured: Non-Locations of Import.

Not Pictured: Non-Locations of Import.

Not Pictured: Non-Locations of Import.

Not Pictured: Non-Locations of Import.

It has been updated but I don't know what changed.
The point is that we'd need to have a "Weakness" in tabletop, so they'd give it by way of having no AP.

EDIT: Looks like Voxx Primus has been building more defense stations.
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