[X] BC-MSM E4765 "Plasteal-eater"
- 25 Meters long, 7 meters wide.
- 1 Pilot, 1 PD Gunner, Boarding crew of 54
- Two Twin-Linked Lascannon's, 1 Powerfield Enhanced Tunneling Bore, 1 Forward mounted Ion shield
- Shaped Like a Arrowhead, vaguely triangular, The most obvious feature of the "Plasteal-eater" as it has been named is the Massive Grinder Attached to the Nose of the craft. Orginally modelled off of Mining drills designed to Process adamantium Ore, The Plasteal-eaters Massive Grinding Jaws, Enhanced as they are by the Bank of Short lived powerfield are fully capable of Eating through a ships Hull at a startling pace.
During Boarding, the Powerfields of the Grinding Head whir to life. This Dangerous powerfield enhanced cutting head, combined with the speed of approach allows the Plasteal-eater to punch Deep within the ship, Until the powerbank runs out and the Plasteel eater Come to a grinding halt. At this point, The arrow head Body of the boarding craft Releases a series of Anchors, Digging into the Wound it has left on the ship before sealing itself in place with a rapidly expanding foam, not only locking the body of the ship in place, But preventing Atmosphere from leaking even as the broken remains Grinder head falls off the ship, opening up the boarding ramp. Behind the grinder nose lays the boarding ramp, designed to allow the rapid disembarkation of up to 54 Men, Or an equivalent number of Ogryn, Along with carrying the proper equipment to Mitigate imperfect landings, Including Void suits, Cutting equipment and Breaching charges.
During approach, The plasteel eater Maintains 2 Twin linked Lascannons for Point defense work, In order to protect itself during final approach along with an Ion shield. The Forward Mounted Ion shields allows the Plasteal eater to dive through Much heavier fire then could be expected from a regular adamantium Skinned voidcraft, Making it that much harder to shoot down the boarding craft.
During the event of a retreat, The Plasteel eater Retracts its anchors and Releases a solvent, Rapidly Dissolving the sealing foam that helped maintain a Atmospheric barrier, This combined with a pair of small But powerful Thrusters that are typically covered by the Drill, push the E4765 Backwards, allowing it to exit the same way it came in. This is considered highly dangerous, As attempting to fly back through an AA envelope without either its armoured grinder Or Forward mounted Ion shield puts the craft at great risk, But in the event of a retreat or the threat of self destruction, Needs must.
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